
Chapter 108 What is there in the sky, planting white elms all the time

Chapter 108 What is there in the sky, planting white elms all the time

Fuxingqi is two years younger than Henghua and Tongjun, and four years older than Fuliuhui. He used to practice on Panlong Island when he was a child.

Fu Qixiang was as old as Peng Ming and Bai Min, and lived on Panlong Island when he was a child, and was persuaded by Fu Henghua to follow the lineage of Si Qiao Zhixian.

The two have a good relationship with Fu Henghua.

Seeing Fu Henghua coming to the battlefield in person, the two were worried, Fu Xingqi said: "Your status is different, hurry back to the ship."

Regardless of Fu Henghua's wishes, Fu Xingqi and the two of them pulled Hengshou and forced Fu Henghua back to Chasing Yunzhou.

Seeing the scene where Heng Hua was surrounded by crowds, Fu He made a contemptuous nasal sound and was too lazy to respond.

How can this kid be as weak as you imagined?
He wanted to let Fu Henghua reveal his hands, but when he saw the other three monks around him, he held back again.

It is better to hide Heng Hua's cultivation.

At this time, the three of Xiaoyu came back.

Seeing that the three of them consumed more than half of their mana, Heng Hua shook his head: "You guys, can't you be more conservative and save more mana?"

Running the Five Elements Mountain method, but this time Heng Hua didn't hit it out, but took the surrounding five elements into the body, and forcibly transformed it into good fortune and injected it into the three people.

pass on merit.

In addition to the deduction technique, the magician is another means of suppressing the bottom of the box.

It's just that ordinary monks can only accept true essence from their own sect, the same family, and the same attribute.

Like Zhou Xiao, who was near the end of his life, he planned to pass on his skills to Fu Xuanxing.

But Heng Hua is different, his True Essence of Creation contains the ultimate principle of Creation, which can easily transform the mana of various cultivators.

Xiao Yu's face recovered a bit, and he returned the Lingtu and the white jade bottle to Heng Hua.

"You take it, I have the Xuanhuo Fan and the Shenluoshu, and I can't take care of it with this bottle."

Looking at Xiaoyu, Heng Hua secretly nodded.

Both water and wood give birth to vitality.Xiaoyu's original skills are combined with water, but now he has switched to the wood mother method, which can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.

Fu Xingqi set up Taoist guards, and spoke to Fu Qixiang again.The girl weaves the "Illusory Clothes" with clouds and shuttles, a tulle smoke cage, chasing the cloud boat and disappearing on the battlefield.

Fu He stared at the few pieces of pink cloth covered by the sky, his eyes confused.

"Why are these clothes so revealing? It's degrading."

Of course, this is the fabric I modified from "The Magic of the Seven Saints".Naitian witch's clothes, naturally exposed.

It can be said that Heng Hua's heart was broken for Si Qiao Zhixian's lineage.

Fabric is equivalent to a spell.Therefore, he transformed various Taoist methods into corresponding brocade fabrics for Fu Qixiang to practice.

Seeing Xingqi and Qixiang, Fu Xiangfeng laughed heartily: "You guys came just in time, we are worried about the lack of people. Come on, let's work together to demolish this immovable reef group and join hands to enter the inner circle. There is Xingqi It is not difficult for your Tianhe sailors to deal with this group of Wei family soldiers."

After Fu Xingqi tried to send a message to someone, he shook his head and said, "Wait a minute, I will communicate with brother Xuan Ge and see what he orders first."

Fu He was startled and said: "That kid is here too?"

"Without brother Xuange, how dare I bring Qixiang out?"

Fu Henghua looked at Fu Qixiang, and suddenly his heart moved.

"Qixiang, come here, Brother San and Xingqi are tossing about things outside, I will teach you a few new weaves."

He pulled the girl into the boat.

The girls happily followed.

"What fabric? Is there such a grade as 'Bagua Yunguangpa'?"

"The magical effect of the Bagua Yunguang handkerchief, you can become a fairy if you understand it thoroughly, what else do you expect?"

Li hexagram can refine samadhi fire, Kan hexagram harmonizes jade liquid, Kan and Li's combination is the golden elixir.

Then practice the Zhen Gua and Dui Gua, together with the four hexagrams of Houtian, Southeast, North, and North, to enter the realm of Yuanying.

Then he can complete the second hexagram of Xun Gen and enter the ranks of robber immortals.

In the end, the two hexagrams of Qiankun came to fruition, and in Henghua's vision, the gossip Yunguang Pa could suppress the Dragon King.

That's right, Bagua Yunguang Pa Dacheng can cooperate with Yanlong's four-door Fulong Formation to refine and kill Yansheng Dragon King.This is already the real method of immortals.

About "Bagua Yunguang Pa", Heng Hua also discussed with Fu Danwei.

Fu Danwei personally admitted that if the gossip is complete, one can get the fairy fruit.This is the saying that the Fu family brought out from Fufeng Immortal Palace.

The master of Fufeng Palace who came from the east in the past used Heluo Eight Diagrams to comprehend the fairy fruit.

"You, practice the Eight Diagrams Yunguang Handa with peace of mind. This alone will benefit you for the rest of your life. By the way, if you have time, practice the Eight Diagrams Palm more, it will help you understand the Eight Diagrams."

Bagua Yunguang Pafa, not to mention the most mysterious secret of becoming a fairy.In Henghua's conception, Bagua Yunguangpa is also a technique of blessing.

If there is a monk of the Fu family who uses "Bagua Palm" in battle with others, and Fu Qixiang stands behind and casts "Bagua Yunguang Pa", which can double the combat power.

In addition, the Fu family's "Bahuang Youlong", "Baji Tianbeng" and even "Heluo Suanjing" can all be blessed with power through the "Bagua Yunguang Handkerchief".

This is also the future path set by Fu Henghua and Fu Qixiang.

But right now, Heng Hua has another plan for her.

Send her to a room, and give her the fabric making method of "Cangyun Silk", "Taisu Immortal Brocade" and "Taiyin Feather Clothes".

"Read these three sets of fabrics slowly. If you don't understand, you can ask the person inside."


The girl looked confused.

When the door opened and she saw the gorgeous beauty sitting and drinking tea inside, her expression changed suddenly, and she firmly grasped Heng Hua's sleeve.

Heng Hua opened her little hand and pushed it into the door. "Come here, I'm afraid you'll be lonely, I'll send you for entertainment."

After grinning, he quickly closed the door and left.

You heartless fellow!How dare I respect you so much!

Seeing that Fu Henghua betrayed herself to Mr. Fu Tong again, the girl felt very regretful.

Why did I forget?
Brother Henghua likes to bully me all day long!

"Is this the only expression you see when you see your sister?"

Mr. Fu Tong put down his teacup, and said slowly: "That kid teases you every day, and you still hang around him all day. I treat you so well, but you never appreciate it."

"Sister, I really can't get those Gu worms. It's... too scary."

Fu Qixiang smiled stiffly, and slowly moved towards the door.

She likes beautiful and exquisite things, and silk brocade is her favorite.So Fu Henghua taught her the Si Qiao Immortal Technique, and she did not hesitate to use it.

And the Gu worms around Mr. Fu Tong are all ugly, and they have been her nightmare since childhood.

Even if Mr. Fu Tong treats her very well, she also knows that this distant cousin has good intentions.


She just doesn't like those poisonous bugs.

Suddenly, colorful butterflies flew to Fu Qixiang.

"This is?"

Seeing the beautiful Lingdie, she couldn't help but want to reach out.

But thinking of Mr. Fu Tong's methods, she held back.

Clenching his fists, he stood silently at the door.

"This is Huanyundie. I found it in Yuanming. It's a gift for you. Don't worry, it's safe."

"Thank you sister."

The girl stretched out her hand.

The butterfly landed on the palm, and the multicolored powder quietly spread out.

"The Illusory Cloud Butterfly has the ability to gather clouds and help you weave clouds. In addition, its scale powder has a hallucinogenic effect, which can work wonders when combined with your cloud fabric. Henghua sent you here because he hoped that I could get you one." Spirit pet."

Mr. Fu Tong also saw the scene of Fu Qixiang fighting with others just now.

Like Fu Henghua, he quickly saw Fu Qixiang's flaws.

Spinning the cloud fabric takes time, during which time Fu Qixiang himself is too easy to be attacked.

Magic Cloud Butterfly can help her increase her defense, and at the same time gather the clouds and lighten Fu Qixiang's own burden.

Pointing to Fu Qixiang's secret art of blood refinement to subdue spiritual pets, Mr. Fu Tong thought to himself: How did that guy guess that I have such a thing?Could it be a trick?No, with his eyesight, I am afraid that the moment I took out the Hundred Gu Fan not long ago, he saw the Hundred Gu in my possession at all odds.

After subduing Huan Yundie, Fu Qixiang showed a bright smile to Mr. Fu Tong.

"Thank you sister."

"This voice is kind of sincere."

Mr. Fu Tong stood up and picked her up.

"It's the same as Peng Ming. It's just right, I'll help you and let you complete the spiritual riot one step earlier."

She held a black Gu worm in her hand, and while the girl wasn't paying attention, she stabbed her arm.

In an instant, a different kind of aura poured into the girl's body, triggering a counterattack from the aura in her blood.

After Heng Hua went out, he discussed the next move with several people.

Suddenly, he looked up to the sky.

A trace of silver blossoms floated in the air, outlining and revealing the star map hidden under the sunlight.

Inside the boat, spiritual energy burst out suddenly.

Starlight hangs down from the sky.

"A spiritual riot?"

Fu Heyi and Fu Xingqi said in surprise: "This girl has finally started?"

Heng Hua's heart sank, and he secretly scolded Mr. Fu Tong for being troublesome: I have a way to trigger the aura riots of these little guys, what are you messing with?Besides, if you make a fuss now, won't you expose your identity?
Seeing Fu Heyi and Fu Xingqi rushing over, he quickly followed.

Fu Xiangfeng followed closely behind, Xiao Yu wanted to follow, but saw Fu Xuanxing's expression was a bit complicated.

"Master Fu?"

"I'm fine, let's go and have a look together. Bloodline supernatural powers, how wonderful."

Xiaoyu glanced at him suspiciously, and followed the large army.

Because they were afraid of disturbing Fu Qixiang, everyone dared not break in, but waited at the door of the house.

Heng Hua sensed the breath inside, and comforted him: "No problem, the spiritual energy trend is very stable, and her blood talent has awakened—"

"What talent?"

Seeing Heng Hua stop abruptly, the uncles and nephews spoke in unison.


Heng Hua felt it carefully again, and muttered to himself: "This girl actually awakened this talent?"

Fu He grabbed his arm suddenly, and said excitedly: "Are you sure it's stargazing?"

"I'm sure, it's stargazing. Congratulations to Uncle Nineteen. Bai Yutang has another stargazing genius besides Brother Xuange."

Stargazing is Bai Yutang's core talent.Attract the power of the protoss by observing the stars and exploring the stars.Therefore, Baiyutang has a unique advantage in the Taoism of stars.

While Fu Xingqi was happy for his cousin, his face became a little more sad, and he silently looked at Fu Xiangfeng.

Fu Xiangfeng returned a look, and the two felt the same way.

That's right, Bai Yutang's five bloodline talents, Hui Xin, Sword Bone, Star Gazing, Phoenix Language, Double Eyes, and Fu Xingqi have also awakened Phoenix Language.

Even in their generation, no one has awakened Huixin, Chongtong and Sword Bone.

Except for Xuan Ge's talent for awakening stargazing, the rest of the people headed by Fu Xingqi are all Feng Yu.

According to Fu Tiancang and Fu Beidou's speculation, this should be related to the spiritual vein "Yanqin" where they live.

That's why Fu He got so excited when he heard about stargazing.


A hundred miles away, a man in a bloody red armor led three thousand soldiers of war spirits, and was attacking a Huifeng Island.

Suddenly, he looked up at the stars.

"That girl Qixiang? You're lucky."

boom -

A series of thunderbolts rushed over in front of him, Fu Xuange laughed loudly, and waved Fang Tian's painted halberd to shatter the thunderbolts.

"Look at the power of Zhou Tian Xingsha."

The blood-colored starlight covered the Dao soldiers of the fighting spirit, climbing from the fifth level of Qi Refining to the seventh level of Qi Refining in one breath.

Three thousand Taoist soldiers on the seventh level of Qi Refining?

The expression of the cultivator Xuantai in Huifeng Island changed.

Hastily urged the sky thunder bell.

"Just a small bell, break it for me!"

Xuan Ge shouted loudly, and the power of three thousand Taoist soldiers gathered at himself, throwing Fang Tian's painted halberd viciously.

The divine soldiers passed by like a comet, and directly pierced and nailed the cultivator of the Xuantai to the mountain wall one mile away.

Fu Xuange is about the same age as Fu Xiangfeng, but he has already stepped into the realm of the mysterious fetus.


After the spiritual riot dissipated, Fu He pushed the door open and went in.

Seeing that Mr. Fu Tong was not in the house, the corner of Fu Henghua's mouth twitched.

Damn it, that girl ran into my house.Dirty, dirty, maybe she is hiding some Gu worms.

Glancing at Fu Xingqi's expression from the corner of his eye, he walked over and said in a low voice, "Blood talent is one thing, but acquired hard work is another. Stargazing, like Fengyu, can be learned the day after tomorrow."

"But my awakened talent is Fengyu. You can only make me more entangled if you say that. Even if I learn stargazing, it is just an ability that others can master. You are still good, Tiantong Huixin. Our family, no , the most core inheritance of Fufeng lineage inheritance."

Seeing that Fu Xingqi was a little depressed, Heng Hua resolutely passed on to him a piece of "Star Curse" he deduced half a year ago.

"Why do you think so much? Stargazing, do you want to learn it? I also have a set of Taibai Xingjian here, which is very suitable for you."

Henghua uses Qiming and Changgeng two stars to imitate the principle of Taibai star's morning and evening, the morning light is for life, and the evening light is for death.

It is most suitable for Fuxing Banner practice.

"Practice, why don't you practice. I've been worrying recently that I only have the skills of Taoist soldiers fighting for the front, but I don't have the skills of defending myself."


The chasing boat shook frequently, Fu Xingqi hurriedly supported Heng Hua, and the two ran out quickly.

The sky is dark, and the clouds are pressing everything.The starlight inspired by Fu Qixiang has disappeared.

The pouring rain poured down, and the water rolled up turbulent waves.

"Hengshou, what's going on?"

While everyone was talking on the boat, Hengshou sailed the boat by himself.

Under the joint attack of several monks, the outer island chain has broken through the line of defense.He drove the chasing cloud boat and came in with the other three monks.

"Master, I sailed around the perimeter, but just came in—there's something wrong here! There's something in the water—"


At the bottom of the boat, it seemed that something was smashing the boat.

As soon as Fu He quickly opened his formation, golden light enveloped Chasing Yunzhou.

"Under the water? Could it be that the monster is angry again?"

Holding on to the mast, Heng Hua quickly looked around.

"It's not the one at the bottom, it's the Wei family. They used the technique of summoning wind and rain between the inner and outer island chains to change the sky. There is also a technique of flooding and tidal movement in the water, intending to prevent the four monks from approaching the inner chain."

Looking at Biguang Islet in the distance, there is a blue light penetrating the sky and entering the water in Lingyu Islet, arousing all visions.At the same time, waves of mixed aura floated above the island.

"The Wei family is indeed not sitting still."

Looking at the disorganized Qi mechanism in the sky in the distance, Heng Hua sighed: "I don't know, where did they find these people of various teachings and nine streams."

Fu Xuanxing and the others ran out of the boat and saw that the sky outside had changed drastically.

The monk not far away fell into the water and was directly swallowed by the monster in the water.

Looking at the shadow in the water waves, leaning against the wind and listening to the attack from the bottom of the boat, he hurriedly asked, "Xiao Liuer, what's going on?"

"The Wei family's little trick is nothing more than mediocre."

Heng Hua stared at the shadow, then looked at the violent storm, and suddenly smiled: "This is the technique of the five ghosts pushing the tide. How dare you show off the sprites and monsters of the ghost way?"

  The sixth generation of the Fu family has talented people, Baihuangtang has Futian Sirui, Xujutang has Evergreen Sanjie, and Baiyutang has Xuanxing Shuangbi.Among the ten, Shuangjie is the one who understands strategy the most, masters the art of war, and establishes the foundation of the dynasty.

  ——"The Chronicle of Fujia·Xuan Ge Xingqi Biography"

  (Ten people, I counted correctly.)
(End of this chapter)

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