
Chapter 134 Good fortune circulates, all living beings turn into sub-stars into disks

Chapter 134 Good fortune circulates, all living beings turn into sub-stars into disks
Heng Hua and his party headed for China Southern Airlines.

Xiaoyu asked about the situation in the past two days.

Fu Henghua picks and chooses, and talks about Fu Xuanxing guarding the boat, and finding the dragon girl to push the boat.

After thinking about it, he told him about the night before that he secretly went out to enlighten the dragon girl.

After hearing this, Xiao Yu couldn't help saying: "Since her background is so pitiful, why didn't the young master take her back to Yanlong?"

"She has a chance to become enlightened in Yanshui."

Heng Hua's heart moved, he looked Xiao Yu up and down.

An idea popped into his head, but then he gave up.

Let's wait for Xiaoyu to really achieve success.

He lowered his head, continued to hold the chess record, and arranged the chess pieces on the turtle shell evolved from Shenluo Tianshu.

Entering Yanlong Southern Region, Fu Xuanxing was visibly on guard.But when it was noon, no devil came.

He couldn't help moving his body, and then ran to the bow to practice his sword.Keep yourself in peak condition.

When it was Shen Shi, there was still no devil, not even a water demon.

"Why is it so safe? The Heavenly Demon Realm broke out earlier, and the people in the Heavenly Demon Palace should have sensed it?"

Zhou Xiao glanced at Fu Henghua, smiled without saying a word, and continued to read the Taoist scriptures.

"It stands to reason that we should meet the devil when we enter the Southern Region."

In Fu Xuanxing's imagination, he ran all the way for his life just like he went to bury the turtle reef back then.

but now--

So comfortable.

Fu Yaozhen stared at Fu Henghua's chessboard, and suddenly asked: "Why do you play like this? Shouldn't this move be in the third square from the left?"

But soon, she saw that Henghua had fallen to another place, and after eating the black dragon over there, he turned around and strangled the black dragon here.

Heng Hua slowly put away the sunspots.

"Sister has spiritual vision, but the overall situation is not good after all."

Fu Yaozhen turned her head to look at the water surface in the distance, and vaguely saw blood flooding.

"Right now there are usable chess pieces everywhere, so don't cherish them so much. Besides, it won't do us any harm to consume a little more of the water demon."

Heng Hua started cloth again.

Fu Yaozhen's heart is heavy: Heng Hua's targeting methods are more and more coincident with a certain future I see.

"What are you talking about?"

Fu Xuanxing, the only outsider, asked: "Now it's Shenshi, even if there are no enemies during the day, there will be enemies at night, right? Should we find a place to prepare for the enemy? Yanlong's rule is not to fight at night?"

Heng Hua smiled and continued to play chess.

Fu Yaozhen said softly: "The enemy has been dealt with by Heng Hua, don't worry."

"Solution? When?"

"You kid didn't study hard at the teacher's school, and you didn't know how to study hard at the Langhuan Hall on Panlong Island. You fought with Mr. Fu Tong all day long. When you arrived at the Sijing Tower, you saw the four-line fairy art of piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. Didn't notice?"

Zhou Xiao finally couldn't stand his nephew's stupidity.Grabbing it casually, the yin and yang qi condensed into a bronze mirror, and smashed it down on Fu Xuanxing's forehead.

"Look for yourself!"

Fu Xuanxing turned his head away and reached out to catch the mirror.

Looking inside, it was a battle thirty miles away.

A man in a blood-red robe stood in the air, fighting with three water demons.

"This is... a blood demon?"

"Under the rule of the Demon Palace, the Blood Demon Palace among the Thirteen Demon Palaces. There are not many people left in the Heavenly Demon Palace, so I begged some people from the Blood Demon Palace."

Heng Hua slowly dropped a child.

Suddenly, another electric eel sprang out from the bronze mirror, paralyzing the gorefiend.Seeing the opportunity, the other three water demons stepped forward and bit him to death.

Fu Xuanxing looked at the mirror, and then at the chessboard in Fu Henghua's hand.

At this time, the mirror evolved another battle scene.

Two bewitching-looking men battle a group of carp spirits.

They managed to deal with the carp spirit, but before they could sit down to adjust their breath, another group of water demons came to kill them.

Heng Hua took advantage of the situation and put away a few sunspots.

"This...this—you can control them with this chessboard?"

Fu Yaozhen explained with a smile: "The lineage of chess immortals uses heaven and earth as the chessboard, and all living beings as chess pieces. Henghua uses magic weapons to evolve the chessboard, and condenses the number of lives into chess pieces. You can remotely dial the fate, let the water demon and the one that stops us The magic repair is on."

"That's okay too?"

Fu Xuanxing whispered to himself with an appearance of reshaping the three views.

Heng Hua said leisurely: "My generation of cultivators asked, is the so-called fighting method just throwing fireballs face to face and fighting with magic weapons? Doing that kind of thing just lowers our status.

"The way of the sword fairy, one sword can fly thousands of miles, and kill people invisible.

"The way of the qin fairy, one song moves the rivers and mountains, and the immortals and demons weep blood together.

"The way of painting immortals is to open up the world with one painting, and destroy the common people with ink.

"As for the chess fairy, the chessboard turns into a universe, and the vertical and horizontal lines become the destiny track. Isn't this a matter of course?"

From entering the southern region, all the ambush soldiers recruited by the Temple of Heavenly Demon are ready.

But it's different from fleeing to the Burial Turtle Reef in a hurry.

Fu Henghua completed the foundation building, recovered his mana, and got a magic weapon that best suits his own destiny.

He evolved the chessboard, learned from Sijinglou's "Tiandi Zhenlong", and incorporated the enemy into his own "Star Chess Game".

Under the shroud of stars, the numbers of lives are all on the chessboard.

After Fu Xuanxing heard this, he suddenly asked: "So, the sixth brother refined this magic weapon three years ago, so he can play the Xingxiu chess game?"


"Then why did we go to such lengths to target Wei Zhiwen?"


Fu Henghua looked at Fu Xuanxing.

The teenager took two steps back with a guilty conscience.

Heng Huafang explained: "His cultivation base is too strong, I can't grasp it. In addition, he had just refined the Xingxiu Bureau at that time, so it took a little time to explore."

In the past three years, Fu Henghua has been observing the stars, and has adjusted and docked the star maps of the Constellation Bureau and Yanlong Waters.

In Yanlong, he can easily start a chess game.

"As long as I am not a person who has cultivated Taoism and cultivated into a golden core, all living beings are on the Yanlong chessboard."

With a sweep of the sleeve robe, the black and white chess pieces in front of him turned into a vast starry sky, corresponding to the stars in the sky one by one.

"What if someone wants to jump out of the game? Like—now?"

The starry sky turned back into a chessboard again, and a sunspot jumped into the sky.

There is a smart person in the Blood Demon Palace. After dealing with three waves of fish monsters one after another, he realizes that someone is manipulating him behind the scenes.He used the technique of deduction to cut off the interference of fate.

Heng Hua casually threw a white piece over.

"Want to escape from the Xingxiu Bureau? It's very simple, send him a meteorite."

boom -

Fifty miles away in the sky, a meteorite suddenly appeared and fell on the demon cultivator.

The white piece knocked down the black piece and fell back onto the chessboard.

After finishing all this, Fu Henghua Shi sat down calmly.

As a matter of course, Fu Xuanxing cast admiring gazes.

"Is it so strong? Meteorites can be summoned at will."

Zhou Xiao and Fu Yaozhen looked at Heng Hua with a half-smile.

They could see it clearly.

Heng Hua didn't pull the star track from the sky, but changed the direction of a meteorite that flew into the world and threw it over.

Instead, he condensed a "small meteorite" with his own power.It is equivalent to Heng Hua's full use of the "Five Elements Mountain Method" and smashed it in the air.

The price is that Henghua consumes half of his mana, so he can only sit down and recover silently.

The man suffered only minor injuries and quickly got out of the water.

But it was too late to get away, he was dragged by a group of water monsters pulled by Fu Henghua, and was soon besieged to death.

Fu Yaozhen came over, looked at the chessboard, and made a move for Heng Hua.

"No wonder Master wants to accept apprentices. You are stronger than Senior Brother Ji Yun back then."

"Sister compares me to outsiders?"

Heng Hua recovered a little and continued playing chess.

"At the foundation level, I don't think anyone can escape from my game."

Glancing at Fu Yaozhen, Fu Henghua didn't speak.

In the past three years since the completion of the "Gong Hua Hui Yuan Gong", Heng Hua's cultivation has grown by leaps and bounds.

Compared with himself three years ago, he only needs one hand to handle it easily.

"Don't be too crazy, kid. It's just the level of foundation building. The Six Desire Orbs are of great importance, and there will definitely be Jindan monks coming. I want to see if you can continue to be crazy in the face of them."


A crack appeared on the chessboard.

Heng Hua stared, and a black and purple strange chess piece appeared out of thin air.

The weight of Wanjun is pressing on the chessboard.

"Senior's good and bad mouth, does Xiao Xiang belong to the crow?"

There really is a Golden Core cultivator here.

Heng Hua looked at the chessboard, pondered and picked up three white stones.When Zhenlong was about to arrange the endgame, a golden pawn appeared, the chessboard was repaired, and the black-purple pawn disappeared.

"Senior Duan's accomplishments are higher than mine, so it's safe."

Fu Yaozhen thought for a while, and asked, "Senior brother Ji Yun wants to trouble you?"

"I lost my mind and thought about it, so he took his anger out on me, right? But just as he thought about it, when he came near Yanlong, he was stopped by Senior Ji Yunshu arranged by Senior Duan."

Chess Immortals, Heng Hua, Ji Yun, none of them are Duan Sijing's opponents.

Realizing that it was bad luck for Ji Yun to seek Henghua, Duan Sijing directly asked Ji Yunshu to take him down, and sent him to a fixed reef in Yanshui to suppress him for ten years.

Fu Xuanxing muttered while listening to Heng Hua's explanation of the mystery.Yu Jian left directly and rushed to a battlefield.

"Your approach is not the same as what Mr. Fu said. I still like Mr. Fu's style."

What secret algorithm?
One sword is enough for the old man!
Charged into the battlefield, Fu Xuanxing fell with a sword.

The fighting Moxiu and the water demon died on the spot.

Seeing that kid messing around, Zhou Xiao's face darkened.

"This kid, what are you doing nonsense!"

"It's okay, he wants to sharpen his sword skills, let him go."

Heng Hua moved casually, and there was an extra red pawn on the chessboard.

"Supernatural powers are no match for the number of days, and the number of days is in my hands. Let this kid do whatever he wants, and nothing will happen."

Randomly sprinkled a few white stones, and then pulled a demon cultivator over to feed Fu Xuanxing.

"Xiaoyu, Hengshou, if you two are very quiet and want to move, you can also practice your hands."

Xiaoyu didn't move, but Hengshou put on the iron lotus and flew out directly.

There is another red pawn on the chessboard.

At this time, on the back of Fu Xuanxing's chess piece, a golden dragon pattern appeared vaguely.

Fu Henghua's eyes dimmed, and he didn't say much.

Seeing the golden dragon pattern, Zhou Xiao visibly panicked.

Looking at Fu Henghua and Fu Yaozhen's indifferent postures again, I felt a drum in my heart: Did the two of them already know the origin of this kid Fu Xuanxing?After all, Panlong Island handled this matter.Perhaps brother Fu Dao has already informed them?

Fu Xuanxing dealt with the water demon and the demon cultivator, and before he knew it, Qi and blood surged with mana, and his eyes gradually turned into golden pupils.

But when Hengshou chased after him, he returned to his original state.

"Hangshou, do you want to Bibi, which one of us has killed more water demons?"

"No comparison."

Hengshou looked left and right, and changed the direction to practice with the water demon.

The trip to the southern region was easy and smooth, until entering the core area of ​​Zhu's family.

Seeing the demonic aura bursting out, but Zhu's family members were not defending everywhere, Fu Henghua changed his calm and relaxed appearance, and brought back the two who had experienced outside.

"Be careful. Huomen Island follows the old story of Panlong Island. The one under the water will send the Dragon King to attack the island. Don't run around, let's find an island first, and then try to unite with the Zhu family."

Jiaolong besieging Huomen Island is a big event in Yanlong.

If the Huomen Island is broken, it will definitely affect the four-door Fulong Formation.

And if he can help Zhu's family cope with this catastrophe smoothly, then it will be smoother to obtain the Eternal Fire Stone.

Looking at the monstrous aura all over the sky, Heng Hua's heart skipped a beat.

"I understand what the snow is going to be used for."

 This is the additional chapter of the 1200 monthly ticket in May, and it has been paid off!

  Sleep at ease
(End of this chapter)

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