
Chapter 129 Thunderstorms, 4 Scenes, 4 Crazy Fights, 4 Arts

Chapter 129 Thunderstorms, Four Scenes, Four Idiots, Four Arts
The robbery cloud pressed down with the force of destroying the city, and the electric lights continued to gather and intertwine.

boom -

Finally, with a thunderclap, the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation began.

The four-color light of blue, red, white and black emerges from Sijingshan Ferry.Relying on the four scenic spots including the organ platform, the mountain guard formation is in operation, and the thunder is offset by the power of wind, flowers, snow and moon.

Heng Hua squinted his eyes, secretly running Heluo gossip calculations.

Fu Xuanxing heard the exchange of two monks on the viewing platform not far away.

"In addition to the defense, the four-view formation seems to have absorbed part of the thunder."

"But this method can't last long. The formation established by our monks has an upper limit. With the continuous bombardment of the sky, the formation is bound to be broken down."

"So, you need to erase your soul consciousness before that."

Xiaoyu also heard the discussion over there, and asked in a low voice: "Master? How long do you think the formation of Sijinglou can last?"

"One day and one night are all right."

Heng Hua closed his eyes, thinking about the Fu family's lightning protection method.

The Fu family chose to counteract the three calamities of heavenly thunder and calamity with good kung fu.

"If it is the current level of thunder tribulation, with my Fu family's accumulation of good fortune for thousands of years, I can survive it safely. From this point of view, if my grandfather chooses the ancient method, it is not impossible to operate it."

If Fu Danwei chooses the ancient method, then Fu Henghua and Fu Ruiying only need to make slight adjustments according to the Jiuzhuan Dan method, and derive the exercises thousands of years ago according to the current vitality.

At worst, it will take another three to five months to continue experimenting with the jade figurines, and it will definitely be successful.


The dense sky thunder blasted towards the four sceneries sky wall.

Inside Sijingshan Ferry, Zhou Xiao looked at the thunder in the sky.

Feeling the power of the thunder, he was calculating his own power of thunder disaster.

"My golden elixir is definitely weaker than this one. And the imprint of life has been recovered, so the chance of becoming an alchemy is very high."

After calculation, Zhou Xiao gained three points of confidence.

Then, he went to see Ji Yunshu compete with others on the way of writing.

On the snow peak, there was an extra snowman opposite Ji Yunshu.

Every time Ji Yunshu wrote an innate scarlet script, another scarlet script appeared in front of Snowman.

The two collide and cancel each other out.

It's just that when offsetting, Ji Yunshu didn't have enough control over certain scarlet texts, and would be shocked by the Snowman's mana and retreat frequently.

Of course, the snowman will also collapse a little because of some red marks.

"Ji Daoyou should be able to hold on to Taoism through calligraphy. The real trouble is the other three scenes."

Zhou Xiao probed into Huayuetan with his spiritual sense.

Master Ye Long leads a group of spirit painters, who are painting the moon in the pool.

There is a painting with a quiet and elegant water pool and a faint and broken last quarter moon.

There is a painting depicting a goose-yellow moon with a special spiritual color.

There is also a painting, which shows the moon in the sky and the mirror image of the moon in the water.

Although the conception is ingenious and the painting skills are super-vulgar, in Zhou Xiao's view, the artistic conception of the incarnation of the water moon has not been drawn at all.

As for Master Ye Long——

Seeing the moon he painted, Zhou Xiao was speechless: Does this fellow Taoist like drawing dragons so much?Obviously the moon is the theme, but a coiled silver dragon is drawn in the center of the moon disk.

"Oops—not good, the old problem happened again."

Master Ye Long came to his senses and quickly started painting again.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xiao's heart turned cold.

Then go to Qihua Valley, the sea of ​​flowers is full of fragrant wind, and the petals in the sky are condensed into a figure.

The three chess masters on the opposite side set up a stance, and actually let the flower shadow avatar play against the three of them at the same time.

Behind the three chess masters, there are many chess masters who are arranging and calculating. Some people even projected Huaying's chess moves to Hidden Sword Island, asking the monks on the island to help them break the moves.

"The power of the crowd? Although the idea is good, it may not work."

Finally, Zhou Xiao's spiritual sense came to the organ stage.

Fu Yaozhen sat alone on the stage, her dress wrinkled by the wild wind of the mountain stream.

There is a Guqin in front of her, with a water jade pearl embedded in one end, which looks like a swan.The other end is engraved with the word "Autumn Water".

This Qin is a gift from the young generation of Panlong Island who spent money together and presented it to Fu Yaozhen when she was 50 years old.

With a light flick, the melodious sound of Zhuquan hitting the water can be heard leisurely.

"Master, my song is called "Feng Lei Yin", please advise."


The sound of the piano suddenly sounded, and a thunderbolt in the sky was inspired to fly into Qiushuiqin by itself.

Afterwards, the sound of the wind rang out from the mountain stream, and joined the sound of thunder in the smooth sound of the zither.

At this moment, the whole organ stage became Fu Yaozhen's weapon.All the wind and thunder are composed by her as the sound of the piano.

In the strong wind, the vague figure clapped in surprise:
"Okay—good—as expected of the teacher's most proud disciple of the Qin Immortal."

The whistling of the wind reverberates in the four scenic mountain streams, and the ditches and valleys are used to form echoes, forming a song "Tianfeng Eighteen Tones" imitated by natural wind sounds.

The sound of the wind and the sound of the wind and thunder are facing each other, trying in vain to regain control of the organ stage from Fu Yaozhen.

Fu Yaozhen's face remained unchanged, and he played the piece calmly, resisting the wind spirit attack of the old man Sijing.


Fu Henghua sat on the viewing platform, closed his eyes and deduced the fate in Sijing Mountain.

Suddenly, he looked at the chess game projected by Chess Flower Valley.

One chess player vomited blood on the spot and could no longer play against Huaying.

Soon, another chess player filled in.Facing the faster and faster pace, he could only rely on the deduction of the people outside the arena to cope with it.

In the end, the round failed completely.

The chess game in front of him turned into a vast world, suppressing his soul.

"It's not good. The fighting skills of this lineage of chess immortals are so dangerous? If you fail, you will be completely suppressed? Can't even the soul escape?"

Afterwards, several other chess masters also failed one after another and were suppressed into the Tiandi Chess Game.

When everyone was discussing at the viewing platform, three crazy people ran over and played chess with Huaying.

Xiao Yu's heart skipped a beat: "These three people were mentioned by the Fourth Miss, those three senior brothers who have gone crazy?"

Although they were crazy, the chess skills of the three of them were indeed very high. They cut off most of the flower shadows and lost many obsessions of the old man Sijing.

Du Huaiyuan looked at the shadows of the flowers shrinking, thoughtful: "Duan Daoyou is obsessed with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. When he became enlightened, his obsession with the four arts became an obstacle. Therefore, he cut out the four obsessions. Only in the four arts of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting Only if he is satisfied with the item can he be considered as a real 'winner'?"

At this time, a ship sailed slowly from the north.

A taoist priest stood at the bow of the boat, and he said loudly: "Master, your later disciples are useless, no one can accompany you to the heaven and earth. Why don't you let the disciples play chess with you, if I win, you Give up the position of the owner of the Four Views."

Seeing this person, the surrounding crowd discussed.

Heng Hua immediately understood.

This person is the chess repairer Ji Moyi who was expelled from the gate by the old man Sijing.Like Ji Yunshu, they are all Golden Core cultivators.

"From this point of view, sister's cultivation may be the weakest among the successors of the four arts."

With a thought, Heng Hua secretly drove Xin Yuan to sneak into Sijing Mountain.

Hearing "Feng Lei Yin" on the organ platform, Heng Hua smiled.

"This is a coincidence!"

He passed the two hexagrams Zhenxun in "Bajishu" to Fu Yaozhen.

"Sister, study hard and integrate into your Fenglei Yin."

Shock is thunder, sunda is wind.These two hexagrams expound the principle of natural wind and thunder, and Fu Yaozhen perceives the mystery, which is consistent with "Feng Lei Yin".

Thunder and gale, majestic.

The girl cleverly borrowed the power of the thunder from the sky to overwhelm the wind, and suppressed the obsession of the old man of Sijing.

However, her power can only be suppressed, but it cannot really resolve the "Qin's madness".

"My Fenglei Qinyi doesn't enter the golden core. The Zhenxun Ergua that I borrowed from my younger brother is also not as good."

But if the other three obsessions dissipate, Fu Yaozhen can take advantage of that flaw to forcibly destroy the fourth obsession.

"So, sister now has to wait for others to succeed first?"

Xinyuan returned to Niwan Palace.

The chess master on the boat was still shouting, but there was no response from the Sijing Building.

In Chess Flower Valley, all chess masters were suppressed by Tiandi Zhenlong.

"If you call Potian, Master Duan will not open the door for you."

On the water, Ji Mingfeng strolled over.

Looking at the chess master Ji Yun, he shook his head and said, "Your chess strength is no good, no good."

Xihaitu sacrificed, and two huge waves drove the chess player into the water.

Ji Mingfeng came to Fu Henghua.

"Brother, Master Duan has become a Taoist, may I invite you to visit the Valley of Chess Flowers?"


Heng Hua smiled wryly: "Brother, although I know a thing or two about all kinds of arts, but it's just a little bit, let me solve Chess Flower Valley? Impossible, impossible."

He has self-knowledge, his chess strength cannot win.

"You can't, but someone can."

Ji Mingfeng pointed to the sky: "The two of Erlongjian, please come and help me."

As he said that, he handed Heng Hua a scroll of drawn spirit map.

Then Ji Mingfeng walked up to Sijing Mountain in a cool and unrestrained way.

"Huh? How did he get up there?"

Ji Yun came out of the water, saw Ji Mingfeng entering Sijing Mountain, and hurriedly followed.

But just as he approached, he was pushed by a burst of light and fell directly dozens of miles away.

Heng Hua hesitated and stood up slowly.


Xiaoyu and Hengshou spoke in unison.

"Don't worry, I cherish my life very much."

Heng Hua opened the spirit map, but it was Ji Mingfeng's calligraphy and painting of Erlongjian landscape.Look at the color, at least a hundred years.

"Brother Fu Liu, if you can't break it, let's forget about it?"

"I really can't break it, but as Brother Ji said, you can ask for help from outside the field. Anyway, it is always a good thing for my family to have an extra robbery master. Grandpa may be able to invite a reinforcement in the future to overcome the robbery." .”

 The monthly pass for May will be updated!
(End of this chapter)

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