
Chapter 153 Touching stones into gold, the way to success

Chapter 153 Touching a Stone into Gold

In the early morning of the next day, Fu Henghua walked back from the stern with a tired face.

Looking at this appearance, Zhou Xiao knew that he had stayed up all night in Tianxuan Daotai, and said with a smile: "You kid, pay more attention in the future. Tianxuan Daotai can't run, so there is no need to fight so hard."

The exchange of spiritual consciousness is very detrimental to the monks themselves, and they need to sleep and rest.

"Communicate with colleagues from all walks of life, get excited, and forget the time for a while."

This night, I collected many comrades' expositions on the way of good fortune, and Heng Hua was greatly inspired.

The reason why he stopped and did not continue was because he had spent all of Yundan.

After Zhou Xiao learned about it, she shook her head and said, "You are very generous. When I first entered the Taoist platform, I used one cloud pill as two, so save it."

Heng Hua didn't take it seriously: "This thing, you can make money after you lose it. Isn't the original intention of Daotai to guide everyone to exchange and discuss Dao?"

Fu Henghua doesn't mind sharing what he has learned and researched.

In his opinion, the meaning and value of this kind of platform to him is far more than what he paid.

"So, how do you plan to become famous?"

Fu Henghua shook his head and sighed: "It's really not easy to become famous on the Taoist platform."

The people who leave messages and comments on each Lingyun are handsome from each fairy sect.Maybe he didn't learn as extensively as himself, but he was much better than himself in specialties.

"Naturally it's not easy. When the old man was on the seventh floor of foundation building, he was recommended by his master to study in the Taoist platform. At the beginning, he wrote all kinds of practice experience, and no one read the secret techniques."

How can the things produced by the foundation building level attract people?

You must know that the main body of the discussion on the Tianxuan Daotai is still the generation of Jindan and Yuanying.

Compared with subscribing to the materials of their peers, those young juniors prefer to look for materials of the same price as their predecessors.

After Zhou Xiao sighed, he mentioned one thing: "After you go in, build your own altar? There are patterns around the altar, and there are three levels according to the sun, moon, and stars, and each is divided into three ranks. You only need to make your altar appear for one round. Mingyue. No, even with three stars, it is enough to look down on her peers and be valued by Daotai.

"Of course, if you're going to be in the real 'Heroes of the Sky,' there has to be a moon."

At the Tianyang Heroes Meeting, various cultivators surveyed Tianyuan and discussed the map of the world's ten thousand qi.

For a mage performer like Fu Henghua, it is undoubtedly the greatest opportunity and event.

However, the number of places for such a grand event is precious, and invitations must be obtained.

Without the support of sects, Fu Henghua could only find a way from Tianxuan Daotai.

When Tianyuan is surveyed, Zihuang Pavilion will take the initiative to invite some well-known Taoists and outstanding juniors who are famous in Tianxuan Daotai.

"When the Tianyuan is surveyed, in addition to the sun-level masters, twelve fellows with moon patterns will be selected from the spiritual platform. Three of them will be allocated to the foundation-building-level juniors as much as possible."

Its purpose, of course, is to encourage younger generations.

Therefore, at present, many foundation-building cultivators of Xianmen are starting to write articles, striving to improve their spirit platform level.

"The more you contribute your practice experience, the higher the value, and the higher your spirit altar level will be."


Heng Hua thought of something similar in his previous life, and remained silent.

"In short, work hard. With your aptitude, take your time. There should be time."

After encouraging Fu Henghua, Zhou Xiao picked up her own mirror and went to find Song Chunqiu to exchange Xuanwei Taoism.

Heng Hua came to Hengshou's side: "How do you see it? Do you want to start practicing? Or, I will prepare another spiritual map for you as an assistant?"

Heng Shou closed the "Jinyue Tiangong Book": "Young master, do you have to practice the natal golden talisman?"

"Naturally. Whether we can use countless gold essences in the future depends on you."

"Jinyue Tiangong Book", based on the Jingong's secret method of "Good Fortune Huiyuan Gong", is improved from the "Shanling Jing" originally practiced by Hengshou.

Turn earth into gold.

Fu Henghua not only prepared the Immortal Art for Hengshou, but also started to prepare for the corresponding spiritual practice.He was even willing to take out a handful of the soil in his hand.

Hengshou knew Fu Henghua's determination, so it was not easy to refuse, so he just said: "The golden talisman of my life is a bit complicated, I need to look at it again."

This natal golden talisman came from Fu Henghua's reference to the three secret mantra golden talismans in his hand, and his comprehension of the Five Elements Dao.

"Actually, it's not that difficult. The natal golden talisman, one method can reach all kinds of metals, is a variant of the alchemy technique. Brother Hengshou can cultivate a golden elixir, and it is also possible to study the alchemy technique."

Hearing the voice next to him, Fu Henghua looked over.

The person who spoke was Fu Xuanxing.

This idiot actually has this insight?
Zhou Xiao raised her head and replied, "What are you thinking, kid? It must have been taught by the senior brother."

Yes, that's right, after all, Fu Xuanxing is a disciple of Grandmaster Nascent Soul.

Fu Henghua lowered his head and thought.

Touching stones into gold, one of the 36 great magical powers of Tiangang.

Its essence is material transformation.In the eyes of mortals, it is to turn stone into gold.But for skilled practitioners, the structure of the stone can be changed to turn it into gold essence.

Isn't this a different kind of secret mantra golden talisman?

The "Jinyue Tiangong Jing" has been cultivated to great success, and one talisman can be used to enlighten all kinds of gold essences in the world. The principles are completely the same!

After thinking about it, golden talisman is fine, but wooden talisman is also fine?
But Fu Henghua recalled the 36 Tiangang method, which allowed all kinds of life to change, and the supernatural powers related to plants, he could only think of mediating good fortune, transforming the fetus into shape, and blooming instantly.

"That's why there is no widespread and effective wooden talisman system of secret mantras in wooden talismans? Wait——lu—fulu?"

Heng Hua suddenly had an idea, picked up the Tianxuan mirror, and went back to the room to study it.

"If my inspiration can be implemented, then I can step up to three stars on the Daotai. It may even be directly evaluated as a monthly grade."

Zhou Xiao watched Fu Henghua go back to the house, and thought to himself: Although this kid has high talent, but in a place like Yanlong, his talent is really in vain.Affected by the atmosphere here, some lost the true meaning of immortality.

The secret mantra golden talisman is indeed an effective alchemy method.Many cultivating families and sects are using it, and the secret mantra and gold talisman are strictly guarded.

But in the eyes of the immortals with profound Taoism, Jinlu doesn't matter at all.

With a touch of their hands, stones turn into gold.

Without this method, how can you call yourself Jiexian?
"I cultivate immortals in the immortal sect outside the world. Mysterious and mysterious, I seek the truth after hearing the truth. But Yanlong pays more attention to practical benefits, and loses a little bit of innocence."

Yanlong is seriously secularized, and all kinds of magic tools are developing towards popularization and popularization, and even want to create a civilized body based on fairy art.

In Zhou Xiao's view, Fu Henghua has stayed in Yanlong for a long time, and his thinking has solidified. No matter how good his talent is, he will be obliterated by the world of mortals.

"Go back to Panlong Island, you have to tell Brother Fu Dao carefully. Let this kid go to study in the three major waters earlier."

But thinking of the identity of the family's magician, Zhou Xiao also began to feel embarrassed.

How could the Fu family let him go so easily?


Xu Yue and Feng Yin rushed back to Yusheng Pavilion to report.

Hearing that Fu Henghua shot and wounded Xu Yue, Wu Zhengxin's eyes flashed with purple energy, and his body flashed with energy.

"It's a hot-tempered baby. Forget it, you don't have to worry about the next thing, go and find Chang Yue."

When the two went down, because Xu Yue wanted to retreat, Feng Yin went to Changyue alone.

Chang Yue was holding the Tianxuan mirror to study, and when she noticed Feng Yin's arrival, she refused to put down the mirror.While inputting his own created and improved exercises with his spiritual consciousness, he asked, "Is there something my junior sister wants me to do?"

"Elder Wu is looking for Senior Brother Chang Yue."

Changyue is his Taoist name.

Feng Yin knew that this senior had a weird temper and didn't like being called by his name.Many new juniors and juniors didn't even know that Chang Yue was from a cultivator family and had a layman's name.

Chang Yue put away the mirror, got up and went to Yuyin Pavilion to meet Wu Zhengxin.

When she learned that Wu Zhengxin wanted to return to Fu's house and tried to bring Fu Henghua to the Yusheng Pavilion, Chang Yue's face was a little troubled.

"You don't have to worry, it's just that there are some things, let him come over to ask questions. This son has been hanging around in Yanlong for many years, and his talent and talent are not as good as yours. It's just that a few elders brought it up, let's go and see him.

"Turn back, and send it back. My Jade Sage Pavilion's immortal technique can't be learned by any cat or dog."

Giving this nephew a peace of mind, Wu Zhengxin asked him softly about his preparations for the Daotai.

"I have recently written more than 50 books on exercises, and I have written my own experience based on the theory of ten thousand qi in Yusheng Pavilion. I believe that I will be promoted to three stars in the near future."

"Okay, okay. You are extremely talented. In the future, there will be a place for you in this library."

After praising Chang Yue, Elder Wu bestowed two "Ten Thousand Miles Divine Travel Talisman" and asked him to leave early to return to Fu's house.

After he left, Wu Zhengxin opened the Tianxuan mirror and read the exercises published by Chang Yuezi.

His smile faded, and he shook his head and said, "A talented person with a wise heart has a good talent. Unfortunately, this talent can't help us restore the "Heavenly Sacred Jade Seal."

Fu family's Tiantong Huixin is a good talent.However, Yusheng Pavilion accepts disciples in the Thirteenth Water Region, and there are also smart and talented people in other regions.Chang Yuezi was not the best in Yusheng Pavilion.

"I don't know the one named Fu Henghua, so what?"

Thinking of the words of the elders in Xishan, Wu Zhengxin let out a long sigh.

"Let me be splinted every day, are you really not afraid that I will put down the burden?"

Yusheng Pavilion is not monolithic.

Following the retreat of the previous generation of elders, the current headed by the acting pavilion master, there are eighteen elders who are responsible for the affairs of the Jade Sacred Pavilion.

The elders have formed several small circles due to their close relationships.

As the same family, even if they are not in the same circle, the usual relationship is not too bad.It's just that for some limited places, the elders will form an alliance and compete fiercely.

The Tianxuan mirror held by the younger generation Junxiu has a total of ten places in the Yusheng Pavilion.

Eighteen elders and acting pavilion masters fought for an unknown amount of time before dividing up the ten spots.

Elder Dongfang couldn't even directly give his daughter Dongfang Yunqi a spot.

"Those in Xishan put pressure on me to go to Fu's house to take in another wise disciple. It doesn't matter whether the three elders behind Chang Yuezi are happy or not. It's not easy for me to do it even on the Fu's house."

Wu Zhengxin is responsible for selecting talents and recruiting disciples among the eighteen elders.

After Dongfang Yunqi sent a letter to Yusheng Pavilion, the small circle her father was in immediately moved her mind, hoping to call Fu Henghua into Yusheng Pavilion.Therefore put pressure on Wu Zhengxin.

Wu Zhengxin made a lot of arrangements. After Chang Yuezi went home, he went to his master and said, hoping to appease the three elders here not to think too much.

After the busy work is over, I have to go to the acting pavilion master to report back.

"If I knew it earlier, I would rather go to guard the alchemy furnace and be the elder of Danding. I would not do this troublesome and offending talent selection."


Chang Yuezi used the magic amulet and arrived at Yanlong in one day.

First go back to the Xuju Hall on Tianfeng Island. When the guards of Fu's family came forward to stop him, Chang Yuezi said: "Go back and report to the Great Elder that Chang Yuezi from Yusheng Pavilion came here under the order of his master."

 In the end, only [-] words were passed on today, and one update was added.Keep working hard tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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