
Chapter 112 Chapter 4 Lianshanbi, Poison Gu's Secret Confrontation

Chapter 112
After chasing Yunzhou, Heng Hua and Tong Jun discuss the affairs of the Wei family.

The two had the same idea, and Tianzhitang must have made other preparations.The current situation on Four Islands is probably quite different from what they imagined.

"Look at the sky, it's dusk. Why don't you and I go around and go to Sihui Island?"

"Sihui Island is heavily forbidden, can you sneak in?"

"I have the magic method of the immortal way by my side, not to mention going in and out by myself, it is not difficult to bring someone along."

"No need. I can get in if I use spirit Gu to get close to me."

"Then one more person."

Heng Hua looked out the window, Fu Xiangfeng was talking with Fu Xuanxing.

"Third brother? He might not succeed. He won't be born into a mysterious womb, so it's better to invite that senior."

"It's not him, it's that silly kid over there."

That boy in red?

Mr. Fu Tong looked suspicious and observed Fu Xuanxing carefully.

"This person……"

"He has treasures on him, and he is a disciple of the great sect, so he can make the Wei family fall into a trap."

Heng Hua stood up and called Fu Xuanxing in.

Seeing Mr. Fu Tong, Fu Xuanxing wanted to say hello.

Fu Henghua hurriedly stopped him.

"Shut up, there are too many people on board, don't let Uncle Nineteen find out."

The boy swallowed the words back.

Seeing Fu Xuanxing shut his mouth, Mr. Fu Tong silently put away the "dumb Gu" he was going to play.

"Xiao Yu, I have a spiritual map here, you pretend to be me and Xuan Xing drinking tea and discussing Taoism. Help us cover."


Xiao Yu stared at the three of them, as if thinking about countermeasures.

Let Heng Hua take risks?
She never considered this possibility from the beginning to the end.

"Don't worry, I'm carrying a humanoid Gu to keep your young master safe and sound."

"I will protect you. When your human-shaped Gu retaliates, I can try to pull you away."

"Young master sneaked into Sihui Island, how sure are you?"

"[-]% sure. Is it difficult to get in and out of Sihui Island? Besides, since there are no fake monks on the island, what do you need to worry about?"

Looking outside, Heng Hua said: "Later, Uncle Nineteen will definitely take Third Brother and the others away and discuss the demolition of the gable wall on Sihui Island. It won't be difficult for you to deal with it."

Afterwards, he grabbed Fu Xuanxing and Fu Tongjun, and escaped with water.

Instead of going directly to Sihui Island, I made a detour to the south gate of Sihui Island.

The two island chains here were also breached, and an immovable reef was used as a fortress, echoing layers of wind sounds.

Unlike the battlefield in the north, the monks in the south are almost all Fu family members.

Fu's family marched northward from Tianfeng Island, fighting steadily, and forced them to the south gate of Sihui Island.

Right now, the monks of the Fu family summoned their respective Taoist soldiers to form an formation, and they are also preparing to break through the gable.

Fu Xuanxing: "Look at their actions, it's the same as Uncle Fu and the others? Dao soldiers form an formation, and then monks absorb mana in the formation? What is this for?"

"Returning Wind Curse."

Fu Xuanxing looked at Mr. Fu Tong who answered, puzzled.

"In the Eastern Region, there is a story about Fufeng Fairy Palace. According to legend, the master of Fufeng Palace went out to visit friends, and there was a demon from the sky. The six empresses joined hands to perform the 'Returning Wind Art'. Hundreds of thousands of disciples worked together to perform the same method. This technique not only attracts the winds of the nine heavens and the nine secluded worlds, but also envelops the fairy palace with strong winds, tearing apart all besieging monsters.

"Wind, for the descendants of us Liufengtang, is the best method of uniting people."

Heng Hua looked at the layout on the south side, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid the same is true on the east and west sides. The Cheng family and the Bao family are preparing the 'Returning Wind Curse'. There are [-] Taoist soldiers in each of the four directions. Together with thousands of monks, it is enough Lift the gable wall of Sihui Island into the sky."

With a finger of the feather fan, a ray of moonlight when the sun rises fell on himself and Fu Xuanxing.

"The two of us entered the inner island with the method of moonlight, how do you go?"

Mr. Fu Tong took out a white jade worm the size of a fingernail, and blew lightly.

The bug exploded into smoke and surrounded her.

Gradually, Mr. Fu Tong's figure also turned into white smoke.

With the breeze, she floated to the gable.Avoiding the "Heart Shaking Curse", Qingyan crossed the rune tower and came to Sihui Island.

When the mist closed into a human shape, she saw Yuehua falling in front of her eyes, and Henghua and the two also entered.

"Worshiping the moon magic?"

"It's good to use it."

Coming to the island, holding the Xuanhuo Fan, Heng Hua immediately relaxed.

On water, the power of the fire fan is weakened.But in Four Islands...

"If you set the fire now, people will be alarmed. We may not be able to get out of the gable."

"I have more sense than you."

Heng Hua took out a scroll of spirit map and shook it lightly.

Three auras enveloped the three of them, transforming into the appearance of ordinary mortals.

Heng Hua shook the lupine, and the lupine turned into a walking stick.

"My dear granddaughter, come here and help grandpa."

Seeing that Henghua turned himself into an old man, and made himself and Fu Xuanxing pretend to be ten-year-old boys and girls, Fu Tongjun was happy.

"You took advantage of my two generations, does the old man know?"

"A stopgap measure, a stopgap measure. All I have left is this spiritual map."

Seeing him waving, Fu Xuanxing stepped forward to support the "old man".

"Miss Fu, don't worry about it so much at this time. Let's be careful, this is someone else's territory."

Fu Tongjun snorted coldly, instead of helping Fu Henghua, he turned the Gu worms into jelly beans, pretending to be an innocent and ignorant child, and ran ahead to lead the way.

From time to time, Gu worm jelly beans were scattered on the ground.

"Grandpa, your old man has bad legs and feet, walk slowly. Brother, take care of him. The old man's old eyes are dim, and he can't see the stones under his feet clearly."

"It's okay, it's okay, if you are blind, you will be fine if your heart is not blind."

Henghua has taken advantage of it, so he won't argue with Mr. Fu Tong about the benefits of words.

The three of them came slowly to the city of mortals.

"This cloud city is bigger than the one on Zixuan Island."

At the foot of the four spiritual mountains, there is a city built by mortals.Behind the city are four towering spiritual mountains surrounded by clouds and mist.There are scattered buildings, terraces and palaces on the mountain, just like a fairyland.

"Those four mountains are where the collateral blood of the Wei family lived. After crossing the mountains and arriving at the Peach Blossom Spring inside, that's where the direct line of the Wei family lives."

With Fu Xuanxing's support, Heng Hua silently sensed the internal situation of Sihui Island.


There are no fake Dan monks on the island at all.

Even the defenses are hollower than I imagined.

But in the ground, Heng Hua sensed a trace of strange aura.

"Xuan Xing, wait."

Heng Hua poked the crutch lightly, and used the earth escape to sneak into the ground.

Turning around and coming back, the two saw that his face had turned black.

"What? Is there something under the ground?"

"They threw a million detonating talismans at Lingmai. The Wei family intends to use this island as a trap and die with us."

100 million detonators?

Fu Tongjun's eyes changed.

"When will it detonate?"

"Should it be when the outer gable wall was lifted?"

Heng Hua looked at the rising moon.

"Find a place first, and I'll do a divination."

The two followed him into Fancheng, and came to a remote dilapidated restaurant.

When entering the door, Heng Hua walked in with trembling old legs, his sleeves fluttering.

Because he brought two little dolls with him, Heng Hua ordered a cup of tea and two plates of snacks, and sat there with his eyes closed to rest his mind.

buzz - buzz -

Now that it has entered July, it is the time when insects and ants breed, especially in places where mortals live.

This restaurant is too simple, too dirty, right?

Fu Xuanxing waved his hand to drive away the mosquitoes and flies around him.

In order not to attract attention, the restaurant they chose had little business.Besides them, there was only one guest.

Fu Xuanxing was idle and bored, and began to look around.

When he saw the guest in the corner, he froze for a moment, and quickly looked at the two people around him.

Henghua's sleeve robe hides the Shenluo Heavenly Book, and is divining the secrets of heaven.

Mr. Fu Tong stared at the tea in front of him, dazed.


The boy yelled in a low voice and secretly poked her with his chopsticks.

Fu Tongjun looked back at him, and saw Fu Xuanxing pointing to the corner.

Sitting there was a fat middle-aged man.He was squinting his small eyes, observing the street outside.

Although it has entered Xu time, Fancheng is still lively tonight.

Perhaps, the mortals here already know that this may be their last carnival.

When Fu Tongjun saw the fat man, he slightly nodded to Fu Xuanxing: "I see, I know."

Afterwards, she picked up the tea and drank it slowly.


Seeing her drinking tea, Fu Xuanxing became anxious.

"Didn't you see? The insects and ants around that person are dead!"

That's right.When the mosquitoes and flies flew over and got close to the fat man by three inches, they would automatically fall to the ground and die.

This fat man is no ordinary person.

"Three children, since we are destined to get together, why don't we sit together?"

At this moment, the fat gentleman turned around.

Fu Xuanxing's heart sank, did he see that Lingtu had changed his face?

Heng Hua opened his eyes: "It's rare to see people from the Five Poison Sect. Could it be that Yanshui is not enough for you to practice, and you must come to our Eastern Region?"

"This city is full of lifelessness. I'll come and have a look, maybe I can find an opportunity."

The fat gentleman came slowly.

As he walked, a cold mana surged through his body.

"Oh? Didn't Fellow Daoist invite you from the Wei family?"

"They wanted to invite me. But I saw that the Wei family's fortune was not right, so I didn't agree. I secretly followed."


Although Fu Xuanxing had managed to hold his breath when he found that person.

But still got hit.

His mana is temporarily gone.

"You... you poisoned!"

Fat first grinned.

"This is the Thousand Day Drunk of my Five Poison Sect. It's not an ordinary poison, it's—"

"The incidental gas extracted from the five-poison wine. Its effect can make the monks who established the foundation lose their resistance. In severe cases, they can fall into a coma for ten days."

Heng Hua drank tea gracefully, without any panic.

Mr. Fat's eyes were cold, he looked at the calm old man, and then at the girl who was eating snacks beside him.

"You two, do you want to continue your disguise?"

Heng Hua waved away the spirit map and restored the original faces of the three of them.

Fu Xuanxing lay on the table and said weakly: "Hey, can you two be nervous?

"Everyone has been drugged, at least respect this so-called 'Thousand Day Drunk'?"

"Shouting like you?"

The attitude of the two made Mr. Fat suspicious.

Watching the two of them carefully, one is eating snacks and the other is drinking tea.

Yes, indeed Chinese medicine.And it's more effective than this stupid guy on the side.They are now powerless.

But for some reason, Mr. Fat felt a drum in his heart.

They are so calm!

Possibly a bluff, trying to scare me away?

Mr. Fat turned his mind quickly and walked over cautiously.

Heng Hua suddenly asked: "How do you call fellow Taoists? What is your status in the Five Poison Sect?"

"A certain family's surname is Zhang, an unknown person."

Fatty Zhang came to Mr. Fu Tong.

Suddenly, three cold lights shot out from the sleeve robe, piercing into Mr. Fu Tong's body.

Seeing that Mr. Fu Tong didn't dodge, he felt relieved: "Huh——I thought you two really got rid of it. Dare you, are you really scaring people?"

"Scaring? To you, fellow daoist?" Heng Hua shook his head and laughed, "It's not that I don't want to cheer fellow daoist up. It's just that I'm drunk for a thousand days, hehe...

"If it was Sange or Liuhui who was by my side, maybe I would still be nervous. But now, the one who is by my side is a woman who is as beautiful as a flower and has a heart like a snake. With her, I will What is there to worry about?"

Playing poison in front of Mr. Fu Tong?


After Fu Tong finished his snacks, he also took out his teacup and drank it elegantly.

"I've heard this, but I won't sit idly by. Femme fatale? No matter how poisonous and cruel I am, my methods are not as good as yours.

"You, the descendant of Yanlong's first poison master, are here, and you still need me, a partial Gu cultivator?"

Hearing this, Fu Xuanxing was refreshed.

Yes, almost forgot.

Brother Fu Liu learned from Mr. Xue.

He knows poison!

"A disciple of King Xue Yan?"

Fatty Zhang looked at Heng Hua, his expression suddenly changed.

He changed his tone.

"Fellow Daoist, the spiritual energy of millions of people on this island has been exhausted. I want to draw the power of wronged souls to cultivate the five poisonous monsters when Wei's family kills people. Can you do it conveniently? Or, let's do it together? This million The blood energy of a living being is enough for the two of us to practice together."

"Five Poison Demon Gu? You also want to play Gu?"

Mr. Fu Tong became interested and put down the teacup.

Heng Hua also glanced at him, and said calmly: "This guy's poison is good for you. I think you can refine the fourth spirit Gu."

Fatty Zhang saw this, and colorful poisonous mist quickly spilled out.

Mr. Fu Tong hooked his fingers, and the poisonous mist was eaten by the toad on her shoulder.


Fatty Zhang suddenly covered his heart, and staggered back a few steps.

"Don't be lucky, let alone poison-inducing skills. Otherwise, my heart-drawing Gu will directly bite through your heart."

Poured another cup of tea for himself, Mr. Fu Tong Qing Congyu held the white porcelain cup, slowly turning it, but the words were extremely cruel.

"Your Thousand Day Drunkenness is just an anesthetic, which can block our mana without knowing it. But my Heart-Touching Gu is the poison of a thousand worms. Within three days, the worms spread in the body, and finally the heart was swallowed clean. And I You only need to mobilize mana, and it can eat your heart in an instant."

Fu Xuanxing subconsciously glanced at Heng Hua when he heard Tong Jun's words.

Is this girl really from your race?So cruel.Isn't the Fu family very strict?How could there be such a person.

Fu Xuanxing suddenly gave a palm pause.

Strange, my mana is not sealed?

"What are you still doing in a daze? Beat him unconscious while he is trying to untangle me."

Tong Jun glared at Fu Xuanxing, Fu Xuanxing reacted and rushed up.

Using both hands to run the Yin-Yang Mystery Taboo, he easily took Fatty Zhang down.

"Heng Hua, what should we do with this person—why are you sitting still?"

Fu Henghua sat on the chair, except for drinking tea, his feet did not move.

"Resolve medicinal property."

Heng Hua closed his eyes, operated the technique of detoxification recorded in the "Hundred Herbs Classic", and slowly refined the thousand day drunkenness in his body.

Fu Xuanxing came over, looked at Heng Hua's state, and threw Fatty Zhang to the ground: "Miss Tong Jun, you...you didn't help him untie it?"

"At the moment when Thousand Days Drunk spreads, I will cure myself first, then you, and poison this guy. As for Heng Hua... Anyway, don't count on his combat power, as long as his mouth can move, it will be fine."

Fu Xuanxing scratched his head.

Indeed, it seems that there seems to be some truth.

"Listen to her nonsense. She just doesn't want to save it."

"Why, you still dare to speak harsh words to me now, aren't you worried that I won't help you get rid of the drug's properties? Or do something wrong when you get rid of the drug's properties?"

"Do you need it? Since you know that I am erudite and drunk for a thousand days, can't you solve it?"

Letting out a mouthful of turbid air, Heng Hua stood up.

"Thousand Day Drunk? The taste is not bad."

At this time, Mr. Fu Tong went to Fatty Zhang and took back the Gu worms.

Suddenly, her face changed, and she looked at her blue palm.

He has a poisonous defense on him?
No, no, not him!

Fu Tongjun glared at Fu Henghua angrily: "When did you poison me?"

"The moment I entered this restaurant, I directly poisoned everyone in the restaurant. Fortunately, I took a lot of things from Mr. Xue for self-defense."

Heng Hua squatted down, pulled out a gold hoop, and put it on Fatty Zhang's head.

"Come on, you're back to your senses. Fellow Daoist Zhang, let's discuss how we can solve the impending explosion on Sihui Island with just a few of us."

 Just got back from going out today.

  The revised draft has been uploaded, and the typo has not been corrected. Let's slowly fix it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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