
Chapter 161

Chapter 161 True and False

Feather talisman?Become a fairy?

Tian Shuzi was a little dizzy, he re-stabilized his mind, and thought about Fu Henghua's article.

If someone had told him from the very beginning that there might be a talisman in the world that could make mortals become immortals immediately, Tian Shuzi would slap him on the spot.

But Fu Henghua first used the golden talisman as a base to describe the evolution process of the golden talisman and its relationship with the method of turning a stone into gold.

This is common sense that all immortals in the world know, so let everyone be patient and look at the wooden talisman part.

Following the concrete experiments of several wooden talismans, everyone also believed that the method of wooden talismans really existed.

In the third part, there is a background, although many people want to reprimand the whimsy of the dragon, phoenix and Yuxian.But when the words came to his lips, he held back.

The golden talisman and the wooden talisman are regarded as the demon talismans for the promotion and transformation of spirits and monsters.Then the demon talismans of Mao Yulin must exist, in other words, the dragon, phoenix, kylin and other talismans should also exist.

While high-level divine beasts like dragons and phoenixes have the law of evolution, the human race naturally also has the law of becoming immortals.

The train of thought follows one after another, as long as one of the links is admitted, it will be pulled to the final inference.

"The Feather Immortal True Scroll."

Tianshuzi urged Tianyan to move.

In his eyes, the starting point of the opening gesture gradually formed lines, and an illusory talisman slowly appeared.

Suddenly a great idea came, and at the same time, Tian Shuzi sensed the crisis and closed his eyes to give up.

"The Feather Immortal Zhenlu, it seems that it really exists?"


Yan Yuyuan tried the real talisman in the cave.

Zhenlu just made a point, and he was in a dilemma, not knowing how to draw it next.

Mana was stuck in a situation where he couldn't go up or down, so he had to disperse the Zhenlu.

"This kid's whimsical method seems... seems to be a bit tricky?"

He passed the news to several fellow Taoists.

"Did you see that article?"

"Go to the Daotai quickly, there is a boy named Bodhi, the thing he hangs has some knowledge."

"Old Zhang, go to Daotai quickly, there is an article..."

Grandmaster Nascent Soul has his own small circle.

Yan Yuyuan notified several relatives and friends, and Tian Shuzi also started to contact his comrades.

This is why Fu Henghua has the confidence to let everyone see his article.

As long as Tian Shuzi believes in it and helps recommend it to others, it will be considered as achieving the goal.


Fu Henghua saw silence in the comment section.

"Why didn't we discuss it? Could it be that they haven't seen it yet?"

Fu Henghua withdrew his consciousness, stood up and poured a pot of tea.

"Boy, what are you doing!"

Zhou Xiao hurriedly broke into the Langhuan Pavilion, and said angrily: "What kind of Zhenlu are you, what nonsense!"

"Can't it be realized? Is my inference wrong?"


Zhou Xiao was dumbfounded.

After a while, he hesitated and said: "Only from the perspective of article research, it is feasible. Perhaps, there is such a true book in the world. But it is too eye-catching for you to speak out now."

"It's good to be eye-catching, so that I can improve my Taoist level."

Fu Henghua rummaged through the table: "Anyway, I don't plan to go out. On Panlong Island, who dares to come to the door carelessly?"


Fu Henghua handed a document to Zhou Xiao.

"This is a follow-up."

When Zhou Xiao saw the information, she was startled: "Have you studied Yuxian Zhenlu to this point?"

"So, I'm not worried at all. This Zhenlu cannot be spread widely at all. It's just to show your face in front of the seniors."

In addition to the method itself, gold and wooden talismans require a variety of basic materials.

Converted to Yuxian Zhenlu.

In addition to a mortal with extraordinary aptitude who can carry immortal energy, he also needs the immortal art of the earth code, the treasures of heaven and earth full of immortal energy, and so on.

To become a fairy, not just anyone has the qualifications.

Just like the wooden talisman is unstable, the real talisman of Yuxian also uses life as the carrier, and is also unstable.

The theoretical significance of Yuxian Zhenlu is far greater than the practical significance.

But just this theory opened up ideas for Zhu Xiu and caused a frantic discussion.

Both Yan Yuyuan and Tianshuzi's circles are in the Jinfang water area, and they are looking for the Nascent Soul Grandmaster and the Three Calamities Tribulation Immortal in the Jinfang water area to discuss.Song Chunqiu and Heng Yuan followed suit.

"A true talisman of the Feather Immortal?"

The master and apprentice sat together.

"One talisman becomes a fairy, even if you can draw it, you are not afraid of directly attracting the three calamities?"

Master Hengyuan cast a spell to point out the beginning, closed his eyes and concentrated, moved his fingers slowly, and wrote the last stroke.

The sky and the earth shook, and thunder billowed in the sky above Xuanwei faction.

Then comes the second.

With the inspiration proposed by Fu Henghua, he captured the inspiration of the Dao between heaven and earth and condensed it into a second stroke.

boom -

The sky thundered.

"One talisman breaks the secret, this talisman is worth seeing!"

Master Hengyuan resolutely gave up and scattered the talismans he had drawn.

Afterwards, the real person went to the Taoist platform to watch the article written by Bodhi.

After reading it, he said to Song Chunqiu: "Go and ask your junior brother, who wrote this."

He is more interested in the author than in the article.


Tianyang, a Zihuang Pavilion disciple saw Fu Henghua's article.

Sha Jinchang didn't look at the front part, but went straight to the last part.

After reading it, I was immediately happy.

"Nonsense! How can there be a real talisman in the world? If this talisman exists, wouldn't it be a joke for us to cultivate immortals and ask?"

"Returning the demon talisman, the demon way is just an outsider's way, and it is not good at all. Where did the real talisman come from?"

He quit decisively.

But after thinking for a while, I went to the comment area again.

Several big boss seniors didn't speak, but the comment area was overwhelmed by many star comments, and all kinds of doubts continued.

"Everyone really didn't believe it."

Shaking his head, when he was about to exit again, a new comment appeared in the comment area.

Jin Nizi: "Interesting, Yuxian Zhenlu? Cooperate with the previous methods of Luxian. You can read the article before talking."

"Brother Fang?" Sha Jinchang was stunned.

There are twelve disciples of the Zihuang Pavilion who hold the Tianxuan Mirror.He knew the person behind Jin Nizi's code name—Fang Dongyuan.

Suspicious, Sha Jinchang read from the beginning.

After reading it, he was stunned and silently sent a message to Fang Dongyuan.

"Brother, do you think it's credible?"

"I don't know, so I came to ask Master for advice."

Jin Nizi and Fu Henghua deduced "Five-Star Tianyuan Fingering" together, knowing that "Bodhi" has real talents and practical learning.Therefore, patiently read his first article.

I never expected that the first article for a newcomer would be such a heavyweight article.

Jin Nizi helped leave comments and said good things, and at the same time sent messages to other brothers and sisters.He also personally rushed to see the master, and asked Yuxian Zhenlu.

There are open and secret struggles among the three major waters.

Most of the people who were in the comment area at the beginning were monks from the Jinfang water area.They began to study, and they would not notify the people on both sides of Tianyang and Xuanyu.

Therefore, when the monks on Tianyang's side learned about the situation, Fu Henghua's article had already been hidden by Tianxuan Daotai.

Elder Liu saw that Daotai concealed the article with a solemn expression, so he seriously considered what his apprentice said.

"Tell me carefully what he wrote."

Fang Dongyuan noticed that the article disappeared: "Why is it gone? Did he delete it himself?"

"It's not deletion, it's Daotai for protection, and the level needs to be re-approved."

Elder Liu: "This article seems to have alarmed Jiexian. Someone is helping him to re-price it. Don't talk about this, you can dictate what he said specifically?"


Fang Dongyuan hesitated: "Will this cause the curse of the gold list?"

"It's okay to talk to two or three people in private, as long as it doesn't spread on a large scale."

In order to protect the experience of the monks on the Tianxuan Taoist platform.The Jiexians cursed the Tianxuan mirror, prohibiting users from copying the things on it and reselling it outside to make money.

This is what actually happened.

In order to benefit the younger generation and honor the Daotong, Grandmaster Yuanying chose to communicate with each other.

But some people trampled on the goodwill of the predecessors, not only copied the cultivation experience at will, but also cooperated with Bai Zhen's business to print it and sell it at a high price.

In order to protect the enthusiasm of fellow practitioners to explore, Zihuang Pavilion destroyed several underground cultivation firms that tried to copy their cultivation experience and sell them at high prices.

Later, the robbing immortals jointly cast a curse to ban the piracy.

Anyone who subscribes to the practice materials on the platform is limited to saving the materials in their own Tianxuan Lingjing, and is not allowed to export and copy the materials at will, and sell them.

However, it is within the allowed range to exchange and circulate with two or three people in private.

So, Fang Dongyuan dictated the content.

Elder Liu frowned when he heard the wooden talisman.

"Draw the wooden talisman and show it for the teacher."

Fang Dongyuan drew the "Peachwood Lulu".

"This wooden talisman is very simple. But it can be seen that the creator has great ambitions. His original purpose was to make flat peaches, right?"

Elder Liu asked for materials to be tested with wooden slugs.

When Bitao really appeared, he gave it to Daotong at will.

"Teacher, continue."

Fang Dongyuan then talked about wooden inscriptions, demon inscriptions, etc., and finally mentioned the real inscription of Yuxian, Elder Liu remained silent.

"Master, is this true talisman possible?"

"Go and call your uncles and uncles. Then go and inform the outer door to buy all the materials used for drawing symbols such as talisman paper and cinnabar. Tell them, they can buy as much as they have in Tianyang Waters now. If money If you have any leftovers, go to Baizheng and Huanglong Waters to buy first."

Soon, the price of talisman materials will increase!


Xuanyu Waters was the last to hear the news.

Chang Yuezi and others dismissed the article, thinking that the author was talking about dreams.

It wasn't until three days later that a monk told the elders of the master's sect about the article, and Yusheng Pavilion quickly stepped forward and led the monks in this area to start research.

But at this time, not only the talisman materials in other water areas, but also the talisman materials in Xuanyu's own domain were bought by Zihuang Pavilion.

It was five days after Fu Henghua learned that the prices of talisman materials in various domains had increased.

He secretly said: "Fortunately, I asked Hengshou to buy it in the name of Fu's family a few days ago. My Fu's family has no shortage of materials for drawing talismans recently, so I can last until everyone's enthusiasm dissipates."

Knowing that the prices of materials in various domains have increased, Fu Henghua was completely relieved.

He privately asked Hengshou to take Panlongling out to pay on credit, pretending to use the name of the Fu family.

Regardless of the fact that the clan will pursue it afterwards, the money alone can cost him up to the crotch.

But if the price really rises, the Fu family can take the opportunity to make a fortune, and then they can solve all the following matters, and it can be considered a great contribution to themselves.

 Amend the mistake of mixing "Tianyizong" and "Jiuxuanzong" in the previous article, and uniformly change it to "Tianyizong".

(End of this chapter)

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