
Chapter 142 The sky returns to the sun, and the magic of the sky turns into 6 desires

Chapter 142 Returning to Heaven and Returning to the Sun
Under the urging of the divining demon Zhang Yue, the shadow demon tried his best to come to Flame Valley.

Hearing Dianzhu Zhu's words about recruiting disciples, he cursed inwardly: Accept disciples?Old man Zhang asked me to prevent this kid from becoming a demon, but you took the initiative to let him join the Heavenly Demon Palace?
Looking around, the Shadow Demon quietly approached Fu Henghua.

Came in a hurry, my mana was exhausted.It's better to just kill this kid directly.

Suddenly, the young man backhanded a Eight Diagrams Furnace Technique and smashed it towards the shadow demon.

The shadow quickly disintegrated into dozens of fragments, hiding in various parts of Flame Valley.

Heng Hua ignored Palace Master Zhu at all, and shouted to the sky: "Senior, won't you make a move?"

After finishing speaking, Qian Wansi pulled Fu Xuanxing back quickly.

Zhu Zhengming suddenly appeared, holding a lamp in his hand, and the energy of fire around him turned into a fierce horse and a fire monkey to face Master Zhu.

"You deal with the two of them." After Zhu Dianzhu hastily explained, he entangled Zhu Zhengming and led him away in the other direction of Yangu.

Before leaving, he glanced at Fu Xuanxing.

Chance, my chance to become enlightened has come!
Heng Hua realized that the threat was still around him, and was speechless for a moment.

I let you deal with the person in the dark.

The two heavenly demons are just delivering food to me, why did you take Laomo Zhu away?Where are you from?
Now Heng Hua is not hesitating to take risks himself, holding the Heavenly Demon Liuyu Bead in his hands.

He has already made up his mind to use the "Treasure of Heavenly Demons and Myriad Wonders" to destroy these two heirs of heavenly demons.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhengming came halfway to save Dianzhu Zhu away?
"Your Excellency Huo Ling, please stop the guy in the dark."


Heng Hua's body split, and then turned into broken cicada wings.

"Golden Cicada Gu?"

The Shadow Demon appeared, but saw that Heng Hua had fled to another direction.

"Yuanying? Shadow killing method? Lord of the Shadow Demon Palace?"

Heng Hua's heart sank.

The fire spirit, the totem of the Zhu family who was watching secretly, descended.

At this moment, the flames of the Valley of Flames were aroused, surging towards the sky, forming a giant with a height of one hundred feet.The fire spirits in the valley sensed the divine power of the superior existence, and quickly burrowed into various gaps to hide.

Heng Hua judged the strength and suddenly knew something was wrong: "Your Excellency Huo Ling, don't use flames, go and invite Uncle Zhu's family here."

But Huo Ling ignored Fu Henghua, spewing out lung poison and burning it to the entire Flame Valley.

Heng Hua secretly scolded the old stubborn, and quickly used the fire escape to pull Fu Xuanxing away.

The Lord of the Shadow Demon Hall laughed loudly: "It's just the ear of fire—"

He turned into a shadow, relying on the shadow reflected by the fire, reflecting thousands of ghosts.

"Thousand Shadows Myriad Transformation Technique?"

Liu Yuli saw the Lord of the Shadow Demon Palace appear, and quickly sent a voice transmission: "My lord, why are you here?"

"Of course I helped you. The old man Zhang Yue said, this kid is weird, it's better to kill him sooner."


Liu Yuli's heart sank.

According to the result of his discussion with Zhu Dianzhu.

Palace Master Zhu took away the Liuyu Pearl, and Fu Henghua's body was his.

The three celestial demon puppets surrounding Liu Yuli simultaneously operated the true blood demon method, and three rivers of blood manifested in the sea of ​​flames in the valley of flames.

"Huh? This kid—he even dabbled in blood demon skills?"

The three blood rivers meet in the air, manifesting blood lotus, magic chariot, skeleton and other dharma images.

When the Lord of the Shadow Demon Hall separated some of his shadow avatars to target Fu Henghua and Fu Xuanxing, the river of blood quickly poured down.


Drops of natal blood condensed into "Thousand Spirits Blood Thunder" and exploded.

Heng Hua took the opportunity to come to the edge of the fire pool.

Just as he was about to destroy the Heavenly Demon Orb, his body was suddenly shattered by a beam of magic light from the fire pool.

The surrogate peach talisman was destroyed, and Heng Hua appeared in another place.

Sure enough, these two heavenly demons kept traps in the lake of fire!

Holding the Sky Demon Orb, Heng Hua noticed that the demonic energy was getting heavier and heavier, and that trace of strange evil energy bypassed the blockade of Zhenshen Baoyu and was seducing the demonic nature in his body.

As the mind was shaken, the rope of the Fumo Talisman lit up with golden light, protecting Heng Hua's mind again.

On the other side, Fu Xuanxing was entangled by hundreds of phantoms and was seriously injured.Nanming Lihuo's scabbard spat out flames frequently to heal his injuries.

"Now I only have to return the Yang Lingtu scroll. At most, I can help me prevent another calamity. And these two heavenly demons may leave some arrangements in the fire pool."

The most important thing is the Lord of the Shadow Demon Palace!
Heng Hua is not afraid of people from the Heavenly Devil Dao, but he can't stand any Golden Core cultivator from any other Devil Dao, let alone the Lord of the Shadow Demon Palace!
"It's still Shibo messing around, why take Laomo Zhu away by himself!"

The battle situation changed suddenly, Sha Ming and the three were beheaded by Liu Yuli.

Heng Hua quickly ignited the blood in the three people's bodies, and drew out three rivers of natal blood with the technique of blood demon urging vitality, turning them into a sea of ​​blood blooming with fire lotuses to temporarily trap Liu Yuli.

"Fu Xuanxing, use that talisman!"

Seeing the phantom rushing towards him, Heng Hua quickly used fire escape to escape.


Fu Xuanxing was a little hesitant, but he still took out the "Heaven and Sun Return Talisman".

This is what Fu Henghua discussed with Zhou Xiao earlier.

Flame Valley itself is isolated from the outside world and is an absolute domain.

Through the return to the sky and the return to the sun, the time of Flame Valley can be reversed by one hour.

The Lord of the Shadow Demon Palace didn't know what kind of talisman Fu Xuanxing took out.

It can be seen that he was activated with mana, and a shadow quickly rushed out from under Fu Xuanxing's feet, cutting off his arm.

At that moment, the scabbard in Fu Xuanxing's body vibrated, and a trace of invisible sword energy pierced the shadow.

The face of the Shadow Demon Palace Master changed drastically, and with a glimpse, he noticed the origin of the sword.

impossible!How could it be this sword?

Enduring the severe pain, Fu Xuanxing punched the "Heaven and Sun Return Talisman" with his other hand.

Chi Yan ignited on the surface of the talisman, and an illusory red sun slowly rose.

The entire Flame Valley was shrouded in brilliance.


Time reverses, the world changes.

Zhu Zhengming, Zhu Dianzhu, Totem Ling Wai and Shadow Demon Dianzhu felt the power involved in the movement of heaven and earth at the same time.

"Supernatural power, return to the sky and return to the sun? Where did this magical power come from?"

The four mobilize the strength of the Nascent Soul level to resist.

"Wait, why should I resist?" Zhu Zhengming reacted, and took the initiative to let that force reverse time, and rushed forward to contain Zhu Dianzhu.The two were submerged in red light at the same time.

The totem spirit awakened, and also restrained the Lord of the Shadow Demon Palace, and together they reversed to an hour ago.

The realm of Yuanying level is enough for them to retain their memories.

Flame Valley retreated to an hour ago.

Henghua and Henghua are still in the Yangu Road, Zhu Zhengming and Totem Lingzang are hidden in the dark and have not shown up, and Zhu Dianzhu is still hiding by the fire pool.

Except for Henghua and Liu Yuli, Fu Xuanxing, the caster, and the three Nascent Soul-level beings all retained the memory of the last time.

Fu Xuanxing staggered suddenly, panting, "We're back, and the Heaven Returning Talisman has been activated."

Hearing this, Fu Henghua's expression darkened.

Although he has no memory, seeing Fu Xuanxing using the Heaven Returning Talisman, he immediately understood that the situation was not good.Besides those two heavenly demons, there are others

"Give me the beads."

Fu Xuanxing threw it to him.

Suddenly, two magic lights erupted from the fire pool.

The fierce horse and the fire monkey bumped into each other, and Zhu Zhengming personally blocked the attack for the two of them.

Fu Xuanxing had a previous experience, and hurriedly said: "Senior, that Shadow Demon!"

"He won't be here for now."

The Lord of the Shadow Demon Hall was retreated to the entrance of Flame Valley by the "power of returning to the sky and returning to the sun".

An hour ago, he should have been on his way to Huomen Island.However, "Returning to Heaven and Returning to the Sun" has domain boundaries, and he cannot be traced back to a point in time an hour ago.

Only by suppressing him outside the Flame Valley, until the moment he enters the Flame Valley, can he get rid of the suppression of the Heaven Returning Talisman.

At present, the Shadow Demon is at the entrance of Flame Valley, like a phantom caught in two different time and space, struggling and unable to move.

"I'll help you deal with Old Demon Zhu. Then you—"

"Need not."

Heng Hua held up the Heavenly Demon Six Desire Beads.

The Zhenshen Baoyu and Fumofu Rope operate at the same time.

"Since I have even used the Returning Heaven Returning Talisman, I will not hide it. The two heirs of the Heavenly Demon will be useless!"

This time, Heng Hua no longer resisted the Heavenly Demon Six Desire Beads, but used the Heavenly Demon Supreme Treasure to practice "The Heavenly Demon's Wonderful Collection".

In just two breaths, the magic power was running in his body, breaking through the two realms of foundation building and real fire, and entering the realm of Xuantai.

Zhu Zhengming's eyelids twitched, and he watched Heng Hua rush towards the fire pool.

"Both of you, you claim to be the orthodox Heavenly Demon, you might as well try my Heavenly Demon Dafa."

With a sweep of the sleeve robe, the fantasy and magnificent five-color haze covered the fire pool, sweeping away the killing move arranged by Zhu Dianzhu in the fire pool.

Liu Yuli was about to make a move, but was swept aside by Heng Hua's sleeve.

He and Dianzhu Zhu were stunned at the same time, but the next moment they said in unison: "Xuanming's true strategy?"

Xuanming's true strategy restrains the thirteen demons.

Seeing Fu Henghua's sleeves sweep Liu Yuli away, Dianzhu Zhu remembered it in a daze.

This is how the Lord of Seven Kills was beaten to the ground by the young master, and then ran away with that bastard surnamed Fu.

And the person in front of him was the son of that bastard.

Heng Hua circulated the Heavenly Demon Orb, and the six thieves manifested beside him.


Bursts of joy came from the Heavenly Demon Orb, and the power of the Heavenly Demon blessed the six thieves, creating six puppets at the level of magic pills.

Originally, Heng Hua wanted to fabricate the six thieves to entangle Liu Yuzhu.Unexpectedly, Tianmozhu is so caring.

Simply, he surrounded Dianzhu Zhu with the Six Thieves Demon God.

And he slapped Liu Yuli lightly.

That palm swallowed purple energy, and the phantoms of the seven Great Sages of Desire Heaven loomed.

"Seven Saints Misunderstood? Illusory Heart Palm? Soul-suppressing sound?"

The three secret arts merged into one, Liu Yuli hurriedly performed the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, and also slapped it.

"Boy, even with the blessing of the Holy Bead, you—"

The two held their palms together, and their own demon energy quickly disappeared, transforming into Fu Henghua's demon essence.

"Zhen Ce's spirit devouring technique?"

Liu Yuli reacted, quickly stopped and disconnected.

He looked around Heng Hua in surprise.

A trace of invisible force field surrounds Fu Henghua.

"Why don't you continue? Come on, I want to see how powerful your mana is and how long it can be absorbed by me."

It's time for a dog.

Liu Yuli scolded the sky in his heart.

Where did this kid get the "Xuanming True Strategies"?Could it be his father -- no, given the relationship between the young master and his father, it wouldn't be taught to him by the young master, right?
The reason why Xuanming's true strategy restrained the Thirteen Demon Palaces.

It is because Demon Emperor Jiang studied the true essence attributes of the Thirteen Devil Palaces, which can make Xuanming True Yuan compatible and devour the mana of the Thirteen Devil Dao.

Fighting against monks who practiced Xuanming's true strategy, the Thirteenth Demon Palace became more and more tired, but the disciples of Xuanming didn't have to worry about running out of mana.

"Anyway, he's also a magic pill cultivator, so let me see his domain."

The Heavenly Demon Orb vibrated, and provocatively matched Fu Henghua's words.

It is your greatest honor to submit to death obediently.

Feeling the threat of the Heavenly Demon Orb, Zhu Dianzhu and Liu Yuli cursed in their hearts:

Where does this bead belong to?
A celestial demon black flame burned towards the six thieves, turning them all into ashes.

"You step back, this seat will deal with him!"

Dianzhu Zhu flew in front of him, and the pleasant and beautiful illusion of the world of desire appeared beside him.

Unfortunately, he didn't know the inside story of Erlongjian back then.Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to make such a big deal and let Heng Hua fight with him with the Heavenly Demon Six Desire Pearl.

Just after the six thieves were wiped out, three more witches blocked the way.

"Mola Three Swords? Master's secret technique?"

Dianzhu Zhu was surprised, suddenly the three witches entangled with each other and formed a terrifying specter.

Demon King Bo Xun.

The devil cut it down with a machete.

Dianzhu Zhu retreated quickly, at this time the fierce horse and the fire monkey rushed from behind.

Zhu Zhengming looked at Fu Henghua seriously.

The devilish energy entangled in the young man's body was no less than that of Old Demon Zhu.

But after repeated weighing, Zhu Zhengming still planned to kill Dianzhu Zhu first.

"Nephew, you are holding the Heavenly Demon Orb, be careful."

"A mere bead, what can it do?"

Heng Hua's voice was cold, and he looked at the Sky Demon Orb in his hand.

That's it.Mozhu is docile and well-behaved, and takes the initiative to help Henghua improve his cultivation, intending to help him refine the "Heavenly Demon Golden Pill".

That level of obedience is more caring than Xiaoyu and Hengshou.

"Unfortunately, monsters are monsters."

Heng Hua sighed faintly, and the true essence of good fortune resisted the "power of heavenly demon".

When Dianzhu Zhu was surrounded by "Devil King Bo Xun" and Fierce Horse Fire Monkey, he lightly threw the Heavenly Demon Liuyu Bead into the pool of fire.

At that moment, Dianzhu Zhu's face froze.

Even the Sky Demon Orb itself was stunned.

It never expected that this guy would abandon himself before Dianzhu Zhu was defeated.

"Are you crazy!"

The magic bead made a sharp cry.

Heng Hua circulated the magic power he had just cultivated in his body, condensed all the power on his index finger, and cast the secret technique of the sky magic "Wanhuan Tianmo Finger", pointing to the core of the sky magic bead.

"A conscious magic weapon, and it's still a black weapon. Be your master? Do you think I'm a fool?"

Black weapon, whoever dares to refine a ready-made black weapon and mistakenly thinks that he can be the master will be turned into a puppet by the black weapon.

And even if it wasn't a black weapon, Heng Hua wouldn't be so stupid as the Sky Demon Orb's intelligence was so strong. A magic treasure with intelligence and wisdom would take the initiative to find a master for himself.

Afterwards, Heng Hua turned the ring on his finger.When a crack appeared on the surface of the Heavenly Demon Bead, he directly bumped into it.

That similar breath smashed into the Sky Demon Orb.

The consciousness inside the Sky Demon Orb immediately awakened.

That's right, this kid has made black weapons himself, so he has long been aware of my existence.

"Let's get to know each other again, Fu family, Bai Huangtang, Fu Henghua. Is your Excellency the first generation master of the Heavenly Demon Palace? Or did the Heavenly Demon Pearl become a spirit over time, giving birth to a consciousness?
"However, it doesn't matter. Let's go on the road with your juniors today."


The Sky Demon Orb was thrown into the pool of fire and was ignited by raging fire.

 It was the second update yesterday, I was too tired, so I just added it now.

(End of this chapter)

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