
Chapter 102 6 Armor Breaks the Spirit World, Fire Cloud Chases Dao Heart

Chapter 102 Liujia Breaks the Spirit Realm, Fire Cloud Chases Dao Heart

The five-color glow lingers on the hundreds of feet of peaks, rolling down slowly.

There were eight monks from the Wei family who flew out of the spiritual formation. Seeing Fu Henghua turn his palm into a mountain, they performed the exercises together.There are three elephant gods, three mountain dharmas and two wolf gods to support the Five Elements Mountain.

But even so, the Five Elements Mountain is still slowly pressing down.

"This guy's mana is so powerful?"

A monk who stepped into the Xuantai and began to refine the jade liquid secretly said: "I have the seventh floor of the foundation, but he only has the second floor of the foundation, so the magic power is not inferior to mine?"

"Get down!" The next moment, two wolves and three elephants disappeared at the same time, and the magic power of the five monks flowed into the "Five Elements Mountain".

The mountain rose again, and the cultivator at the Xuantai Realm could still hold on, but with the magic power of five companions entering the Five Elements Mountain, he could no longer hold on, and was thrown into the water together with the remaining two companions.

Soon, a golden light flew out of the water.

"Gold dollar awl? It belongs to the magic weapon of the gold industry, so you have the nerve to take it out?"

The golden light shot towards Fu Henghua, but halfway, it automatically turned to the fourth peak of the Five Elements Mountain.

Then, several monks tried to escape with water, but the same spells failed, but instead made the spell on the little finger peak shine a few times.

Fu Xiangfeng and the others felt that the Five Elements Mountain was crazily devouring their vitality, and retreated silently.

"You say, can it be controlled this time?"

Fu Liuhui hesitated, then shook his head silently.

Fu Xuanxing: "Brother Fu's method of Taoism is blessed by heaven and earth. My uncle said that this is the wonder of nature and cannot be resisted by humans."

Taoism is not the art of killing.

It is the way for monks to comprehend the principles of heaven and earth and follow the Tao.

Killing people and fighting are just means derived from Taoism.

The Five Elements Mountain is a means of creating the vitality of the five elements and evolving the mountains.The enemy's aiming at the Five Elements Mountain is like aiming at a spiritual mountain that is being born, against the natural power of heaven and earth, so they fail repeatedly.

Even Fu Henghua himself, in front of the Five Elements Mountain of the evolution of heaven and earth, could not interrupt its momentum, and could only lose control frequently.

Suddenly, Fu Henghua felt something and saw the moving mountain talisman rising from the water.

"The art of moving mountains? It is true that the Five Elements Mountain method is restrained, but it is a pity—"

He pointed back: "Forbidden!"

The "Forbidden Moving Mountain Law" left by Taoist Huofeng was carried out.

The mountain-moving talisman was broken, and the monk in the water was seriously injured by the Five Elements Mountain.

At this time, Heng Hua felt a chill, and slipped away using the water escape technique.

But seeing the red sword light flying out from the great formation of the spirit world, splitting the Five Elements Mountain and cutting the roots of the mountain in one fell swoop.

"Swordsmanship is not a Taoist method. It is a killing technique studied by practitioners. It can indeed break my Five Elements Mountain. But your swordsmanship has a hint of Taoism. Few of the Wei family's swordsmen have this kind of skill."

Holding the heavenly book, Fu Henghua went back to Fu Xuanxing and Fu Xiangfeng, and said with a smile, "Wei Qingchang or Wei Lingchun?"

"Wei Lingchun."

The man slowly appeared, but it was a black-born monk in sackcloth.

When Fu Liuhui saw the other party, he immediately took precautions: "The sword intent turns into pure light and hovers in the sky. This person has entered the way of the sword."

Fu Henghua glanced at the sky with a smile.

"It's a pity, you have a dead look on your face. If you walk out of the spirit world formation today, you should die."

That sword cultivator didn't answer, after saving people and breaking the mountain, he called his fellow clan to get up from the water, and planned to go back.

"Wei Lingchun, since you're out, don't leave."

A golden bowl fell from the sky and suddenly turned into a large bowl, covering Wei Lingchun.

With a flash of sword light, he had just escaped from the golden bowl when another jade ruler struck him down.

Fu Xiangfeng looked into the sky, monks from the Yin family, Bao family and Cheng family came together.

When Wei Lingchun escaped the attack of the monks of the Bao family, he suddenly groaned, and the sword energy shot out from his arms, beheading the poisonous snake that had attacked and bit him, and walked back in embarrassment.

"The Cheng family, Wei has written it down."

"Then you are wrong." Just as he was about to enter the formation of the spirit world, a jade hand came quietly, and the yin and cold true essence eroded the five internal organs, directly obliterating its vitality.

"When it comes to poison, the Cheng family is number one. But when it comes to snakes, my Yin family doesn't fall behind."

The woman was wearing a gorgeous flower dress, and she smiled and took away the poisonous snake that had been cut in two.

Among the blood talents of the Yin family, there is the art of controlling snakes.It is similar to Cheng's "snake driving".

Under the enlightenment of Yin Qi, the two poisonous snakes turned into two small snakes and wrapped around Yin Yuanping's arms again.

Wei Lingchun's body fell into the water, and a big snake suddenly emerged from the water and swallowed the body.

The scholar in white stood on the head of the snake, and slowly said to Yin Yuanping: "Snakes are yin insects, and the Yin family is really good at manipulating them. But when it comes to raising snakes, your family is not as good as mine."

Seeing the "Ba snake" under the scholar's feet, Yin Yuanping was secretly on guard.

This is a snake king who already has the level of a mysterious fetus.

"Two, the three families came together to meet the fellow Taoists of the Fu family and eradicate Wei thief together. Why should we hurt our peace?"

Seeing this, the monks of the Bao family hurriedly smoothed things over, and greeted everyone: "Let's go together, kill these monks of the Wei family today, and my family will be less threatened on the battlefield in the future."

The three monks joined forces, and Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Liuhui also drew their swords to cooperate with the three families.

Seeing the unbearable expression on Fu Xuanxing's face, Fu Henghua said to Hengshou and Xiaoyu: "You stay to take care of me. I'll go back first."

He called Fu Xuanxing, and also took away Liu Xu, who was also in the lineage of the Immortal Sect, and returned him to Luogui Island by water escape.


Back at Jiugong Mountain, Fu Henghua felt something, and said with a smile, "Thank you Xiangu for escorting me all the way."

Jin Xian'e appeared: "What is your method of restraining the mountain-moving talisman?"

Heng Hua immediately circulated the curse, stretched out his hand and said: "Xianggu, please come to me with a three-mountain curse."

Jin Xian'e looked at him and swung the epee lightly.

The mountain-moving talisman solidified in the air, and an immovable reef in the distance felt it, and was about to fly over.

"Forbidden—" Heng Hua stretched out his finger, and the mountain-moving amulet shattered immediately.


"Xiangu can use the Sanhai method again."

Jin Xian'e performed the art of turning rivers and seas.

Huge waves surged around Luogui Island, Heng Hua pointed again, and the river calmed down.

Jin Xian'e looked surprised.Although she didn't use much mana, it was a bit miraculous to be able to break her mountain and sea art.

"I got a 'Forbidden Mountain Method' from the Huoyun Secret Library. After I deduced it myself, I changed it to the 'Forbidden Mountain and Absolute Sea Curse'. This curse has only one beauty, which is to counteract the mountain and sea technique in the Tiangang method. It can barely be regarded as an earth-level spell. In the future, it may be able to connect with the method of reversing yin and yang."

Fu Xuanxing cheered up after hearing his own Tiangang method.

When Heng Hua taught Jin Xian'e the spell, he pricked up his ears to listen.

"Xiangu's three mountains and three seas are most afraid of this kind of counter-curse. With this 'Forbidden Mountains and Seas Curse', it can prevent other people from using similar spells to plot."

Jin Xian'e's face moved slightly: "Thank you."

Originally stayed here, just to break the spell.Unexpectedly, he can also make up for the flaws in his own family's orthodoxy, and this alone is not in vain.

Several people waited for a while, and Fu Xiangfeng and others hurried back.

Except for Que Xiaoyu, the other three were all stained with blood.

"Third brother, how is the situation?"

"Of course the Wei family was killed. The other three families plan to set up a stronghold nearby..."

Fu Henghua frowned.

"Of course, Liuhui and I declined. However, we must use the 'Liujia Escape Talisman' to break through the formation of the spirit world as soon as possible. Then occupy a Lingyu Island in the north of Sihui Island for the four monks to fight against the Wei family. .”

Fu Xuanxing happily handed the talisman to Fu Xiangfeng.

After Fu Xiangfeng took it, he said with a smile, "It's not for nothing. Later, you can come to my Panlong Island to find a treasure. There seems to be some things in the old man's warehouse."

"That's not possible. Xuanxing sold the heavenly talisman to the four families. Why only let our family pay? Go back and break through Sihui Island, let Xuanxing go to the Wei family to choose. If it doesn't work, give him a Lingyu to pretend to be a fairy government."

Just kidding, isn't the old man's treasure house pre-ordered by me?Besides, I have often borrowed things over there these years. What if Fu Xuanxing goes to pick out treasures and the old man finds that the account is not right?
When Fu Xiangfeng thought about it, it was the same reason.

The Liujia Escape Heaven Talisman breaks through the formation of the spirit world, and the other three families can also benefit, and they can't just pay for it.


Four times back to the island, Master Wei saw the battle in the north and closed his eyes: "Old man, since you want to force me, let's really fight."

He adjusted his breath silently, trying to adjust himself to a perfect state before the talisman broke through the formation.

Isn't it just crossing the robbery in advance?

Without Fu Danwei, what if you join forces?

Seeing this, Wei Zhilin left quietly.

He walked outside the palace and asked the two magicians on duty outside.

"How is uncle's situation? What is the success rate of crossing the robbery?"

The magicians of the Wei family are not good enough, not only can't help Master Wei adjust his skills, but he can't even see the current situation of Master Wei, so he can only shake his head and smile wryly.

Wei Zhilin sighed.

Looking at the ground under his feet, his heart is quite complicated.

Back then, he used his spiritual veins to adjust his bloodline talent. Although he gained more powerful supernatural powers, he lost the "Heavenly Wisdom Heart" inherited from Fufeng Immortal Palace.As a result, there is no way to raise even a single person who can teach and practice.

After thinking about it, he still couldn't just sit back and watch the Fu family go to the huoyun secret vault to get the treasure.

So, he walked out of the spirit world formation.

Ten miles away, there is a reef on the left and right.Fu Beidou and Wang Mao stood on it and looked at Wei Zhilin at the same time.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Wei Zhilin turned back to the island.Go straight to the underground secret room of Wei's house.

Here, a woman's head is locked.

"Help me see, what is the future of our Wei family?"

"Hahaha—do you still have to wait and see for the future of your Wei family? I can feel it without the 'spiritual vision'. Four times the island is shrouded in catastrophe. You, your uncle, and your Wei family are about to be wiped out. Follow in the footsteps of the family!"

The long-haired human head screamed on the stone pillar: "Retribution, this is your retribution for attacking our Ling family back then!"

With a sullen face, Wei Zhilin flicked his fingers, and a raging fire burst out from the stone pillar and burned his head.

Afterwards, golden needles were shot in the air and pierced into the head, causing the woman's head to suffer the "punishment of ten thousand needles".

"No need to talk nonsense, you use 'spiritual vision' to observe the future, I will share the vision with you, and watch my family's future in person."

Pointing her finger between the eyebrows of the woman, she forcibly activated the "spiritual vision" talent.


A raging fire burned on Four Islands, and countless women and children were killed in screams.

Wei Zhilin's mood fluctuated, and he immediately left the "spiritual vision" state.

He saw the sneer of the woman in front of him.

"You... three months, only three months left."

The black hair gradually turned white, and with the use of the spirit vision technique, the woman's sealed vitality was dried up again.

"It seems that it can be used once."

Wei Zhilin's eyes were cold. After checking the condition of the head, he got up and left.

This head was cut off from a golden core cultivator hundreds of years ago when the Wei family attacked the Ling family.Sealed with secret techniques, you can use "spiritual vision" ten times to divination the future for the Wei family.


Five days later, the Liujia Heaven Escape Talisman flew into the air, and Fu Beidou cast it himself, breaking the formation of the spirit world.

The smoke dissipated, the cold wave ice disappeared, and the waters of Yanlong returned to their old appearance.

The 33 immovable reefs were in motion, and the Fire Cloud Secret Vault rose from the water at this moment.

The other three monks sent people to surround the Wei family while sending them to the Huoyun secret storehouse.

Naturally, the Fu family was not far behind, and Heng Hua also invited Zhou Xiao and Jin Xian'e to find the fairy fate.

Jin Xian'e hesitated and said: "I see that the people who go to the Immortal Mansion are all of the foundation establishment type. Isn't it against the rules for us to go?"

"There is nothing against the rules. A monk can only go to Huoyun Mansion once in a lifetime. Once in a hundred years, we Yanlong should have been there, we have been there."

Fu Henghua told the two about the test of Huoyun Mansion.

"There are seven gates in it, and trials are conducted according to one's Dao heart. Subduing demons, being free and unrestrained, and being self-respecting...Because the monks on our side don't have high requirements for Dao Xin. Therefore, many people can't pass the three trials. But The two of you have the golden core state of mind, so you must be able to pass the test easily."

Fu Henghua: "As long as you understand what you want and what you want to practice, it is not difficult to pass the three tests."

Jin Xian'e looked strange.

She knows her own affairs, so her cultivation of Dao Xin may not be as good as her peers.

For the sake of beauty and ugliness, she almost killed Fu Henghua and his party.

With this Dao heart, I am afraid that there will be no hope of Dao in this life.

Zhou Xiao's expression is also subtle.

Sensing the attitude of the two, Heng Hua frowned and asked: "Together, the two of you have practiced Taoism for 2000 years. You should set your own goals, right?"

You can't, just cultivate immortals for the sake of cultivating immortals, right?

Zhou Xiao looked back into the distance, the nephew who was sparring with Fu Xiangfeng, and sighed: "We sect cultivators are just doing small cultivation, following the path determined by the master.

"Only at the two levels of foundation building and golden core, will you think carefully about what you want in your practice.

"Being a Dan for many years, I listened to my teacher's teachings all day long. I almost forgot what path I chose to become a Taoist."

"Senior took the risk of stealing the Heavenly Demon Supreme Treasure, but he doesn't seem like someone who blindly obeys the orders of the master."

"I just don't want the division's reputation to be ruined for thousands of years because of a temporary demonic obstacle."

Zhou Xiao shook his head, thinking silently.

Indeed, this time I went to Huoyun Mansion to take a look at my heart again.What is your current self, and what is your future path?
Jin Xian'e recalled the Dao heart she had established during the three tribulations of Qi refining, foundation building, and Jindan.

"When I was a child, I practiced with my master. I didn't know anything about the world, and I ignorantly completed the two levels of refining Qi and building a foundation. As for the level of Jindan, it is to seek Taoism and longevity. But if you want to talk about why you practice, it may really have no other purpose. .”

Recalling the millennium, besides practicing, I was practicing.Looking for a pair of monks is just because it is more suitable for cultivation.

But the meaning of cultivation, what exactly she wants to do in this life, Jin Xian'e has really never thought about it.

"Then, you two should go to Huoyun Mansion to take a look. Maybe, you can find your way."

(End of this chapter)

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