
Chapter 160 Yuxian Zhenlu, a shocking word reveals the secret

Chapter 160 Feather Immortal Zhenlu, A Shocking Word Reveals the Secret of Dao

When Dongfang Yunqi heard Fu Henghua's words, she immediately activated the Tianxuan mirror.

Not long after, she found the white spiritual cloud with the pen name "Bodhi" - "Secret Mantras and Talismans and the Movement of Heaven".

The price is one Yundan.

Dongfang Yunqi subscribed, and dense seal characters appeared.

"A cloud pill, isn't it a little low?"

The opening line:
"Good fortune, the evolution of heaven and earth."

She knew that this was the concept put forward by Fu Henghua in "The Good Fortune Hui Yuan Gong".It is believed that the way of good fortune runs through all the operations of the universe.

This sentence can be called the general outline of the heavenly scriptures.

"The movement of the sun and the moon, and the birth of all things, are all signs of good fortune."

After briefly explaining the principles of good fortune at the beginning of the chapter, Fu Henghua then explained the secret mantra golden talisman, and explained the special relationship between the golden talisman and the method of turning stones into gold.

"Golden talisman? Outside the world, although not everyone knows it, the relationship with the Touching Stone to Metal Method is not considered a secret in the Tianxuan Taoist Platform."

Tianxuan Daotai gathered a group of the most outstanding practitioners in the world, how could they not understand the magic of the golden talisman?
Afterwards, Heng Hua's pen turned around and extended from the golden inscription.

"Since gold and stone can enlighten gold essence, can grass and trees be promoted as well?"

When Dongfang Yunqi was reading, the first comment appeared.

"Nonsense! The reason why golden talismans exist is because gold and stone are stable. For lifeless things, they are enlightened by talismans. The process is stable and not easy to fail. Although plants and trees cannot move, they belong to life objects, and they are enlightened by talismans." , a little carelessness will cause an explosion."

The monk named "Da Lingtong" moved out of a failed experiment on wooden inscriptions that he himself conducted 300 years ago.

As a result of that experiment, he blew up a leg, and it took years to get it back.

Wooden talisman, it's not that the predecessors didn't think of it.Instead, the failures are frequent and the risk is high during the test.Everyone knows that wooden talismans are far less stable than golden talismans with secret mantras, so they refuse to continue researching.

"Great Lingtong" appeared in large paragraphs, teaching Fu Henghua not to be whimsical, but to be down-to-earth.

Dongfang Yunqi was about to speak for her, but Heng Hua went straight to retort.

It's very simple, he left his "Tianyue Grass" wooden talisman in the comment area.

"Fellow Daoist, please."

Seeing the wooden talisman, the "Great Lingtong" sneered twice, and ordered the boy to go outside to look for mushroom branches, talisman papers and moon beads.

That's right, the basic materials for making Sky Moon Grass are very simple.

A spirit gathering array, a wooden talisman, a fungus branch and ten moon beads.

"Use the power of the sun to sublimate the fungus branches into Tianyue grass? Hmph, I can also think of such a simple and straightforward idea. Do you really think the wooden talisman is that simple?"

Da Lingtong is a Nascent Soul cultivator in Jinfang Waters, whose real name is Yan Yuyuan.

He happened to see this spiritual cloud that had just risen, and found that it had something to do with the Secret Mantra, so he subscribed to have a look.

Unexpectedly, it was actually the wooden talisman experiment that he failed back then.

"Back then, I was young and energetic, and tried to try the wooden slug experiment, so I learned a big lesson. I didn't expect that the younger generation should also do it."

Yan Yuyuan shook his head, and made it on the talisman paper according to the wooden talisman left by Fu Henghua.

At the beginning, he used ordinary weeds to evolve Zhicao, and tried [-] times in three years, all of which failed.

"Tianyue grass is more precious than ordinary sesame grass, and it also contains the power of the sun, how can it be so easy to succeed?"

He wrote ten Tianyue wooden inscriptions in one breath, and took the first wooden inscription and threw it at Qingzhi.


Ten bright moon beads flew into the wooden talisman and turned into moonlight shining on the fungus branches.


The fungus exploded instantly.

"I knew it was impossible for this thing to succeed."

Looking at the remaining nine, he threw them out in one breath, and ninety moon beads smashed into the spirit gathering array.

bang bang bang bang

One explosion after another.

Yan Yuyuan smiled contemptuously, but then his expression gradually changed.

After the smoke and aura dissipated, there was a whole young grass and two scorched grass roots in Juling Town.

Seeing the young grass, Yan Yuyuan's eyes were serious, he picked up the young grass and examined it carefully.

"It really happened?"

A ray of lunar star element flowing from the root of the grass is indeed the attribute of the Tianyue grass.

"This kid succeeded in making the wooden talisman?"

After landing on Daotai again, he went to the comment area to leave a message.

At this time, several people have left messages.

Zhou Xiao and Tian Shuzi paid close attention to Fu Henghua, and immediately clicked to read the first article after it was uploaded.

The two have similar thoughts: everything is difficult at the beginning, and it is reasonable to write the first article poorly.The most important thing is to encourage the younger generation.In Daotai, don’t be afraid of failure, but dare to write and speak.

Therefore, the two of them made up their minds, no matter how good or bad the writing is, they must find a way to praise it.

Seeing that the previous content was about gold and wooden inscriptions, the two of them were not very interested.With the original sentence "General Outline of Good Fortune", I began to discuss the principles of good fortune in the comment area.

Duan Sijing has been playing chess with "Bodhi" these days.Seeing that Bodhi wrote his first article, of course he wanted to join him.And he knows all too well the pain of few comments and no one.

Seeing Fu Henghua studying the golden talisman, Duan Sijing swayed thousands of words, telling his experience on the secret mantra golden talisman.

Behind the code names of Duan Sijing and Tianshuzi, there are sun badges.

Passers-by, even if they don't like the writing of this newcomer, Fu Henghua, can see two rays of sunlight shining through the white clouds, and the price is cheap, so they will come to have a look.Scattered, a few messages appeared in the comment area.

This is the case with Chang Yuezi.

He figured out one of his chances, wandering on the water.When you are idle and bored, open the Tianxuan mirror to browse.

When you see this article, first look at the pseudonym.

"Newcomer?" Chang Yuezi shook her head and sneered.

Then go straight to the comment area and read the discussions of several seniors.

Seeing a series of exquisite and incomparable cultivation experience, a great way to understand.He simply subscribed to the full text, and began to discuss it with several people, researching it a little bit.

As for the wooden talisman, he didn't care.

Yan Yuyuan came back at this time.

Seeing Tian Shuzi and a few others discussing fortune and golden inscriptions, he said directly: "Don't look at those, go to the wooden inscriptions, that part is feasible."

The first article published by Fu Henghua is not so much an article, but the word count has reached 15 words, which is already comparable to a short book.

In addition to the three golden inscriptions of secret mantras that Fu Henghua had mastered, he also wrote the descriptions of several wooden inscriptions on them.

Because, this is just an appetizer.Fu Henghua's real purpose is the last thousand words and a picture of this article.

When Dalingtong came back to leave a message to confirm the feasibility of the wooden talisman, Fu Henghua continued to leave a message to discuss with him.

"Although your wooden talisman has been researched, the success rate is very low, and the cost is extremely high, and its practicality is almost zero."

"It is true that the method of wooden talismans is not stable. But my research on wooden talismans is not to promote wooden talismans, but to confirm one of my inferences. If you agree with the feasibility of wooden talismans, please bypass the previous part and go directly to Look at the last content."

Dongfang Yunqi was reading the article while observing the comment area.

"The last content?"

She had communicated with Fu Henghua for three years, and she already knew the feasibility of the wooden talisman, so she went to read the last part.

Tian Shuzi, Duan Sijing, Zhou Xiao and Yan Yuyuan also skipped the previous part and went to the last part.

"According to the above two parts, it can be confirmed that the golden inscription and the wooden inscription are the gold, stone, vegetation in the world, and the process of promotion and transformation is realized."

"Then, according to the argument that 'everything in the universe is equal to one'. Plants, trees, gold and stones can evolve, so can living beings?"


All kinds of birds and beasts flashed in Dongfang Yunqi's mind.

Indeed, ordinary animals can become monsters through cultivation, and can use their blood to return to their ancestors and become various spiritual beasts and strange beasts.

If there is a talisman, how to simplify this process?

The method of the golden talisman is only for inanimate dead objects.If you only use the secret mantra and gold talisman as an argument, it is obviously not convincing.

But wooden talismans start with plants, which has already given people a little hope.

"As we all know, demons include everything, feathers, scales, plants, trees, gold and stones can all be demons.

"The previous article recorded a 'green peach charm', which can transform ordinary peach spirits into green peach tree spirits."

Dongfang Yunqi flipped forward and found the "Peachwood Book".

This wooden talisman can transform ordinary peaches into green peaches that contain aura, and increase the cultivation base of monks for one year.

Bitao, the lowest-level spiritual plant, can be seen everywhere.This wooden talisman is almost worthless to monks.

But for ordinary peach essence, it is a treasure that sublimates itself.

Dongfang Yunqi vaguely understood Fu Henghua's train of thought, and she returned to the latter part.

Fu Henghua continued to write: "Since the spirits of plants and trees can do it, the gold talisman can also help the metal and stone monsters transform their life essence. Then, all monsters are equal. There should also be corresponding 'monster talismans' for the monsters of birds and beasts."

Yan Yuyuan glanced at the article with his spiritual sense, thinking silently.

"Beast talisman? Demon talisman? It is somewhat feasible."

However, instead of following this inference, the in-depth discussion continued, and another kind of "fire talisman" was mentioned instead.

Fu Henghua studied in the Valley of Flame, and used fire talisman to simulate the method of fire spirit.

He wrote down this secret scripture.

Yan Yuyuan thought: "Fire spirits are the genus of living beings. So, can the secrets of living beings' evolution really be practiced? By analogy, water spirits and earth spirits can also be used."

Later, he saw Fu Henghua's explanation of the five elements secret talisman.

He believes that all things in the world, yin and yang, and five elements have corresponding evolutionary methods.

Following Fu Henghua's train of thought, Yan Yuyuan unexpectedly found that he seemed to be really convinced by him.

The article ends.

"The Five Elements Secret Code and the Monster Beast Secret Code can exist.

"Will there be a dragon talisman that can transform a fish and snake into a dragon?
"Will there be a phoenix talisman that can make birds evolve into phoenixes?
"Yu Bucai, I have read ancient books, and I have read the story of the dragon transforming mortals into dragons with saliva and dragon scales. I have also seen phoenixes drop their feathers and transform yellow orioles into phoenixes."

"The technique of inheriting the slough?"

Yan Yuyuan murmured.

"Could it be possible that this kid is planning to create dragon and phoenix talismans, and enlighten dragons and phoenixes?"

Keep looking down.

"From this, it can be inferred that all living beings, regardless of their bloodlines, birth attributes, and evolutionary process, can be refined into secret spells. Then—"

Seeing the words written by Fu Henghua at the end, Dongfang Yunqi's eyes widened, her Dao heart completely lost.

Not only her, Tianshuzi, Duan Sijing, Zhou Xiao, Yan Yuyuan, and several monks who turned to the back were completely stunned.

"Will there be a celestial talisman in the heaven and earth that can allow ordinary people to ascend to the sky in one step and become immortals?"

This is the last paragraph of text published by Fu Henghua, but this sentence silenced everyone who read this article.

At the end of the text, there is a picture with only a strange ink dot on it, which seems to be the beginning of the talisman.

After that, there is the concluding remarks written by Fu Henghua.

"Yu Bucai, I would like to throw bricks to attract jade, and use the method of golden and wooden talismans to discuss the feasibility of evolving talismans with the world's cultivators, and participate in the method of feather celestial talismans."

(End of this chapter)

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