
Chapter 124 Magic performance, star observation and fate prediction

Chapter 124 Magic performance, star observation and fate prediction

Xiaoyu sends Fu Yaozhen away, and returns with a worried face.

Fu Yaozhen talked to Fu Henghua, but did not avoid her.

A confidant like her is closer than ordinary brothers and sisters.Fu Yaozhen also hoped that she could assist her to prevent Fu Henghua from becoming a demon.

"Relax. The mere Six Desire Pearls won't harm me."

"If the young master is really not afraid, back then when he was on the Cailuan spirit boat, he would not have held the Xuanhuo fan all the time and used Nanming Lihuo to suppress his mind."

Heng Hua looked at Xiao Yu in surprise.

This girl found out?

"Where are the Hengshou people?"

Heng Hua avoids the important and ignores the minor, and changes the topic.

"He went to help set up the podium. Three days later, the Great Elder explained the "Fu Feng Xian Jing" to the three monks——Young Master, don't change the subject. You must be careful about the Six Desire Demon Orb."

Fu Henghua was silent.

The Heavenly Demon lineage is very secretive.Heng Hua studied the "Wanhua Zizai Heavenly Demon Sutra", and was naturally watched by the demons in the world of desire.

Therefore, his foundation-building catastrophe is the catastrophe of ignorance and delusion, which involves the spirit.

"Go get Papa's diary, I'm going to read it again."

Xiaoyu understood what he was thinking, and went upstairs to fetch the bookcase.

Open the box, inside is "Hongwen Diary" left by my father.More than 20 copies are arranged according to the number.In addition to Dad's daily life, there are also various cultivation experiences.

If it is said that Fu Henghua's sorcery comes from the inheritance of his mother's dowry mahogany box.Then his first enlightenment to magic arts was his father's handwritten diary.

30 years ago, after his father died, he packed up his belongings.From Dad's diary, I saw the record of my father's dealings with Moxiu.

Sporadic and trivial, mentioning some magic kung fu practice tips and restraint methods.

Back then when he studied the Heavenly Demon Art, he relied on his father's diary.Because in the diary, it mentions a spiritual cultivation method that is more advanced than the "Wanhua Zizai Tianmo Jing".

"The way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking while damaging what is enough. The way of man is to make up for what is not enough when it is damaged."

This is a mantra from the heavenly scriptures of ancient times. Someone used it to thoroughly understand the magic art, and practiced a supreme heart method that devours the sky and the earth.Even Tianmo Dao's supreme heart method "Wanhua Mogong" is a bit weaker.

Mysterious true policy.

In the past, that person relied on this mental method to traverse the thirteen waters, unite all the demons, become the emperor of the demon emperor, and fight against the great immortal sects.

In the diary, Dad and a friend surnamed Jiang discussed the two ways of immortals and demons.

The two mentioned this mantra from the heavenly scriptures, and explained it from the perspective of the two ways of immortals and demons.The essence of the way of magic that the friend surnamed Jiang said is the content of the "Xuanming True Strategies" handed down by the Devil Emperor himself.

Heng Hua picked up a pen and copied what the man surnamed Jiang said.

Then pick up NO.16, and write down the summary of another two-person discussion.

Xiaoyu sighed when he saw Fu Henghua researching the magic strategy.

In order to guard against the Six Desires Demon Orb, instead of studying the higher-level magic way of mind, isn't this going further in the wrong direction?

But she also understands that Fu Henghua's research on Xuanming's true strategy cannot be stopped by just a few words.

Back then at Erlongjian, Heng Hua used the Eight Diagrams Furnace method against Luo Shenkong.The method of refining vitality was borrowed from "Xuanming True Strategies".

An hour later, Hengshou returned to the Langhuan Pavilion.

Seeing Heng Hua studying the manuscript, he tiptoed over and dragged Xiao Yu away.

"What is the young master studying?"

Xiao Yu pointed to the book case on the table.

"Magic policy?"

Xiao Yu nodded.

"It's better than magic anyway."

Hengshou waited for a while, and when Fu Henghua stopped writing, he handed the two books to him.

"Young master, look. It was sent by the family, and it is said to be the Wei family's collection."

Those are two organ atlases made of red copper.One is written "Qi" and the other is written "Jiu".

"Dragon Palace Illustrated Book?"

Xiaoyu immediately fetched the "No. [-]" mechanism map that recorded the "Golden Crab's Complete Soldiers".

Heng Hua put the three atlases together to check and study.

"That's right, it's a sub-volume of "Dragon Palace Illustrated Book"."

"Dragon Palace Organ Illustrated Book" was created jointly by Yanshi in Shenzhou, and it is a collection of puppet art.It is said that the complete set of ten volumes can build the Crystal Palace and create an army of Dragon Palace.

Number three is mostly made by some agency sailors.

Number seven is a boat, ranging from a dragon boat to a small carp boat.

No. [-] is a small mobile building built on the back of sea turtles and sea beasts, similar to the Bao family's rune tower technology.

"You can copy these two books later and send them to the clan for study."

Suddenly, Heng Hua turned to a page recording "White Dragon Boat" illustrated book.

He pondered: "Three years later, I will go to Huomen Island to experience the demonic calamity. Although I don't think I will become demonic, it is always good to be more prepared."

Before manpower, Henghua needs a ship.

"Go and say hello to the shipyard and change the chasing cloud boat into a white dragon boat."


Three days later.

After Fu Xuanxing finished his sword practice, he looked in the direction of Danlong Peak and sighed.

"That's right, the elder of the Fu family gave a sermon today, and Miss Yao Zhen also went to listen to the sermon."

In the past two days, he chose the sword practice platform under Danlong Peak to practice, and he could hear the melodious piano sound floating from the peak from time to time.

A sharp cry suddenly sounded, and three Gu carvings fluttered their wings down.

The yin and yang wind together, the Gu carving throws a hundred feet.

The young man said loudly: "Miss Tong Jun, let's entangle for three days, can we stop fighting?"


The girl's humming echoed in the sky, and the Gu beast reappeared.

Fu Xuanxing gave up the entanglement, turned around and walked out.

In the past three days, Fu Henghua was busy preparing for his trip in three years, and he didn't want to trouble Fu Xuanxing.

But Mr. Fu Tong still refused to give up, even if Fu Danwei personally warned, she would send Gu beasts to seek Fu Xuanxing's bad luck from time to time.

The two chased and fled, and came to the animal garden around Ri'an Mansion.

The four Pengming brothers and sisters are watching the beast.

The female beast, Shuyun, was lazily lying in the bamboo forest, with a basket of bamboo shoots and young bamboos beside her, and she was eating comfortably.

The cub, Qingfeng, lay on its mother's belly, crawling slowly, and from time to time, it nuzzled the debris that fell from its mother's belly.

The mother and son came to Panlong Island for a while, and the little days can be described as extremely comfortable.Heng Hua personally spoke and sent someone to prepare a large bamboo forest for the mother and son.

In addition, there is a basket of miscellaneous grains and five catties of fresh fruit every day.

The four brothers and sisters often come to see the beast, and also prepare food for the mother and child of the beast.

In the distance, Fu Xuanxing and Fu Tongjun chased and fled.They looked up, and then continued to watch the beast.

"Hey, you guys saw it, so help me stop it."

The four pretended not to hear.To stop Mr. Fu Tong?They're not itchy yet.

Sisters Sitong and Xiantong even made faces at Fu Xuanxing.

Fu Xuanxing sighed, and turned to look for Fu Liuhui.

But Liuhui hugged Qilei, sat in front of a waterfall, and listened to the preaching of the great elder with the wind sound technique.

Fu Xuanxing looked at it, and it was inconvenient to disturb, so he simply returned to Hongwen Pavilion.

"Miss Tong Jun's Gu beast is powerful, but there is a forbidden method arranged by Brother Fu here, which is specifically aimed at Gu Dao."

Unexpectedly, Fu Xuanxing saw a man who shouldn't be here at the "Astrology Platform".

"Brother Fu Liu? Didn't you go to the sermon meeting?"

"I know the things my great-uncle told like the back of my hand, so there's nothing to listen to. What's more, I can hear them standing here."

The sound of the wind from the Fu family allowed many children of the Fu family to listen to Fu Ruiying's preaching without having to go to the wind platform.That's why the four brothers and sisters of Pengming were able to watch the beasts in the zoo, and Fuliuhui took Qilei to relax at the waterfall.

"So, you are deducing the secret here?"

Mr. Fu Tong came in from the outside.

Gu beasts are hindered by the forbidden law and cannot break into Hongwen Pavilion.

Mr. Fu Tong simply put away the Gu worms, carefully avoided Hongwen Pavilion's trap for her, and came to the astrology platform.

"What is it?"

Naturally, it was the catastrophe three years later.

Heng Hua smiled and nodded, without answering.

Seeing her, Fu Xuanxing quickly hid behind Fu Henghua.

"Are you going to hide behind him? I'm afraid you forgot, and he's planning to trouble you too."

"If I really wanted to torment this kid, I would have closed the Hongwen Pavilion and sent him to Qibuju, and let you torture me."

Heng Hua: "It's just passing on a talisman for my grandfather, how can I be serious?"

Are you so generous?

Fu Tongjun looked at Fu Henghua with a half-smile.

Seeing that Fu Henghua was not angry, Fu Xuanxing breathed a sigh of relief: "I knew that Sixth Brother Fu is broad-minded and won't be as knowledgeable as me."

"Well, it's enough to be haunted by nightmares for seven days and seven nights." Fu Henghua patted Fu Xuanxing on the shoulder casually, and the nightmare technique penetrated into his body.

I knew it.

Seeing Fu Xuanxing's dumbfounded look, Mr. Fu Tong couldn't help laughing.

"This guy believes in 'It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge'. He has always been unhappy in doing things, and he has to go round and round all day long. If you offend him, you may not know when he will hurt you."

"You slander elder brother so much. You don't want "Book of Seven Gu Jue Immortals" anymore?"

With a flick of Heng Hua's fingers, the colorful haze flew to Lord Fu Tong and turned into a jade butterfly.

She took Yudie.

A exercise was brought into mind.

Huaxian, Qingxian, Sleeping Immortal, Zhenxian, Huanxian, Burning Immortal and Feixian.

All the Seven Immortal Gus need to be advanced with Spirit Gu, and each Gu insect has its own magical effect.

Immortal Transformation Gu refines the five elements, which is the embodiment of mana cultivation.The Love Immortal Gu refines the seven emotions and six desires into a Gu, which can collect the thought power of all living beings to strengthen one's own soul.

Sleeping Immortal Gu can make immortals sleep drunk; Suppressing Immortal Gu can suppress and seal immortals; Illusory Immortal Gu can create illusions that even immortals can't see through;

At present, Heng Hua has finished rehearsing the method of refining Fei Immortal Gu, and specially informed Mr. Fu Tong.

First practice Golden Cicada Gu, then transform into Spirit Gu "Six-Winged Golden Cicada", and finally promote to Immortal Gu.

"Golden Cicada Gu?" Mr. Fu Tong pondered.

The golden cicada escapes its shell, the golden cicada Gu is the "replacement peach charm" of Gu Dao, it is very precious.

"To refine the Six-winged Golden Cicada, it is best to use the bloodline of the Six-winged Cicada as Gu lure from the beginning, but it is not easy to find."

"I know a place that has it."

Mr. Fu Tong understood: "So, you deliberately taught me the Golden Cicada Gu, hoping that I would help you with this trip? You want to make a life-changing Gu?"

Heng Hua smiled without saying a word.

That's right, he doesn't plan to go out and run around, he wants to practice at home with peace of mind.But be prepared for trouble three years from now.

Ships, people, and all kinds of auxiliary life-saving things.

No one is more suitable than Mr. Fu Tong to collect and make Golden Cicada Gu.

Mr. Fu Tong looked at Heng Hua, and vaguely understood something: "It will be done. Count it as your reward for helping me deduce the exercises. If you need anything else, let's talk about it together."

"For the rest, forget it. By the way, you can help find out the whereabouts of Zhouguang Shenshui. Grandpa can use it."

At this time, Bai Guang suddenly crashed into Heng Hua's arms.

Seeing the jade rabbit, he smiled and said, "You can also look for the real water of Taiyin."

His so-called Taiyin True Water is not an inferior version of the moonlight refinement on Yutu Island.It's the true water of the moon that was born naturally by the moon star and brought back to the world by the immortals.

According to the standards of Tiancaidibao, there is a gap between immortal and spiritual products.

That kind of real water that contains the aura of the Dao can freeze thousands of miles with just one drop.

"Taiyin water? I really know that thing. I have a friend, and her family has it. If you are willing to spend your money, I can help you get it."

Fu Henghua lowered his head for a moment, then shook his head: "Then there's no need."

He jumped off the astrological platform with the jade rabbit in his arms: "You two continue to fight."

While listening to the sermon in Fengyin, Heng Hua walked towards the Langhuan Pavilion.

When he returned to Langhuan, he took out the jade talisman left by Dongfang Yunqi, and passed on some of his experience on the Heavenly Book.

Taiyin Zhenshui, a friend of Mr. Fu Tong, then I might as well ask Xianzao Palace directly.

 It has been repaired.

  "Donglai Miscellaneous Notes": The lineage of the Xuanming Demon Palace claims to be "the Temple of Xuangong" and calls the owner of the palace "Xuandi".The world doesn't know his name, but his surname is Jiang.Also known as "Devil Emperor River".

  There are thirteen magic halls and 72 altars under the magic palace.The predecessors were all the great sects of the Shenzhou Demon Sect, or the method of refining gods and demons, or the method of refining yin and evil spirits, which is very different from Yuanshen Dao.After being integrated with the Demon Emperor Jiang, it became the Xuan Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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