
Chapter 114 Chapter 4 Lianshanbi, two swords against group cultivators

Chapter 114 Four Links to the Mountain Wall, Two Swords Overwhelming Group Cultivators (End)
Fu Henghua came out of the secret room, and because of breaking the Wei family's ban, the Wei family monks came from Siling Mountain to surround him.

After setting up the Five Elements Mountain, Heng Hua waved his feather fan and swept away the two Qi-refinement stage disciples who were approaching.

"Wei's family stayed on the island, and there are still a few monks with mysterious fetuses. One, two, three, four..."

"Four Profound Embryo Realm, nine Real Fire Realm, 21 Foundation Establishment Realm, and five hundred Qi Refining Stages?"

In cultivating families like the Wei family and the Fu family, there are many people from the Qi refining clan.Taking Qi Entraining Pill, even a pig can get a layer of Qi Refining.

But foundation building, this is a card.The five foundation-building monks will add up to 1000 people.

Fu Xuanxing hugged the head and followed from behind.

Seeing hundreds of Qi Refining Cultivators densely packed, they screamed out.

"Quickly use the earth to escape, let's retreat first!"

"What are you afraid of? You stand aside and watch carefully. You don't need to do anything about today's matter."

With no fake Dan cultivator in charge, Heng Hua's confidence doubled.

"These are five hundred Qi Refining Cultivators. Even if their mana is weak, as long as they can activate the Detonating Talisman. Even if it's just the Three Profound Talisman, you..."

Heng Hua shook the feather fan, and his spiritual consciousness poured into the Five Elements Mountain: "No matter how many ants accumulate, they will be ants after all."

"Fu Henghua, first class C class."

Wei Xuanyi led the crowd to surround the two of them.

Seeing Fu Henghua, he squinted his eyes.

Tianzhitang will judge the threat level of each Fu family.

Because of the incident at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain, Fu Henghua was directly promoted to the first class of the C class from the D class.

But seeing Fu Henghua come out of the secret room, Wei Xuanyi felt that Tianzhitang's judgment on him seemed to be weak.

"A monk who built the second floor of the foundation dared to sneak into our Sihui Island. Anyway, you are the grandson of Fu Danwei. If you are a threat, it depends on how the Fu family responds."

"Catch me?"

Heng Hua smiled, stretched out his hand and made a move, and the five great peaks of Wuxing Mountain shot out spiritual light.

The five airs of blue, red, yellow, white, and black are intertwined in the palm, forming a three-foot green edge.

"I don't know how to fight. Therefore, please be merciful when you do it. Of course, I will show some kindness. At most, I will abolish your mana realm, and I won't kill you."

Fu Xuanxing murmured in his heart: Didn't you say that Sixth Brother Fu can't use a sword?

The smile on Heng Hua's face disappeared, and he held his sword and clasped his fists:
"Fu Family, Panlong Island, Fu Henghua. Learn the methods of everyone in the Wei Family!"

Without waiting for everyone to swing their swords, Fu Henghua took the lead in sweeping towards everyone with the five-color sword.

"The name of this sword is Jinghun, passed down by the ancestor Fulong Sword Immortal."

With a flash of black sword light, everyone resisted immediately.

The name is Shuying, and Fu Danwei is the No.1 Yanlong swordsmanship.Can the swordsmanship he passed on to his grandson be worse?
But the sword light swept across everyone without causing any damage.

"This is?"

Wei Xuanyi checked his body carefully, and then looked at the wind wall that the four Xuantai monks jointly set up.

There is no damage to the wind wall at all.

"Is this your sword?"

Wei Danting laughed out loud: "Let's go up together, let's take this arrogant kid down."

Fu Xuanxing saw that Henghua's sword didn't do any damage, and secretly complained: Sure enough, Sixth Brother Fu doesn't know how to use a sword at all.

Wei Xuanyi activated the magic weapon, the Wood God Awl, and suddenly a flash of sword light burst out in his mind.His mind trembled slightly, and he missed the perfect opportunity to attack.

"Sword Intent?"

It wasn't him who spoke, but the Xuantai monk next to him.

He clutched his forehead, trying hard to force out the sword in his mind.

"Scary soul, this is the sword intent aimed at the soul of the divine consciousness."

Sword intent?

Fu Xuanxing was dumbfounded.

Sixth Brother Fu has actually comprehended the sword intent that can only be manipulated at the Golden Core level?This is the gold content of the descendants of Sword Immortal?This is also called not knowing how to use a sword?

"Grandfather always said: Killing people is the next strategy, attacking the heart is the best strategy."

Heng Hua tried to move the sword flower, but he had never practiced swords, and his wrist movements were rather jerky.

"This sword of mine was passed down by my grandfather. He knew that I was not good at swordsmanship, so he passed on my frightening sword to save my life."

Heng Hua spread his hand, and a piece of Beaulieu Token turned into powder.The mana saved by Vodanwei was used up by him.

"Activated by my grandfather's mana, my frightening sword has penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of all of you.

"As long as you attack me, then..."

Wei Xuanyi tried his luck.

The white sword glow in Niwan Palace was cut off immediately.

His spirit was wounded and he had to take a few steps back.

"Use the Mantra of Tranquility and Soul Calculation."

He gritted his teeth and shouted out.

The four Xuantai monks practiced their skills silently, using spells to suppress the shocking sword intent, and played three magic weapons and a piece of colorful Taoism.

The Taoism was absorbed by the Five Elements Mountain, and the three magic weapons also fell into the Five Elements Mountain by themselves.

"The gap between you and me is not as big as I imagined."

Heng Hua practiced the heavenly scriptures, which was comparable to the Xuantai monks who practiced Xuan-level kung fu.

And after the Five Elements Mountain was completed, he didn't panic anymore.

Raise the five-color sword: "Lei Lai!"

The five peaks of the Five Elements Mountain light up at the same time, and the Yimu Lei, Binghuo Lei, Wutu Lei, Guishui Lei, and Gengjin Lei appear at the same time.

The divine thunder manifested by extracting the four island spirit veins blasted down on the monks of the Wei family.

"Haha... everyone, it's rare for me to go all out, I hope you can last a little longer!"

Riding the wind lightly, the five-color sword was aimed at the black-born monk on the left.

"The weak point of "Golden Tiger Ba Tian Jing" is the mutton."

The monk quickly dodged, and a piece of precious flame was swept out of his sleeve robe.

The fireworks were taken away by the Five Elements Mountain, and Heng Hua stabbed out with another sword.

At this time, another Xuantai monk came to save people.

"The weakness of "Red Dragon Pill Yuanjue" is the hidden vein in the left hand."

The five-color sword turned its direction, Yimu Leifa and Binghuo Leifa were launched at the same time.When the monk extinguished the thunder, the five-color sword cut the man's wrist.

The strange true essence was poured into the wound, and instantly turned into 36 channels, traveling along the meridians.

The monk sensed something was wrong, so he quickly forced it out.

But the true essence has no form or form, and has already escaped into many acupuncture points in his body.

Seeing that he wanted to resist, Heng Hua sneered in his heart: Back then against Wei Xingyu, I only used two celestial demonic energy to attach Changchun Zhenyuan.Now, I am doing everything I can, with 36 heavenly demons and strange qi to cooperate with the true essence of good fortune.Are you still counting on luck?
Not only that, illusions abounded in front of the cultivator's eyes, and the frightening sword in Niwan Palace shook frequently.

In the end, he lost his temper, and the Samadhi fire ignited his whole body with a bang, and he passed out.

Heng Hua threw out the five-color sword and pointed behind him.

The five-color sword exploded, and the two sneak attacking true fire monks were driven back by the sky full of green trees and precious flames.

"The weak point is the twelve-story building and three inches below the navel."

Heng Hua recruited another five-color sword from the Five Elements Mountain.

The five-color sword is formed by the vitality of the Five Elements Mountain.As long as the Five Elements Mountain exists, Henghua will have five-color swords continuously.

The sword has five colors, which can overcome the five elements of the world.

The sword light shone, and Heng Hua rushed to another group of monks.

His swordsmanship was blunt, but he was using flaws in his skills aimed at this group of monks.The only pity is that Henghua's swordsmanship is too weak.He clearly saw everyone's flaws, but he only managed to hit once ten times with his sword.

However, with the blessing of "Six Qi Jue of Yufeng", his sword moves are elegant and agile.

If one move fails, immediately transform into another move.Even if it was clearly a sword move that failed and was interrupted, no one noticed the failure, and only thought that Heng Hua was changing his moves on his own.

In the eyes of Fu Xuanxing and the Wei family, Henghua's showmanship is actually an incomparably exquisite set of "Xiaoyao swordsmanship".Gorgeous, elegant and fairy-like.

"He actually knows how to use a sword?"

Seeing Fu Henghua shuttle hundreds of people with his sword, Fu Xuanxing said blankly: "Miss Fu said that his sword skills are very poor."

"I never said that."

Fengyin brought Fu Tongjun's voice, and then she shouted in another direction:
"Fu family, Mr. Fu Tong, ask the fellow Taoists of the Wei family for advice."

Accompanied by the screams, a real fire cultivator flew out.

Not long after, he died.

Compared to Fu Henghua, Mr. Fu Tong is indeed fiercer.

Mr. Fu Tong rushed over and glanced at the five-color sword in Heng Hua's hand.She sneered and rushed towards the group of qi refining disciples.

He still has the nerve to say that I have stepped into evil ways?His way of cultivation is not the authentic way of immortality, he is clearly the son of the devil way!
The group of boys and girls on Panlong Island, because of their family traditions, all have a good understanding of kendo.

Mr. Fu Tong could tell at a glance that Fu Henghua had no sword intent at all.

How can he have time to practice on weekdays?His "scary soul sword" is clearly a method of Tianmo Gong, an advanced use of spiritual consciousness and soul.

The advantage of this guy lies in his tyrannical soul power!

Fu Xuanxing waited and watched carefully, the Six Desire Demon Orb he carried on his body moved again, as if he wanted to respond to Fu Henghua.

He hurriedly cast a spell secretly to suppress the Liuyuzhu again.


Mr. Fu Tong made a formula with both hands, and hundreds of gus buzzed into flying swords, killing among the qi refining disciples.

"But he has Heavenly Demon Art, and I also have Hundred Gu Art. He can imitate sword intent, so can I!"

Don't look at the low level of Qi-refining monks, but giving them a chance to prepare a detonating talisman or formation is enough for the three of us to drink a pot.So, damn these people!
"Everyone, I also learned an 'invisible sword' under the old man's seat, please appreciate it."

The Hundred Gu Sword has no form or form, others can only see Fu Tongjun's hand, but they cannot see the sword in his hand, let alone the direction of the sword.

A Xuantai cultivator couldn't bear the slaughter of his clan, so he hurried over to stop him.

But as soon as he came to the place where Mr. Fu Tong was three feet away, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest and passed out on the spot.


"Hundred Gu Invisible Sword?"

Fu Liuhui looked at the flying sword gathered by Mr. Fu Tong.With her eyesight and cultivation, she could tell that the sword was a combination of "Hundreds of Gu", not real, but an illusory weapon.

"It's similar to the 'Small Formless Sword Qi' of the Temple of Heavenly Demon, but the foundation is quite different."

Others cannot see the invisible sword, but Fu Liuhui can feel it.

This sword looks fierce.

The blade is eight feet long, and densely packed with poisonous Gu monsters.The three-foot-long scorpion tail whip, dragon tail whip, and Zhang Mo whip echoed around Mr. Fu Tong.

If someone came to Futong Lord Sanzhang, he would be severely injured by countless Gu whips.

After being poisoned by her, he has no power to resist.

Five hundred qi refining monks, Mr. Fu Tong charged and killed only once, and he made blood and flesh fly, and dozens of people died.

Fu He pondered and said: "Liu Hui, how do you think the sword skills of the two of them are?"

Following Fu Henghua and Fu Tongjun, they jointly wiped out the monks of the Wei family on Sihui Island.The four monks have landed, removed the mortals, and stood on the four spirit mountains.

"Seventh Sister's swordsmanship is quite Wuxiang Samadhi. As for Sixth Brother..."

Fu Liuhui thought about the words three times in his heart, and carefully considered: "Combining the strengths of a hundred schools of thought, refining the five elements into a sword, the potential is endless."

How can I rate it?

What horror sword?

Grandfather did have this sword intent, but it didn't look like this at all.His sword is, from the bottom of his heart, the technique of Heavenly Demon.

With the help of the moment when the enemy's eyes touch the sword's intent, the spirit-targeting spells such as "Shocking Curse", "Chaosing God Curse", and "Bile Breaking Curse" are condensed into a sword shape and penetrated into the enemy's mind.

As long as the enemy moves his mind against Fu Henghua, the Heavenly Demon Soul Sword will be activated immediately, disturbing the enemy from the inside.

Is this also worthy of being called a sword?

But Fu Liuhui had to admit that it was really easy to use.

Heng Hua frightened the minds of the cultivators first with this sword, and then used the power of the Five Elements Mountain to perform Taoism.

Steady and steady, one person against a group of people, there is a full [-]% chance of winning.

At this time, Luo Guidao came from afar.

Zhou Xiao threw the magic banner to Liu Xu, Liu Xu shook it lightly, and 30 innocent souls appeared.

"Gods, the Wei family will be destroyed only tonight. Please—"

Wrapped in dark wind and dark clouds, unjust souls rushed into Sihui Island.

The four monks noticed the sudden drop in temperature and immediately dodged to one side.

They watched with cold eyes, and rushed towards the monks of the Wei family howling, biting the members of the direct line until they were bloody and bloody, and finally died.


Yin Yuanping sighed: "The Wei family has done evil for many years, and finally received their retribution on this day."

 Blowing the cool wind and eating iced fruit, I finally suppressed the heat.

  Now you can type with peace of mind.Take a look at the direction of the plot, finish the plot of the Wei family today, clean up the aftermath tomorrow, and start the third volume!

(End of this chapter)

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