
Chapter 133 I am not me, people have different thoughts

Chapter 133 It's me, it's not me, thousands of people think differently
On Panlong Island, Mr. Fu Tong looks at the forest sea from Jianlong Peak.

With a cool breeze blowing, Lin Hai set off layers of ink waves.

"That kid is gone, but I feel a little lonely."

Although Beaulieu Island is her home, she doesn't like living here.

The elders treat their brothers and sisters equally, but the eyes of the servants make Mr. Fu Tong feel like a thorn in his back.


"Hurry up and get ready, Master Six needs to practice with something."

"Huh? You learned it so quickly? Didn't you say that you just started teaching the day before yesterday?"

"The Sixth Young Master is extremely talented, and he can learn it as soon as he learns it."

"Where is Miss Seven?"

"Miss Seven will take it a little slower, but you also know that, after all... But prepare it, it will be used in a few days."


One time, when Mr. Fu Tong went to help Henghua get the props for cultivation, he heard such a conversation.

And such dialogues happen from time to time on Beaulieu Island.

What Fu Henghua learned in three days, Mr. Fu Tong may need five or seven days.

In order to catch up with Fu Henghua, she worked hard since she was a child.She has worked harder than other brothers and sisters, and practiced more diligently than Fu Xiangfeng and Fu Liuhui.

Her cultivation speed is faster than all of them.


She has an older brother who was born on the same day and month.

Compared with the upper brother, the lower sister.Everyone subconsciously compared Fu Henghua with her.

Even though those servants were very respectful to her, she understood that these people secretly thought that she was inferior to Fu Henghua.

But Deng Lan, who are servants in name, but looked at the old people who grew up by him, knew his secret efforts.Facing himself who is struggling like this, he still has compassion.

Deng Lan secretly persuaded herself not to regard Fu Henghua as an object of wrestling anymore.

But the more others look at it like this, the more Mr. Fu Tong wants to prove himself.

I am no worse than Fu Henghua.

Why practice voodoo instead of family-inherited skills?

Because Mr. Fu Tong understands that if he relies on his family-inherited skills, he will never be able to surpass Fu Henghua in his entire life.

But it was also because of her practice of Gu that Fu Danwei was annoyed.

In the eyes of the old man, the reason why Mr. Fu Tong was weak in talent and unable to give birth smoothly after three years of pregnancy was the sequelae caused by her mother's practice of Gu.

He didn't want his granddaughter to go down this old road again.

"elder sister--"

Fu Liuhui came from a distance, holding Qi Lei in his arms.

"Have you figured it out?" Mr. Fu Tong woke up from deep thinking, and said with a smile, "Do you want to go out with me?"

"My sister wants to go out to relax, of course I am willing to accompany her, but what is the destination?"

"Go to the East China Sea. If there is time, we will also go to Huomen Island."


"I haven't hit that kid for a few days, I feel a little lonely."

Fu Liuhui originally thought that Mr. Fu Tong was going to help Heng Hua.But hearing this, it seems that they are looking for Fu Xuanxing?

"Sister, you treat Fu Xuanxing..."

"That kid is pretty stupid, don't you think? It's more interesting than Peng Ming and the others."


"Don't worry, I don't have any feelings for him, it's just..." Mr. Fu Tong thought for a while, "Same kind?"

Fu Xuanxing is also a spirit person, just like himself, unable to awaken the blood talent, he is a useless person.

But he is optimistic and cheerful, and he is not sad about it.

Mr. Fu Tong likes Fu Xuanxing's open-mindedness very much.

In comparison, under my arrogance, I always have an inferiority complex that I try to cover up when facing Fu Henghua.

Fu Liuhui: "I think he is still different from us. Didn't you notice? The old people on the island all called 'Master Xuan Xing', and the attitude of his grandfather towards Fu Xuan Xing."

For the past three years, Fu Xuanxing has been taught swordsmanship by Fu Danwei himself.

Sometimes, Fu Danwei asked Fu Liuhui to compete with him.

Fu Liuhui has a sword bone, even though his mana is not as good as Fu Xuanxing's, but compared to pure swordsmanship, Fu Xuanxing is far inferior to her.

Whenever Fu Xuanxing loses, Fu Danwei will encourage him with good words and continue to work hard next time.

The third brother doesn't have this attitude, this treatment, right?

Fu Liuhui: "There is also Fourth Sister, her attitude towards Fu Xuanxing is also very strange."

Fu Tongjun frowned when he thought that Fu Yaozhen had blocked Fu Xuanxing several times to fight with him.

With her spiritual vision, could it be that she saw something?
"Come on, girl. Let's go."


White Dragon Boat.

Heng Hua turned the boat around and returned to the deck.

"How? Can it be dispelled?"

"It's a little troublesome. If one more person joins forces, it will be enough to dispel the demonic illusion."

"Then let's pull another person?"

"No, it's already here. Brother Ji, how have you slept these two days?"


Ji Mingfeng sensed the demonic world outside, and knew that he couldn't procrastinate, so he could only take a risk to solve the matter.

"I'm standing at the bow of the boat, and Brother Ji is at the stern. You and I will use each other to disperse the evil energy on the boat."

Ji Mingfeng nodded slowly.

"what about me?"

"Stay honest and don't let people make trouble."

When Heng Hua walked to the bow of the boat, the Xuanhuo fan emitted a red light, and in the light appeared dense innate red marks.

"go with!"

The red text is flying in the air, arranged into a "Awe-inspiring True Text".

"Isn't that kid Ji Yunshu's method? You have only been in Sijinglou for a long time, and you started to study these things?"

With the luck of both hands, Ji Mingfeng forcibly extracted the awe-inspiring righteousness of the world with the golden elixir mana, condensed it into a big ball and threw it into the "Awe-inspiring Article".

The white light exploded with a bang, sweeping the awe-inspiring energy towards the white dragon boat, purifying the evil energy in each house.

At this time, the melodious sound of the piano and the yin and yang Dao Qi appeared at the same time.

The four joined forces, and the demonic illusion disappeared.

Soon, Fu Yaozhen walked out of the house.

When they met Ji Mingfeng's eyes, the two looked away at the same time.

She came to Fu Henghua's side: "If it's not yet light today, are we going back to Yanlong now?"

"It's not safe to walk the Yanlong Waterway at night, let's wait."

Heng Hua looked around, pointed to an island not far away, and said to Heng Shou who had just come out.

"Drive over, let's find a place to rest."

This island is the boundary island between Yanshui and Yanlong, also known as Hanhuo Island.

Half of the island is in Yanshui, and the other half is in Yanlong.

Everyone went to the island to rest, and there were still a few monks meditating on the island.

Fu Xuanxing jumped to Yanlong's side and let out a breath of anger.

"Finally back!"

The aura of Yanshui has its own fire poison.After staying there for a long time, I need to take Bing Xin Dan to dissolve the fire poison.But Yanlong's aura here contains a gloomy chill, which has the effect of suppressing fire poison.This Cold Fire Island is undoubtedly a treasure for those who have no money to buy Bing Xindan.

Fu Xuanxing has a scabbard on his body, so he is not afraid of fire and poison.But staying in that hot place is really not as refreshing as Yanlong.

He fanned the wind with his hand, and greeted Heng Hua and the others: "Hey——would you like to come over, this side is much more comfortable than that side."

Heng Hua and others came over one after another.

Xiaoyu felt that the fire energy attached to his body was washed away by Yanlong's aura.

"Master, let everyone on the boat come down."

Heng Hua nodded, and then jumped onto the raised rock to look at Yanlong Qiyun.Hengshou stood by and guarded.

The gossip of Heluo is running, and the qi of the five domains is incorporated into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Fu Yaozhen was also aware of it, and looked directly at the territory of Zhu's family in Nanyu.

With a faint sigh, it still started after all.

Everyone got off the boat to rest, but Ji Mingfeng returned to the boat and hid under the pretext of Huahua.


Ji Mingfeng sat in the room, looking at himself in the mirror uncertainly.

The reflection in the mirror is an unfolding scroll.

The person in the painting, this is the essence of Ji Mingfeng.

He has a secret that even Duan Sijing doesn't know.

He has a memory of the Shenzhou period.It was the experience of a mortal named Ji Mingfeng, who was looking for immortals and asking questions, and finally became a master of painting immortals.

Ji Mingfeng believes that he was originally a spiritual painter in the Shenzhou period, and in order to survive, he made his own memory into a "soul map".After several twists and turns, he was finally awakened by Duan Sijing.

However, under the influence of the heavenly demon illusion, Ji Mingfeng's demon nature ushered in an explosion.

"After Fuzhou, before being found by Master Duan, did I wake up once?"

Ji Mingfeng, who is a painter in Shenzhou, would wake up after the collapse of the continent.So what did he do, and why did the soul map reappear?

The power of the heavenly demon aroused the demon nature in his body, and Ji Mingfeng saw a palace in a daze.

An old man was sitting on a golden chair, talking to himself.

And there are twelve red chairs around, and there is a magic cultivator sitting on each of them.


At dawn, Ji Mingfeng stepped out of the white dragon boat.

After everyone rested, they were planning to go to Huomen Island from the South Road.

"My dear brother, you go to Huomen Island first. I will go to the Shenyue Sect, and I will look for you two days later."

Looking at the calamity in the air in the southern region, Ji Mingfeng frowned: "Be careful when you go."

"Brother, pay attention to safety."

Following the words, Ji Mingfeng asked him to see him off in person.

Heng Hua realized something, let the others sail slowly behind, and personally sent Ji Mingfeng away from the middle road.

The two walked half a mile, Ji Mingfeng suddenly asked: "What do you think of reincarnation?"


"When a person dies and enters the human world after the stars turn around, is he still the same person?"

"When Xingtian circulates, you need to keep the memories of your first life in Xingtian, and use your pure spiritual body to enter the next life. In the next life, no one can keep their own memories. Only..."

Ji Mingfeng interfaced: "Only the people with golden elixir rely on the tyranny of the Yin God to keep some memories. If these people get the magic weapon sealed in the previous life and restore the memory of the previous life, are they still the same person in the previous life?"

Fu Henghua thought for a while, then pointed to the white dragon boat that was gradually catching up.

"Dude, look at this ship. If the bow is broken, I'll replace it with the same bow, is it still a white dragon ship?"

Looking at the dragon-head-shaped white bow, Ji Mingfeng nodded: "Yes."

"The mast is broken. I'll replace the mast, shall I?"


Then, Heng Hua talked about several parts.

After being recognized again and again, Ji Mingfeng understood a little bit.

The young man clapped his hands, spread them out and said, "In the end, I changed everything, is it still the same as the original White Dragon Boat?

"Old brother, if he thinks the same, then he will be the same person in the past life and the next life. If he thinks different, won't the answer come out?"

Ji Mingfeng thought for a while, then laughed heartily.

"My brother, thank you—"

With a long howl, he turned into a rainbow and fled away.

just the direction...

Heng Hua showed some doubts: "Brother lost his way?"


Fu Xuanxing stepped on the mahogany sword and flew over: "Brother Ji, why did you leave from the south road?"

"I don't know. Anyway, he has cultivated a golden core, so nothing will happen. Let's go forward, maybe we will catch up."

 Today's update is early, and I will come back later to pay off the debt from last month!
(End of this chapter)

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