
Chapter 110 Ghost pushes the evil waves, Tianyin repairs the plague pill

Chapter 110 Hundred ghosts push the evil waves, Tianyin repairs the plague pill
Zhou Xiao threw out the magic banner neatly and fought with the nine ghosts and Taoists.

Heng Hua was secretly surprised: According to Zhou Xiao's past style, he had to flirt with others.Moreover, these nine ghosts are golden core monks of ghosts.He actually did it directly?
"Are you the Jindan Elder of the Xuanwei Sect?"

While dealing with the 30 unjust souls in the demon banner, Taoist Nine Ghosts shouted, "How can you sacrifice this evil thing?"

"Fellow Daoist, don't you understand? These ghosts are aimed at the Wei family. You help the Wei family, and your luck is connected, and you are being restrained by these ghosts."

Zhou Xiao then flicked the Taoism, and the yin and yang inversion curse turned into a black and white halo in the sky, covering ghosts and monsters in all directions.

When Taoist Nine Ghosts dealt with the wronged souls, he put his hands together.

"Senior Tianyin, the soul is back—"

The thunder exploded, and the body of the Taoist Nine Ghosts trembled, and there was black energy surging in his Yinshen.

"No, it's a hit!"

Abandoning Zhou Xiao, he didn't even dare to summon the Four Plague Ghost Kings away, and fled into Biguangyu in a hurry, trying in vain to suppress the alien soul power in his body.

"Uncle, what's going on?"

Heng Hua looked at Biguangyu.

The luck of Taoist Nine Ghosts is entangled by another cloud of Yin Qi, and it is gradually declining.

"It looks like he was taken away?"

"It was Xiangu who told me. In the early years, her teacher Zun Shanhai Taoist made a bet with Tianyin Sanren: whether Tianyin Sanren's ghost practice can live a lifetime after reincarnation and realize the true self.

"Tianyin Sanren relied on tricks and wanted to escape into reincarnation and turn into a human body again. But his apprentice Jiugui Daoren had evil intentions and tried to devour the master's golden elixir to achieve himself. Tianyin Sanren simply released water on purpose and let his disciples swallow him .

"Now the soul of Taoist Nine Ghosts is entangled with the Yin God of Sanren Tianyin. As long as someone manages to wake it up, Sanren Tianyin can use the secret technique of ghosts to treat Taoist Nine Ghosts as a Taoist fetus and be reborn once again.

"This kind of rebirth is not a loss, but a real rebirth. Like a spirit, the lifespan is three hundred years old."

Heng Hua looked at Biguangyu.

Just speaking, the luck of the Taoist Nine Ghosts was completely dissipated, and replaced by an extremely pure Yin spirit.

boom -

Thunder blasted towards Biguangyu.

Biguangyu echoed childish laughter.

"The way of ghosts can deceive the sky. Even if you live another life, what's the difficulty? God, if I want to live forever, you are worthy of stopping it?"

There were screams on the island.

Heng Hua's face darkened: "Blood sacrifice?"

"Although Tianyin Sanren belongs to the lineage of Xuanmen servant ghosts, his personality is both good and evil, similar to Xue Kai."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

On the cloud, Xue Kai and Jin Xian'e also rushed over.

Xue Kai was not happy to hear Zhou Xiao talk about him behind his back.

Jin Xian'e saw the ghostly aura of the sky covering Biguangyu, and said softly: "Although the master is ruthless, he also knows how to measure good and evil. He attacked the Wei family because he saw that the Wei family was full of blood and debts. Heng Hua , you don't have to worry."

The blood sacrifice of Tianyin scattered people to the Wei family and other people, only the rain master's lineage survived.

Blood energy rushed into the sky and directly scattered the thunder.


Biguangyu sank into the water, but the spiritual veins on the island were sucked out.

A five-year-old boy came riding the waves, and beside him was a struggling Taoist in red.

With small steps, his cultivation base gradually improved from refining Qi to building a foundation.

The Nine Nether Yin Wind reverberated on the water surface, the boy raised his hand lightly, and the Foundation Establishment Kalpa was scattered.

Heng Hua's eyelids twitched: It's easier than me to rebuild the Tribulation.

The real fire is born inside, and Kanli is in harmony.

In front of everyone, Tianyin Sanren has recovered to the consummation of Xuantai.

Zhou Xiao released the Water Ghost King.

"Senior, please."

When the water ghost king saw Tianyin boy, he turned around and ran away.

The four realms behind the boy opened at the same time, and the other four ghost kings subdued the water ghost king and turned him into a plague messenger again.

In front of everyone, the God of Plague of the Five Routes made a ghost pill, which was swallowed by Tianyin boy.

Heng Hua got up his spirits, and while watching the Tianyin boy form the alchemy, he recorded it in the heavenly book.

The sky was full of clouds and thunder and fire, but it was the golden elixir calamity that had arrived.

Fu Xiangfeng exclaimed: "Three trials in one day, this senior's cultivation is so profound."

The Tianyin Boy sprayed out the Plague Emperor Golden Pill, which directly smashed Jieyun.

Heng Hua's eyelids twitched.

Such a tyrannical method, Xiangu and Xue Lao can't do it, right?

Jin Xian'e stepped forward to salute.

"Congratulations to Master Uncle on his return from robbery."

"Hmph, what's the matter, niece, how is my Heavenly Yin and Ghost Dao? It's nothing to die once, as long as I think about it, I can easily come back to life. Heavenly Tribulation? A joke."

Tianyin boy scanned the crowd, and finally his eyes fell on the white jade bottle.

With a hook of the finger, the eight hundred water ghosts and Nongchao Banner were taken together.

"I made a bet with Brother Dao and deliberately gave up the Wuyin Building, but it also caused the Wuyin Building to fall into heretics. It harmed you people. Anyway, this seat will help you escape."

With a slight swipe of the ghostly Qi of the sky, the tide flags were shattered, and the eight hundred water ghosts were freed.Under the baptism of the ghostly energy of the sky, one by one regained their original colors and returned to the stars.

"Boy, are you interested in passing on my mantle?"

Heng Hua looked around, and finally pointed to himself: "Junior?"

"Yes, it's you. Your understanding of five ghosts' transportation has reached the level of the 'five ghosts' yin pill'. My evil disciple didn't have your talent back then. If you are willing to worship me as a teacher, you can become gold within 30 years Dan. In the future, you will be the Lord of the Five Yins, ruling all ghosts in the world."

Heng Hua shook his head again and again, thanking Tianyin Sanren for his kindness.

Zhou Xiao laughed loudly and said, "Senior, my brother is the grand master of Yuan Ying, but he refuses to be a teacher. How can he turn into a ghost?"

"Hmph, the rules of your sect are cumbersome. Of course this kid doesn't want to. As for the Nascent Soul Grandmaster—is the Nascent Soul realm difficult?"

Tianyin boy smiled disdainfully.

He was reincarnated once, and then entered the ghost realm of Tianyin, and he already had the capital of a nascent soul.Go back to retreat for a few years, and you will be able to truly break through.

"Xian'e, your master has reincarnated, when will you be back?"

Jin Xian'e shook her head.

Her master couldn't survive the calamity, and the Yin God hurriedly escaped into the stars, and then entered the human reincarnation.Whether it will be possible to restore the original self is still unknown.

"No matter how exquisite the Taoism and supernatural powers are, it's nothing to live forever." Tianyin boy sighed old-fashionedly.

"The bet made back then cannot be fulfilled after all."

Throw the Taoist in red in his hand to Chasing Yunzhou.

"This person's master is in some trouble. I can't kill him. I'll leave it to you to deal with."

Afterwards, the five gods of plague spewed out five elements of vitality, and slapped a big hand towards the south, sweeping away a series of defensive formations of the Wei family.

Push away the fixed reefs and return wind islands in the inner island chain.

"This is your compensation."

After speaking, the boy recalled the swan bird, turned around and was about to leave.

"Senior—you are now at odds with the Wei family. If the Wei family is not eradicated, what if the Wei family takes advantage of your transformation into a baby..."

Looking at Fu Xingqi who was speaking, Tianyin boy smiled and said, "Wei family? After this time, will there be any Wei family?"

He stretched out his hand and flicked the clouds in the distance, showing Wei Shihui's fighting skills with all the golden core monks in front of everyone.

The twelve Golden Core cultivators set up formations, and they were not in a hurry to kill, but slowly consumed Master Wei's mana, and took the opportunity to arouse his doom.

The wind and thunder in the sky make the Heavenly Demon in the Desire Realm looming.

Master Wei was dealing with the calamity and the formation of the twelve Golden Core cultivators at the same time, showing signs of fatigue.

"I don't know why this guy is outraged. Apart from the twelve Golden Core monks attacking directly, there are actually a group of people hiding in the dark and waiting for an opportunity. In addition, there is a Nascent Soul Grandmaster who enveloped Yanlong with his spiritual consciousness. Warn fellows approaching from all walks of life not to help.

"The wall is down and everyone is pushing."

Tianyin boy sighed: "That evil obstacle has been with me for many years, but he can't even understand the number of good and bad days?"

Nascent Soul Grandmaster?

Heng Hua's heart moved: "Senior, did that divine sense come from the northwest?"

"That's right, there is a big island there. The people on the island warned the monks from all directions with their spiritual sense not to enter Yanlong during this time."

Tianyin Boy also felt the man's consciousness locked on him.

When Biguangyu sank just now, that divine consciousness suddenly strengthened.

"It's that senior."

Everyone in the Fu family changed their expressions.

Fu He smiled and said: "The ancestor must not want to escalate the battle, and provoke the underwater monsters to escape. If the ancestor comes forward, there is no need to worry about Grandmaster Yuanying intervening."

How did he know that besides Tianmen Island to help deter, there are also many people who started to run around in various regions to help relieve the pressure.

The Fu family and the Wei family are both cultivating families, and many members of the clan worshiped in the immortal gate.The Wei family sent the news over early, hoping that these clansmen would ask Dong Shimen for help.The elder of the Fu family also sent the news, and people in the family began to lobby the sects to keep several sects neutral.

In addition, the Bao family, the Yin family, and the Cheng family contributed to eliminate all kinds of extraterritorial factors.

The Cultivation Clan's battle to exterminate the family has already started wrestling not only in this domain, but also outside the domain.

In the name of acting head, Song Chunqiu sent letters to Jin Fang's Nascent Soul Grandmasters to dispel the idea of ​​going to Yanlong to intervene.

Fu Danwei also distributed many letters and friends from all walks of life, mobilizing hundreds of years of connections.

In terms of popularity, he is much better than Wei Shihui's uncle and nephew.

Now with the efforts of the four families, people from all walks of life have reached a tacit agreement to let the Eastern Territory resolve the disputes by itself, and outsiders cannot intervene.Only those who don't know the good and the bad, and don't understand the depth of the water here will foolishly run to the Eastern Region.

Boy Tianyin lamented that his gangsters were as stupid as pigs, and rode away on a swan.

After being informed by this senior, everyone in the Fu family was excited.

The number of days is up to me, and the general trend is up to me.

How can you lose in this situation?
Chasing Yunzhou speeded forward, crossed the inner island chain with the other three monks, and the Four Islands slowly appeared in front of everyone.

 Plus ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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