
Chapter 111 Chapter 4 Lianshanbi, 8 winds and clouds move

Chapter 111
Four back to the island as "back" font.The outermost layer is a continuous wall of mountains.

Although the mountain peak is only a hundred feet long, it makes people feel small.

As soon as Fu He turned his spirit, he said slowly: "The mountain wall engraved the 'shocking mantra', which can suppress the Taoist heart and make people unable to arouse the desire to climb. Be careful to resist the suppression of the mountain with your spiritual consciousness."

Fu Xiangfeng, Fu Henghua and other younger generations of the Fu family came to Sihui Island for the first time.

Fu Henghua shook the feather fan, and the breeze enveloped everyone, dispelling the depression in their hearts.

Fu Xiangfeng said: "I heard from my father that the place of the Wei family is the word 'back'. After passing through the sixteen gates of the gable wall, there is flat land and fertile land where ordinary people live. After four inner mountains, it is the place where the monks of the Wei family live. Huitian Lingmai is located. Master Wei erected a small mountain on the Lingmai and practiced on the top of the mountain."

Looking at the undulating gables in front of him, Fu Xuanxing said, "Does his family like the square defense line so much? The two island chains inside and outside are Hui characters. The island chain and Sihui Island are Hui characters, and Sihui Island itself is a Huizi. I almost can’t recognize it, how did I write Huizi?”

Fu Xingqi said: "The group of Wei family, how can they know any magic tricks? When Liufengtang was separated, his family only knew how to choose magic weapons and skills, and they didn't look down on things passed down by the ancestors. So how many After a hundred years, it will only rely on the defense of the word 'back' to support the facade."

Heng Hua looked at the gable.

Similar to the defense method of the first island chain, there are rune towers standing on the gable wall.The spiritual energy has been fully stored, and it is aiming at the people outside the island.

"Go back and go three miles away."

Henghua sent a message to the four families with the news of the wind, telling Hengshou to retreat.

The other three companies sensed something was wrong, and they also retreated.

boom -

The rune tower shot out thunder light, and dense purple lightning spread on the water.

The four cultivators shot at the same time to stop the thunder and lightning.

At this time, the remaining monks of the Wei family of the second island chain regrouped and killed them again.

"Want to pinch inside and outside?"

Several young people from the Cheng family stood up, their hissing voices echoing on the water.The big waves beat rapidly, and water snakes appeared out of thin air, blocking back the Taoist soldiers who were going to come out to kill on Shuidao.

Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Xingqi looked at each other, and cooperated with the monks of Bao family and Yin family to deal with the monks of Wei family who came back from the second island chain one by one.

Heng Hua stared at Sihui Island, and said to Fu He: "Uncle Nineteen, we don't have many people coming to the north, and the three families will come over to discuss later, you talk to them."

After finishing speaking, he went back to the house to deduce the secret.

Xiao Yu followed closely behind, making tea for him meekly.

After Heng Hua finished her calculation, she asked softly: "Master, can you see the strategy of breaking the mountain gate?"

"Wei's family uses stupid methods, and the alliance of the four families naturally also uses stupid methods. I don't need to do anything to break the mountain gate, it's just—"

Heng Hua's expression was gloomy: "I saw the life force on Sihui Island. The number of people is much smaller than I expected, and there is not a single fake alchemist here."

"Nobody here?"

Xiaoyu thought for a while: "Maybe those Xuantai monks have taken Yuan Dan and haven't broken through yet?"

Heng Hua shook his head: "In the past few days, there should have been fake alchemy cultivators. Now the island's energy is weak, and there is no golden alchemy at all. I'm afraid they have already left."


"Wei family's Tianzhitang are not stupid, so they naturally understand the advantages of the enemy and ourselves." Jade hand stretched out in front of Xiaoyu, and picked up a cup.

Seeing the beauties in men's clothing, Xiao Yu was not surprised.Hengshou had already told her.

"Miss Seven, do you mean that Tianzhitang has let some people escape?"

"Back then, the three families jointly destroyed the Ling family, and now the four families jointly target the Wei family. Don't they themselves understand the odds of winning? The original intention of delaying time is to send people away."


On Sihui Island, two old men stood on the gable wall, looking at the four coalition forces in the north.

Although the people of the same race on the second island chain fought hard, they were no match for the joint efforts of the four families.The reason why they are not dead now is that the Cheng family deliberately kept them, hoping that the Wei family would come out to save them.

Wei Danting said disappointedly: "Aren't you going to bring these people back?"

"The Cheng family is here, do you think we will send someone to meet them. The Cheng family will not take the opportunity to poison and let the poisonous snake enter my house?"

Wei Xuanyi said coldly: "The Cheng family has the 'snake-splitting technique', which can transform themselves into poisonous snakes and hide them in people's stomachs. Let a Cheng family member come in, and immediately rip open their stomachs, turning into thousands of poisonous snakes and escaping into the ground At that time, the mortals on our four islands will all die."

"But now we take Sihui Island as an abandoned son, and the people on this island have also been abandoned."

Wei Xuanyi was silent, and after a while, he said quietly: "That has to be done. This is the last resort to force the four families to back down."

Detonate the four-way island and hit the four-door Fulong formation.

Under this threat, the four families will tolerate the Wei family for a while.

The big deal is that the Wei family will give up all interests outside the island and close the mountain for 200 years.

When there are new Jindan monks, come to compete with them.

"The Cheng family won't tolerate our threats. As for the Bao family..."

Now that the in-laws' family is doing it themselves, they obviously don't plan to survive.

"So, the targets of our threat are the Fu family and the other four domains of Yanlong.

"Detonating the Four Islands means that 80 mortals on the island will die. Although these mortals have my family's blood, but with the character of the Fu family, they will definitely not do such a tricky thing to mortals.

"Combined with the threat of hitting the four gates of the Fulong Formation, other monks from the four regions must come forward to mediate."

"How high do you think the chances are that they will back down?"

"Less than [-]%," Wei Xuanyi showed a bitter smile, "The Fu family may back down, but the Cheng family and the Bao family are unwilling to give up. The Yin family is elusive. Although threatened by hundreds of thousands of mortals, the probability of giving in is very small. Not big."

As for hitting the four gate Fulong Formation.

I'm afraid that the two Nascent Soul Grandmasters on Fengmen Island came to seal it in person just as soon as they made a move.

"In the final analysis, our four islands are not the core formation supporting Yanlong."

Wei Xuanyi sighed: "The old ancestors really didn't see the big picture back then. Not only did they not inherit the formations and fortune-telling from Fufeng Immortal Palace, they even didn't get the formation eyes of the four-door Fulong formation."

At that time, the ancestors of the Wei family worried that the island of the formation eye would become the first target of the water monsters.Therefore, he refused to choose the eye island of the Eastern Region, but chose a four-way island that was easy to defend.

According to the consideration of the ancestors of the Wei family, the Wei family and the other five families are in the same spirit.Even if there is a little disagreement, when it comes to such a big event as extermination, can the other five families come to rescue?
As long as Sihui Island can withstand the attack, even if it is only three days, it can wait for reinforcements.

But how did people know that after they preemptively destroyed the Ling family, the Liufengtang survived in name only, and now no one has mentioned the "Fufeng Six Families".

Wei Danting: "If it's a wrong move, the Xuankong Sect is at fault. Back then, I opposed the Wei family's own attack. I reminded Wei Chongwei and asked him to go to the East China Sea to find someone to destroy the sect. Then he pretended to be a victim and helped the Xuankong Sect revive. It is better to treat the Xuankong Sect as a vassal of the Wei family than the current situation."

Tianzhitang has the right to make suggestions on the Wei family's affairs, but it only has the right to make suggestions.The monks here specialize in tactics, and their cultivation is extremely poor.But in the Wei family, poor cultivation means low voice.

Wei Xuanyi: "In the final analysis, we underestimated the bottom line of those sects."

I thought that a Xuankong sect would not cause much trouble.However, Sect Master Shenyue returned to the central region to make a special publicity, which aroused the resentment of various sects.

Right now, several suzerains sneaked onto the battlefield to stare at the fighting between Wei Shihui and the Golden Core cultivators in the Eastern Region.

This is not counting the situation of the members of the Wei family in various sects.

Now that the Wei family has been robbed, those people are in a bad situation.


Northwest of Yanlong.

Because the Yanlong Waters is located in the southeast corner of the Inner Nine Waters, the monks usually come from the northwest when traveling from the inner regions.

The five monks of the Wei family rushed back from Tianyang in a hurry, but in the northwest of Yanlong, they met eight monks from the Cheng family and the Bao family.

"Five, although the family is where we were born. But now that we have been born to cultivate immortals, why should we get involved in the disputes in the world of mortals?"

"Hmph——Bao Lingya, you don't need to use your tongue. Now that you are besieging my house, you can speak calmly here. If my house attacked yours, would you sit beside me with peace of mind?"

The Bao family monk smiled and said nothing.

Let them shout, don't let them pass anyway, everything is easy to talk about.

The five Wei family monks looked at each other and attacked at the same time.Among them, there are two treasures brought from the teacher.

"Into the hub!"

The sect monks of Bao and Cheng looked at each other, trying to contact the master while dealing with the five people.

Bao's family and Wei's family are relatives by marriage. In the past few decades, the sects that the two children have joined are roughly similar.

Which sect does the Wei family belong to, and which sect does the Bao family also go to.Although it is said that they take care of each other, when the two monks hold a group outside, there is inevitably a distinction between high and low.

Because the Bao family is not as powerful as the Wei family, the monks of the Wei family usually dominate the Bao family.

Therefore, there has long been dissatisfaction within the Bao family.This crisis of the Wei family also gave the sect monks of the Bao family an opportunity.Send others to lure the monks of the Wei family and let them "lend" the master's magic weapon.

The five monks of the Wei family and the other three felt their hearts sank when they saw the two clan brothers take out the magic weapon of the master.

"Cousin, are your treasures bestowed by the elders, or..."

"Of course it was stolen." The Cheng family monk was not polite, and waved a large piece of arsenopyrite.

The two magic weapons stolen by the sect were blocked by the poisonous sand, and the spiritual consciousness inside felt it immediately.


Thunder light erupted from the jade chime, crushing the arsenopyrite and crashing into his apprentice.

"Evil barrier, how dare you steal the magic weapon that the master left in Leichi?"

Thunder blasted one-third of his mana, and then brought it back to the Zongmen to dispose of it.

The other magic weapon was even more neat, directly taking away the apprentice and fellow monks from the Bao family.

The remaining three Wei family monks saw this scene with ashen faces.

Even us monks who are away from the sect are not willing to let go of these families!

The status of the family monks worshiping the immortals outside the world is already delicate.It is far less caring than the orphans selected by the master from the world.

But the family gave gifts to the Xianmen every year. For the sake of this "tuition fee", the Immortal Sect of the Otherworld did not refuse the approach of the Cultivation Family.

In the eyes of many immortal sects outside the world, these secularized cultivation families just want to find a backer.Although there is no serious treatment, it is still possible to borrow their names.

But this does not mean that after the incident of Xuankongmen, these otherworldly immortals will tolerate it.

Several Wei family monks are in a delicate situation in the division.

Now that they have stolen two magic weapons from the master, they can imagine what will happen next.

"Perhaps, these two magic weapons were deliberately let them steal them, so that they can easily deal with their cousins ​​and drive them out of the teacher's school?"

The monks of the Wei family still don't know.

Dongfang Yunqi has already sent a letter to Yusheng Pavilion, telling what happened to Xuankongmen.

She has been exposed to the Taoism of Yusheng Pavilion since she was a child, and when she saw Xuankong Fuchen, she immediately realized that Xuankong Gate might be the anonymous inheritance of Yusheng Pavilion.

Therefore, he deliberately informed Yusheng Pavilion of Xuankongmen's encounter.I hope this will help the Fu family relieve some pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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