
Chapter 117

Chapter 117

On the fourth trip to the island, the principals of the four families took a break to moisten their throats with ginseng tea, and waited to continue negotiating the division of spoils later.

This kind of shopping mall confrontation, the Fu family has always had a special person who is proficient in calculation to take charge.


A strong wind blew from the water, and Fu Xia Zhai suddenly shook.

"Third brother, you are the agent for the negotiation, and I will make a pledge when I get back."

He greeted the two monks of Fujiaxuantai, and hurriedly left Four Islands.

Seeing this scene, the other three monks were stunned.

"Why is this? Why did Brother Mingguang leave in such a hurry?"

Fu Baixiong shook his head and remained silent.

He also heard the news brought by the wind.

Inviting everyone to gather Panlong is also related to the "Fufeng Immortal Scripture", this matter has to be handled with caution.

He took over the negotiation, and his style changed suddenly.

"Everyone, draw the bottom line of my family. The spiritual veins of Sihui Island and several other spiritual veins of Huifengyu, my family wants them all. For this reason, we can make concessions on exercises, magic weapons, and elixir."


With that kid Henghua around, my family is not bad at Huang-level and Xuan-level exercises.

The magic weapon of the Jindan cultivator is certainly good, but we can also make it ourselves.

As for the elixir, it is related to Liu Xianweng. Do you need the elixir from the Wei family?

On other islands, monks from the Fu family accompanied the other three families to seal up the assets of the Wei family.

"There are four keys in total, and they can only be unsealed when combined."

Everyone distributed the keys, and the Fu family left in a hurry.Some people rushed to Tianfeng Island, and some hurried to Panlong Island.

"What are you doing? It's still late at night, are they not afraid of the water demon's surprise attack?"

The three monks were puzzled.

"It's a bit windy." A monk from the Cheng family said meaningfully.

wind?Wind sound?

The monks of the Yin family and the Bao family fell into deep thought.

Fu family, what news have you got?

Under Heng Hua's repeated urging, Zhui Yunzhou hurried back to Panlong Island.

When Fu Danwei heard the news, he brought people out to greet him.

Seeing Fu Henghua, he said with a smile: "You kid has been out for so long, I'm afraid the old man--"

"Grandfather, I'll tell you later."

Henghua asked Hengshou to come out with the box in his arms, and told Deng Lan: "You and Xiaoyu, bring the 'Jiulong Kanyu Car' in my warehouse to Tingfengtai."

Then, he hurriedly dragged Fu Danwei to the listening platform.

"Grandfather, there are many adventures for my grandson this time, and it is hopeful to restore the fairy code."

Tingfengtai is a high platform square where Panlong Island conveys the wind sounds.To use a popular name, it is "Beacon Tower".

Make remote contact through Tingfengtai, Panlong Island and Tianfeng Island.

Fu Henghua ascended to the Wind Listening Platform, and immediately poured mana into the white jade high platform, layers of wind reverberated in the square, and then enveloped the entire Panlong Island, spreading his voice.

After Tianfeng Island received it, those who stayed here took out the latest version of the Fu family's "Wanqi Map" 20 years ago, and connected it with Panlong Island.

The Great Elder bid farewell to the other Golden Core cultivators, and rushed to Panlong Island with Fu Beidou.

When they came over, they happened to see Xiaoyu and Deng Lan leading eight wrestlers and flying towards Tingfengtai with a "Shanchi" on their shoulders.

Fu Beidou: "Kowloon Kanyu? Why dig it out now? Doesn't it mean that it is not perfect enough to simulate the landscape of China?"

"It means that this kid is now confident in refactoring."

Seeing this scene, Fu Ruiying felt very happy.

Not only has the Wei family, the thousand-year enemy, been defeated, but now even the "Fu Feng Xian Jing" has been found.

He has full confidence in Fu Henghua's deduction ability and Tiantong wisdom.

When the two came to Tingfengtai, several monks from the Fu family had already arrived.

Eight wrestlers will drop the "mountain pond".

The mountain pool is eight feet one foot long and six feet four feet wide. The mountains and plains are made of gold, silver, pearls and jade, and the deserts and rivers are made of cinnabar, lead and mercury.

Henghua overlooks the geomancy.

This object was originally the "Kowloon Kanyu Map" made by his father.According to the records in ancient books, Henghua miniaturized the rivers and mountains of Shenzhou in equal proportions and arranged them in the geomancy.He also made a wheeled chariot to load the geomancy model.

"Senior Zhou, help me together?"

Zhou Xiao nodded: "I watched you calculate the 'Mountain Calendar' earlier, which is of great help to this old man. If I can really complete the Map of China, I will have the audacity to borrow it."

"Deduce Taixuan Tianshu? Understood."

The two worked together to further adjust the high and low models of the famous mountains and lakes according to the "Chiyuan School Mountain Calendar" deduced not long ago.

With a wave of Heng Hua's feather fan, ten streams of red air flowed from east to west, forming a line.

Subsequently, there are north-south lines intersecting with it, forming a bureau of latitude and longitude.

"According to the order set last time, the Great Elder and I are responsible for the synthesis, and the rest are divided into five groups. Calculate the stars, mountains and rivers, vitality, latitude and longitude, and proofreading separately."

Fu Henghua may have a low level of cultivation, but because of his "Heavenly Wisdom Heart", he has been participating in the deduction of all qi in the clan since he was a child.

At first, it was his father who took him and taught him hand in hand.

Later, he became the deputy of "Acting Heaven and Earth".

And in the last collective deduction of the Fu family, he has become the coordinator.

The Fu family in the surrounding area took out the armillary sphere, the simple implement, the zhangxing ruler, the measuring scale and other magical instruments.

"I have summarized the records of the Ling family, and you will compare them according to the four."

The feather fan waved, and the materials in the box flew towards a group of people.

Zhou Xiao stood next to Fu Henghua, checking for his omissions and filling vacancies.

Fu Ruiying stepped forward in no hurry, and looked at Fu Henghua from a distance: "This kid's deduction method has changed a bit."

Vodanwei looked at him in surprise.

Great Elder: "The last time I saw him, all he had learned was just the alchemy of the sky. But now, he can already calculate good fortune and bad luck. Did you pass He Luo to him?"

"Uncle didn't say anything, how dare I pass it on to him casually?"

"This is the Nine Mysteries Algorithm of the Taixuan lineage," Jin Xian'e came over at this time and bowed to the two, "I heard that this kid learned it from the book."

Only at this time did Fu Danwei take a closer look at the two guests, Jin Xian'e and Fu Xuanxing.

"Student of Taoist Mountain and Sea. When I was young, I traveled all over the world and heard about it. As for this little brother..."

Fu Danwei's eyes were dark, looking up and down at the boy in red.

"My name is Fu Xuanxing, a disciple of Xuanwei Sect."

Fu Danwei suddenly smiled: "Looking at the sky, the stars are shining?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "Master said, that's what it means. It is said that when the name was chosen, the elder hugged me and blurted out when he saw the bright and bright stars in the night sky. So, I called it this name."

"It's a good name. A good person, a good name, and a better name."

Fu Danwei smiled faintly, and nodded: "Since you have come to Panlong Island, temporarily... temporarily... live in Hongwen Pavilion."

Hearing Hongwen Pavilion, Fu Ruiying gave him a surprised look.

Fu Xiangfeng, Fu Liuhui, etc. changed their colors one after another.

Hongwen Pavilion?
Isn't that the residence of the third uncle/uncle?

Deng Lan suddenly realized: "I will prepare right away."


The sound of the piano sounded, and the breeze brought melodious music, slowly listening to the echo of the wind platform.

Henghua is checking the data of Shenshan, the most central place in Shenzhou.Suddenly glanced at the opposite side of Tingfengtai: "Fourth sister is back?"

The sound of the piano has its own spiritual power, covering the entire listening platform, blessing everyone with the spell of concentration.

Great Elder: "Is this girl back from Sijing Building?"

Vodanwei: "I just came back last night."

Great Elder: "Can she see the future of my Fu family?"

Vodanwei: "I didn't ask."

Fu Yaozhen's blood talent is "spiritual vision", which is the same as Ling Shaoyin.She can clearly observe the future and serve as a beacon for the Fu family.

If the old man Sijing hadn't forced to accept disciples, the Fu family might not have been willing to let them go.

After an hour of busy work, Shanchi Kanyu became more rigorous, perfectly following the records of the Fufeng Fairy Palace, and operating the world's ten thousand qi.

"Move, move!"

Listening to the other side of the wind platform, someone shouted.

Fu Danwei looked up, and the colorful vitality revolved around Shanchi Kanyu.There is the theory of Heluo in Fufeng Immortal Palace, the Taiji star method of Taixuanzong, and the almanac algorithm of Chiyuan Taoist school.

This is the most accurate version of "Heaven, Earth, Ten Thousand Qi Movement" deduced after various consultations and compromises in the late period of Shenzhou.

Shenzhou Yuanqi has been running for 5000 years, and there is only one error in the flick of a finger.

"Hahaha... The Wei family doesn't know what to do!"

According to the records of Fufeng Immortal Palace, after Henghua really formed the Shenzhou Wanqi Kanyu, his whole mood changed suddenly, as if he had been baptized by the great way in the dark, and entered a state of epiphany.

Fu Xia Zhai: "The Wei family is really a bunch of idiots."

He then closed his eyes.

The surrounding Fu family members also closed their eyes one after another, comprehending the mystery of the movement of all qi.

My own Heluo calendar, Taixuanzong's Taiji calendar, Chiyuan school's mountain calendar, and three solar calendars, one lunar calendar...

Various astronomical calendars combine to form the movement of the vitality of Shenzhou. When they restore the structure, they undoubtedly touch the core mysteries of various sects and sects.

"The Fu family is worthy of being a master of calculus."

Seeing a group of people begin to realize their epiphanies, Zhou Xiao silently closed his eyes, thinking about his own divination and acting skills in the Shenzhou era.

Fu Danwei and Fu Beidou led others to wait and see.

The square is silent and silent, only the melodious echo of the wind and the sound of the piano.


A moment later, the wind and thunder blew up.

Accompanied by streaks of purple lightning, phantoms of dragon horses and black turtles appeared beside Fu Henghua.


"God-sent Heluo?"

Vodanwei was startled suddenly.

But seeing Shenluo Tianshu flying out and turning into a jade tablet.

Heng Hua raised his hand, as if unconsciously, driven by instinct, and borrowed the Hetu Luoshu entrusted by Longma and Xuangui to draw a gossip on the jade board.

"This is Heluo arithmetic? I know it."

A mysterious breath erupted from Fu Henghua's body, and several Fu family monks around were inspired, and pictures of innate gossip appeared above their heads.

Composed of flames, condensed starlight, and the appearance of the sun and the moon in one person's eight trigrams.

Fu Ruiying opened his eyes and came out of the epiphany state.Dao Xing went a step further and had already touched the Yuanying Dao Realm.

Scanning the crowd and seeing the gossip, he was stunned.

"How did these children realize Heluo?"

The Fu family asked the clansmen to study "Heluo" after the golden alchemy, because they were worried that they would be distracted from it and affect the formation of alchemy.

But right now, eight or nine people comprehend "Heluo Suanjing" together.

"Forget it, it's God's will." He waved his hand, and the spiritual light penetrated into the bodies of everyone headed by Henghua.

"You guys are good at enlightening, but don't get too obsessed with it."

What is Helo?
Hetu, Luoshu, and then derived the principle of gossip.

However, the Heluo Sutra of the Fu family hides a set of internal cultivation methods to build the spiritual realm of the Lingtai.

Henghua got the inheritance and suddenly realized something.

"Using the gossip as the preface, outline the world and the earth in the Niwan Palace. Through the internal scene, and then deduce the world outside."

The Niwan Palace gradually became easier, relying on "Shenzhou Gemyu" outside the Five Elements Mountain, to reproduce the operation of Shenzhou 500 years ago.

The golden gossip composed of Hetu Luoshu runs between heaven and earth.Gradually, this ancient model was evolved to simulate the current version of the "Picture of Ten Thousand Qis in the World".

But because Heng Hua lacked realm and experience.The model of the Thirteenth Waters became very blurred, and only the Yanlong East Region was clearly visible.

"The land of Yanlong's domain is enough for now."

Heng Hua opened his eyes, Fu Ruiying had already taken out the jade figurines, and began to calculate the pill formation chapter of the "Nine Degrees of Fufeng Immortal Scripture" in the Shenzhou era.

He hurriedly passed the four exercises and the chapter on crossing robbery to Fu Ruiying.

At the same time, Fu Xia Zhai also gave Fu Henghua and Fu Ruiying the general outline of Qi refining in the "Fufeng Xianjing" that he had obtained from Sihui Island.

This general outline of qi refining expounds the main purpose of "Fufeng Xianjing". Just seeing the general outline, dozens of ideas for qi refining methods immediately appeared in Heng Hua's mind.

"Jiufeng, so there are two kinds of cognition."

"Nine Degrees of Fufeng Immortal Sutra" is not a path of practice.

But three paths.

One is to define the nine winds as the fundamental spiritual wind and the wind of the eight directions, follow the pattern of the eight trigrams and nine palaces, and simultaneously practice the nine chapters of qigong.The nine winds return to one, and the foundation is naturally achieved.

One is to practice one by one. After the foundation is established, the exercises are repeated, and the Nine Winds Sutra is practiced again and again, and finally the first chapter of the general outline is re-rehearsed.After ten times of qi refining practice, he finally completed the foundation building and concluded the Fufeng Immortal Root.

One is a single practice, just choose a Qi training method.After building the foundation, then use the corresponding foundation building chapter to form alchemy.When forming a pill, it is the same as the other two roads.

Heng Hua was eager in his heart, and looked at the jade figurines.

Immediately, a monk from the Fu family sent a pair of jade figurines.

Jade figurines are the most expensive type of performance puppet in Yanlong.Now the Fu family has invested a lot of money and bought all the jade warriors in the Yanlong Eastern Region market and sent them to Panlong Island.

This was done spontaneously by the family monks when Fu Henghua sent a message to the family.

Although it is a public account, buying the jade warriors first will cut off the possibility of some people sitting on the ground and raising the price.

By the time the other three companies reacted, all the jade figures on the market had been sold out by the Fu family at a low price.

"The Fu family is buying jade figurines?"

"They want to deduce the exercises? Wait, a group of Fu's family ran to Panlong Island. Did they gain a lot from Wei's family?"

The three families reacted belatedly, and quickly sent people to Panlong Island to inquire.

Fu Danwei looked at the people performing the method, and smiled at Fu Beidou: "Come on, the Great Elder and Heng Hua worry about the root of the family, and you and I will deal with the external affairs."

"It's still my nephew."

Watching Luogui Island drift towards Panlong Island from a distance, Fu Beidou said with a smile: "Next, uncle and I will be neighbors for a long time."

Fu Danwei has already known about Fu Henghua's plan through Fu Tiancang and Fu Yinggu.

Regarding Sun Tzu's so-called "Si Ruizhou" plan, Fu Danwei was noncommittal.

But right now, he won't hold his grandson back.If he really died, it would definitely be a turning point for Bai Huangtang to have one more inferior first-grade spiritual vein.

"My nephew will deal with the affairs of the other families. Uncle has only one thing at the moment."

Fu Beidou said sternly: "The Wei family is gone, you can freely display your ideals in the Eastern Region."

A fairy tale world based on benevolence and righteousness.

The monks help each other, not intrigues, and treat betrayal as a routine.

Without the Wei family, Fu Danwei could use his own force to forcibly subdue everything and establish this order.

"I, who is near the end of my lifespan, don't know whether it's good or bad to force the past few years."

Fu Danwei looked at Fu Henghua who was performing on the stage, and said with a wry smile: "In order to let the old man have no regrets. This kid came out of the island himself, stirred up a lot of troubles, and completely wiped out the Wei family."

"Uncle should appreciate grandson's filial piety."

The two chatted and laughed, and returned to Panlong Hall from Tingfeng Terrace.

At this moment, the wind in the distance floated to Panlong Island with a trace of blood.

Fu Danwei was about to say hello to the three monks when he suddenly looked in the direction of Sihui Island.

Seeing his expression, Fu Beidou asked in surprise, "Uncle? Has something changed?"

"The Wei family is gone."

Isn't this well known?
"It's not just monks. Those mortals with the blood of the Wei family are dead."


Not only Fu Beidou, Wang Mao, Bao Liushu, Cheng Qing and other three Jindan monks all lost their voices.

That's hundreds of thousands of mortals!
"Retribution, the cycle of karma. The enemy from back then has finally returned."

Fu Danwei glanced at Cheng Qing and Bao Liushu meaningfully.

Afterwards, he mentioned the main topic: "My family obtained the general outline of Qi refining from the Wei family, and now we are deducing the "Fu Feng Xian Jing". The four families are originally one line, and if the deduction of the exercises is successful, my family will share it with the three families. But..."

Wang Mao answered the words with great interest: "My family said that in the future, the East Region rules should be arranged by the teacher."

Cheng Qing and Bao Liushu agreed one after another.

With Fu Danwei's sword, Wei Shihui was forcibly killed.Even though he is dying, his words carry the most weight in the Eastern Region.

Before he died, the two families didn't mind taking a step back.Taking advantage of this opportunity, he can still digest the property left by the Wei family.

"The monks practice the way of nature and rule by doing nothing. The old man has only three rules for the Eastern Territory."

"Please advise."

"First, when we walk in the Eastern Region, we must not bully the weak. Relying on our own mana, we will harm our comrades. This is especially true when we explore the Immortal Mansion. We don't ask for mutual help, but we don't ask for trouble."

The three families readily agreed.

Without the Wei family, the biggest thorn is gone, and they have nothing to refute.

"Second, it's common sense for our generation to raise Taoist soldiers to protect the Tao. But when mortals are used as Taoist soldiers, mortals should not be regarded as ants. Although the strengths are different, mortals are also the same after practicing. If the cultivation family forcibly persecutes mortals, split Cultivating the same way will cause disasters for spirit people, which is not good for the rule of the four families."

The three monks nodded in agreement.

It's nothing more than the choice of Taoist soldiers, abandoning mortals and replacing them with other types.Anyway, without the Wei family, the Eastern Region will be stable in the future, and there is no need for so many Taoist soldiers to guard it.

"Thirdly, the water demon is a disaster for the Eastern Territory. The Fu family will lead the three families to form a guard team. I hope everyone can send elites from the clan to eradicate the evil disaster together. Let the Liufengtang look like it used to be."

Cheng Qing and Bao Liushu looked at each other: Sure enough, the Fu family didn't stop thinking about revitalizing Liufengtang!

But Fu Danwei is only in his last few years now, and they are happy to give this face.

The big deal is to send fewer people, or find a few people with poor cultivation.

"Only these three things. If someone violates the taboo and my family finds out...in the Eastern Region, you can try to see if the old man's sword is blunt."

The three of them shook their heads one after another, saying that they did not dare.

Seeing that they were reasonable, Fu Danwei also smiled: "Since that's the case, my family's deduction of exercises will soon have a clue, and I invite you to come and listen to the lecture."

(End of this chapter)

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