
Chapter 155 Human Skills

Chapter 155
Heng Hua takes Yuluan to Qingtong Island.

The island is full of greenery, completely unaffected by the cold wave, and is covered with all kinds of paulownia trees.

Fu Henghua took her through the phoenix tree forest, and Yuluan asked, "My lord brought me here, what exactly do you want to prepare?"

"Your girl has no shortage of things for cultivation. So, I'll take you to my mortal world to buy some fun gadgets."

Behind them, there are Xiao Yu, Heng Shou and the equally curious Fu Xuanxing.

Passing through the sycamore forest, the outline of a city suddenly opened up in front of my eyes.

"This is Yunyin City, and I haven't been here for a long time."

Fu Henghua walked over, and the two qi refining monks who were guarding the door rushed to say hello.

"Uncle Zeng."

"Why are you two still? I haven't been here for 20 years, have you? You haven't changed shifts yet?"

Fu Henghua chatted with the guard at the gate, gave them some advice on how to practice, and then brought the four of them to a chess hall.

"Your girl can only talk about wars on paper, and she has a lot of theoretical knowledge. This chess skill still needs to be practiced hard."

Walking in, the owner of the chess hall saw Fu Henghua, his eyes lit up immediately.

He bowed his hands to Fu Henghua first, and then ran into the inner room: "Father, come out quickly, look who is coming!"

An old man was pulled out by force. Seeing that Fu Henghua was still as handsome as before, he couldn't help being stunned: "Young Master Fu hasn't come for many years, but unexpectedly... Hurry up, go and prepare tea. The young master used to drink silver needles—"

"It's okay, don't be so cramped," Fu Henghua Shi sat down calmly, "Brother, I want to give someone a chess set. After thinking about it, your craftsmanship is the best."

"It's easy to talk about. I just made a pair last year, and I'll bring it to you right away."

While the old man went in to get the chessboard, he sent someone to find the others.

Fu Henghua was not surprised either, and said with a smile: "Find a few more people and ask them to prepare more things. It's best for a girl's home, it's more interesting."

"Girl?" When the old man heard this, he hurriedly asked people to go to several other shops to find someone.

When he took out the chessboard, people from several nearby shops had already surrounded him.

"Master Fu, take a look at my set of jade carvings, have they met the standards of Taoism?"

"Look at my brocade, which I wove the year before last. After weaving it, I felt that I was on the verge of breaking through."

Xiaoyu and Hengshou were not surprised.But Yuluan and Fu Xuanxing were stunned when they saw this group of Qi refining monks besieging Fu Henghua.

Heng Hua appeased everyone and asked them to line up one by one.

First picked up the brocade and looked at it carefully, after Fu Henghua pointed out a few words, the lady happily took the brocade and left.

Then there is a painter holding a Danqing landscape painting.

"It smells like a spiritual map, but it's almost there. If you want to enter the Tao, you'd better practice more. However, your skills are stuck in a bottleneck, and you can't break through in a short time. Instead, you will become restless and get deeper and deeper. If you have time, go outside and see more .Go to the central region, there may be your chance there."

Then there is the jade carver, who is holding a dragon jade carving.

With a flick of Heng Hua's hand, Yulong suddenly came alive, flew out twice, and returned to the mountain seat.

"Jade carvings have spirits and can enter Taoism."

The jade carver thanked Fu Henghua, and he didn't even take the jade carving, so he gave it to Fu Henghua and immediately went back to prepare.

In this way, Fu Henghua gave advice to a group of people, and even helped several people discuss how to run the business.

When the last person came over with the jug, Fu Henghua subconsciously leaned back.

"Longevity wine?"

"Exactly," the big man said with a blushing face. "It was brewed three months ago. There are three pots in total. I wonder if it can be used."

Heng Hua didn't go to get it, and asked Heng Shou to check it.

Hengshou looked at the color, and took another sip: "The heat is enough, it can be used. After you go back, you fast and bathe for three days, and then drink the longevity wine."

Longevity wine is an essential medium for spirit brewers to break through the realm, analogous to building foundation pills.

"Thank you sir."

The big man left the pot of wine and left cheerfully.

After more than half an hour, Heng Hua was surrounded by various offerings.

He said to Fu Xuanxing and Yuluan: "You two haven't seen my family's mortal world, have you? This is a part of my family's mortal world. In Yunyin City, there are mostly people who have cultivated qi. They study all kinds of arts of cultivation. They are a group of A man of art."

Fu Xuanxing: "I can tell. This group of people are very weak in cultivation, but their level of proficiency in a certain skill seems, it seems..."

"On the verge of entering the Tao? This is the result of Yanlong's secularization. Compared with the Dao and the Dao of Heaven, he pays more attention to the skills in front of him."

Brewing wine can be enlightened, painting can be enlightened, weaving can be enlightened...

"The way of heaven is unpredictable. Not everyone puts their lives in pursuit of the natural way of heaven and earth. Many people in Yanlong prefer to spend their lifespan on more interesting things."

Heng Hua picked up the old man's first chessboard.

The white jade chessboard is warm and translucent, and when it is tapped lightly, it makes a crisp jade sound.

The two chess boxes are made of nanmu, with landscape patterns carved on the outer walls, and black and white sunspots with the same rules are placed inside.

Yuluan: "Are you really going to give the young master a chessboard?"

Do you still need to send this thing?Don't I have one at home?
Heng Hua smiled slightly, and dropped a chess piece on the board.

That Heizi turned into a villain the size of a thumb, playing a set of punches on the chessboard.

Yuluan was startled: "This—"

"Brother, your craftsmanship is even more exquisite."

"You taught it well." The old man sat across from Heng Hua, grabbed a handful of chess pieces and set them up.

One by one, the white pieces turned into villains, formed an army on the chessboard, and rehearsed various formations.

"In addition to the human form, it can also be transformed into an animal form, which may be more popular with girls."

The old man tapped lightly, and the white pieces on the chessboard turned into white cats, making various gestures to flatter the master.Heizi turned into a black dog, barking majestically on the chessboard.

Yuluan saw it strangely.

"Is this also a magic weapon?"

The old man: "No, this chessboard has no fighting ability, it's just a fancy gimmick."

"This is what I want, the more novel the better."

Heng Hua then picked another jade urn that could sing by itself.

The periwinkle branches can keep the flowers in the water without withering, and the five colors flow.

A picture of a lady who can change clothes by herself.

Hold it in your palm, a jade plate that can transform into a beauty's utensil.

"The skills involved in these gadgets are not difficult, just some ingenious means. I will hand over the techniques to you, and you will bring them back to her later."

Yuluan thanked Fu Henghua, and Fu Henghua picked out the crown, the jade hairpin, and picked up two Lingyin bracelets.

"Wearing a crown of flowers can attract butterflies, and walking into the flowers can make all the flowers bloom."

"The jade hairpin is an ordinary jade hairpin, but the workmanship is beautiful, so I gave it to her. These two spirit bracelets will automatically sing songs when they are placed in the water. There are twelve songs in it, which can be adjusted as you like."

After thinking about it, he pushed the jewelry box to Yuluan again.

"Madam Hong's jewelry is ingenious and exquisite, and those girls like it quite a lot. You can also pick two pieces and count them on my account."

"Me?" Yuluan waved her hands again and again.

"How can I let the young master choose a gift for me?"

"It's time to congratulate Fairy after working so hard this time."

Under Heng Hua's persuasion, Yuluan picked out a hairpin and a round fan.

The round fan has its own fragrant wind, one side for cooling and the other side for warmth.


The three sisters of the Fu family went to Tianfeng Island to meet the Great Elder and others.

After entering the hall, Ke saw Chang Yuezi on the guest seat.

Fu Yaozhen remained calm, and the two daughters behind him also showed signs of understanding.

"Why only you?"

Chang Yuezi was surprised: "Fu Henghua is not with you?"

"How do you talk, kid?" Fu Xia Zhai scolded, "In terms of seniority, how can you be called Heng Hua?"

"I was born in the world to practice, cut off the ties of the world, and only performed the elder's gift to my immediate family. The relationship between Fu Henghua and me is too far away."

"So, you don't plan to respect our aunts anymore?" Mr. Fu Tong smiled, "I have prepared a gift for you as an elder. It seems that I can only feed it to the dogs."

feed the dog?

Chang Yuezi's eyes sank.He recalled what happened to Xu Yue he had heard about when he went out.

"Don't worry, I'm not as troubled as Fu Henghua. I beat someone, and I won't help him recover."

She slowly walked out from behind Fu Yaozhen.

"younger sister."

Fu Yaozhen called her to stop, and said to Chang Yuezi indifferently: "The matter between Henghua and Yusheng Pavilion is over. Since you have returned home from Yusheng Pavilion to visit, you can feel at ease to be filial to your elders on Tianfeng Island. As for Henghua, you two It doesn't matter if people don't see it."

Chang Yuezi shook her head: "I am here this time under the orders of the Jade Sage Pavilion, and please Fu Henghua to go to the Jade Sage Pavilion. You can rest assured that this is a good thing for him. If he can join any elder In my eyes, I might be able to be a disciple of a great sect. Isn't this better than wasting time in Yanlong?"


"There is a way outside the world, and there is a way to live in the world."

Heng Hua took Fu Xuanxing and Yuluan to visit the city.

The lives of mortals here are different from those in the Jinfang waters.

They are accustomed to all kinds of fairy artifacts, and most of the residents have a little real energy on them.

On both sides of the street, there are rows of big trees with lanterns hanging on them.

When I walked in, I saw that those lanterns were not made by hand, but the fruits on the trees.They store sunlight during the day and emit light for illumination at night.

"This is the lantern tree studied by the Cheng family. With this kind of tree, it can be said to be a great blessing to ordinary people."

With the lantern tree, ordinary people don't need to go to bed early at night, they can play outside until midnight and then go home.

Yuluan: "Do you really intend to popularize the art of cultivation to all mortals and create a country of cultivation?"

Heng Hua shook his head: "Where is there any cultivation country? What we do is to make mortals live more comfortably and let them find the meaning of their lives, instead of just being our vassals and seedbeds."

He took out a book and handed it to Yuluan.

This book was written by a scholar with the pen name "Chen E".

The opening page reads:
What is a human being?
Mortals are humans, spirits are humans, and immortals are humans.

The thirteen waters, the fairy gates of the world, the cultivation family, the sea immortals, and all ordinary people are all human races.

Yuluan turned back, this is a book that expounds and compares the lives of mortals under the immortal sects and cultivation families.

The author believes that: the immortal family of the world is dedicated to detachment, in order to make themselves "short-cut", so as to understand the way of heaven more directly and clearly.

The Cultivation Family is all about secularization, in order to reach the ultimate level of skills from the perspective of skills, so that they are naturally similar to Tao.

Thinking back to what she saw just now, Yuluan secretly nodded.

But then, the book changed the subject and attacked two theories.

There are few people who are close to the way, how difficult is it to explore and understand the way of heaven with one person's strength?

There are many short-handed skills, and there are more than [-] skills. How can a person's power be exhausted?

There are too few immortal cultivators born in this world, and it is not convenient to communicate with each other. They practice independently, and if they do not communicate, how to discuss the Tao.

There are too many cultivators who have entered the world, and they are obsessed with miscellaneous skills and lose themselves.But there are tens of thousands of trails, and human power is inexhaustible, so how can we get a glimpse of the great road?
Seeing Yuluan looking at the latter ones again, Heng Hua said: "You don't need to read the latter ones, just read the opening Chapter 1. The latter ones are the things that the author frivolously wrote about by himself."

"I see, it's kind of interesting. Mr. Chen thinks that outside world is not right, and cultivation family is not good, so it should be moderate."

"That's because the author didn't know much back then. You see, there is a Tianxuan Daotai in the Immortal Dao of the World, which is a place for exchanging what's available. Why did you build a car behind closed doors? Although the Cultivation Family is immersed in technology research, trying to create a civilization of cultivation. But it is also as strong as my grandfather." Who can say that the old man doesn’t understand? Chess immortals and painting immortals have their own ways to make progress, where is the path? And those friends just now, although they are obsessed with skills, who can say that they will not be successful in the future? The way of heaven, the way of proof?"

Heng Hua waved his hand, and two light spots floated into the air.

"The outside world is one pole, and the secular world is one pole.

"The Cultivator family builds the secular world, but they still have the heart of Taoism. If they are successful in practice, they will travel to various waters to experience experience.

"Immortal sects outside the world know that they should not blindly seek the Tao, and cultivate their hearts before cultivating the Tao, so disciples of various sects will enter the world to practice.

"Cultivating oneself into a ruthless and ruthless rock will only make people laugh."

With a swipe of the good fortune zhenyuan, a line appeared between the light spots, and then turned into a three-foot-long jade stick.

Heng Hua manipulated the jade stick and used a set of stick techniques.

Seeing the exquisite stick technique, Yuluan asked curiously, "What kind of stick technique is this?"

"The stick method used to beat dogs."

With Henghua's luck, Duke Jin escaped into the jade stick, flew in circles into Tianfeng Island, and hit Chang Yuezi directly.

(End of this chapter)

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