
Chapter 123 Spiritual Views Ancient and Modern

Chapter 123 Spiritual View Ancient and Modern, Three Years of Fire Gate Transforming Demon Immortal
In Langhuan Pavilion, Heng Hua wrote the "Nine Degrees of Fufeng Immortal Scripture".

The tortoise shell is suspended above the head, and the "Xun Gua" picture is recording the aura of the avenue.

jingle jingle-

The wind chime rang at the door.

Heng Hua looked up, put down the pen quickly, and put away the tortoise shell.

"Sister, why are you here?"

Among the three surviving elder cousins ​​and sisters, Fu Henghua respected Fu Yaozhen the most, and hurriedly got up to greet him.

Suddenly, Fengmen acupoint shoots out sword energy, and evolves a sword formula in the body.

Fu Henghua had no choice but to separate his mind, use his spiritual consciousness to drive the essence of good fortune, and also condensed into a sword to fight.

When facing a battle, Fu Henghua's swordsmanship experience can be increased.Fu Danwei can be described as well-intentioned.

Unfortunately, it hurts too much!
While enduring the pain, Heng Hua shouted: "Xiao Yu, come here and serve tea to Sister."

Xiao Yu counted the books on the second floor, and hurried downstairs to prepare tea for Fu Yaozhen.

"I remember, sister likes to drink scented tea. This 'Chun Ri Chrysanthemum' is made by Xiao Yu himself, you can try it."

Inviting Fu Yaozhen to take a seat, he also walked to the tea room in the screen compartment.

Enduring the pain of the sword energy piercing the meridians, Heng Hua sat down slowly.

The woman looked calm and relaxed, holding tea in both hands and smelling it.

"Cooked with a fire spring?" The fire spring is both bamboo and drain.

Xiao Yu nodded.

After Fu Yaozhen took a light drink, Fu Henghua asked: "Did Sister see anything? Why are you protecting that bastard?"

"Then why are you targeting him?"

"Who is targeting him? I was saving him. If he fell into Mr. Tong's hands, he would lose half his life. So, I'll help him peel off two layers of skin and let him escape a catastrophe. How good it is."

Fu Yaozhen smiled: "I persuaded Jun Tong's Gu beast to retreat, and she also said it was to save people. She said that she wanted to kill Fu Xuanxing, but she acted mercifully and only took half of Fu Xuanxing's life."

Fu Henghua sneered again and again, and when he was about to refute, Fu Yaozhen persuaded softly: "Fu Xuanxing has a great relationship with my family, you two are three years older than him, don't bully him."

"Origin? What is the origin of that kid Fu Xuanxing?"

As the owner of Hongwenge, I didn't say anything, so the old man let him live in my place?
"The origin of the previous generation. It is also because of this kid that the Xuanwei faction and my family have some friendship."

Fu Henghua thought that Song Chunqiu had come to accept disciples.

Fu Yaozhen: "It's not just about accepting apprentices, the elder brother's acquaintance with Dong Moyang is also a relationship left in the early years."

"I can't see the specifics clearly. But I know that the mysterious fire fan made third uncle re-sacrifice, and there are five immortal flames inside. And these five southern flames come from the scabbard."

Dad once held the Nanming Lihuo scabbard?
Fu Henghua frowned and pondered.

"Sister, did you see that kid holding a scabbard?"

"I see. I also saw what happened to you at Erlongjian. The scabbard should be the result of third uncle's plan. Even if Fu Xuanxing doesn't sneak out this time, Senior Song will let him go to Erlongjian in the future to cooperate with you." Exterminate demons with Liu Emblem."

"Can you see what the sword is?"

Fu Yaozhen shook her head: "There are too many obstacles, and I am low-level, so I can't see clearly."

"Low? You are higher than the third brother, and you are almost catching up with the fifth uncle. Are you still low?"

As soon as Fu Yaozhen entered the door, Heng Hua noticed it.

She has completed the ninth floor of foundation building.

The Dao foundation is complete, the real fire is strong, and the barriers are blended.

There is only one step away from the alchemy.

And she is only 90 years old now!
"For my step, it took a hundred years to get a chance to make a breakthrough."

Fu Yaozhen said: "This is also the price for my spying on the secrets of heaven."


Under the guidance of Fu Yaozhen, Fu Xuanxing came to Panlong Hall for advice.

Fu Danwei looked at the boy, as if he saw the scabbard and sword in his body.

"They dare not do anything to you anymore."

With a wave of his hand, he drove the Gu beast wandering down the mountain back to Qibuju.

"Have you ever practiced swords?"

The boy wanted to say yes.But thinking of the identity of the person in front of him, he quickly shook his head.

In front of Fu Danwei, how many people dare to say they understand swords?
"Xuanwei Sect focuses on Yin and Yang. You use Lihuo and Xuanshui to study Yin and Yang. The old man will teach you a set of 'Yangyi Changfeng Sword'. Use wind to control water and fire, and distinguish yin and yang. Take care—— "

Fu Danwei replaced the sword with his finger, and the golden sword energy erupted instantly.


In Langhuan Hall, Heng Hua drank tea silently.

Regarding Fu Yaozhen's practice, he did not interfere.

Because she learned from old man Sijing, that senior will help her arrange it.

"In a sense, Fu Xuanxing is also a child of our family. In the future, the prosperity of the Fu family will not be possible without his contribution. You must not be negligent."

"Is this what sister saw?"

"Spirit Vision can only choose the one that is most likely to be realized and most beneficial to itself from among the many possibilities.

"What I saw was that I and Fu Xuanxing met for the first time in Hualianchi. When this possibility becomes a reality, the fate between the two of us will be confirmed."

Fu Yaozhen's face was so unpredictable that Fu Henghua rolled his eyes.

"It's a pity that there is no job for witches and witches today, otherwise sister would be the most suitable."

"Your wisdom is placed earlier, isn't it also a good candidate to be a magician?"

Wisdom and vision are the most important talents of the Fu family, and they can also be said to be the two most important talents inherited by Fufeng Immortal Palace.

The Ling family, Fu family, and Yin family all retain the continuation of the two major talents.

Waiting for Xiaoyu to order tea, he brought tea fruit and jade cake.

Fu Yaozhen said: "How about your grandfather's work?"

Fu Henghua stretched out his hand and handed the exercise that he just wrote to Fu Yaozhen.

"The oldest version of the Immortal Scripture has already been written. Although there are some flaws in the latter layers, it can be cultivated in general. It's just——Sister, let's see for myself."

Fu Yaozhen held up the fairy scriptures, with a hesitant expression.

But in the end it was about the safety of her grandfather, she first apologized to the direction of Sijinglou, and then saluted to the direction of Zu Daotang.

Then I read the Fufeng Immortal Sutra.

She had heard about the ninth floor of Qi Refining and the ninth floor of Foundation Establishment a few days ago.

Review it again, and quickly turn to the Jindan chapter.

She didn't look at the alchemy secret method.Go directly to see the later Jindan practice.

Suddenly, she couldn't hold back anymore.

"No wonder you want to show me this book. It turns out that the fairy scripture you deduced is the 'Nine Turns of Alchemy'?"

The way of cultivating immortals has gone through several eras.

In the initial era, monks did not practice the natal golden elixir, but only cultivated the innate qi.

Later, as the Qi of the heaven and the earth became thinner, the monks turned to refine the golden elixir of the Dao.

Nine turns of Jindan, one step to immortality.

Swallowing a golden pill into my stomach, I knew that my life was inexorable.

At this time, the realm of practitioners has the ninth level of Qi Refining, the ninth level of Foundation Establishment, and the ninth level of Jindan. After the 27th floor, there is a fairy fruit.

But because the golden elixir of the great way seizes the good fortune of the heaven and the earth, invades the mystery of the sun and the moon, ghosts and gods are intolerable, and the heavens punish and punish, there are "three disasters".

After 500 years, Jindan suffered the first disaster, and was robbed by thunder.There is no way to deal with thunder and thunder, so you can't bear it, you have to find a way to avoid it.When the robbery cloud dissipates, one's own practice will be diligent, and the imprint of soul consciousness between heaven and earth will be erased, and the life span will be equal to that of the sky.

In another 500 years, the monks were born with a catastrophe of yin and fire.From the feet to the sky, the fire burned the whole body.If you can't make it through, the thousand years of Taoism will be ashes in one day.And after passing through the calamity of fire, the fairy body is formed by itself.

In another 500 years, the catastrophe of wind will come.Starting from the Niwan Palace, this wind blows away the soul.If you survive this catastrophe, your primordial spirit will be pure yang.Combine with the fairy body, return to the clear sky immediately, and be at ease.

Therefore, the original version of "Nine Degrees of Fufeng Xianjing" only included the method of crossing the catastrophe in addition to the cultivation of the golden core.

"I have to be informed by Senior Ling that the infant transformation method of Fufeng Immortal Palace was created by the palace masters of the last five generations, and it is not smooth."

The establishment of Fufeng Immortal Palace coincided with the rise of Yuanying Dao.

The three disasters are dangerous, and the Golden Core cultivator's face changes when he hears about it.

After three generations of palace masters, they switched to Yuanying Dao one after another.

Yuan Ying Dao can live 500 years longer, and has 2000 years to deal with the three disasters.And after the three tribulations, before the three calamities, there is an extra catastrophe of turning into a baby.

This catastrophe is not only a summary of the first three disasters, but also a preview of the next three disasters.It has a sharpening effect on avoiding the three disasters.

Moreover, with the appearance of the Nascent Soul Realm, Jindan cultivators can increase their strength and reach one-tenth of the level of Tribulation Immortal.

Fu Yaozhen has seen the practice of Jiuzhuan Dan method and pointed out several flaws.

"My teacher, the old man Sijing, refused to turn to Yuanying Dao, and devoted himself to comprehending the principles of Jindan. It has been 470 years since he wasted three turns of Jindan."

The ancient nine-turn alchemy method, the fourth turn will be robbed by the sky thunder, one step into the robbing immortal, and the strength will increase a hundred times.

However, the method of Nascent Soul was a coincidence, and the Chiying was conceived with the three-turn Golden Elixir, which increased its strength tenfold.After another 500 years of practice, he will use Yuanying to attack Jiexian, and his strength will increase tenfold.

"The old man is still afraid of the thunder disaster like a natural enemy, let alone his grandfather now? Even if the grandfather returns to his prime, if he wants to deal with the thunder disaster, the chance of winning is only [-]%."

"So, I negotiated with the Great Elder. According to the ancient method of nine transformations, research the Nascent Soul system that is suitable for the present. But——"

Fu Henghua frowned.

The odds are too low.

With the help of the Xun hexagram, it will take five or six years for myself and Shenluo Tianshu to deduce.

After Fu Yaozhen listened, she closed her eyes and concentrated.

When he opened it again, his eyes were as bright as stars.

After a while, her eyes hurt and she quickly closed them.

"Grandfather proves the way with the ancient method, and the probability is lower than that of the master. You can learn from the experience of the master, and the chance of winning with the ancient method is increased by [-]%. And if you break through with the method of transforming babies, the success rate is [-]%.

After Fu Yaozhen adjusted his breath, he opened his eyes and said: "I saw that you have successfully deduced the exercises. But the exercises are only one aspect. We want to increase the success rate of grandfather. We need to start from the outside."

"The elixir? The rest of the ingredients are about the same. This time, there is the elixir from the Wei family, which is enough to make twice. It's just that the main medicine of the three flavors is troublesome."

Fu Yaozhen: "Xuanjin Ginseng has already attained the Tao, and it is destined to my family, so it is natural to vote, there is no need to deliberately look for it.

"The Tianyue Spirit Mushroom is not hot enough, if it is infused with Zhouguang Shenshui, it can increase the lifespan by 500 years."

"Zhouguang Shenshui is one of the nine real waters in the world. This rare product? Where can I find it? Can it be done with the four scenery?"

After thinking about it, Fu Yaozhen hesitated and said: "If the Fu family work together to operate the 'Nine Wind Formation', try to increase the years for the Tianyue Lingyao. And replace the Zhouguang Shenshui with Taiyin Zhenshui, it should be feasible."

Taiyin True Water is also one of the Nine Great True Waters.

It's better to find Zhou Guang Shenshui.

"Sanguang Shenshui can also be used."

"The same are the nine true waters. Zhouguang Shenshui is hard to find, and the other two types are not easy to get."

Fu Henghua shook his head: "Eternal Flint is still real. The Broken Yuan Pill I sent back cannot be used. I need to go to Huomen Island. Sister, can this trip go smoothly?"

"You will travel with Fu Xuanxing in three years, and you will get the Eternal Fire Stone. But before that, you need to improve your cultivation."

Fu Yaozhen said solemnly: "This line of work is very troublesome. With demon sects and water monsters obstructing, even I can't protect you two."

"Auntie is going too?"

"My spiritual vision is more useful than your wisdom in avoiding bad luck. If I go with you, the chance of surviving is greater."

Fu Yaozhen has already noticed about the Six Desire Demon Orb.

"Before going to Huomen Island, you must upgrade your cultivation to the third floor of Foundation Establishment."

She knew that Huomen Island and his party were not only related to grandfather's eternal fire stone, but also related to her younger brother's life path.

Fu Henghua had a great catastrophe on Huomen Island.

If you can't keep your heart, the Fu family, no, the whole Yanlong will usher in a bloodbath.

Even the Xuanming Demon Palace is about to welcome its biggest opponent - another Demon Emperor.

As for the result of Fu Henghua becoming a demon, Fu Yaozhen couldn't see clearly.

That future is shrouded in endless clouds.

The fate of Huomen Island was imminent, and it was almost crushed by the magic pressure.

"For the past three years, I will play the piano every day to help you practice."

Fu Henghua's eyes became strange.

"Sister, look at your attitude. Will I be in trouble in the future?"

There is nothing deep about Fu Yaozhen's taboo.

"Some things are more troublesome to say. At that time, I will walk with Senior Zhou, and I will be able to protect you."

Zhou Xiao?

Heng Hua raised his eyebrows: "The Six Desire Pearls are not destroyed?"


"I have the calamity of transforming demons?"


Heng Hua smiled and said: "I'm not a fool. Fu Xuanxing is traveling with me, and Senior Zhou is also there. Let's go to Huomen Island, presumably it's the bead, right?
"A mere little pearl can disturb my mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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