
Chapter 143

Chapter 143
On Chiyang Island, Fu Yaozhen has a well-founded dispatch to deal with batch after batch of water demons who have landed.

Seeing that the morale of the water monsters was low, she immediately ordered Xiaoyu to prepare the Yunchao bottle to collect the monsters.

At this time, a terrifying demonic energy erupted in the direction of Huomen Island.

Thick smoke billowed from Flame Valley, and the earthquake spread from Huomen Island to the surrounding water.

"It's started, Heng Hua is destroying the Six Desire Pearls!"


Flame Valley spewed out a large number of flying stone flames, and the heat wave in the valley roiled. Fu Xuanxing ran in the fire rain in embarrassment, and rushed to the central fire pool.

A three-foot-diameter black column of smoke emerged from the fire pool. Fu Henghua, Liu Yuli, and Palace Master Zhu were all missing. Only Zhu Zhengming stared at the fire pool with an inexplicable expression.

"Congratulations to the seniors? What's the situation now?"

Zhu Zhengming suppressed the inner demon, slowly separated a distance from Fu Xuanxing, and reluctantly said: "The kid threw the Liuyu Pearl down. The Liuyu Pearl tried to destroy itself, triggering a huge illusion of heavenly demons."

Even standing on the edge of the fire pool, Zhu Zhengming felt that his consciousness was polluted by the power of the demon.

He joined forces with the Totem Spirit to resist, and managed to seal the Heavenly Demon Illusion, preventing it from expanding out of the Flame Valley.

But—the kid in front of him didn't feel it?
Zhu Zhengming was puzzled and explained:
"That kid was pulled by Liuyuzhu and fell into the pool of fire. When he got down, he pulled the two demons away together. By the way, let me wait for you here. Use some Lihuo fist to seal the pool of fire. It should be me Did you hear wrong? Lihuo Fist, a yellow-level boxing technique, how can you-"

Hearing the words, the young man took the initiative to stand in the air.

Swinging a fist activated the scabbard in his body, and the wind of yin and yang swept Nanming Lihuo.

The phantom of Suzaku fell over the fire pool, suppressing the phantom power of the demon.


Zhu Zhengming glanced at Fu Xuanxing unexpectedly, and suddenly asked: "Little brother, can you get married? Do you have a Taoist partner? If you don't mind, I have two people who are about the same age as you."


Fu Xuanxing couldn't keep up with Zhu Zhengming's train of thought.


A wave of demonic energy blasted up from the fire pool, Zhu Zhengming didn't dare to be careless, and quickly stared at the fire pool.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later. The most important thing right now is that nothing happens to this kid. I don't want to bear the wrath of Senior Fu."

"I'll go down and see."

Without waiting for Zhu Zhengming to stop him, Fu Xuanxing jumped into the pool of fire.

The fire pool was different from the interior of the volcano he had imagined.

The raging flames flowed like magma, the roar of dragons was mixed with crackling sounds, and the smell of sulfur was mixed with dense smoke.

All this comes from a beam of light at the core.

Flame Valley is the key node for Huomen Island to suppress Yan Shenglong King.Through the pillar of flame light, Fu Xuanxing saw the huge mountain-like dragon claws at the bottom.Those dragon scales shone with luster, exuding supreme dragon might.

Fu Xuanxing's blood was surging, and his eyes turned golden unconsciously.

The erect pupils stared at the dragon claw, and almost walked in.

"What are you doing here, go out."

Qian Wansi entwined Fu Xuanxing, and with a light flick, Fu Xuanxing was thrown out of the pool of fire.

The moment he was about to leave, Fu Xuanxing saw Fu Henghua sitting on a black mountain, holding a five-color fishing rod and sending him away.

But Dianzhu Zhu and Liu Yuli were struggling at the foot of that mountain.

"Five Elements Mountain? No, this mountain doesn't have Five Elements attributes, it's more like—more like a magic mountain?"

That majestic and proud mountain feeling weighed heavily on Fu Xuanxing's heart, making him almost out of breath.


When Fu Xuanxing returned to the pool of fire, Zhu Zhengming hurriedly supported him: "How? Is that kid alright?"

"No... nothing. He's doing better than I thought."


In the fire pool, Heng Hua sat on the top of the mountain, overlooking the two demons below, and the six desire pearl spirits that pressed into the mountainside.

"It's rare, little Lingzi. Since you went to Bury Turtle Reef three years ago, you have been trying to bully me. But I am a master of chess, and I refuse to enter the illusion of heavenly demons.

"Now, you have finally fulfilled your wish and pulled me into the heavenly demon realm to reveal my demonic nature.

"Now, why are you silent?"

The Six Desire Pearl Spirit blew himself up when thrown into the pool of fire. He originally wanted to draw out Fu Henghua's demonic nature, force him to become a demon, and then seize his body.

Unexpectedly, Fu Henghua's demon nature was so strong that he directly suppressed it.

Not only that, Zhu Dianzhu and Liu Yuli also suffered under the magic mountain.

Dianzhu Zhu stared at the Wanren Xiongfeng in front of him.

Arrogant, conceited, arrogant, disdainful of everything...

This magic mountain is the embodiment of the magic in Heng Hua's heart.

"This kid, who the hell passed on the "Tiansheng Wanhua Freedom Sutra" to him, so that he could transform his obsession and cultivate such a strong holy thought?"

Liu Yuli: "..."

Demonic nature, by further deepening the monk's obsession, letting negative emotions overwhelm the Taoist heart, the demonic nature is formed.

"I have been in Donglai for more than a thousand years. I have seen anger, love, greed, fear... all kinds of obsessions can be refined into holy thoughts. But I have never seen it. With conceited and arrogant thoughts, Turn into such a high mountain!"

As the ancestor of playing with emotions, the Heavenly Demon lineage is naturally good at controlling their own emotions.

For them, the demon nature can not only increase their cultivation, but also serve as a weapon to defeat the enemy.

Palace Master Zhu could see clearly.

This demonic nature is clearly the achievement of Fu Henghua's practice of Heavenly Demon Kung Fu and his comprehension of "Heavenly Transformation Freedom".In terms of strong demon nature, several deputy palace masters are not as good as him.

Heng Hua sat on the top of the mountain, looking at the Wanren Xiongfeng below him, with a lot of emotion:

"I also didn't expect that my demon nature is so thick."

On the surface, he is courteous and courteous to others, but in his heart, Heng Hua is rebellious.

Why practice heavenly scriptures.

Because I am unwilling to be in the dust, and I don't want to be lost in the public.

In my life, I am the protagonist.

When I come to this world, I am the protagonist of this world.

Not only is he born with knowledge from his previous life, Fu Henghua possesses a "Heavenly Wisdom Heart" in this life, and he claims to be the most potential person in the Fu family.

Therefore, under his arrogance, Mr. Fu Tong's inferiority complex cannot be seen.

After becoming an adult, Fu Henghua imitated the others on Panlong Island and set up his own killing ring.

Fu Henghua has only one commandment to kill:
Enemy blocking the way, should be killed!

But in this world, who can be regarded as my enemy?
Wei family?In Heng Hua's eyes, those people are just a group of idiots, just pebbles on his path of cultivation.

Kicked things away.

A group of demons, Luo Shenkong and others?
In Heng Hua's eyes, it was a group of grasshoppers jumping around in autumn.

If you don't regard them as "human beings", how can you call them "enemies"?
Fu Henghua has killed countless water monsters so far, but he has not killed a human monk with his own hands.

Not kind, but contemptuous.

"The dirt on the boots and the dust from the robe are also worthy of being my enemies?"

Since Fu Henghua came here, his Dao enemy should have the resources of Bo Xun.

Only such an "enemy of the Buddha" deserves to die in his own hands, so that he can let himself take the precept of killing.

Luo Shenkong originally had this qualification.

But when Fu Henghua fought against him with "Xuanming True Strategies", he completely stopped this idea.

A demon cultivator who can't even get rid of the sexual restraint of "Xuan Ming Zhen Strategies" is not qualified to be my Dao enemy.

Because Luoshenkong, together with the evaluation of the Thirteen Devil Palaces in Fu Henghua's heart, all lowered a notch.

He will carefully regard them as threats and make plans, because they are stronger than himself.

But they don't regard them as enemies on their way of practicing Dao.

Thirteen Demon Palaces, not worthy.

The only ones who can stop me from cultivating "Fortune Huiyuan Gong" are the heaven and the descendants of the heavenly scriptures!
Now, it is regarded as an imaginary enemy by Heng Hua.

He is the descendant of Demon Emperor Jiang.

Only the successor of "Xuan Ming Zhen Strategies" evolved from the fragments of the heavenly scriptures is qualified to be his own enemy.

This morbid conceit is the embodiment of Fu Henghua's demon nature.

Looking at the mountain under his feet, Fu Henghua finally understood.

Why Liuyuzhu gave up on Luoshenkong, and even seduced herself repeatedly.

Because of myself, I am indeed more suitable for being a demon than others.

"Nine heavens and ten earths, besides me, who can be the enemy?"

To be a heavenly demon, one must have the arrogance to overlook the world and regard all living beings as ants.

Heng Hua raised his hand to run the "Tianmo Wanmiao Collection".

The graceful heavenly music resounds on the top of the mountain, and the seven-fold palace wall is slowly unfolded, and railings, nets, phoenixes and birds are manifested one by one.

"Mount Xumixin is too monotonous, let's add a Zizai Tianmo Palace."

He is free!
Standing under the demon palace, Fu Henghua looked at the two demons at the foot of the mountain, and an inexplicable thought flashed through his mind.

"There are only two types of people in this world, one is me, and the other is the people under my feet."

But Fu Henghua didn't bother to say this kind of speech of the second grade.

Even though at this moment, the second's magic power surpassed his own, Fu Henghua still did not regard them as Dao enemies.

On my road, a jumping toad.A thing that is trampled to death is also worthy of being an enemy?

"Tianmo Wanmiao Treasure" was running, and this magic realm continuously injected mana into Fu Henghua.

Silently, the Golden Pill of Zizai Tianmo has been completed.


Seeing Fu Henghua's transformation into a demon realm, Palace Master Zhu's eyelids twitched:
"It's no wonder that Zhuzi insisted on following him. This kid is expected to become Emperor Xuan."

Liu Yuli looked at the magic mountain that was getting higher and higher, and the top could no longer be seen, and suddenly a stormy sea broke out.

The demonic black water transformed by the magic mist turned into a vast ocean and rushed towards Mount Sumeru, flooding the sky inch by inch.

boom -

The magic mountain exploded, and the giant hands of the Five Sacred Mountains slowly slapped Liu Yuli, crushing the black water that surged up into the sky to the foot of the mountain.

"Mt. Xumixin, uh... the reversal of the Five Elements Mountain?"

If you regard the Five Elements Mountain as the Tathagata Mountain.Then this magic mountain is the mountain of Bo Xun.

"He is in the sky, and I am the ruler of the world of desire. Fight me in this world? Are you worthy?"

The heavenly demon freely circulated the golden core, and the power of the heaven and earth demon realm was triggered, smashing Liu Yuli's body of magic mist. .

On the mountainside, the spirit of the Six Desire Pearls was furious.

Are you the Lord of the Desire Realm?

The source of the other seven heavens is the supreme demonic energy that I have cultivated for thousands of years.Does the combined mana of the three of you make up [-]% of this Alternative Freedom?
However, under Fu Henghua's demonic suppression, the Liuyu Zhuling was about to be destroyed, and he couldn't say a word.

Liu Yuli: "Who says you can't leave. If you kill you and destroy this mountain, you can tear down this world of desire."

"Kill me? Hahahaha—"

Laughter echoed in the Magic Mountain, and Fu Henghua's contemptuous and arrogant emotions were conveyed throughout his avatar.

"Ask the palace master next to you to see if he has broken his idea of ​​transforming himself into the sky."

"This holy land of freedom combines the origins of the three of us and one pearl. Especially the six desires pearl, which has been transformed into one realm for thousands of years. This realm can be used as a place to avoid disasters from thunder. Moreover, this kid In Hua Zi Zai Tian, ​​​​he cultivated the golden core. His golden core fits this world. In other words, we have fallen into his golden core realm."

Dianzhu Zhu lamented in his heart.

The Six Desire Pearls are gone!

He intends to use the Six Desire Beads to cross the catastrophe, just to open up a realm of desire and avoid the endless thunders between heaven and earth.

Now the world of desire has evolved, but the control is not with me.

"The Six Desire Beads are abolished, and it's not easy to continue using this Desire Realm. That's all..."

Zhu Dian took the initiative, and his figure faded away little by little.

"Want to go?"

Fu Henghua was not polite, and Bo Xun's Faxiang pressed Dianzhu Zhu.

"What's the lord anxious about? How about appreciating the "Treasure of Heavenly Demons and Myriad Wonders"?"

Zhu Dianzhu cast "Heavenly Demon Free Body", and left from Henghua's attack range.

"You use Xuanming's true strategy to integrate into the heavenly sage and Dafa, and achieve the state of self-transformation. I am not as good as you, but you only have a golden core cultivation base. It is impossible to stop me."

Zhu Dianzhu escaped from the realm of his desire to transform, leaving behind a burst of laughter: "I have cultivated a self-possessed dharma body, and I have ruled the world for more than a thousand years. If you are taken down by a mere boy, what face will I have to continue to rule the heavenly sages?"

Calmly escaped from the demon world, the palace master returned to the pool of fire.

He thought to himself: If he can't get the Liuyu Pearl now, he might as well arrest that boy from Xuanwei Sect.The things in him are also helpful for me to become enlightened.

The demon has no form, since the fire pool appeared, before Zhu Zhengming could react, Dianzhu Zhu grabbed Fu Xuanxing's shoulder.

"Little friend. Your companion captured my subordinates. I will take you back to the temple as compensation."

At this time, the Lord of the Shadow Demon Palace finally rushed over from the gate of Yangu.

Seeing Master Zhu grabbing Fu Xuanxing, his expression changed drastically, and he yelled, "Old Zhu, let him go quickly. He has—"

Zhu Dianzhu grabbed Fu Xuanxing and was guarding against Zhu Zhengming's attack.

Suddenly, his face changed.

The sharp sword energy erupted from Fu Xuanxing's body.

And that sword—

"Why is the Fulong Sword on you!"

 Revising the previous article, it was a mistake for Fu Henghua to call Zhu Zhengming and others "Uncle Shi".It has been changed to "Shibo".

  Revise the previous article, Zhu Dianzhu made a mistake in calling himself "Heavenly Demon", and has changed it to "Heavenly Sage".

(End of this chapter)

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