
Chapter 130 Breaking through ignorance and slashing thoughts, Golden Elixir 4 transfers to Jiexian

Chapter 130 Breaking through ignorance and cutting thoughts, Jindan turned into Jiexian four times
Henghua came to Sijingshan Ferry on the waves.

The sky thunder bombarded the barrier above, and the broken thunder and lightning shot down into the water one after another.

Although Heng Hua avoided the thunder with the seven-star celestial step, but the thunder and lightning passed by, people still couldn't help but exclaim and worry.

Standing in front of Sijing Shandu, Heng Hua looked at the outer defense of Shandu.

The brilliance of the four colors of blue, red, white and black coincides with the principles of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

The cyan radiance plays the sound of the organ; the red radiance is made of thousands of flowers, arranged vertically and horizontally according to the chess pieces;

"The four arts attract the power of wind, flowers, snow and moon. To cross the mountain, you must also borrow the power of these four scenes."

Heng Hua pointed to Yujian.

"The waning moon, blowing snow, and broken flowers."

Three swords come out together, and the sword of "Feng Hua Xue Yue" resonates in Sijing Shandu.

"Huh? Brother Fu Liu's swordsmanship is much better than it was three years ago?"

Looking at the viewing platform, Fu Xuanxing saw this sword and reckoned, "It's about [-]% of the third brother's level."

Heng Hua likes to be quiet and doesn't like to move, and even for activities, he prefers handmade products such as miniature carvings, and is not very interested in fighting and killing.

When he was young, he didn't show much talent for swordsmanship.

But after three years, Fu Danwei personally forced him with "Sword Qi Entering the Aperture".Heng Hua's swordsmanship level improved rapidly under the blessing of Hui Xin.

Now, he has been able to extract the sword intent from the various sword tactics he has learned.

With a swipe of the right hand, the light door appears on the four-color light screen.

Just as he was about to walk in, Xiaoyu and Fu Xuanxing exclaimed from behind: "Be careful up here!"

Suddenly, a thunderbolt fell overhead.

Heng Hua waved a sword.

The thunder light blasted into the nearby waters, and Heng Hua saw the roar echoed by the thunderclouds in the sky.Groups of thunder spirits condensed in the air, and the true shape of the thunder beast appeared.

Now, that thunder beast is eyeing Heng Hua covetously.

"Thunder Chi, Thunder Beast, no good! We must hurry up!"

There is no end to thunder, and under the gathering of many thunders, there will naturally be thunder spirits born.

Thunder Beast, Kui Niu, Lei Peng and even Thunder Dragon.

The Ultralisk born today is just the beginning.

Heng Hua quickly fled into Shandu.Seeing the opportunity, Ji Yun also followed Heng Hua into Sijing Mountain Ferry.

The thunder beast galloped down from the sky, and the light gate quickly disappeared.


It is blocked out.

Looking at the barrier, Heng Hua secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After Ji Yun came in, he looked at the same scenery as before, and laughed: "Junior, it's not your turn to be a chess master, so sit at the door with peace of mind. After a while, Lei Jie will recede."

He went straight to the Valley of Chess Flowers, saw the shadows of the flowers whose chess obsession had dissipated a lot, and said with a smile: "Master, it's better to let the disciples help you solve the soldiers."

Sitting across from him unceremoniously, a white jade chessboard appeared above his head, but it was his talisman.

"Tiandi Zhenlong Bureau!"

The silver lines rising vertically and horizontally on the chessboard, one area of ​​heaven and earth enveloped the two of them, and gradually expanded to the entire Qihua Valley.

"This man must be too anxious."

Heng Hua shook his head and came under a pine tree.

"500 years of fire, you can try it."

He patted the tree trunk with his fortune essence: "Change".

The big tree shook, and the green pine suddenly turned into a green bull, mooing.

Fu Henghua stepped onto the green bull, tapped the corner of the board: "Go to the organ platform."

Qingniu is enlightened by magic, and has no intelligence.It was Xin Ape who was the rein control that allowed him to walk steadily onto the organ platform.

The thunder is rumbling, the wind is rustling, and the piano is melodious.

When Heng Hua came over, he noticed that the sound of wind and thunder had come to an end.

The next moment, Fu Yaozhen turned the piano and played the first two verses of "Feng Lei Yin" again, attracting the power of wind and thunder.

She looked at the bull riding boy who came up from the mountain path.

"What are you here for?"

"Look around. Sister, how long can you hold on?"

"The other three parties must resolve their obsessions before I can eliminate Master's Qin Chi incarnation. Probably, I can persist for three hours."

Heng Hua looked at it for a while, tapped the corner of the board, and headed to Xueshu Peak.

Seeing Fu Henghua, Zhou Xiao's face changed, and when he was about to scold him, Henghua said first:

"I didn't want to come, but Brother Ji asked me to crack Zhenlong."

Henghua's spiritual sense looked at Qihua Valley.

Ji Yun himself is on the verge of falling, and has already fallen into a disadvantage.

"I will enter the Chess Flower Valley later, and play against chess idiots. Senior, I will leave this to you to watch."

"You? Are your chess skills better than the old man Sijing?"

"It can't compare, so I asked for foreign aid."

Heng Hua spoke loudly to Ji Yunshu on the snow peak:
"Senior Ji, I'll send a signal in Qihua Valley later, let's refine the Four Idiots together, how about helping Senior Duan escape?"

"not good."

With a cold face, Ji Yunshu struggled to write Dao Chi Wen with a spiritual pen.

"I won't wait for you. You have to make time, follow me."

"Alright, senior will deal with bookworms later, please send out a signal."

Heng Hua winked at Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao nodded: "Don't worry, I'll watch."

Heng Hua finally came to Huayuetan on a green bull.

Several spirit painters have given up their pens.

After seeing their paintings, Ji Mingfeng shook his head and said, "Haven't you ever wondered why the aura of the Four Scenery that Master Duan evolved with the moon is black?"

Heng Hua: "Brother Ji dragged me in, how confident are you in dealing with painting idiots?"

"Ten percent."

Ji Mingfeng didn't use paint, paper or pen, he only used his fingers to draw the outline, the real essence gathered above the pool, and a black moon appeared.

Xuanyue then showed a little silver light, which simulated the moon phase theory, changing little by little from the moon phase on the first day of the new year.

Heng Hua suddenly smiled and said: "Since we want to draw the moon, how can we only draw one side. You must know that the moon is a celestial body and stars."

Master Ye Long stopped writing after Ji Mingfeng arrived.

He asked curiously, "If it were you, how would you paint?"

Heng Hua thought for a while: "A black rabbit."

"Mysterious rabbit?"

Master Ye Long looked at his painting, closed his eyes and meditated.

Heng Huafu was in his heart, and immediately said: "I discussed Danqing with Brother Ji before, and I studied it later.

"A spiritual painting is nothing more than a triple realm.

"It is said that a mountain is a mountain, and water is water. Copying the entity, painting the entity so lifelike, and even coming alive from the painting, is considered qualified."

Together with the sleeves and gowns, good fortune zhenyuan was put into those volumes of semi-finished products.

A round of water moons vacated from the scroll, stayed in the air for a while and then dissipated.

"The second is that mountains are not mountains, and water is not water. No longer clinging to the skin of reality, but to paint the soul as bones. As long as you can paint the artistic conception, it will naturally appear in the world."

Heng Hua grabbed a brush and drew a blue mark with Lingyuan Yancai.

The traces are tall and straight, like a pine.

The green cow mooed, and the blue mark fell to the ground, forming a big pine by itself.

"As long as you capture the meaning of the painting, it is a qualified spiritual picture."

Master Ye Long smiled slightly: "That's right, that's right, a picture is a spiritual picture. Why should I stick to the moon disk? Who said the moon has to be round? In my eyes, the moon is also a dragon!"

Suddenly, he picked up three paintbrushes, swayed his colors, and drew another silver dragon.

The dragon's two horns are curved like a crescent, and a jewel is inlaid on its forehead like a full moon. The scales on its body shine like moonlight and flowing water.

Heng Hua looked at the picture, then at the painting idiot in the pool, and shook his head slightly.

This is just the Taiyin that Senior Ye Long comprehended, not the Water and Moon phase of the idiot.

Master Ye Long apparently forgot his reason for coming.

When he became interested, he continued to use the pen to transform the dragon.

A blue mark was sprayed on the green pine painted by Heng Hua.

"This is a dragon!"

The green pine turned into a blue dragon and flew into the sky.

A streak of yellow color fell on the ground, and the yellow dragon flew into the sky.

"Haha—everything in the world is a dragon."

The colors are splashed, and the dragons fly into the sky.

Some colors were even splashed on the painters nearby.

Infected by Yan Caizhong's painting, the words of Master Ye Long echoed in their ears: "You are also dragons."

Several monks immediately took off their robes and turned into golden dragons soaring into the air.

After a while, Master Ye Long's mana dissipated, everyone returned to their original state, and hurriedly put on their clothes.

Daoist Ye Long was still not satisfied, and looked at Heng Hua.

Heng Hua hurriedly said: "Senior, I'm not interested in transforming dragons."

"I just want to ask you, what is your so-called third realm of Linghua?"

"Naturally, it is 'mountain for mountain, water for water'."

Without waiting for Heng Hua to answer, Ji Mingfeng said: "The Dao returns to its original nature, that's why."

He threw Xuanyue in his hand into the pool.

"Master Duan, please—"

Black Moon plunged into the pool, and immediately the pool rolled, and a long sigh echoed faintly.

Duan Sijing's ray of soul consciousness escaped into Xuanyue and was entrusted by Ji Mingfeng in his hands.

"My dear brother, hurry up and go to Qihua Valley, I'll wait for you to break Zhenlong."

At this time, Ji Yun has been defeated by Huaying Chess, and his soul is suppressed in Tiandi Zhenlong.

"I don't know much about chess. If you insist on letting me, a beginner, break the game, my brother will really make trouble for me."

"If you do Master Duan such a big favor, he will naturally benefit you in the future. Not to mention, there are thousands of books in the Sijing Building. You can ask him for rubbings."

Heng Hua heard the words, kicked the green bull, and immediately came to Qihua Valley.

Another "Sword of Wind, Flower, Snow and Moon", covering the valley with flower petals, isolating Zhou Xiao and others' consciousness.

Riding a bull into the flowers, Heng Hua sighed softly when he saw the chess player stumbling around in the flowers.

"People in the world compare Yiqi to 'Wooden Fox', and it's true."

Mu Yehu said that Go is changeable and fascinating, just like a demon spirit fox.

When he came to Huaying, he saw the three lunatic chess masters, and Heng Hua shook his head frequently: "Entering Taoism with art, turning madness into madness, is no longer a fairy way, but a demon."

What the immortal way seeks is a pure mind, a carefree mind.

If you are attached to a certain thought, the self-attachment will be deep, and the Taoist heart will be confused, and the demon nature will be born.

In the past three years, Henghua has improved a "Tianmo Wanmiao Collection" based on the remnants of "Xuanming Magic Strategy" and "Wanhua Zizai Tianmo Jing", and now he is very sensitive to demonic nature.

If he wanted, he could easily pull these three chess masters into the magic way and become his own demon servants.

Likewise, he can save people.

Stretching out a finger, Wu Guang pierced the eyebrows of the three of them, helping them sort out their spiritual thoughts.

Huaying Chess Crazy: "You come to play chess with me?"

Heng Hua got off the green bull.

The blue cow immediately turned back to the green pine.

"Senior," the young man said, "I don't know much about Zuo Yin, so I don't dare to compete with the senior. Can I ask the senior to make a move and let me arrange Zhenlong, and then you will break the game?"


Chess obsession is the result of old man Sijing's obsession with chess. He claims to have read the remnants of chess games in the world, so of course he will not object.

Heng Hua sat on the ground, put the Shenluo Tianshu in front of him, and flicked it lightly.

The tortoise shell turned into a chessboard, densely packed with starlight.

"Nine Xuantian Star Formation? Are you the Taoism of the Tianyi Sect?"

"This is my XingXiu chess game. Everyone in the world says 'Yi is also called Star Array'. I turned my natal magic weapon into a chess board and specially practiced a chess game."

Heng Hua laid out the chess record according to the fairy-magic formation in Erlongjian.

"Senior is white, I'm black. Now, it's my turn."

The sunspot fell, and the devil energy surged on the chessboard in an instant.The chess idiot seems to have fallen into the world of desire, surrounded by many demons.

"You confuse my mind with the way of the devil, let me subdue the devil with the law of the righteous way?"

Qi Chi sneered, and immediately followed the stars, dropping a piece.

The white pieces are connected, the starlight is circulating on the chessboard, and a group of heavenly demons suddenly collapse.

Heng Hua fell again, and the demonic energy reappeared, overwhelming Xingguang.

The two have a son, just like the battle between the fairy and the devil in Erlongjian in the past.

Heng Hua secretly sacrificed the "Erlongjian" map given to him by Ji Mingfeng.

Two rays of light moved in the sky, and two more lights and shadows appeared around Heng Hua, helping him play chess together.

"Jiuxuan Tianyi's arithmetic and the art of inspiration and spirituality are Taixuanzong's methods."

The old man Sijing once cast his obsession with chess obsession, and when he saw the two people beside Henghua, he suddenly realized something.

"This kid used the method of the stars to bring back the memories of Kai Yangzi and Luo Shenkong, the two seniors. Use his two chess skills to confront me?"

Both Kaiyangzi and Luoshenkong are divination masters, proficient in sitting and hiding.

Under the combination of the two, Qi Chi exhausted a lot of energy, and was soon suppressed by Heng Hua, gradually falling into a disadvantage.

But Heng Hua was not in a hurry to practice and kill chess idiots. He silently comprehended the "Treasure of Heavenly Demons and Myriad Wonders", and manifested the six thieves of his own eyes, ears, mouth, body and mind.

Heart Ape appeared immediately, beat the six thieves to death one by one, and turned them into Jin Gong's body.

In other words, this is not only helping the old man Sijing to practice, but also helping himself to practice.

As the two played chess, the Hundred Flowers Jade Dew in the Valley of Flowers flew towards Henghua little by little, and transformed into the essence of good fortune, starting a cycle of luck.

After a while, seeing that he could no longer make a move, Huaying Chess Chess sighed softly: "Your chess skills are very poor, far inferior to the old man."


"But you have expert advice in this round."


"Use the records in Xingtian to pull memories into the human world to form temporary phantoms. How did you do it?"

"Senior Taixuanzong's secret method, Senior Zhou mentioned it by accident, I thought of it by accident, and I will know it by accident."

Taixuan Induction Method, Jiuxuan Tianyi Arithmetic, Dingyuan Xingxing Xinjue plus Liangyi Reversal Mantra.

Putting these four sects together, one can display the secret of Taixuanzong's "Taixuan Star Determination Art".It can change fate against the sky and resurrect the dead.

Although Heng Hua couldn't get the last two.

But when Zhou Xiao helped Fu's family deduce the map of the world's ten thousand qi, Heng Hua saw from him a little bit of Taixuan Dao veins to survey the stars.The Liangyi Reversal Curse involves the "reversal of yin and yang" in Tiangang method.

Without the genuine spells from the Xuanwei Sect, Heng Hua can figure it out by himself through the Tiangang method.

As for the taixuan induction method, Heng Hua's inspiration technique is the core.

The spell Heng Hua is using now is a simplified version of the "Taixuan Star-defying Fate Art" that is forcibly cast using several patchwork versions.

Although the resurrection of the dead cannot be achieved, records can be extracted from the stars and the memories of all living beings can be projected back to the world.

boom -

On Xueshu Peak, a red light rose through the sky.

"I'm done, get ready!"

Hearing Ji Yunshu's call, Heng Hua immediately activated the Shenluo Tianshu.

"Senior, please become enlightened."

Heng Hua cupped his hands slightly, and the demonic aura on the chessboard scattered the chess idiot incarnation.

When painting Moon Lake, Ji Mingfeng shattered Xuanyue.

"The teacher and I have a little kindness, this time helping the teacher to achieve enlightenment, the karma is exhausted."

Organ platform, "Feng Lei Yin" to the last section.

The thunder subsided and the wind stopped, and finally the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed.

Wisps of red clouds emerged from the organ platform, and Fu Yaozhen sent Qin Chi back for a thought.Continue to play another song "Yangchun".

The spring light is light and the vitality is full of auspiciousness.

The cold wind faded from the organ platform, replaced by sunshine and spring, full of vitality.

The four obsessions dissipated, the brand of soul consciousness engraved between the heaven and the earth by the old man Sijing disappeared, and the sky thunder lost its target and slowly retreated.

"Haha-haha-500 years of practice, I have finally reached this step."

The golden Yuan Dan sprayed out from the roof of the Four Views Building, and the magic power exploded in the sky with a bang.Yuan Dan catches up to Jieyun and devours a group of evolved thunder beasts and thunderbirds.

The golden elixir turns around four times, and the robbery is first completed.

At that moment, the people in Sijing Mountain, Hidden Sword Island, and even the entire Yanshui felt a majestic coercion of mana.

Heng Hua quickly took out the Shenluo Heavenly Book, and recorded the scene of Jiexian becoming enlightened.

Ji Mingfeng silently took out the scroll, and painted a picture of the old man becoming enlightened in four scenes.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Heng Hua.

"Boy, you have a good talent and can inherit the old man's chess skills. Do you want to worship the old man as your teacher?"

  "Tianyi Yixian Biography" records 33 strange fairy spirits who have achieved success in Tianyi's history.


  "Green Bull Immortal Thirteen Different Immortals":
  According to legend, Fu Sheng was in Sijing Mountain, and when he helped Yixian Duan Sijing go through disasters, he lit pines and cypresses as cattle.Five hundred years later, the pines turned into green cattle.In Sijing Mountain, he was taught by the immortals, and he gained the Tao after thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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