
Chapter 128 4 Jingshan Ferry

Chapter 128 Sijing Mountain Ferry
The scenery of Sijingshan Ferry is completely different from that of Cangjian Island.

Hidden Sword Island is an earthen island convex platform. Back then, ten cultivators joined forces to combine several Huifeng Islands to upgrade the spirit veins to the inferior first-grade "Jade Sword" spirit veins.This spiritual vein gave birth to a secret sword mound, which can raise swords all over the world.

The Sijing Mountain Ferry is transformed from the Lingshan Mountains in Shenzhou, with quiet pines and cypresses, fragrant flowers, and trickling mountain springs surrounding the mountains as jade belts.

Standing at the gate of Sijingshan Ferry, breathing the aura here feels very different from that of Hidden Sword Island, or even the entire area of ​​hot water.

Fu Xuanxing said: "The aura of Yanshui is mixed with fire and fire poison. The aura of Hidden Sword Island hides a bit of sharpness in its thickness. But Sijing Shandu is elegant and indifferent, more like our Golden Buxian Island."

Heng Hua looked at Sijing Shandu, and suddenly smiled and said: "When Senior Sijing becomes a robbery immortal, this mountain's spiritual vein will be upgraded, and it will be a Buxianzhou."

Zhou Xiao looked at Sijing Shandu and nodded slowly.

Sijing Shandu seems to be an inferior first-rank spiritual vein, but it hides eight inferior second-rank spiritual veins.The Organ Terrace, Chess Flower Valley, Xueshu Peak, and Huayue Lake each seal two spiritual veins to form a Kowloon game.

"The nine veins are united, and the achievement is a middle-rank three. Because the scale of the mountain crossing is not large, and with the enlightenment of Jiexian, it is indeed comparable to the grand scene of the fairy family in Buxianzhou."

The four came to the foot of Sijing Mountain, and Fu Yaozhen came out to greet them.

"Master has retreated and cannot see guests right now. I will show you around."

Fu Yaozhen took the four of them to the organ platform where they practiced.

The organ platform is to the east of Sijinglou. Lingshan protrudes a ten-foot-high boulder, which was cut into a high platform by great magic power.

Fu Xuanxing walked to the stage, watching the Xuanfeng blowing up from the mountain stream below, his clothes fluttering.

Fu Henghua looked around carefully: "Sister, is this where you usually practice the piano?"

"Yes, I use the sound of the zither to strike the sound of the wind. A few years ago, Fang managed to use the sound of the zither to influence the sound of the wind, so that the Xuanfeng in the mountain stream could be ordered by me."

"There is someone down here!"

Fu Xuanxing stood on the edge and shouted, Heng Hua walked over to have a look.

Down the cliff, there are protruding rocks and green pines everywhere.Several monks in Tsing Yi sat on it and practiced holding the piano.

The lineage of Qin Xian comes from Yue Dao, and they use Qin as their natal magic weapon. The tunes they play are blessed with true energy and have their own attack ability.If you can find a "spiritual score" specially used for Le Dao, the performance of the spiritual music will be even more powerful.

Most of the monks of the Fu family like to practice the piano as an elegant pleasure, and there are many guqin scores handed down in the family.After the old man Sijing accepted Fu Yaozhen as his disciple, the family collected hundreds of sets of spiritual records, and Fu Danwei personally checked and deliberated, compiled a copy of "Fu Qin Baiqu" and gave it to Fu Yaozhen as a spiritual practice.

Of course, this spiritual book is also used as a practice item of the Fu family for the members of the family to read.

Heng Hua looked at those people, shook his head and said: "These people can't practice well. After two days, senior will cross the catastrophe. They can't defeat senior's incarnation of Qin Xian."

Fu Yaozhen's eyes flashed: "Master's method of crossing the catastrophe, have you seen it?"

"When you come to the organ platform, you will understand the method of crossing the catastrophe of Senior Sijing."

As the monks built the foundation, a little spiritual root condensed on the tide of vitality in the sky, which was in harmony with the heaven and the earth.

After casting the golden elixir of the Dao, Daogen turned into a ray of soul consciousness and imprinted it on the world.

Therefore, the first of the three plagues came.Lock on this ray of soul consciousness brand, and carry out endless thunder disasters on the monks.

Its purpose is to erase the existence of beings whose realm is higher than that of golden elixir and steal the inspiration of heaven and earth.

The way of heaven is ignorant and ignorant, but it is also impartial and selfless.How could it be tolerated that monks swallowed the spirit of heaven and earth, and one person seized the inspiration of good fortune from tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of people?

How can the catastrophe dissipate by itself after dozens of shots are fired?
The catastrophe is the repulsion caused by the cultivator reaching the upper limit allowed by the heaven and the earth.

As long as it is between heaven and earth, there will be endless calamities of thunder and thunder, and it will never end at all.

The only way to fundamentally erase the imprint of soul consciousness is to make it impossible for heaven and earth to be locked, and the sky thunder will naturally disperse.

"Senior Sijing accepted apprentices based on the four excellent arts of 'Qinqi, Calligraphy and Painting', and set up four scenery with 'Fenghuaxueyue'. When he crossed the tribulation, the entire 'Sijingshan Ferry' turned into a huge tribulation barrier to resist the thunder.

"Then, he cut out the cause and effect of his own obsession, and formed four incarnations to hide in the four scenes. Next, sister, you try to break the four incarnations and help the seniors 'disarm'. This move will help Senior erases the imprint of the soul consciousness between heaven and earth. In this way, senior can safely evolve the fourth turn of the golden elixir."

"Yes, this is Master's plan."

The old man of Sijing has received numerous apprentices, and selects those with outstanding talents for further studies.It is to let them defeat their four incarnations when they are crossing the catastrophe, so as to deceive the world and get rid of the brand of soul consciousness.

"No matter how bad the incarnation of Senior Sijing is, he still has a golden core cultivation base. Is my sister sure to defeat the incarnation of Qin Xian?"

"Master's four incarnations have settled in the four sceneries, and they will compete with us in the four arts of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I dare not say that I can beat the master in the piano. But with the help of the wind from the organ platform and my comprehension of the piano, I can barely beat the master. Respect once."

This time, it is enough.

"Which song will Sister play?
""A Thousand Mountains Like Green" or "Hua Xing Qiuyue"?"

"A song about you."

Fu Yaozhen looked at the organ platform.

"It's windy and cold here, and I've long wanted to renovate it."

Transformation?Did you arrange "High Mountain and Flowing Water" into a spiritual spectrum?
There is also a special line of work as a "spiritual spectrum teacher" for arranging spiritual spectrums.Not only for instruments such as qin xian, shengse, zither and flute, but also spiritual scores.

But the spiritual spectrum master himself is also a master of the Tao of music, and he must use music to enter the Tao and cultivate immortals, so most spiritual spectrum teachers are part-time monks of the Tao of music.

Heng Hua once combined the piano score of the previous life and the spiritual notation method of the present life to rearrange the famous songs of the previous life.However, due to lack of energy, it was later abandoned.

When Fu Yaozhen came to Sijinglou to practice, Heng Hua packed all those things for her.


After seeing the organ stage, Fu Yaozhen brought everyone to Qihua Valley.

Hundreds of flowers are enchanting, dancing with the wind.

The monks in black and white robes sat and talked with each other.

Heng Hua and Zhou Xiao roughly scanned it and frowned at the same time.

Zhou Xiao: "Girl Yao Zhen, these are the only chess masters in your family?"

Fu Yaozhen sighed quietly: "I know what the senior wants to say. But there is no one who wants to beat my master with a chess record. There is no such thing as my three Yidao brothers who were driven crazy by the master a few years ago. gone."

Going crazy while playing chess is not uncommon among chess immortals.

Heng Hua dabbled a bit in this matter, shook his head and said: "I don't even think about it, how many years has Senior Sijing been immersed in this way? Ordinary people can still rely on their physical and mental advantages when they were young, but we cultivators—"

Could it be that he intends to exhaust the mental and physical strength of a Golden Core cultivator?
Seeing Qihua Valley, Heng Hua suddenly stopped expecting anything.

"Don't worry, we have already prepared. We will form a team to play chess with the master. We have tried it. Using this method, we can barely win three games within ten games. And when the catastrophe comes, It only takes one round."

Fu Yaozhen greeted everyone, except for two or three monks who came forward to respond, the other monks ignored them at all.

Then go to Xueshu Peak, where there is only one silver-clothed man sitting on Xueshu Peak.

A pen floated beside him, writing tiny red letters on the snowflakes.

The pen walks the dragon and the snake, and the iron draws the silver hook.

Those scarlet characters aroused the power of heaven and earth, and the wind and snow suddenly increased.

Fu Yaozhen greeted him from a distance, the man glanced at him, nodded slightly, and then continued to write in the book.

The way of the book is close to Fuxiu and Magician, but the practice is simpler and more straightforward.

Understand the "innate red text" from the world, and manipulate the laws of the world by writing such characters that symbolize the operation of the Dao.

"Is this actually a Golden Core cultivator?"

"This is Senior Brother Ji. He is an early disciple of the Master, and his attainments in calligraphy and writing have already become alchemy."

Zhou Xiao nodded in admiration: "In terms of Chiwen's attainments, you and I are far inferior to him."

"Isn't that what it should be?" Heng Hua muttered, walking towards Huayuetan first.

Fu Yaozhen: "This level is the easiest. The master will melt the avatar into the pool and turn it into a moon in the water. Whoever can draw the water moon in the avatar of the master can defeat it and destroy that soul consciousness. "

Heng Hua stared at the few people on the bank.

Several monks in brocade robes sat by the water and drew the moon.Also ignore Fu Yaozhen and his party, and focus on painting.

"Brother Ji Dao said that he once met three fellow Danqing painters. Maybe the old man Sijing is one of them?"

However, none of the disciples trained by Old Man Sijing were qualified.

When Heng Hua saw what they drew, he really had a feeling that I could do it too.

After watching the four scenes, he and Fu Yaozhen went out.

"Sister, Senior Sijing has cultivated disciples for many years, but there is no one with higher attainments in chess and painting?"

"Yes, the Qixian lineage is higher than the three senior brothers, and there is also a Jindan senior brother. But his mind is not right, and he tried to get Sijinglou involved in the battle in the Baiyu waters. He was expelled by the master 20 years ago.

"The senior brother in the painting has been cultivated by the master for many years. It is said that the age of entry is still above senior brother Ji. He left in the early years and disappeared. Later, the master cultivated the line of spiritual painters, and it was always a bit difficult. This This time, another golden core monk has been specially invited to help.

"Dr. Ye Long has been painting dragons as a hobby all his life. His ambition is to draw a real dragon with the color of his soul."

Heng Hua was speechless for a moment.

"Drawing a dragon? If you draw a real dragon, don't you eat the painter himself first?"

After staying at Sijingshan Ferry for two hours, Heng Hua returned the white dragon boat.

After closing the door, he told Xiaoyu: "The day after tomorrow, you will keep an eye on elder sister. If something happens, hurry up to protect her. By the way, protect a few more Qinxiu. If Senior Sijing fails to cross the tribulation, Sijing Building will be dismantled."

Walking on the island, Fu Henghua could feel the gap between the four veins of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.It seems that everyone is not very familiar with the relationship.

If the old man Sijing is gone, the Sijing Building will be disbanded immediately.At that time, Fu Henghua also plans to bring a few more Qin Xiu back to Fu's house to practice "Hundred Jue Qian Killing Formation" together.

This is the piano score of fairy music handed down from Fufeng Immortal Palace.More than a hundred qin masters practiced at the same time, and the sound of the qin pierced through the nine heavens and ten places, killing the enemy thousands of miles away.

If the Fu family can release this set of piano scores, they can easily kill the water monsters in the Eastern Region.


On October [-]th, it is advisable to break ground and install doors, avoid marriage and pray for blessings.

On the first day after the heavy snowfall, Yanshui didn't feel the slightest bit of chill.

Rolling heat waves continue to hit the reef shore driven by the warm wind.

Heng Hua took Xiao Yu and Heng Shou to sit on a viewing platform on Hidden Sword Island.

There are dozens of similar viewing platforms, and Du Huaiyuan even charged the Golden Core monks from the Four Sects.

They were allowed to go to Hidden Sword Island to watch the ceremony only after paying the venue fee.At the same time, he will also provide tea, melon and fruit services.

Fu Xuanxing came across the waves from Sijing Mountain.

"Uncle Shi didn't come over, he said he wanted to watch Senior Ji practice Xiantian Chiwen at Xueshu Peak."

"Then leave him alone."

Heng Hua looked up, the thunderclouds were billowing, and the purple electric lights jumped in the clouds, and they had locked onto the highest point of the Sijing Building.

"here we go."

(End of this chapter)

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