
Chapter 141 Fire Sacrifice to Nuo Demon, Encounter 2 Demons in the Deep Valley of Flames

Chapter 141 Fire Sacrifice to Nuo Demon, Two Demons Encountered in the Deep Valley of Flames
"It's very beautiful. The blue clouds are still the marks of heaven, and maybe they are also a heaven-sent Taoism."

"The benefits given to you for no reason, don't you think about whether there is fraud in it?"

Seeing the imprint, Heng Hua's Dao Xin warned him, and his vigilance deepened.

The light just now came straight at him.

"How do you feel now? Sudden loss of mana, or lack of energy?"

Fu Xuanxing scratched his head: "No, everything is normal."

When the two came to Flame Valley, they had been waiting for a long time for the ceremony.

After working all night, he ran outside to lead people to fight the water demon, exhausted.

Zhu Lixing took out two sets of fire-avoiding robes and put them on, and handed over Bingxindan and Pihuozhu.

"Father ordered that for the next action, the two of you need to enter the valley by yourself. There is a pool of fire in the center of Flame Valley. Throw the magic beads into it and wait for a while."

The boy in red looked into the valley, black smoke was rising from the charred passage, and it continued to extend inward.

"Thank you, brother Ziheng."

Heng Hua thanked him, and pulled Fu Xuanxing to go inside.

Wearing an ill-fitting white robe to avoid fire, Fu Xuanxing felt a little uncomfortable.

"I'm not afraid of fire, can I take it off in advance?"

"Put it on. This set of robes can not only avoid the fire, but also cover your and my living breath, and prevent the fire spirits in the valley from approaching."

Heng Hua said, looking at the small flames hiding on both sides of the road.

These flames are not flames, but a kind of heaven and earth elves born under the influence of the millennium fire.IQ is similar to that of insects, but there are a lot of them.If you get their attention, there will be no small trouble.

"Fire Spirit... so troublesome."

The boy tucked the fire-proof robe into the waistband of his trousers, and swayed in front of him.

Heng Hua swiped his hand and recited the formula.

The robes on the two of them gradually shortened to a size that matched their bodies.At the same time, there is an extra Xun Gua brand on the robe.

"This is?"

"Life-saving things."

The two walked through the long and deep road, and their anger gradually rose.Heng Hua faintly felt the source of fire in the center of the valley.

"Look, is it here?"

Fu Xuanxing pointed to a burning pool of fire on the left.

"No, this is just a pool of fire derived from flint essence for 500 years. The place we are going to is still ahead."

After walking for a while, Fu Xuanxing had already begun to sweat.After eating two Bing Xin Dan, he continued to walk ahead, carefully protecting Heng Hua behind him.

Heng Hua walked behind, looking at the thick smoke billowing in the valley of flames, and the floating fire spirit hiding, suddenly thought of a sorcery.

Using these fire spirits to perform the "fire sacrifice to exorcise demons", maybe they can burn those two demons to death alive?
The technique of fire sacrifice to exorcising demons requires 25 men with pure yang fate as sacrifices to sacrifice a Nuo god who is in charge of flames.Then take someone else's birthday horoscope and burn the Nuo God's fire across the air.

Using the fire spirit as a substitute, although the power is weakened, it can replace 25 pure yang men.


Heng Hua sensed a mysterious force lingering in Flame Valley.

Is it the totem spirit of the Zhu family watching in the dark?

After thinking about it, he gave up directly using the fire spirit as a sacrifice.

After all, the totem spirit itself is also a fire spirit.


Heng Hua stopped Fu Xuanxing: "I want to cast a spell, you watch for me."

With luck in both hands, he used the good fortune to gather the anger in Flame Valley.

"Fire talisman."

25 red talismans depicting fire patterns rose slowly.


Groups of flames ignited on the fire talisman.

This is similar to the methods of golden and wooden inscriptions, which can be used to enlighten various precious flames and spirit flames through fire energy.Cooperating with the true essence of fortune, 25 "fire spirits" were actually simulated as the price for performing the spell.

Fu Xuanxing watched him cast spells, and when he saw the simulated fire spirit performing sacrifices, his face suddenly changed: Sorcery?

Sorcery is the general term for many taboo arts of the two ways of immortals and demons.

Due to the different concepts between immortals and demons, the scope of delineating magic is different.

Immortals are precious to life, and all spells that cost lives are in the category of magic.

However, there is a lineage of blood demons who practice kung fu with blood essence, a lineage of beasts that slaughter monsters to practice kung fu, and a lineage of heavenly souls that harvest souls and refine treasures.Their resistance to magic is only directed at the disgusting methods that threaten them.

In the Shenzhou era, in order to encircle and suppress evil cultivators, the immortals and demons were forced to form an alliance.

After arguing over and over again, the two immortals and demons reached a consensus: magic is a magic that violates human relations and deviates from common sense.

As long as it is not at the expense of people, Xiandao can turn a blind eye to some things.

For this reason, the Gorefiend had no choice but to focus on the monsters.The Ten Thousand Soul Banners and other things in the Temple of Heavenly Souls also began to use monsters as their medium.

As a result, not long after the evil cultivators were destroyed, the lineage of the monsters in Shenzhou also suffered heavy losses.

Fu Xuanxing stared at Heng Hua, thinking: "Last year, my master gave a lecture on sorcery. I remember that the secret technique he used was in the appendix list?"

Back then, when immortals and devils formed an alliance to eradicate evil cultivators, they had integrated two lists.

A list lists 150 of the most taboo and evil exercises and spells.

As long as there are monks who dare to practice, regardless of their origin, they will be punished.

This is also the basis for judging evil cultivators in the Shenzhou era.

And another list records the remaining evil methods, called "quasi-forbidden".Cultivate the magic tricks above, abolish the skills, and warn once.If you refuse to repent and discover it again, you will be treated as an evil cultivator, and your body and spirit will be destroyed.

The two lists have been signed by many immortals and demons, and witnessed by the Donglai Gold List, and they are still in force.

However, after the destruction of the evil cultivators, the old way of magic sprouted, and various methods were used to improve the magic arts, and many taboo arts were downgraded to the "quasi-forbidden" category.

These include the Heavenly Demon Six Desire Beads, Ten Thousand Blood Demon Banners and the method of fire sacrifice to exorcising demons.

But Mo Dao was not satisfied with this, and later replaced many spells that had been included in the "quasi-forbidden list" with monsters and elves, and continued to use them.

The Fire Sacrifice Nuomo is one of them, which was improved by the lineage of the Flame Demon, and replaced human sacrifices with monsters and fire spirits.There is also the black weapon Tianmo Liuyuzhu, which was also created at that time.

When Xiandao learned of Mo Dao's actions, he backhandedly made a third list.

This is an "appendix list".

After practicing the skills and incantations above, after being discovered.The first warning, the second punishment, and the third discovery will destroy both body and spirit.

It is this list that divides the difference between immortals and demons.

The fire sacrifice method is still hanging on it.

In addition, Heavenly Demon, Blood Demon, Seven Kills, Heavenly Soul and other magical cultivation techniques are all listed by the various sects of the Immortal Dao. "Xuanming True Strategies", "Heavenly Demon Wanhua Freedom Sutra" and other magical skills are all listed.

However, this list has not been signed by the Donglai Gold List, so it cannot take effect between heaven and earth, and it only belongs to the internal circulation of Xianmen.The Xiuzhen family didn't care much about this.

Knowing that Henghua dabbles in fairy magic, Zhou Xiao gave him the list revised 300 years ago last year, and warned him: "If you go to other waters to practice in the future and meet disciples of the fairy sect, you must never reveal the list recorded on it. Spell."

Fu Xuanxing saw 25 "artificial fire spirits" disappear, and a palm-sized human-shaped flame floated in front of him.

"Follow it, you can go to the fire pool."

"Did you use some... methods for this spell?"

"No, I use my life force for a year as consumption."

Fu Xuanxing was even more shocked: "You took your own life force as the price?"

Heng Hua worked silently to make up for the lost vitality from the space between heaven and earth.

"Can make it up, what are you afraid of?"

The mystery of "Fate of Fortune" lies in the continuous power of good fortune and life.

For Heng Hua, this is a way to bypass the three lists of Xianmen.

Xiandao resists all kinds of spells at the expense of other people's lives.But there is no prohibition on self-sacrifice.

Many monks will burn their lives with one move and sacrifice their lives to defend the way.

Heng Hua took advantage of this, first expending one year of his lifespan to cast spells, and then recovering his vitality from the world.

Even if he casts the sorcery on the taboo list, Jin Bang can't control him.

The only thing that can control him is Vodanwei's ruler and whip.

Heng Hua fabricated another ball of Nuo fire, which floated beside him.

"Okay, let's speed up."


When Heng Hua and his wife went to Flame Valley, three flood dragons appeared fifty miles away from Huomen Island.

They broke through the ice layer and summoned countless army of water demons.

The dragon chant resounded, and three streams of dragon energy enveloped the army of water demons, immediately driving these water demons insane. Regardless of the shock of the cold air, they crazily rushed towards Huomen Island from the ice.

bang - bang bang -

The talisman tower erected on Huomen Island bombarded into the distance.

Sky thunder, raging fire, kamikaze, and streamer bombarded the army of water demons.

Cultivator Zhu family soared into the sky, flew over the army of water monsters, and sprinkled hundreds of detonating charms.

Seeing the detonating talismans covering the air, the three dragon kings backed away silently.

Fu Yaozhen and others waited and watched on Chiyang Island.

Xiaoyu sighed: "The Zhu family has a strong heritage. Just looking at the defense level of Huomen Island, it is more than a step ahead of our family and the Wei family."

Hengshou nodded: "I wish the family rich."

The one hundred and eight talisman pagodas erected on the east side of Huomen Island are clearly the latest batch of comprehension tools for the Bao family.And the detonating talisman thrown by the monks of the Zhu family must have been stored in the Zhu family by the monks of the Southern Region.

In the Eastern Region, five banks are divided into one.In the southern region, there is only the Zhu Family Bank.The detonating charms accumulated by his family are equivalent to the sum of the five families in the Eastern Region.

Fu Yaozhen looked at it for a while, then suddenly walked to Zhu Zhenghe's side: "Uncle Shi, there will be a flood dragon attacking from the direction of Chiyang Island later, please pay attention."

Zhu Zhenghe frowned, looking into Fu Yaozhen's bright eyes.

He knew what Fu Yaozhen's blood talent was, and immediately ordered people to be careful.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a flood dragon to kill Chiyang Island with two deep-water giant beasts.

Zhu Zhenghe relied on the formation to block it, and Fu Yaozhen suddenly said: "There will be a group of turtles landing on the right side. They carry flying fish with mines on their backs. You need to use the detonating talisman to kill them first."

Zhu Zhenghe sent people to prepare again.

Not long after, there was the sound of explosions on the shore.The spirit turtles, together with the suicide flying fish troops they carried, all died.

Seeing that Fu Yaozhen's talent for spiritual vision is extremely high, Zhu Zhenghe simply asked her to help direct, and went out to fight the dragon king by himself.

After getting the command of Chiyang Island, Fu Yaozhen decisively asked everyone from the Fu family to participate in the defense together with the Zhu family.

"It's as I expected. Next, the Flame Valley will shake, and Heng Hua will burn the Six Desire Pearls."

In the future that Fu Yaozhen is looking at, the Zhu family will ask them to help resist the water demon, which leads to the deaths of Xiaoyu and Hengshou.

Therefore, she must ensure that she has a leading position in this defensive battle to preserve Xiaoyu and Hengshou.


The two of Heng Hua came to the fire pool in the center of Flame Valley.

"This is clearly a crater!"

Thick black smoke was rising from the fire pool in front of him, Fu Xuanxing stepped forward holding his nose: "Now, just throw the beads in?"

"Give me the beads."

Heng Hua took out the Xuanhuo fan, waved it lightly, and the fire around Yangu suddenly burst into flames.

"The talisman is ready, if something happens, activate it immediately."

Heng Hua waved the feather fan again, and the two Nuo fires rushed to the sky above the fire pool.


The beeping sounded, and the Nuo fire turned into the appearance of a bird.

"You found out?"

Liu Yuli appeared and casually smashed the Nuohuo.

Next to it, another piece of Heavenly Demon Black Flame surged and directly swallowed the shattered Nuohuo.

Zhu Dianzhu: "Nuo God offering fire? I haven't seen such a thing for a long time. Boy, if you dabble in these things, you are not afraid that the fairy gate will settle accounts with you."

Hearing about the sacrificial fire, Liu Yuli's expression changed, and he glared at Heng Hua angrily.

If it was really a sacrificial fire, the way I smashed it just now would instead be taken advantage of by the sacrificial fire and burn my soul.

Heng Hua didn't answer, and after getting the Heavenly Demon Six Desire Beads, he quickly summoned three Heavenly Demon puppets.

The three of Sha Ming appeared and rushed towards Liu Yuli.

At the same time, evil spirits surged from the Heavenly Demon Liuyu Bead.

Heng Hua quickly activated the Zhenshen Baoyu on his body.

Baoyu shines white light, suppressing the temptation of evil spirits to Henghua.

Seeing Heng Hua controlling the Heavenly Demon Liuyu Bead, Palace Master Zhu's eyes flashed, and he said kindly: "Junior, you are destined to be in the same line as my Heavenly Sage. If you are willing to worship under this seat, the next generation of Heavenly Sage Palace Master can be given to you."

(End of this chapter)

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