
Chapter 125 Chan Jing passes on the book, Yuehua refines Yang and returns to Taiyin

Chapter 125 Chan Jing passes on the book, Yuehua refines Yang and returns to Taiyin
In Xianzao Palace, Dongfang Yunqi watched the sun and concentrated.

The Taiyin Tianshu uses the "moon" as its symbol, but it is a practice of yin and yang.Dongfang Yunqi is trying to refine the qi of the sun into the true essence of Taiyin through the cultivation of Taiyin.

Of course, this kind of kung fu will get twice the result with half the effort, and it is far inferior to absorbing the yin energy at night.

But the essence of sunlight flows through the meridians, and Dongfang Yunqi likes the warm air very much.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes.Yuluan is hurrying to Jinguilin with the jade talisman in hand.

"That boy Yanlong sent the news, is it deduced from the Heavenly Book?"

"The Heavenly Book is profound and obscure, how could it be completed so quickly?"

The girl raised her stiff hand and held the jade talisman in it.

The densely packed words coming from inside are not the Taiyin Heavenly Book, but Henghua's perception of the Heavenly Book during this period of time.

"The book of heaven is self-contained? Doesn't it perfectly fit the heaven and the earth?"

The girl was puzzled: "That's not right, my father mentioned it. The founder of Yusheng Pavilion created the "Heavenly Sacred Jade Seal" to reduce the error to zero and make it a heavenly book."

She wanted to reply to the message, but the jade talisman was thousands of miles away, and her accumulated spiritual power had been completely exhausted because of this message.

However, Fu Henghua left an article on refining spells behind his comprehension.

"Silver Huachan Jade Mirror?"

Seeing the principle and function of this artifact, she immediately asked Yuluan to prepare the refining materials.

"Do you want a refiner?"

"Yeah, I haven't tried it since I was a child. Now I can finally try such means as refining weapons and making talismans."

Asking someone to fetch the refining materials, Dongfang Yunqi forged the bronze mirror herself without allowing others to intervene.

But her technique is rough, and the surface of the copper mirror is full of bumps, making it unusable at all.

Picking up another piece of jade, she tried to make a jade mirror.

After a few days, I don't know how much material was damaged.

Shangguan Xiaoyue heard about her daughter and secretly came to visit her.

Seeing the girl happily refining the weapon in the house, she didn't go in to disturb her.

It has been many years, and my daughter has finally been able to move, so some materials are nothing.

After seeing it, she quietly walked out of Chaoyun Pavilion and asked Yuluan: "You said, it was Yanlong Fu's boy who sent the weapon refining method?"


Yuluan hurriedly handed over the weapon refining technique passed down by Fu Henghua to her.

"The jade mirror? A mirror that reflects the light of the moon?"

As the lord of one party, Shangguan Xiaoyue immediately sensed the broad prospect of further reform of this principle.But she held back.

So what if you take it out and sell it?
No matter how many fortunes Xianzao Palace has acquired now, can it be kept in the future?

She sighed sadly.

In the future, if I fail to cross the catastrophe.What should this girl do?
Thinking of her entanglement with the Demon Palace all these years, Shangguan Xiaoyue was even more worried.

For her daughter's illness, there is no cure for immortality, so she turned to magic and secret methods.Therefore, the contact with Yusheng Pavilion became more and more shallow.For the sake of my deceased husband, I opened my eyes and closed my eyes.But if she is not here, this girl will be in a difficult situation.

Dongfang Yunqi didn't know that her mother was worried.

I played with refining equipment happily for a few days, and the night of the full fifteenth moon is coming.

She hastily took a ready-made mirror, refined the jade talisman into it, and hastily recited the "Jade Chant" three hundred times.When night falls, hold the mirror in both hands under the moon.

The moonlight and the mirror light responded, and somehow sensed another mirror thousands of miles away.

Staring at the mirror, a blurry figure appeared inside, and a row of gold characters floated on the mirror.

"I'm casting the Faith of the Moon God, wait a moment."

Faithful to the Moon God?To help Xiangu Jin break the spell?
Dongfang Yunqi thought about it, put the mirror aside, picked up a copy of "The Legend of Dong Xia" and looked through it.


September fifteenth, night.

The full moon hangs high in the sky.

Silver light sprinkled the whole island, and Heng Hua stood on the top of Kangong's lone peak, drawing the moonlight all over the sky.

Jin Xian'e sat on the altar, staring intently at the moonlight floating down from the sky.

There are three white jade cups in front of her, which are the moon dew condensed during the full moon of June, July and August.

With Henghua waving the dust whisk, Yuelu flew out from the three white jade cups, and turned into three white phoenixes whirling around Jinxian'e.

Heng Hua was busy with various things in the past few months, so he didn't have time to help Jin Xian'e purify the "Curse of Changing Soul and Returning Yin".Therefore, he ordered Xiaoyu to collect the full moon jade dew for three months, and on the fifteenth day of the ninth lunar month, he broke the "curse of turning the soul back to the yin" in one breath.

At this time, Chan Yujing in her arms sent out a response.

After talking to Dongfang Yunqi, Heng Hua continued to cast spells.

Seeing this, Jin Xian'e smiled and said, "I'm not in a hurry. If you have other things to do, you can do it first."

"The fairy aunt's business has been dragging on for a long time. Tonight, your business is the most important thing. Duh—"

With fingers close together, the three white phoenixes exploded at the same time, shattering the spell in Jin Xian'e's body.

The yin and yang energy is purified little by little under the moonlight.

The white light flickered, and the jade rabbit ran to Heng Hua and circled around Xiangu Jin.

It curiously stretched out its forefoot to touch.

But seeing the lunar moonlight drifting away, I jumped away in fright.

"It's not a problem. Now the Taoism has taken effect, and the spell on Xiangu's body has been purified by the moonlight. You can touch it, it's not a problem."

Yutu blinked and wandered around excitedly.

After half an hour, Jin Xian'e felt that the restraints in her body disappeared, and she finally returned to her original form without a spiritual plan to cover it up.

"It's done!"

Regardless of Heng Hua's presence, she dissipated the appearance of the spirit map and checked her body.

Seeing her excited appearance, Heng Hua turned his head.

After the spell dissipated, the jade rabbit lay motionless on the ground, with a strange shadow pattern appearing on its back.

Heng Hua was about to take a closer look, but the shadow lines disappeared by themselves.

Waiting for Xiangu to calm down, Heng Hua congratulated Zhou Xiao and Liu Xu who were watching from a distance.

Jin Xian'e accepted everyone's congratulations with a smile on her face, and said to Heng Hua: "You help me out of my troubles today, and I owe you a big favor. If you have something to ask in the future, I will definitely help you with all my strength."

Heng Hua immediately proposed that Jin Xian'e should go to Huomen Island in three years' time.

Zhou Xiao's eyes flashed, but he said nothing.

"Fire Gate Island?"

After Jin Xian'e thought about it, she readily agreed.

"But right now I have lifted the curse, and I have to leave for a while. Three years later, I will rush to Huomen Island. Heng Hua, since you can help me break the curse, then..."

"Xianggu invites people directly, and I will arrange it."

Jin Xian'e's Taoist companion was also tricked.Now that Xiangu has broken the curse, she naturally hopes that Heng Hua will help another person break the curse.

Because she was rushing to find Daoyou Sun, Jin Xian'e didn't stay and left that night.

Before leaving, he specifically asked Heng Hua for the spiritual map.

"Xiangu has recovered, do you still need these things?"

"Lingtu's changing clothes are simple, exquisite and novel. I plan to play with some sisters when I go back."

Hearing this, Heng Hua asked Heng Shou to fetch 24 pictures of beauties from the Langhuan Pavilion, and presented them to Jin Xian'e.

Just as Jin Xian'e was leaving, Liu Xu hurriedly shouted: "Xianggu, I will go with you, can you take me back to the central region?"

Heng Hua: "Brother Liu Dao is leaving too?"

"It's Zixuan's business, I should have gone back. Tonight, I learned another course of 'Luan Yue Shen Xin Yin', and I gained a lot."

Liu Xu has indeed gained a lot these days.

Although it is not convenient for Henghua to help him deduce the exercises because of the orthodox family.But with Zhou Xiao's consent, he directly gave him the "Qingxu Yuehun Jue", and repaired it according to Liu Xu's physical signs.

Not only for Liu Xu, but also for the entire Shenyue Sect.

Seeing that Liu Xu was about to leave, Jin Xian'e took him back to the central region, and then went to the Jinfang waters to find his companion.

After seeing the two off, Heng Hua took out the "Jade Mirror" and contacted Dongfang Yunqi.

After a while, Dongfang Yunqi replied, mentioning the "Heavenly Sacred Jade Chapter".

Is the heavenly book in Yusheng Pavilion a heavenly book with zero error?how is this possible?

Heng Hua immediately used the Taixuan Heavenly Book and the Tianfu Sutra created by himself as examples.

With the help of moonlight communication, the two exchanged their views on the heavenly book.

When the moonlight faded, the two reached a consensus and had a reasonable guess:
If the legend of Yusheng Pavilion is not bad, then the patriarch of Yusheng should have had an epiphany at a certain moment after he had achieved success in cultivation.At that moment, a heavenly book that perfectly fits the law of heaven and earth was created.

But with the passage of time, this heavenly book gradually deviated from the operation of the world's ten thousand qi, and finally fell from the list of heavenly books.

And because of the speculation of the two, there was a brand new concept.

The operation of Taiyin Shu, Taixuan Shu, Huiyuan Gong, and Baji Shu all use their own Taoism to sense the outside world instead of directly comprehending the outside world.

So, is there an eternal book that perfectly fits the present and the world and changes with the continuous evolution of the world?

Will this heavenly book be better than other heavenly books?
For this possible heavenly book, Heng Hua defined it as "the right heavenly book".

Dongfang Yunqi thought about what Heng Hua had said, comparing Zihuang Pavilion and Yusheng Pavilion, it seems that what these two sects are pursuing is this book of supreme Tao that fits the current situation.

At this time, the moonlight began to dissipate, and the mirror was about to sever contact.

"Miss, do you know that there is a way for Taiyin cultivators to maintain their skills permanently."

Dongfang Yunqi was refreshed.

The lunar book fits with the lunar star.

Under the night moon, the combat power doubled.Even in the dark days of each month, the blessing of Yuehua is weakened, but it still has a bonus.

Fighting in the daytime, the fighting power is on par with other immortal families.

At night, I am the only one under the moonlight.

Even the immortals of Taixuanzong were not willing to fight against the descendants of Taiyin in Yeyue.

But Taiyin Tianshu has a huge flaw.

During a lunar eclipse, the power of the Taiyin is suppressed, and it is the weakest moment for the descendants of the Taiyin.At this moment, the light ones fell to a great level, and the heavy ones lost all their mana.

"Do you have a way to save me from a lunar eclipse?"

"It's very simple. A lunar eclipse is a celestial phenomenon in which celestial bodies move. At that moment, you can't feel the moon in the sky. Then make a moon. If an oriental girl makes her natal magic weapon into a 'lunar star', she can keep her magic power at its peak forever." .”

Even, Fu Henghua gave Dongfang Yunqi a means to maintain the blessing of the sun during the day.

"Returning to the sky and returning to the sun. In ancient times, there was also a saying of returning to the sky and returning to the moon. If a girl cultivates the golden elixir, she must use this Tiangang method as a special research direction. As long as she masters this great supernatural power, even in the clear and blank day, she will still be able to recover." It can reverse the rise and fall of the sun and the moon in a small range, so that it can be permanently at its peak. This spell can also be applied to lunar eclipses."

This is how Grandma Taiyin responded to the lunar eclipse during the Shenzhou period.

There are records in Fufeng Xiangong.

"On the fifteenth day of the month, there will be a lunar eclipse. Miss Dongfang prepares a 'moon star' as soon as possible, which can confirm my conjecture."

One month later, Dongfang Yunqi took the "Lunar Star" made by her mother to confirm Henghua's hypothesis.

Wait for another month, and continue to communicate with Heng Hua in November.

After this exchange, Heng Hua raised a new question.

Dongfang Yunqi was about to ask, but Chan Yujing stopped working.

Look at the sky, it's dawn.

"Is this guy here to whet my appetite?"

But Dongfang Yunqi really cared about Heng Hua's last question.

Looking in the mirror, except for that sentence, there is no other news.

For this reason, Dongfang Yunqi had to wait until the next full moon night to continue chatting with Heng Hua.

 There are [-] monthly tickets, and I plan to add more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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