
Chapter 156 Beating the Dog with a Jade Stick, Dongtian Lingyang Zijun Comes

Chapter 156 Beating the Dog with a Jade Stick, Dongtian Lingyang Zijun Comes
Fu Ruiying sat in the lobby, looking at Chang Yuezi who was arguing with the three Fu family sisters.

"This kid has acted like this, how should I deal with their branch? After all, those people are innocent, but the grievances of other clansmen should not be underestimated."

Chang Yuezi herself was not seen by Fu Ruiying.

He lived 1000 years, and more daring fools have seen.

In his eyes, Chang Yuezi's demeanor was just a play.

What about Yusheng Pavilion?

How much would the Jade Sage Pavilion be willing to do for a foundation-establishing disciple if he didn't become the golden elixir?
Compared with Chang Yuezi, he cares more about the internal stability of the Fu family.

There are three halls and eighteen veins in the Fu family, and Changyuezi comes from the inner nine veins.Come here today to provoke Bai Huangtang, what do people from other branches think?
I have a headache.

Fu Ruiying was full of helplessness.

At the helm of a thousand-year-old family, one must not only be impartial, but also be sympathetic.

Absolute justice and stern selflessness will only make family ties grow and make the family a cultivation force that operates according to the system.

Home, the reason why it is a home, lies in family affection.

But if you don't make the rules, you can't maintain such a large family business if you blindly pay attention to emotions.

How to control the rules and emotional standards is Fu Ruiying's responsibility as the Great Elder.


Outside the hall, the jade stick spun and hit Chang Yuezi.

Chang Yuezi reacted quickly. When the jade stick fell to his forehead, a three-inch white light floated above his head, and nine white lotus blossomed on the same branch, touching the jade stick in the air.


The seven white lotuses shattered, the jade stick turned in a circle, and continued to hit Chang Yuezi.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chang Yuezi quickly pulled away to dodge.But the stick technique carried by the jade stick is incomparably ingenious, whenever Chang Yuezi dodges, he can be the first to appear at the next dodge place and hit him first.

Not long after, Chang Yuezi was beaten more than ten times with a jade stick.

But he activated the treasure clothes and protected himself with heavenly magic, but he was not really injured.

But his face was ruined and his clothes were in a mess, which made him frightened and angry, and he glanced at everyone present.

"Great Elder, are you just going to sit and watch this man mess around?"

Fu Ruiying looked at the jade stick thoughtfully, and the elders beside him whispered to each other, seeming quite surprised by this.

Seeing everyone ignoring her, Chang Yuezi suffocated in her heart.

I gave up my personal interests to invite Fu Henghua to the Yusheng Pavilion.You don't know what is good or bad, but you still let people come to embarrass me?

He thought: Great Elder definitely can't do such a thing.With his Golden Core cultivation base, he doesn't need this method if he wants to punish me.So, who is this foundation cultivator?That's fine, let me show you how I practiced in Yusheng Pavilion!

The golden light is like a sword, facing the jade stick from the sleeve robe.

The gold and jade collided, and the golden light rushed towards the jade stick with a dragon chant.But after a few confrontations, Jin Guang was knocked to the ground, and the jade stick continued to hit his head.

"Can this person break my Golden Dragon Whip?"

Chang Yuezi quickly switched to another secret technique, which was quickly broken by the jade stick.


"Spiritual diagram technique?"

Fu Rui should see clearly.

This jade stick was not made of spiritual jade, but was created by the secret method of spiritual diagram.

The shortest line segment is between two points.

Line segments and endpoints are the simplest basic spiritual diagrams.

Heng Hua volleyed in the air to make a thread and turned it into a jade stick.Then use good luck to turn the jade stick into a solid body.

Drawing pictures to create things is a unique method of the spiritual picture lineage.

During the flight, the jade stick kept absorbing the essence of good fortune, and by the time Chang Yue arrived, it was already comparable to a high-grade magic weapon.Coupled with the incarnation of Duke Jin who controls it personally, it is no less than a monk who built the fifth floor of the foundation himself.

A quarter of an hour later, Jin Gong manipulated the jade stick and beat Chang Yue hundreds of times, finally broke the protective body, and punched out three big bumps on the forehead.

The great pain made Chang Yue's eyes go dark, and after the third blow, Chang Yuezi endured the severe pain and performed a secret technique, holding the jade stick in his hand.

"Hit me? Are you courting death?"

A cloud of black air emerged from his palm and printed on the jade stick.


In the distance, Heng Hua played the "Jingling Seal" that he had prepared with his left hand.

When the curse strikes from the air, it can be easily resolved.

"Three hits, and then—"

Heng Hua noticed something, Jin Gong wanted to escape from the jade stick.

But a streak of purple air flew out of the hall and entangled the jade stick, so Duke Jin had no choice but to continue lurking.

Mr. Fu Tong looked out of the hall, showing joy.

"If you hit me, I'll hit you. Why, do you still dare to fight back?"

The young man in purple robe came in from outside the hall and caught the jade stick.

"Ling Yang?"

"Fu Maiyuan?"

"elder brother--"

Everyone in the Fu family smiled, and Mr. Fu Tong came directly to greet him.

Chang Yuezi saw the jade stick in Fu Maiyuan's hand, with a blue light swirling above his head, and the two swords shot out like yin and yang intertwined.

Seeing that Mr. Fu Tong was about to be affected, Fu Maiyuan's eyes flashed purple, lightly stroked the jade stick to make a Tai Chi diagram, and put away the two swords.

"The sword energy of the Liangyi son and mother in the Yusheng Pavilion?"

With a shake of the jade stick, the sword energy was shattered.

"You have stayed in Yusheng Pavilion for a long time, and you have forgotten the rules of the family. I will teach you a lesson on behalf of uncle, and let you understand what it means to be orderly."

Fu Maiyuan swung his stick over, stepped on the sky, and played a set of mysterious stick techniques in his hand, and beat Chang Yuezi again.

Whenever Chang Yuezi wanted to run the "Tiansheng Yuzhang", Fu Maiyuan used "Ziqing Tiandaolu" to counter him, and forcibly suppressed his attack.

"You went to the Yusheng Pavilion to practice, and after decades, you have learned this? With this level, could it be that Yusheng Pavilion thinks you are too useless, so it wants you to come back and exchange Henghua?"

Fu Maiyuan tapped the jade stick lightly.

Duke Jin ran away quietly, leaving the jade stick for him to use, leaving only the word "beating a dog" at the end of the handle of the jade stick, and passed on a set of stick techniques to Fu Maiyuan.

This kid, you still want me to help him teach this bastard a lesson with this dog-beating-stick method?

Fu Maiyuan shook his head secretly, but kept moving his hands, obeying Fu Henghua's wishes, and beat Chang Yuezi again.

"This dog-beating stick is quite handy." Fu Maiyuan swung it twice, and before Chang Yuezi could speak, he beat him again.

"You don't recognize your family, and you think that you are defiant after studying outside for a few years. Then I will teach you what it means to be someone from beyond the sky.

"Don't expect Yusheng Pavilion to dare to avenge me for you.

"My temper is not bad, replace it with my master. Hehe..."

Chang Yuezi wanted to refute, but couldn't say a word.

Fu Maiyuan was telling the truth.

It is impossible for Yusheng Pavilion to face the last true disciple of Zihuang Pavilion in the future for him.

It is true that Fu Maiyuan is not an official disciple of Zihuang Pavilion, but he practiced Ziqing Tiandaolu, the fundamental skill of Zihuang Pavilion.As long as his master is willing to calm down and go home, he will naturally be the true disciple of Zihuang Pavilion.


Fu Ruiying spoke slowly.

"If you want to fight, go outside. If you fight in the hall, you are not afraid of disturbing the ancestors and making them angry?"

Fu Maiyuan stopped, put the jade stick in his waist, and saluted him.

Fu Ruiying looked at Chang Yuezi: "You came here at the order of Yusheng Pavilion, did you invite Heng Hua to be a guest, or force Heng Hua to interrogate?"

"Elder Wu asked me to invite Fu Heng—"

Seeing Fu Maiyuan's eyes, he swallowed his words back and said again: "Let me invite someone up the mountain.

"This is his chance. If he is favored by the senior immortal master, he can receive it as a personal inheritance."


Fu Ruiying sneered, holding back a laugh, and he politely declined: "It is indeed a chance to cultivate in Yusheng Pavilion. It is a pity that this kid has something to do, so he can't go to Yusheng Pavilion in recent years. You go down to rest and pay your respects to your great-grandfather. Return to the Jade Sacred Pavilion and return to your life."

Chang Yuezi can't refuse, Fu Rui should send him out directly.

Chang Yuezi left, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly eased.

Fu Xiadi laughed and said, "Maiyuan, why are you back? Is your master willing to let me go?"

"Master figured out that the Fu family was in some trouble, and asked me to come back to help. Moreover, I also received the letter from the great elder."

Fu Ruiying said with a smile: "The Yusheng Pavilion is a trouble after all, and I have to use your identity to solve it."

Fu Danwei took great pains to find a master for his two grandchildren.

Duan Sijing needs Fu Yaozhen's help to cross the catastrophe.It's done, Fu Yaozhen has one more Master of Tribulation Immortal.If he is defeated, Duan Sijing Qinxian's lineage will be inherited by him.

Fu Maiyuan's teacher, Dan Xuanzi, is not only a great monk of Jindan himself, but also the only son of a Yuanying master in Zihuang Pavilion.In the early years, he left Tianyang in a fit of anger, and ran outside to build the Immortal Mansion by himself.Although he worked hard alone, his brand as the direct descendant of Zihuang Pavilion cannot be faked.When he returns to the Zihuang Pavilion, he must have the position of elder.And Fu Maiyuan, the only apprentice, naturally became the true biography of Zihuang Pavilion.

"I understand. But my status is to scare outsiders. Anyone who knows the basics will understand that my teacher will not go home."

Fu Ruiying nodded slightly.He knew that Dan Xuanzi's refusal to go home was involved in the orthodox dispute within the Zihuang Pavilion, and his mother died for it.Therefore, he resented his father and refused to go home for many years.

But if he doesn't go home, his elder father will not ignore his son.Whoever dares to bully his own son, he dares to lead someone to kill him to the other side's mountain gate.

"Since you have returned, your grandfather's chances of crossing the catastrophe will be greater."

"Grandfather's elixir has been refined?"

Although Fu Maiyuan has not returned for many years, he has been paying attention to family affairs.

When Bai Huangtang moved out of Panlong Island, Fu Ruiying went with him and Fu Yaozhen early to get rid of the anger and caressed the two of them in advance.

"Hurry up. The day before yesterday, using the method of stars, your grandfather's opportunity to become enlightened fell on your grandchildren. Now that Heng Hua has retrieved the eternal fire stone, there are only two pieces of thousand-year-old spiritual materials left. It requires the cooperation of the rest of you." .”

Fu Maiyuan: "I asked Master, a certain magic cave in the East China Sea seals the Zhouguang Divine Water, and it is said that it is a secret treasure treasured by the Gu Demon Temple."

Mentioning the Gu demon, Mr. Fu Tong's heart moved, and he suddenly had a plan.

But when Fu Ruiying and other Fu family members heard this, they looked at the four of Bai Huangtang with strange eyes.

"You don't know the news yet, do you?"

Fu Xia Zhai sighed and said, "Don't bother with Changyuezi's affairs. Go back quickly, there is a big drama going on on Panlong Island. The whereabouts of Tianyue Lingyao have already been found."

"Sky Moon Spirit Mushroom?"

The four showed joy, but Fu Ruiying shook his head: "Someone sent this object with a very disgusting condition. Go back quickly, and you can calm down the dispute."


"The person who holds the spirit mushroom should take this as a dowry and marry it to Panlong Island."

Fu Yaozhen seemed to have realized something, but remained silent.

Fu Liuhui was surprised and asked: "Which elder brother is he looking at? Third brother? Fifth brother? Or..."

Fu Maiyuan suddenly became nervous.

I just came home, and I don't want to be like the third brother, stuffing a marriage contract out of thin air.

"Not at all. That person is not looking for you juniors, but intends to..." Several elders of the Fu family couldn't bear to continue.


Fu Liuhui hesitated and said: "Second uncle's husband and wife are harmonious, so it should not be him. Fifth uncle is devoted to cultivating Taoism, and has no intention of looking for a pair of monks. Could it be eighth uncle? Although eighth aunt passed away, he has four children under his knees. Which senior would like it?" Uncle Eighth?"


Fu Xia Zhai said strangely: "That woman is about the same age as you, and a few years younger than Liu Hui."

so young?

A man and three women froze.

Younger than them, but willing to be the continuation of the eighth uncle?

"Besides, she's not looking for Yoshisuke, but for the biggest one in your family."


A thought flashed through Fu Maiyuan's mind.

Look at Mr. Fu Tong and Fu Liuhui who are also staring at the side.

The three said in unison: "This is impossible!"

Fu Ruiying: "Nothing is impossible. Go back quickly. You don't want to, you really have an extra grandmother who is about the same age as you, right? By the way, Heng Hua stayed. There are some things that need him to deal with."

 Write an update first.

  Anyway, I have already arrived home, and I will make up the rest during the day tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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