
Chapter 131 Spiritual Map Transformation, Find the Red Box in the Library Building

Chapter 131 Spiritual Map Transformation, Find the Red Box in the Library Building
Another apprentice?

Heng Hua politely declined.

Duan Sijing didn't care too much.

He was not a person who liked to raise apprentices, and the reason for accepting apprentices was to cross the catastrophe.Now the apprentice Henghua is in charge of someone from the lineage of Sijinglou Chess Immortals.

It doesn't matter if the other party doesn't agree, he can just find someone later.

Duan Sijing first repaired Shandu's damaged formation, and then asked people to revive the unconscious person.

As for Ji Yun, he just threw it out of Shandu, pretending he didn't see it.

"Yao Zhen, take your younger brother to the Sutra Pavilion. Let him read and transcribe whatever book he likes."

Duan Sijing then thanked Master Ye Long for his help.The real person shook his head: "I didn't help anything, but this little friend enlightened me a little bit, comprehending the essence of spiritual painting."

Look at Ji Mingfeng again.

Ji Mingfeng cupped his hands in congratulations, Duan Sijing sullenly brought the former abandoned disciple into the Sijing Tower.

Watching the two leave, Heng Hua thought thoughtfully: "I never thought that Daoist Ji is actually from Sijinglou."

Fu Yaozhen: "I have been in Sijing Tower for many years, but I have never heard of this person. Presumably, he left Sijing Mountain very early."

"That person has stayed in Sijingshan for a total of 100 years."

At some point, Ji Yunshu came.

After mentioning one sentence, he stopped talking to his siblings.

Master Ye Long asked him to rest, and he left.

This person's temper is colder than Hengshou's.

Heng Hua shook his head, and followed Fu Yaozhen to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Push the door in, and there are rows of antique mahogany bookshelves in front of you.On the right side of the hall, there is a tea room where people can read books.

Heng Hua looked at the decoration, and subconsciously looked at Fu Yaozhen.

She smiled slightly: "I modified it according to the Langhuan Pavilion.

"The Sutra Pavilion has five floors. The first floor is the classics of mortals. We practice the four arts of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and read books of mortals here to find inspiration. We set up a tea room like the Langhuan Pavilion."

Heng Hua walked in, and two bookboys came out to greet him.

These are two spirits, similar to Long Jinling.Born under the influence of spiritual energy, he has the lifespan of a spirit person, his growth is slow, but his cultivation qualifications are not high.

"Qiu Tong, Chun Xia, you two step down, I'll entertain you."

Fu Yaozhen asked Shutong to continue guarding, and took Heng Hua around the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

"Master has practiced for more than [-] years. He is the first group of monks after Fuzhou. Most of the exercises and books he collected are from the Shenzhou era. Especially these mortal books are now orphaned."

Heng Hua picked up a book, and the yellowed pages were protected by the magic spell of the fairy family, which has not been damaged for thousands of years.

This is the book about farming for mortals.

From the history of agriculture 3000 years ago to the most advanced technology 500 years ago.It lists all kinds of agricultural tools and farming methods, and a lunar calendar is attached at the end.

Heng Hua wrote down the lunar calendar and compared it with the Shenzhou model for verification.

"Only this book, if our family got it in the early years, can also use the lunar calendar to calculate the solar and lunar weather movements of that year."

I opened another book about weaving, and there were several drawings of spinning wheels on it.It is more advanced than Yanlong's current mortal use.

"The value of these mortal books may be more precious than ordinary cultivation methods."

Fu Yaozhen nodded: "After the continent was overthrown, except for our house, I only saw these books in Sijinglou. Most monks don't care about these things."

In the Shenzhou era, there was a unified mortal dynasty.With the sinking of Shenzhou, the mortal dynasty was destroyed, and tens of thousands of mortals fell into the water and died.Only a small number of mortals rely on the protection of practitioners to linger in various high mountains and spiritual islands.

Naturally, mortal civilization was completely destroyed.

In today's mortal civilization, the Cultivation Clan and the Immortal Gate of the World hold some mortal books and allow mortals to revive and rebuild by themselves.

But without the regulation of a unified dynasty, mortals struggled to survive sporadically in various waters.Not to mention the restoration of civilization thousands of years ago, it is rare to have a complete social system today.

The mortals in the Eastern Yanlong Territory, governed by the cultivator family, can be said to be the group of mortals with the most advanced civilization and technology in today's Thirteen Waters.

"Sister, the senior said that I can make rubbings without a time limit?"

"You and I are in a hurry to go to Huomen Island. You can take some of it first and come back later. Anyway, Sijinglou will stop at Yanshui during these days."

Heng Hua held up the Shenluo Heavenly Book, and white light swept over the books on the first floor, rubbing the contents inside one after another.

"It's not that troublesome, just finish it once."

Heng Hua recorded all the books of mortals into the Book of Heaven.

"Go back to the Langhuan Pavilion, I will write it down again and distribute it. Now, Yanlong Eastern Region is the leader of our family, it's time to bring up some plans."

"You Guan will toss about these things, it's up to you."

Fu Yaozhen knows that Heng Hua manages the Langhuan Pavilion, and often organizes and repairs the mortal classics in the clan, and then sends them to mortals under the Fu family's rule to improve the lives of mortals.

On this point, the Sijing Building, which preserves a large number of mortal classics, will never waste effort.

In the eyes of Sijinglou monks, these mortal classics are just tools they use to cultivate their sentiments and find inspiration.

After recording the classics on the first floor, the siblings went up to the second floor.

There are also books on this floor, most of which are piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Fu Yaozhen said: "The second floor is where the new disciples of Sijinglou come. In addition to the four arts of mortals, there are also some superficial cultivation methods."

Heng Hua still entered the Tianshu, and then went up to the third floor.

"The third floor is the cultivation classics sent by disciples from all over the world in recent years."

What is placed here is the gold book of jade slips.There are very few cultivation methods for exhaling and refining qi, and most of them are alchemy and talisman arrays, divination by imperial beasts and other methods.

Heng Hua continued to record and climbed to the fourth floor.

"This layer is the Divine State Kung Fu reserved by Master."

Heng Hua flipped through a few gold books: "Why is there no Dao book on Huaying?"

"Master is devoted to the study of the Nine Turns Alchemy, and has never included the Infant Transformation Technique."

The fourth floor of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion stores ancient methods, all of which are nine-turn alchemy, and are of little use to monks under the current Yuanying system.

But for Henghua, he just needs these ancient things to study the "Nine Turns of Alchemy", and to study for his grandfather whether it is an infant or a one-step robbery.

Still cast the spell to record the classics into the heavenly book.

Because it involved the immortal family skills, Heng Hua took a long time.

When recording in Tianshu, Henghua appreciates the interior decoration of the building.

Suddenly, he saw a mahogany box in the corner.

Walking over quickly, looking at Bagua Jinsuo, he showed joy.

This is it!

But when I opened it, it was empty inside!

Heng Hua's smile stopped abruptly.

"Sister, where are the books in here?"


Fu Yaozhen came over, saw the big mahogany box, and said with a smile: "This is just a decoration on the fourth floor, how can there be any books?"

no books?
Heng Hua did not give up, and checked the inside and outside of the mahogany box three times.

It was the same specification as the mahogany box in my hand, but no book was hidden.

Seeing Heng Hua's movements, Fu Yaozhen watched with spiritual vision.

But in her eyes, this is just an ordinary mahogany box.

She simply said: "If you like it, I will decide to give this box to you."

"is it okay?"

"It's just a wooden box, I can still make the decision."

After thinking for a while, Heng Hua said again: "Can I meet Senior Duan and ask about the origin of this box? My mother has a dowry box, which seems to be similar to this one. Maybe I can find out about my mother's origin."

"Later, I'll take you there."

The two entered the fifth floor.

The fifth floor stores the Dao method and Jiuzhuan Dan method studied by Duan Sijing himself.

In Fu Yaozhen's eyes, this is the real treasure given by the master.

With these things, grandfather is expected to survive the catastrophe seven years later.

At this time, Duan Sijing sent a divine sense to throw a golden book of chess to Henghua.

"You kid doesn't want to be a teacher, and I don't force it. But you have a good talent, and your talisman is related to the chess game. You should study this book carefully."

Heng Hua hurriedly asked about the mahogany box.

"I can't remember, but the Chinese classics on the fourth floor were obtained from the ruins of the Golden Rain Fairy Palace. It seems that this mahogany box was also obtained from there?"

"What's in there?"

"When the old man got it, it was empty inside."


So, someone got there first?

But this mahogany box came from the Golden Rain Immortal Palace, Heng Hua can be sure that the mother's box is probably the one from the Leixiao Immortal Palace.

It can't be, it fell from the Taiyin Palace, right?

Sijinglou, Duan Sijing withdrew his consciousness and looked at Ji Mingfeng.

"Why are you so on guard, teacher?"

Duan Sijing said solemnly: "Even if you become a robber, I can't see through you."

"I'm just an ordinary spirit painter, the teacher thinks too much."

"But you're not human."

"Could it be that aliens can't cultivate immortals? When did the teacher have such a sect view?"

"I don't discriminate against other cultivators, but are you a cultivator? You have a demon nature in your body, which has a lot to do with the demon sect."

It was precisely because of the deep demon nature in Ji Mingfeng's body that Duan Sijing drove him away early.

"Who said that a person with a strong demonic nature cannot become a fairy? Besides, the teacher and I don't know the truth about whether it is related to the Demon Cult. After all, the place where I was found was a chess game where senior Yuhengzi and an elder of the Demon Cult died together. .”


"In short, since the teacher has become a robbery immortal, the kindness between you and me is over."

Ji Mingfeng paid a deep obeisance to Duan Sijing, then turned and left.

Duan Sijing looked at Ji Mingfeng and tried to suppress him several times.

But in the end he hesitated.

He murmured: "Even if he is suppressed, he may still have a spiritual plan outside."

Linghuashi has a trick to suppress the bottom of the box.

Make a portrait of yourself and leave your memory and soul in it.When the body dies, the portrait can become another self.

Hundreds of years ago, Duan Sijing found a painting at the place where the elder Yu Hengzi of the Tianyi Sect and the Supreme Elder of the Demon Sect sat together.

When he studied the painting, the person in the painting came to life and called himself "Ji Mingfeng".

Seeing that he was extremely talented, Duan Sijing accepted him to practice in Sijing Building.

But as Ji Mingfeng grew up, he gradually discovered the magic hidden in Ji Mingfeng's body.

He is more suitable for cultivating demons than cultivating immortals.

Therefore, Duan Sijing suspected that he had something to do with Xuanming Demon Palace.

"I hope I'm thinking too much?"


Ji Mingfeng came out of Sijing Building, and Heng Hua and Fu Yaozhen also came out of the Sutra Pavilion.

Seeing the two of them, he walked over quickly: "Brother, do you want to go back to Yanlong later? I will walk with you, and we can talk about the art of spiritual painting on the way."

"Brother is going to Yanlong?"

"I have friendship with Shenyuezong, and I am doing a business with them."

As soon as Ji Mingfeng mentioned the beginning, Heng Hua and Fu Yaozhen looked at each other.

The two immediately understood why Ji Mingfeng came here.

Why Fu Yaozhen said that the opportunity for Duan Sijing to cross the catastrophe lies in Heng Hua.

"We are indeed going back to Yanlong, but my brother has to make a detour from Huomen Island to ask for something."

"The 'eternal flint' that your Fu family is looking for with great fanfare?"

Ji Mingfeng laughed and said: "I have some friendship with the Zhu family, so let's go with you."

Heng Hua wanted to have one more combat guard, so he readily agreed.

However, when they set off, Fu Xuanxing's face suddenly changed, and he ran back to the house on the pretext of having a stomachache.

Taking out the magic bead of six desires, the red color on the outer wall of the bead gradually dissipated, and the black magic energy at the core became thicker and thicker.

"Why is this thing alive now?"

Fu Xuanxing hurriedly activated Lihuo, and with the help of the power of the scabbard in his body, he suppressed the magic bead again.

At the moment when the magic bead moved, Heng Hua and Ji Mingfeng frowned.

Heng Hua took out the Xuanhuo Fan, and while chatting with Ji Mingfeng, he muttered in his heart: Can the seal of the Six Desire Demon Orb hold up?Along the way, I'm afraid there will be a few more times of demonic illusions?
Ji Mingfeng groaned secretly: No, why is there something on this boat that can arouse my demon nature?No, you have to hold back.If the demonic nature erupts in Yanshui, wouldn't it fall under Duan Shi's eyes?

He silently operated the spiritual plan, trying to suppress the demonic nature that emerged in his heart.

Looking at Heng Hua again, seeing him take out the Xuanhuo Fan, Ji Mingfeng was a little guilty and showed a smiling face.

Seeing Ji Mingfeng's strange smile, Heng Hua's heart pounded, and he returned a smiling face, continuing to chat awkwardly about the art of spiritual painting.

 Can't make it out to add more chapters, tomorrow, tomorrow will definitely add more chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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