
Chapter 107 The Star Flag Reflects the Sky Water, 7 Xiang Nong Yunshuo

Chapter 107

The fairy in white was volleying on the lotus, Yunchao pointed at the sea bottle, and the water curtain flew directly into the mouth of the bottle.

The two Taoist soldiers who were confronting each other were stunned at the same time.Fu Xiangfeng took the opportunity to kill the Wei family monk with a "waning moon".

After Xiaoyu collected the water curtain, it was automatically decomposed in the white jade bottle, and transformed into traces of pure water spirit, which circulated in Xiaoyu's body.

Without waiting for the Xiaoyu to get lucky, the "White-clothed Dashi Tu" on her body circulated, transforming the spirit of water into the real essence of Yimu.

Fu Henghua and Fu He stood at the bow of the boat.Watching this scene, Heng Hua nodded frequently.

OK, as expected.

Fu He glanced at the door and said: "Your spirit map is different from Xiangu's painted skin, you left a practice in it?"

"When I made this spirit map yesterday, I put a lot of thought into it. I put a skill into it. When Xiaoyu Yungong, the wisp of wood mother's meaning will guide her to comprehend."

Seeing the success of the experiment, Heng Hua was overjoyed.

In this way, he can carry out another way of imparting exercises.

Turn the exercises you have deduced into a picture, and then put the picture into the body of others to guide others to practice automatically.

Not only that, but the true essence mana he left behind in the picture scroll can also help that person fight.

Looking at Heng Shou who was in charge of sailing, Heng Hua took out another scroll, but did not give it to him directly.

He injected the essence of good fortune into the spirit map, and shook it lightly.

"go with!"

A spirit ape jumped out of the picture.He wore a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head, and a golden armor with chains. He walked on cloud shoes with lotus root silk on his feet, and held a golden Ruyi cudgel in his hand.


The stick shattered the Tianmen, and the earth wall collapsed together with the immovable reef.

But with just one stick, the phantom disappeared, and the spirit ape returned to the spirit map.

Heng Hua looked at the collapsed immovable reef, and thought to himself: This spirit map technique is also wonderful.It can simulate a trace of the artistic conception I visualized.If I specialize in spiritual pictures, it's not impossible to draw all the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

It's a pity that Heng Hua has little interest in the Tao of Lingtu, and only uses it instead of serving as the main business of the Tao.

"I see the Star Banner."

Following Fu He's cry, Heng Hua looked around.In the southeast direction, there is a boy in silver armor. He is holding a big flag and waving. Five hundred star soldiers are climbing a banyan wall beside him, fighting with the leading wood spirit soldiers.

Heng Hua stared at the battlefield for a while.

The entangled wooden walls between the two immovable reefs are born with mana, and the air roots are constantly entangled in human form, giving birth to new wood spirit soldiers.

Therefore, he sent a voice transmission to Fuxing Banner: "This is the banyan banyan tree, and one tree can form a forest. Plant a banyan tree at the spiritual root of Fudo Reef, and then use the aerial roots of two banyan trees to form this wooden wall. Someone used the method of "scattering beans into soldiers" to control the air root and transform it into a human form. Don't fight hard, just send people to attack and kill that monk."

Fu Xingqi was about to evolve into another type of Tianhe sailor, when he heard the sound of the wind, he immediately looked to where he came from.

See Fu Heyi and Fu Henghua standing at the bow of the boat.With a flick of his banner, the five hundred star soldiers turned into a mighty river of starlight and washed away the leading wood spirit soldiers on the wooden wall.Then Yufeng rides the cloud and jumps onto the cloud chasing boat.

"Uncle Three!"

As soon as he greeted Fu He, he rushed to Henghua and said, "Why did you come out? Why are you not staying on Panlong Island? What are you doing if you are injured in this chaotic scene?"

While speaking, he waved the banner again to call out the Tianhe sailors.

Thirty archers protected the chasing cloud boat, and another group of people surrounded Fu Heyi and Fu Henghua.

Fu He looked at the twenty swordsmen around him, then at the fifty axemen on Fu Henghua's side, and finally at his eldest nephew, hesitating to speak.

Fu Xingqi didn't notice, rushed to Henghua and said: "You're going to have something wrong, and the clan hasn't blown up yet? Third Uncle, why did you bring him out?"

Did I bring him out?Indiscriminate, you can learn from your second uncle!

Fu He rolled his eyes.

Baiyutang also has several branches of population.Among them, the fathers of Fu Beidou, Fu Heyi and Fu Xingqi are brothers of the same father and mother.Fu Xingqi's father ranked first, Fu Beidou was second, and Fu Heyi was third.

After Fu Xingqi's father died, he was raised by Fu Beidou and Fu Heyi, like a parent.

Resisting the urge to explain, Fu He said, "Is this just you? Who else is at home?"

"Qi Xiang is also here."

Fu He was speechless: "Why is this girl here?"

Fu Qixiang?
Fu Henghua asked thoughtfully: "How is her cultivation in "Xianyun Shu"? Counting the time, it's time to break through?"

"I heard that she and a girl from the Wei family are mortal enemies. She was almost killed by her when she was traveling abroad, and now she is here to avenge her." After answering Fu Heyi's question and hearing Heng Hua's words, Fu Xingqi turned his head to him again Explanation: "It broke through the fifth floor yesterday."

"She's not slow."

Heng Hua identified the direction and found where Fu Qixiang was.

"Xingqi, to deal with this banyan tree wall, you can try to start from the water below. The water grows wood, and the aerial roots draw strength from the water, seemingly endless. But there is a limit to everything, too much water can rot the roots."

After finishing speaking, Fu Henghua went straight to where Fu Qixiang was.

"What are you doing in the past!"

Fu He became anxious, and hurriedly called Heng Shou to follow him to protect him.

Fu Henghua walked against the wind, and soon came to Fu Qixiang's side.

The girl urged Yun Shuo to fight with a coquettish woman.

Judging from the appearance, he is only about ten years old, similar to Long Jinling.

Heng Hua: "Use Lingyun silk, then weave Huoyun brocade, and finally use Bagua Yunguang handkerchief."

Fu Qixiang was also surprised when he saw Fu Henghua.

Although these years, the adults between the two halls have had quarrels.But they have a close relationship in this generation, and peeing means growing up together.

Seeing Fu Henghua coming, Fu Qixiang didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly used the cloud shuttle to weave Lingyun silk.At the same time, a Zixia cloak was also floated to Fu Henghua's side.

"Why are you here on the battlefield?"

The silk as dense as a cloud fluttered in the air, transforming into a sky full of white clouds and trapping the female cultivator of the Wei family.

"Come and see you, don't think that I'm really powerless. If I fight, I might be stronger than you."

Fu Qixiang snorted contemptuously.

Then she wove the brocade of fire clouds, and the fire clouds entwined with flames appeared on the white clouds, and immediately ignited the white clouds, turning them into a raging sea of ​​flames.

The female cultivator of the Wei family used the "Fire Avoidance Art" neatly, and began to cast the Thunder Curse with the art in her hands.

Heng Hua flicked her fingers, interrupting her spell.

Turning his head, he continued to look at Fu Qixiang Zhiyun.

"This girl's technique is very proficient, not bad, not bad. It seems that there is no slack practice."

Fu Qixiang is one of Fu Henghua's most proud "works".The "Xianyun Qiqiaoshu" she practiced is the Siqiao lineage researched by Henghua's collection of the masters of hundreds of schools, combined with various systems such as Yunsi Weaver Girl and Linghua Jinxiu.

If this lineage does not practice Taoism or spells, Si Qiao's means of defending against the enemy is Zhiyun.

Weaving aura into brocade of various attributes can exert the power of Taoism of the same attribute.

Lingyun silk is analogous to the curse of urging clouds.

Huoyun brocade is analogous to the curse of raging flames.

As for the "Bagua Yunguangpa" mentioned by Fu Henghua, it is a forbidden move tailored by him for Si Qiao's lineage.

With Fu Qixiang's current cultivation base, making a Bagua Yunguang Pagoda would consume half of the mana.Now she has only [-]% of her mana left, and she will lose her combat power if she uses Yunguang Pa.

But she had no doubts in Fu Henghua, and decisively urged Yun Shuo to spin the surrounding aura into cloud silk, and then weave it into a brocade handkerchief.

The edge of the handkerchief is embroidered with cloud patterns, and there is a pattern of eight trigrams in the center.As the gossip turns round and round, Li Gua shines brightly.

"You can only weave Li Gua? The realm is still not enough."

Fu Qixiang wove the cloud light handkerchief and gave him a blank look.

"Is Li Gua not enough? If I can really embroider Kan Gua, I can form pills. Only the fire of Li Gua, unless she refines the Samadhi Fire, she will definitely die."

As she spoke, she was short of breath and only had [-]% of her mana left.

Fu Henghua paced in the air, walking towards Fu Qixiang.

"That's because you're not doing well. If you cultivate a little deeper and reach the sixth level, you can suppress the real fire realm with just the Li Gua."

Fu Qixiang was about to speak when he suddenly saw a monk slowly lurking behind Fu Henghua.

"Heng Hua, be careful!"

Heng Hua didn't panic, when the Wei family monk behind him urged the magic weapon to attack, he slowly raised his right hand and patted it lightly.

Bagua furnace method.

The magic weapon and the monks fell into the golden furnace.

Turning his hand, the monk fell out of the golden furnace, and [-]% of his magic power disappeared.The magic weapon was refined by the gossip furnace and transformed into Henghua's mana.

Heng Hua came to Fu Qixiang and picked up the girl.


The girl kept struggling, and suddenly a thick and pure good fortune essence was injected into her body, which quickly transformed into "seven skillful essence".

"Teaching exercises? No, no, you are teaching him—"

The girl came to her senses and silently shut her mouth.

Absorbing other people's skills is still very taboo.

"Your second spiritual riot hasn't come yet."

Holding his pigtails, Heng Hua teased and said, "We can compare with Peng Ming and Bai Min to see who is the last adult of our generation."

"It's Bai Min."

The girl didn't think twice.

After recovering some of her mana, she jumped out of Heng Hua's arms.Resentfully said: "I suspect that the reason why I can't grow up is because of your "Seven Skills Book"."

"Oh? You look down on it so much, why don't you abolish it and rebuild it?"

"No, let's continue. I'm very interested in Si Qiao's lineage."

Do not practice Taoism, do not practice spells.

You only need to weave clouds and cut clothes, and you can fight calmly.

Moreover, although Fu Henghua failed in his creation, "Xianyun Qiqiaoshu" is a test product for the production of the standard dictionary, and after the completion of the book, it will also have a mysterious and advanced level.The "Bagua Yunguang Handkerchief" in it is completely a fighting method that matches the Didian Xianjue.

The Bagua Yunguang handkerchief raised fire, and the nun from the Wei family was reduced to ashes in the flames.

"How much mana is recovered? Can I have another one?"


The girl also understands that if she wants to skillfully manipulate the "Bagua Yunguang Handkerchief", she must weave it repeatedly.

But in order to be on the safe side, she spun Zixia from the aura first, and put on two vestments for herself and Heng Hua.This body armor is woven from real clouds and will last for a long time.

"You don't have to protect me, just protect yourself."

Fu Qixiang looked at Heng Hua and shook his head silently.

Although this guy knows a lot, he helped me deduce a mysterious high-level exercise that is close to the scriptures.But the "Changchun Jing" he cultivated himself was too weak.

Eh——No, is the Changchun True Yuan so thick?

When Fu Qixiang was weaving the "Bagua Yunguang Pai", the other side of the Fuxing Banner also collapsed the banyan wall.

Five hundred Tianhe sailors jumped out from the banner again, archers stood in a row in the distance, spearmen and axemen attacked at the same time, and [-] cavalry rushed into the immovable reef on the left.

The "Tianhe Alchemy of Stars" he practiced is an ancient method.However, it was Heng Hua who helped him design and decide on using the banners to control the Taoist soldiers and switch the various forms of the Taoist soldiers.

Tianhe Sailor is made of starlight energy mixed with water spirit energy.Now the thirteen waters are full of water, Fu Xingqi only needs to melt the light of the stars into the water, and enlighten the soldiers.

Now under his full control, he can surround and kill low-level foundation-building monks with five hundred Qi-refining sailors.

As the battle was resolved, he went straight to Fu Henghua's place and deployed Taoist soldiers to protect him.

"You brothers and sisters, it's not impossible, you see, Hengshou didn't say a word."

Hengshou stood on the side to protect the dharma, except for carefully observing the surroundings, he didn't speak at all.

 Supplementary record.

  "Hundred Art List of Immortals": Si Qiao, also known as Weaving Immortals.It is passed down by Fusheng, one of the hundred arts, mostly practiced by women.Spinning spiritual energy into brocade, making fabric into rainbow treasures, the effect is the same as that of Taoism.

  His patriarch, Empress Qiqiao, was widely worshiped by the imperial court.It is the last of the five fairies of the Fufeng family, and is called "Purple Clothes Fairy".

  Lingtu Immortal Method and Qixiang Weaving Immortal Method are my favorite settings.

  Personally, I think that compared with pure Taoist stances, making the methods more bizarre can have the romantic feeling of a hundred flowers contending in the practice world.

(End of this chapter)

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