
Chapter 118 Red Dragon Prime Minister Jin Lin, Help You Bai Yujing

Chapter 118 Red Dragon Prime Minister Jin Lin, Help You Bai Yujing

Beaulieu Island, end of August.

The Taiji diagram above Hongwen Pavilion gradually dissipated, and the boy in red pushed the door out.

"Finally broke through!"

After Fu Henghua retreated, Fu Xuanxing practiced with peace of mind.Vodanwei Kaien granted permission to let him use the Longmen Trial.

After the trial, he went back to Hongwen Pavilion to retreat, carefully comprehended what he saw and gained after he went down the mountain, and finally caught a glimpse of the magic of yin and yang, and stepped into the realm of the mysterious fetus.

Now the mana in his body has condensed into jade liquid, showing the appearance of "yin and yang embrace one".

Looking at the red sun in the sky, the young man murmured, "It's autumn?"

After careful calculation, it has been three months since I went down the mountain.

"It's not just autumn, it's even Mid-Autumn Festival."

The girl in Tsing Yi stood at the door, looking at him with a smile.

"If you leave customs a few days earlier, you can still taste my family's chrysanthemum wine."

"Miss Fu."

Seeing Fu Liuhui, Fu Xuanxing's eyes lit up.

"How did you come?"

"I live nearby." Fu Liuhui pointed to the green small building not far away, opposite Hongwen Pavilion.

"My aunt married the third uncle, and built a Bixia Building beside Hongwen Pavilion. I lived with my uncle and aunt when I was a child, and now I live in the Bixia Building."

Looking at the closed doors and windows of Hongwen Pavilion, Fu Liuhui sighed: "A few years ago, Sixth Brother also lived in Hongwen Pavilion. He didn't move to Langhuan Pavilion until I left Panlong Island with my second aunt."

Fu Liuhui and Fu Henghua grew up like brothers and sisters when they were young.After the death of Fu Henghua's parents, Henghua continued to live in Hongwen Pavilion, thinking that Fu Liuhui was still young.After Fu Liuhui moved away, he escaped into the Langhuan Pavilion and lived a free life of a fairy in the house.

Thinking of this, Fu Liuhui couldn't help recalling Fu Danwei's complaints to himself.

"Look, it's easier for your brother to leave now. When you were here, he greeted me every day, and he had to go back and forth from 'Hongwen Pavilion-Langhuan Pavilion'. Now, even this back and forth is unnecessary. It's moving."

"By the way, Miss Fu. I live on the east side of Hongwen Pavilion, isn't it a bit bad?"

Fu Liuhui came back to his senses, the young man scratched his head and said, "I don't know much about etiquette, but logically, the east is where the master is, so I should live in the west, right?"

"Maybe it's for Sixth Brother to take care of him nearby? The next door to you is Sixth Brother's room. You are not allowed to live in Uncle's main house on the left and right. Let's live in peace of mind."

Fu Liuhui also had doubts about Fu Xuanxing living in Hongwen Pavilion.She asked Fu Danwei in private, but the old man didn't say a word.

Later I asked Aunt Deng Lan, but Aunt Deng Lan didn't know what to say, she only said that it was the friendship of the previous generation and asked Fu Liuhui to take good care of Fu Xuanxing.

But even if Aunt Deng Lan didn't mention it, Fu Liuhui would not neglect her status as Song Chunqiu's disciple.

"You have been in seclusion since you came to the island, and you haven't seen the scenery of my house yet. I'll take you around the island and get to know the way."

Therefore, Fu Liuhui took Fu Xuanxing around Panlong Island.

On the first day Fu Xuanxing went to Panlong Island, he lived in this fairy town built among the peaks.

The fairy city is based on white jade, scattered among the peaks.The lingering white clouds and green smoke made Yucheng more immortal.

"My family's Baiyun Yujing is an ancient blueprint that my grandfather got when he was young."

Using jade as a material, it has been sacrificed and refined by secret methods, and it has the magic of floating in the air and gathering spirits.

"This is the Cangyun Jade Brick. The white jade is sacrificed with a secret spell, and then the essence of the Cangyun collected from the sky is sealed into it. This kind of jade brick is suitable for building the cloud palace and sky city for flying."

The young man stomped his feet and looked at the road paved with white jade: "It is said that during Taixuanzong, there were five cloud palaces and sky cities, which were inhabited by immortals. It's just that this white jade city doesn't seem to have a cloud base, it's more like a scattered building located among the peaks .”

"Sixth brother said that Tiancheng Yunji has another volume of blueprints. What my family got is just some architectural blueprints on the surface."

The young man looked at the pavilion among the clouds.

Similar to the "Hongwen Pavilion-Bixia Tower" where he lived, there are mostly such small groups of buildings on Panlong Island.The three pavilions and palaces are combined together, surrounded by flowers and trees, or mountain springs, which are exquisite and beautiful.

"Our Xuanwei faction is also like this. We each choose a location on the mountain, and when there are too many people, we will separate out and find another spiritual cave. But——It is not as regular as Panlong Yucheng."

The Xuanwei sect does nothing according to their will, except for the large array of guardians at the mountain gate to hold the entire spiritual vein, how to build it inside is left to the disciples to arrange.

As for Panlong Island, according to the Baiyun Jade City and Panlong Lingmai, after the architectural planning is completed, fine adjustments will be made.

The young man quietly looked at the scenery of the mountain city.

The jade road is winding, and the Hongqiao is flying over the stream.

The sun shines, and the clouds and mist glow with colorful lights.It also sets off the crystal clearness of the jade road and the magnificence of Hongqiao.

Unfortunately, no one uses it.

Fu Xuanxing saw from afar that two maidservants carrying flower baskets came down from Longshou Peak.

Not far away, there is a five-color rainbow bridge facing the opposite mountain.On the other side, there are nine winding white jade stairs.

But the two girls chatted and laughed, and came to the gossip platform by the mountain.

With a light body, the cloak fluttered with the wind, and the two women fell to the opposite jade platform.That figure is light and graceful, like a fairy flying across the clouds.

When they arrived at the opposite Yutai, the two daughters went to an antique hall.

"That's Yuxiangxuan, where the third brother's family lives."

Fuliu emblem: "In addition to the main palace where the Panlong Hall is located, there are eighteen pavilions on the island, which are respectively located at the nodes of the spiritual veins. Currently opened, there are Ancestral Hall, Danlong Garden, Yuxiangxuan, Hongwen Pavilion, Shen Xialou, Qibuju, Anri Mansion, Taohua Nunnery, Langhuan Pavilion, Jingfenglin, Lanxiangfang, Shenyushe, Xingquanwu, and Tingfengchaoyintai.”

She pointed out to Fu Xuanxing one by one, and then pointed to four buildings in the distance that were blocked by clouds.

"Those four have not been opened for many years."

Hearing Fu Liuhui say so much in one breath, Fu Xuanxing was dizzy: "This...these buildings are..."

"Mostly it's a place where people live. If you look over here, it's the Sanxia Tower, where Uncle Wu practiced."

The two walked to a jade platform, facing a nine-story high-rise building surrounded by five qi, and beside it was a sea of ​​flowers.

Surging and vast mana surged in, Fu Xuanxing looked solemn: "This is the senior who is about to become alchemy?"

"Yes, Sixth Brother said that Fifth Uncle needs more than ten years to form alchemy."

The five streams of air circulated, and the dragon and tiger pill appeared in the sky.

The two of them did not disturb and continued to move forward.

Not long after, Fu Liuhui pointed to the Dangui forest in full bloom in the distance: "This is Jingfeng Forest. Peach, plum, pear, osmanthus, plum, crape myrtle, Danruo and other flowers and trees are planted. With the circulation of the four seasons, peach blossoms, golden osmanthus They bloom in turn, forming the scenery of the four seasons, hence the name 'Jingfenglin'. Most of the people of the Fu family live here. Xingqi and Qixiang are currently here with Uncle Nineteen and Uncle Tiancang."

He took Fu Xuanxing to greet everyone, and the two continued to stroll around the island.

When he saw a group of maids and servants practicing and studying in a forest of steles, Fu Xuanxing asked curiously.

"That's the Monument of Inheritance. Sixth Brother set it up for the subordinates when he managed Panlong Island a few years ago. There are several exercises organized by Sixth Brother on it."

Fu Xuanxing originally thought it was an ordinary Qi training method.

But after throwing his spiritual consciousness, he discovered that the records on the stele of passing on the merits are all strange and miscellaneous ways of practice.

Like a gardener, he breathes the spirit of a hundred flowers and refines the essence of Yimu.There are also several spells on growing flowers and watering, weeding and catching insects.

Taoist Huogong has a method of manipulating spiritual fire and practicing Taoism.Most of them are responsible for lighting fires and cooking on Panlong Island, and taking care of the alchemy furnace.

There are also sweeping skills, carrying tripod skills, weaving clouds skills and so on.

"These weird cultivation methods are specially taught by the sixth brother for the servants. Now when people practice foundation building, they can move from Lanxiangfang to Shenyushe."

Fu Danwei compared the servants in his family to bluegrass, and hoped that they would be as good as orchids, tough, elegant and clean.So the place where the servants live is called Lanxiangfang.

"After the establishment of the foundation, he will be my family's guest. A person like Aunt Deng Lan, even our direct descendants will not dare to be rude."

This kind of confidant cultivated from under the sect is the most trusted person in the Xiuzhen family.

Fu Xuanxing nodded thoughtfully.

Similar to the Mountain Gate Guardian of the Xuanwei Sect?But the rights may be greater. Want to go out and guard the store industry?
"It's also a way forward."

Fu Xuanxing watched with his spiritual sense, and those maids and servants were talking about a master pyrotechnician who broke through the foundation last month.It is said that after breaking through, he moved into Shenyushe.Currently being dispatched to a Huifeng Island as a steward.

The two continued to watch.Stop and go along the way to enjoy the scenery of the island.

"By the way, where is Miss Tongjun? Has she come back?"

Fu Xuanxing asked her in a low voice: "Did she still hide on Luogui Island when I retreated?"

Speaking of Mr. Fu Tong, Fu Liuhui had a strange expression.

"He's back, but...you'll know later."

She brought Fu Xuanxing to Qibuju.

Qibuju was built by Fu Maiyuan and the father of Fu Tongjun.As a child, he did not want to live with his brothers.Noisy, to choose a spiritual cave in Panlong Mountains to build a house.

Fu Danwei couldn't resist, so he was allowed to build a house within seven steps.Later, this wooden house was built and it was called "Seven Steps Burrow".After he got married and had children, Qibuju was renovated and expanded to accommodate a family of four, and the name remains.

Fu Liuhui brought Fu Xuanxing to Qibuju, and looked at a sycamore tree with a person hanging from it.

"Miss Tongjun? She...how did she get hung up?"

Mr. Fu Tong was hung on the top of a tree by a golden rope, and floated back and forth with the breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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