
Chapter 152 Sitting hidden and asking, 9th grade Yijing opens immortal legend

Chapter 152 Sitting hidden and asking
Zhou Xiao took out her Tianxuan mirror, and while reading it, she wondered: what name will the kid use after he enters?You can't just use your real name foolishly, right?He is not Xuan Xing.

After seeing "Jin Ao" release a new exercise and set a price, Zhou Xiao's heart moved.

Although Tianxuan Daotai prohibits the search for monk status.

But after hundreds of years of getting along with each other, some familiar code names will always be guessed.

For example, Jin Ao, the exercises and practice experience released by this code name are mostly stars and Taoism, deduced and counted.Over time, everyone knew that this was the code name of Tianshuzi, the suzerain of Tianyi, and it was passed down from generation to generation by Tianshuzi.

Another example is Master Zhou Xiao, Master Hengyuan. He is the first batch of users of Tianxuan Daotai.

After finding Tian Shuzi, Zhou Xiao went to check the remaining four people.

Fu Xuanxing sat on the side and gnawed on the steamed stuffed bun: "Master seems to have the right to recommend, but why did he give it to Brother Fu? Brother Fu comes from Yanlong, so he is very contradicted by the Daotai, right? Will the ten-year review Will be kicked?"

"Your uncle has his own plans. Besides, that boy Henghua will definitely go to the Taoist platform in the future. It's nothing more than a first step. Within ten years, it is enough for him to mix up his grades and not be kicked out."

After eating the steamed stuffed bun, the young man thought for a while: "Master, is doing this to prevent Yusheng Pavilion from accepting disciples?"

Zhou Xiao: "Maybe."

After personal contact, Tianshuzi has already seen clearly: Fu Henghua has a unique understanding of his own practice system.How could it be easy to join other sects?His self-created fairy formulas are not inferior to those of other sects. What he lacks is his own realm and lack of experience, so he cannot deduce the following exercises.

If Fu Henghua really passed away to learn from the Immortal Sect, it would not be for the fundamental methods of each sect, but for him to use the Zangshu Pavilion of each sect to deduce the exercises for himself.

That being the case, then I will simply give him the "Tianxuan Daotai", let him take advantage of the opportunity to communicate with fellow practitioners, increase his own knowledge, and continue to create his exercises.

If he can't be drawn into our Taixuan Dao vein, then he will also be unable to enter the second pavilion of Jade Sage and Purple Emperor.

Not being able to enter such a sect, coupled with the relationship between the Xuanwei Sect and the Fu family, he would naturally lean towards the Taixuan Dao vein.

This is an investment, and Tianshuzi is sure that this investment will definitely be beneficial to Taixuan Daomai.

Zhou Xiao kept browsing, and finally found the code name used by Fu Henghua.


What is the purpose of this name?
He didn't know that Fu Henghua originally planned to be codenamed "Laojun", but after much deliberation, he decided against it.

Thinking from Tathagata, Jade Emperor, Bodhi, and Wukong, the code name "Bodhi" was chosen.

Proficient in all kinds of immortals, demons and evil spirits, it is more suitable for the Bodhi Patriarch who covers the three religions and nine streams.

Right now, Fu Henghua is studying the last of the ten free materials - "The Heaven and Earth Treasures".

This is the introductory chapter of the chess fairy, which was left by a chess fairy who is proficient in sitting and hiding, and his pen name is "Ri Ruo Xuan Jing".

Seeing the familiar exposition, Fu Henghua immediately guessed who the person behind the pseudonym was.

"Senior Sijing is interesting, he can't plan to choose the successor of the chess fairy here, right?"

After thinking about it, Fu Henghua wrote down his understanding and cognition of Qi Xian in the comment area.

"The world of chess, you can see everything. It's not about Qi, it's about God."

With one stroke of the pen, Heng Hua's talent springs up, and he writes out all the complaints he has made about the "chess fairy" for decades.

Thousands of words are eloquently written, but to sum up, there is only one general idea:
To learn the golden elixir avenue, let the chess immortal condense the golden elixir, turn nine into a fairy, that is bullshit!
What "Nine Apertures and Exquisite Golden Elixir" and "Jade Phase and Constellation Golden Elixir" should not be cultivated by real chess immortals!

The essence of a chess fairy is spirit.

Fu Henghua never dared to speak these words in Sijinglou.

Do you really think that Duan Sijing dare not hit someone?
Or do you think the chess masters in Qihua Valley are easy to bully?
To annoy them, Fu Henghua still plans to leave Sijingshandu?

But now, on the Tianxuan Taoist platform, Fu Henghua can finally speak freely.

After writing it, Heng Hua planned to quit.

He didn't think the old man Sijing would reply immediately.

Unexpectedly, just after he finished writing, a line of vigorous handwriting appeared:

"Then what do you think?"

It's really there?

Fu Henghua was taken aback, and then wrote:

"Chess Immortal, supplemented by Qi, based on God, and rooted in wisdom."

Ordinary people still need physical strength to play chess, and it may take several hours to finish a game.People who are physically weak and mentally weak will naturally not be able to hold on.A game that can obviously be won will also be lost.

Chess Immortals control the world with the game of chess, and they also need mana and physical strength to run the world.

But this does not mean that chess immortals should regard the cultivation of golden elixir as the foundation.

For those who play chess, you can exercise your body, strengthen your physique, and extend the time of each game.

But for chess records, the study of chess skills is more important.

"Arrogant people!"

Inside the Four View Building, the old man cursed angrily.

"Supplemented by qi? You put it simply. If you don't use the golden elixir longevity technique as a foreshadowing, you will have no lifespan. What kind of immortal way do you practice?"

Suppressing his anger, he replied to this commenter who finally appeared: "Qi is the supplement, and God is the foundation. It was also mentioned by a chess master 500 years ago."

Before he could finish writing, Fu Henghua interrupted directly: "Master Lu pays attention to the spirit and does not cultivate Qi, like a rotten tree without roots and water, it is unbearable."

Alright, you even look down on Lu Wangshi, a former master of chess?
Duan Sijing sneered, and wrote another name: "What do you think of Ge Xinping?"

"Ge Banxian's chess skills are unparalleled, and his wisdom is deep. However, he didn't understand the chess fairy's fighting skills, and was harmed by the group of demons. You should learn from it if you cultivate the inside and not the outside."

Ge Xinping is Ge Liu's uncle. When Fu Henghua read chess records when he was a child, it was his chess records.

"How is Wang Zimo?"

"The golden core is the root, and the way of chess is the skill. It is not worthy of being called a chess master. This is a Qi refiner who is proficient in chess, not a person who has become an immortal through chess."

Then, Duan Sijing mentioned several well-known ancient chess masters, all of which were refuted by Fu Henghua.

Finally, after a period of silence.

Just when Heng Hua thought that after the old man Sijing left, a line of words came from there.

"How about the four sceneries of Jiexian section?"

Heng Hua fell into deep thought, and after thinking for a long time, he wrote slowly: "Entering the Dao through art, the talent is extraordinary. However, it is not an authentic way of chess, but it can be regarded as the ancestor of a sect."


Sijingshan crossing, thunder across the sky.

All the disciples looked up one after another.Isn't the thunder disaster over?

No matter how well-cultivated Duan Sijing was, he was still furious when someone refuted his lifelong chess cultivation as worthless and dismissed him as a sect.

"Don't let the old man find out, or you will die!"

The old man shattered the jade stove, waited to calm down, and watched the handwriting written by Fu Henghua.

"Looking at this person's handwriting, it seems to be a man?"

Fu Henghua's handwriting is gorgeous and unrestrained, like flowing clouds and flowing water, with patterns of dragons and phoenixes.

"Based on words, he should have a flamboyant personality, in the prime of his life, when he is at his peak?"

A monk's age can be counted thousands of times, and it is impossible to judge a person's age from his character.

There is a thousand-year-old monster who still maintains a pure heart.There is a monk who is a hundred years old, but he is like a dying old man, and his heart is like a rotten tree.

Duan Sijing tried to calculate, but was blocked by Donglai Jinbang.

At this time, another line of graceful and elegant slender fonts joined the discussion.

"In your eyes, what is the righteous path of a chess immortal?"

Duan Sijing calmed down:
"Is there anyone reading my chess book?"

Why can Duan Sijing reply immediately?
Because he has a divine sense, he always pays attention to the various materials he posts.

There are too few people who are interested in chess immortals.

Although he is a robber immortal, the monks who mainly cultivate Jindan and Yuanying don't look down on him at all.

Another Jiexian posted an article with many fans, and immediately hundreds of comments appeared.

But what about him?
The sum of the materials he sent out may not be comparable to the comments on other people's exercises.

All these things of his can be enlightened and cultivated.

And those who are willing to click on his piano scores and chess books generally like quietness.Except for some difficult questions, there are few comments.

If it weren't for his reserved status, he was trying to pull those people to shout and ask them to write as many messages as possible, so as to increase his popularity.


Seeing the line of beautiful characters, Fu Henghua smiled knowingly: "The way of chess, the law of the world, and the machine of ghosts and gods. With the Tao as the source, Jindan Yuanying is all foreign things."

After the long passage, Fu Henghua took the chess fairy of the Sijinglou lineage as an example.

He highly appreciated the "Zhenlong Foundation Building Method" created by Duan Sijing.He thinks that Qi Xian can practice in this way, but he is very disdainful of Qi Xian's condensed golden core.

Dao Jin Dan, that is the practice of alchemy.Chess, why do you need alchemy?
"It's okay to breathe out and refine Qi. It's okay to build a foundation with precious treasures. It's okay to refine the golden elixir of the Dao. No. Chess immortals don't cultivate the golden elixir, they don't participate in the Yuanying, and they still have the fifth-class upper realm.

"One said, Yuan Zhi is like a golden elixir. Strategize and win decisively thousands of miles away. Use wisdom to enter the Tao and become a fairy, and you can see the wonders of the world.

"Secondly, Tongyou is analogous to Nascent Soul. Whether it is a battle or not, the intention is to Tongyou. It is like knowing the opportunity of ghosts and gods, and you can deal with all changes with one heart. Even if there is a Nascent Soul cultivator as an enemy, you can use the chessboard to evolve the world and retreat. enemy."

Duan Sijing suddenly realized.

"Is this person independent of the chess fairy, imitating the way of the sword fairy to condense the sword embryo, let us not practice the golden core, but make a natal chessboard?"

The sword fairy can go out with one sword and kill the enemy thousands of miles away.

Chess immortals can also manipulate fate through the chessboard and decide the life and death of enemies thousands of miles away.

"Thirdly, Xuanwei is analogous to Tianshou. The heaven, earth and myriad objects are observed in detail, and they know the principles of all things and break them."

Duan Sijing closed his eyes, meditating silently.

When he opened his eyes again, he turned the four-color jewel wheel behind his head.

A colored light rises, the chessboard is conceived, and a Taoist figure appears again.

"A poor man sitting in a hermit mountain."

Holding the chessboard in his hand, he sat with a smile opposite Duan Sijing.

This person is the incarnation of the chess fairy cut by Duan Sijing.

Don't cultivate the golden elixir, only rebuild it with the method of chess immortal.

Duan Sijing continued to communicate with Fu Henghua.

When Fu Henghua wrote the two realms of "Zhixu" and "Destiny", Duan Sijing responded: "The five realms correspond to the fifth grade of Jindan's ninth turn. Before that, how did chess immortals practice? Why don't we follow the example of immortals?" Jia Jiuzhong, set the ninth rank of Chess Immortal?"

Therefore, the two began to discuss from the initial state.The third handwriting interjected from time to time, mentioning some expositions in ancient books.

During the chess discussion, Duan Sijing noticed many ideas similar to his own from the arrogant person's comments, and suddenly felt that he had met a confidant.

As for that girl, from Duan Sijing's point of view: Although the chess theory is far less powerful than this arrogant and rebellious person, she is also a wise person who quotes scriptures and reads various schools.

When she quarreled with this madman many times, she would come forward to smooth things over and give them a step down.

In this way, the three of them discussed a boundary delineation exclusive to chess immortals.

fate.The way of heaven is unpredictable, but I am the only one who decides.At this level, the chess fairy is in harmony with the way of heaven, predicting the enemy and knowing ahead, comparable to the feather fairy.

This is Duan Sijing's goal, and it is also the chess realm of Demon Emperor Henghua in Fu Yaozhen's foreseen future.I am the sky, and the chess pieces I lay down are the destiny.

To be empty, to be empty, to be kind, to turn evil into good fortune.Borrowing the power of the way of heaven, he is victorious in every battle, comparable to the real spirit realm.

Next are Xuanwei, Tongyou, Yuanzhi, Qiyi, Zhuli, Chengshi, and Yushou.

The following four realms were removed from the Chess Immortal Dharma Gate of Sijinglou.

Seek victory before thinking about defeat, ask about offense and practice defense first.

When the defense is well practiced, and then take advantage of the momentum of the world to achieve a natal and precious game, this is to take advantage of the momentum.Borrowing heaven and earth to realize one's own clever trick.

It is analogous to the spiritual spectrum of the qin fairy, the spiritual map of the spiritual painter, and the brocade fabric of the weaving fairy.

The more skillful hands there are, the more ingeniously arranged the layout and the richer the fighting methods will be.

Then practice the righteousness of power and the ingenuity of strangeness, and integrate all the skills to form your own style of chess fairy. This is Yuan Zhi.

Integrate everything and return to the basics.

Zuoyinshanren started to cultivate from the beginning, achieved the first four realms one step at a time, and reached Yuanzhi realm.Then one step leads to the seclusion, reaching the realm of knowing ghosts and gods.

"You can't see the three realms above, but you can confirm that they really exist."

When Zuoyinshan people said a word, the heaven and the earth felt it, Donglai Jinbang shook, and thousands of rainbow lights appeared outside the Sijing Building.

In the middle of the sky, at the jade platform where the gold list hangs high.All the immortals watched helplessly. On the side of the list of sword immortals, another list of chess immortals was added.

"Chess Fairy is independent?"

Zhu Xiu feels that the luck of the immortals has changed, and the luck of Sijinglou is getting more and more prosperous, as if a phoenix bird with wings is soaring in the sky.

It's a pity that at present, except Duan Sijing whose name is taboo listed on it.No serious chess immortal monk appeared on the list of chess immortals.

Duan Sijing was impressed, and immediately asked Fu Henghua and the third person: "Aren't you two chess masters? Take this opportunity to practice Taoism."

Fu Henghua was dumbfounded when he learned that the Donglai Gold List had released another list.

When Duan Sijing asked and encouraged him to enter Taoism, he faltered and hawed.

He only replied: "The words of the wild waves, I hit by mistake. Farewell!"

Standing outside the chess fairy system, he can point fingers and talk.When Duan Sijing really opened up the lineage of chess immortals, how could he dare to fight against others with his little ink?

Moreover, he is exactly the kind of Prince Mo like he said, with gold core as the foundation and chess skills as the supplement.

After he withdrew, the other also withdrew.

The girl sent a message to Fu Henghua from the air: "Fellow Daoist 'Wang Zimo', I will give you a hundred cloud pills, so you can practice your immortality well."

After sending the message, she exited the mirror and went to practice.

Watching the two of them leave, Duan Sijing ran through thousands of horses and horses in his heart: I dare you two to drag me for a long time, and I am the only real chess master?
But these two have helped me a lot in the end.In addition, I don't lack Yundan, so I simply waved my hand, and each of them made a large sum of Yundan.

Taking advantage of the establishment of the lineage of chess immortals, Duan Sijing posted chess records and books one after another.

It's free, I don't want to make money, I just want someone to watch it.

Fu Henghua, on the other hand, relied on these Yundan obtained for no reason, frantically looking for good fortune and longevity skills on the Taoist platform, and deduced the realm of the mysterious fetus for himself.

The harvest of this night alone is worth Fu Henghua's one-year study alone.

 Ninth Rank of Go is used for checking data,
  One day when I was watching "Flowers in the Mirror", I suddenly caught a glimpse of a line: [HD Chun "The Book of Arts": "There are nine pieces of Go, one of which is ecstasy. 】

  Inspired from this, I transferred the set from "The Book of Arts" and used it.

  Long-lost addendum:
  ——"Shi Shuo Guang Ji"

  Duan Sijing became a robber, with a heart of rebellion, and he claimed to be the master of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, which is second to none in the world.

  One day, I went into the water to enjoy the scenery, and went to Wulu Mountain to see two immortals playing chess.

  Stop at night, the two immortals are finished, and the chess is collected.

  The rise of art ancestors, want to play chess.

  When the male immortal saw the art ancestor, he covered his face with his sleeves, hated him, and ran away with the wind.

  The female fairy said: "How does the ancestor of the side door know the integrity of chess?" She took advantage of the moonlight to hide.

  Ancestor Yi's expression changed, and he remained silent for a long time.

  Before Li Fangyuan realized Taoism, it took him nine days and nine nights to create the authentic chess fairy.

  Watch the black heron again.Fifty steps east of the chessboard, there is a bodhi plant.Fifty steps westward on the chessboard, there is a laurel.

  Ancestor Yi suddenly realized, and saluted as a teacher: "This is also Wulu Erxian."

  "Eastern Chess Classic": Duan Sijing, the ancestor of the art, first became a robbery immortal. He entered Qipan Mountain one day, saw the mountain like chess, and suddenly realized the magic of chess immortals.

  ——"The Chronicle of the Fu Family · The Biography of Fu Henghua"

  Tianzu studied the art of sitting in seclusion, and once practiced the Four Arts Immortal Way with Yixian Duan Sijing, and passed on the authentic way of immortality.

  (Note, this statement is very different from the origin of the orthodox discussion of chess immortals in the world, and is not regarded as orthodox)

(End of this chapter)

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