
Chapter 115 Star Bridge Returns to Heaven, 1 Sword Vientiane Lives

Chapter 115 Star Bridge Returns to Heaven, One Sword and Everything Lives
"The resentment is starting to dissipate."

Noticing the disintegration of the 30 grievances of the Zixuan islanders, Henghua returned to the Five Elements Mountain, silently feeling the strength of the Wei family.

There are still two people left.

The Great Elder killed all the fugitives from the Wei family in the Eastern Region.But as long as those two people are still there, the Wei family will not be destroyed.The hatred of these innocent souls cannot be eradicated.

Master Wei was disturbed by the Heavenly Tribulation back there, and Fu Henghua couldn't figure it out.

But Wei Zhilin's situation, he sensed it.

Starlight Milky Way wrapped around the sea of ​​flames, tightly trapping the realm of the First Layer Golden Core.

"Uncle Seventeen and Brother Wang Mao can defeat him, but it is difficult to kill a Golden Core cultivator."


Mr. Fu Tong put away the hundred Gu, and stood silently by the side.

Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Liuhui hurried over.

"Tong Jun, when did you come back?"

Seeing the surprise expressions of the third brother and the eighth younger sister, Mr. Fu Tong couldn't show his face, and said kindly: "Not long after I came back, I was invited by the seventh brother to come and deal with the Wei family."

Seventh brother?

Fu Xiangfeng was too lazy to worry about such a trivial matter.

"It's just in time for you to come back. The family has been worried all these years after you left. Now that you are back, the old man can finally rest assured."

Zhang Yu walked to Fu Xuanxing's side, and the two were very surprised to see Fu Tongjun's gentle side.

In their eyes, Mr. Fu Tong is not like this.

Could it be the legendary dual personality?
"Brother Fu, the head in your hand is—"

"Brother Fu Liu asked me to take it temporarily."

At this time, the human head has closed its eyes to sleep.

Fu Yinggu came over in a hurry, stared at the head, and hurried to find the other people.

Secretly, he sent a voice transmission to Fu Xuanxing: "Wrap the head in something first, don't let the other three families see it, and go after Yunzhou."

The Yin family doesn't matter, the key is the Bao family and the Cheng family.

Back then, the Wei family was the main force in the attack on the Ling family, the Cheng family was poisoned, and the Bao family was responsible for guarding the back door.

If they find out, I'm afraid things will be different.

Fu Xuanxing quickly covered the head with his clothes.

Fu Heyi and Fu Tiancang stood in the distance.

"Brother, what are you looking at again?"

"I'm studying the Five Elements Mountain. If the Five Elements Mountain gets out of control, I will call people to run away quickly."

Thinking of the previous two encounters, Fu He couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

That's right, the Five Elements Mountain takes root in its spiritual veins and grows on its own.Fu Henghua couldn't even control it.In case something happens to the Huitian Spirit Vein, how many monks from the four families will lose?

At this time, the Five Elements Mountain shook.

Fu Tiancang and Fu Heyi were on alert immediately.

But I saw Fu Henghua's sword pointing at the wronged soul.

"Everyone, please lend me my strength to suppress Wei thief."

Purple-black resentment wrapped around the five-color sword, Heng Hua pointed at the next: "Mountain rise!"

He forcibly moved the Five Elements Mountain and threw it towards the battlefield of Wei Zhilin and the other three in the distance.

Wei Zhilin was trapped by Xingguang Tianhe, and had to deal with Wang Mao's wood and fire swords.

"I was restrained by the two of them, and I couldn't help the Wei family. Why don't we find an opportunity to get out of trouble and plan again? As long as I am alive, they will not dare to go too far with the Wei family."

At this time, the Five Elements Mountain fell from the sky.

The vitality of the five elements was restrained, Wang Mao immediately sensed that something was wrong, and decisively dodged away with his sword.

Fu Beidou heard the wind, and wrapped around the Five Elements Mountain with a river of stars to calm Wei Zhilin.

"Fellow Daoist, this is the revenge of three hundred thousand innocent souls against your family, just accept it!"

30 innocent souls carried the Five Elements Mountain and smashed it down, and the Jindan Daoyu was shattered at this moment.

The star sword turned sharply, and the seven Beichen swords pierced into Wei Zhilin's body at the same time.

"Go on, please."

The Xingjian shook, and Wei Zhilin's body exploded. Only Jin Dan protected the Yin God and escaped into the distance.

"go with!"

Wang Mao threw out nine "Nine Suns Detonating Talismans", forming a wall of fire to block the way in the scorching sun.Jin Dan could not escape, and was suppressed by the Five Elements Mountain again.

The ghosts took the opportunity to rush up and bite.

However, the golden elixir is immortal and protected by Taoism, no matter how the wronged souls tear it apart, it can't hurt Wei Zhilin in the slightest.

Seeing this scene, Fu Beidou said to Wang Mao: "Go and help uncle and the others first. I'll deal with him slowly."

As the river of stars turned, Beichen's star power was drawn down again, layers of sword light swept away the golden core defense, breaking Wei Zhilin's Taoist will.

Wang Mao took the opportunity to rush to Wei Shihui's place.

An hour later, the golden elixir disappeared, the Five Elements Mountain swallowed its vitality, and the Yin God was torn back to Xingtian by the wronged soul.

At this time, the grievances of many wronged souls have begun to peel off, and the wronged souls return to the sky along the stars.

Fu Beidou simply recited the "Beichen Rebirth Mantra", which helped 30 innocent souls return to heaven.

"The stars of Beichen, prolonging life and dooming death. The gloomy light transcends, and saves everything..."

The starlight surrounds the Five Elements Mountain and turns into a silver sky pillar that connects to the sky, sending the people of Zixuan on their last journey.

The wind echoed on the surface of the water, and as Fu Beidou chanted the mantra, the sound of the wind in the distance pushed the sound of mantras layer upon layer.

Fu Beidou glanced in the direction of Sihui Island, and continued to recite the "Beichen Rebirth Mantra".


On the fourth trip to the island, Heng Hua recited the Mantra of Rebirth.

"The injustice is bent to death, the monsters and ghosts, the seven qi are purified, and all evils are purged..."

Zhou Xiao and Liu Xu felt it and chanted the mantra together with him.

Then came Fu Xiangfeng, Fu Liuhui, Fu Xuanxing...

Like a chain, the Fu family began to chant mantras one after another.

"Nine stars bless you, and help you shake Qingming. The God of peace is always there, and the stars and the sky rotate."

The reincarnation curse reverberated on Sihui Island. Affected by the solemn atmosphere, the Yin family, Cheng family and Bao family also began to chant the mantra.

The original goal was to save 30 innocent souls to return to heaven.But as the number of people increased, everyone unconsciously recalled the casualties caused by the chaos of the five families.

During these days, how many people have bloodied the Eastern Territory?
Although everyone shouted not to fight on the water.

But in the end, the anger blinded the mind, how many corpses fell into the water, and became the blood of the water demon?
Thinking of relatives and friends dying here, everyone unconsciously expanded the scope of the mantra.

Driven by the sound of the wind from the monk Fu's family, the curse sound echoed throughout the Eastern Region.

Fu Beidou waved his sword and pointed: "Sword up!"

The stars of Beichen turned into a bridge, and combined with the reincarnation curse, the starlight was superimposed into a field. With the Five Elements Mountain as the center, the four monks who died in this battle were reborn.

The starlight was suppressed little by little, and the Marble Mountain gradually disintegrated.When the mountain body completely dissipated, the turbulent vitality flowed around, and the innocent souls completely left.

But Master Wei did not die in the end. When the 30 innocent souls passed away, the remaining resentment turned into a long black sword.

Feeling something in Fu Beidou's heart, he held the long sword and threw it at the Yuanchen formation where Wei Shihui was.

Wei Shihui fought hard, and the Jindan monks in the 12 Yuanchen formation were injured one after another.Sect Master Shenyue and the five hidden Golden Core cultivators couldn't help but were also injured by Master Wei.

It wasn't until Wang Mao came to help that eighteen Jindan monks finally dragged Wei Shihui back, forcing him to be seriously injured in the catastrophe.

But at this time, the internal calamity of the demon and the calamity of thunder and fire have passed.

Only this human calamity is missing, Master Wei will be able to transform into a baby after returning.

The black sword of resentment just happened to shoot from a distance, hitting Master Wei's return to the golden elixir, destroying the chance of turning into a baby.

"The cause of the day before yesterday, the result of today. Back then your family relied on your reputation to do evil, but now the cause and effect will be repaid, and your path in this life will be cut off."

While speaking, Fu Beidou came from a distance.

"Zhilin is dead too."

Seeing this scene, Master Wei sighed.

"Fu Ruiying, you guys won this time. But—"

Gudong - Gudong -

A strange heartbeat reverberates between heaven and earth.

"Even if I failed to transform into a baby today and was beaten to death by you, my Wei family will not be extinct!"

Gudong - Gudong -

A blue light emerged from Master Wei's heart, and the phantom of a big tree slowly rose.

"No, he wants to build a totem spirit with himself!"

How many monks of the Wei family died in this battle?

If Master Wei used himself as a sacrifice and gathered these thousands of blood spirits in himself, would it be possible to create a real totem?

And if the totem spirit is born, as long as one person of the Wei family is alive outside, they can make a comeback in a hundred or a thousand years!

Everyone didn't dare to bet, and they all shot to stop it.


"Is this the demonized totem of the blood sacrifice method?"

Liu Yuli and Zhu Dianzhu stood in the water area of ​​Baizhen and looked out.

"Hall Master, you deliberately passed on the totem method of the Xuan Palace to him. Do you want the Wei family to become a vassal of our temple?"

"Do whatever you want. I didn't expect the Wei family to be so decisive and dare to take this road.

Dianzhu Zhu said complacently: "Go and have a look later and take some Wei family blood back into the palace. In the future, we will rely on them to deal with the Fu family."


The east region once again reverberated with a cool breeze.

Dianzhu Zhu's face changed, and he looked gloomyly at Panlong Island.

"Why isn't this guy dead?"

The starlight and the reincarnation spell were blown up by the sound of the wind, and condensed into a star sword that surpassed reincarnation.

"Is the totem born from the blood sacrifice of the tribe, born from the bloody slaughter, qualified to protect the tribe?"

The starlight purifies the blood around Wei Shihui.

"The battle of the five families resulted in countless deaths and injuries. If you want to die, why should you be obsessed with the enemy?"

After returning to the island four times, Heng Hua's heart skipped a beat: "Thank you, grandfather, for your guidance."

He recited the mantra of the past life again, but began to help the Wei family get rid of it.

The others followed suit and covered everyone in the five families with the mantra of rebirth.

In the starlight, the blood spirit of the Wei family gradually returned to the starry sky.


Master Wei suppressed his anger, formed a golden god with three heads and six arms, and locked on Panlong Island.

Since you want to stop me from condensing the totem.Then I will use my last strength to shatter your Beaulieu Island.

"Stop him now!"

Without waiting for Fu Ruiying and Fu Beidou to make a move, the Jindan cultivators including Sect Master Shenyue launched the strongest attack in their life without thinking.

They all know that Panlong Island is one of the hidden secret doors of the four-door Fulong Formation.

If Panlong Island sinks, Yansheng Dragon King can recover a large part of his strength!

On Beaulieu Island, Fu Danwei stands in the wind.Beside him was a girl in a water skirt holding a piano.

He waved his hand, and the strong wind whipped up thunder and fire, combined with the mantra of rebirth and the starlight of the North Star.Even the mana of many Jindan monks was swept away by the storm.

"Everyone, use your magic power."

Many forces combined in the strong wind.

With the wind as the sheath, it condenses into a divine sword.

This sword stretches for thousands of miles, spanning half of the Eastern Region.

"Fellow Daoist is with me in Yanlong, and I will use this sword to send you the last journey tonight."

boom -

The strong wind swayed the rocks of the island, and the waves in the eastern region split hundreds of feet apart.

This sword rose from Panlong Island, smashing the 12 Yuan Chen Formation and Master Wei Huisheng into pieces.

Seeing this sword, Liu Yuli recalled the battle on Panlong Island not long ago, and his mood became even worse.This sword is stronger than the previous one!
Is this guy dying?How did it come to the decline and catastrophe period, but the strength is even better?

Palace Master Zhu narrowed his eyes, and said slowly, "Sword Immortal Dao Heart?"

Sword Immortal, in the Yanlong Thirteen Waters.As long as the kendo enters the Golden Core level and comprehends the sword intent, it is eligible to be called.

But in ancient times, sword immortals refer to people who become immortals with swords.

Possessing the heart of a sword fairy is a person who is really expected to prove the Tao and fly to the sky!

"Although this guy's mana is gone, and his lifespan is gone. But his state of mind and Taoism are probably not inferior to this seat."

Master Wei returned to his seriously injured body, although he spent his entire life facing the sword.But as the three heads and six arms were bombarded by various forces such as strong wind, thunder, starlight, and raging fire, the body was finally destroyed, and only the golden core floated on the water.

Yin Shen loomed: "What is the name of this sword? How much strength did you use?"

"The name of the sword is 'Wanxiang Sheng', which means everything in the universe."

With one sword, all things come into being, and everything in the world can be integrated into this sword.

"This sword has [-]% of the power of my peak. It's not that I keep my hand, but that I have no power to control the strongest sword at this moment."

Vodanwei looked at his trembling hands.

With this sword swing, he felt a few years older.

Although there is no damage to the limit of life, but the energy is getting less and less.

"Ninety percent? It seems that it is not as good after all."

After burning everything by himself, the three-headed and six-armed gods that were shown just now returned to their heyday.But not as good as Fu Danwei's [-]% sword power.

No wonder, no wonder you are able to protect the lineage of Panlong Island from the Dragon King.

The starlight dissipated, and Master Wei returned to the yin spirit and returned to heaven.

At this point, the luck of the Wei family was shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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