
Chapter 163 1 talisman opens the sky, 9 talisman refines Taoism Fei Yuxian

Chapter 163 One Talisman Opens the Sky

Under the chain of Beidou islands, layers of starlight echoed among the islands.

Fu Tiancang and Fu Xingqi felt the power of the star, and felt refreshed.

"Boy, I think even if there is no way to build Lin Island in the future, it's okay to build a Beidou Island."

Bai Yutang likes the power of stars.Compared with Qilin Lingmai, Xingmai is more suitable for them.

"If you really want to build Beidou Island, it's not impossible. But the spiritual veins of Luogui Island can't be used by you."

"Forget it, let's follow Si Ruizhou. I have already persuaded Fu Xia Zhai. As long as Luo Guidao is promoted to the first-rank spiritual vein, he will consider helping us persuade uncle."

Fu Henghua nodded slowly.

"After returning, I will start to improve the spiritual veins of Luogui Island."

The four gates were destroyed on Simen Island, and the spirit veins were evacuated by the four families, and the Fu family got at most one piece of spirit vein essence.As long as it is injected into Luogui Island, the promotion of the spiritual vein can be completed.

But before that, Fu Henghua needs to solve the hidden troubles in Luogui Island.

"The group of spirit turtles wanted to talk to you by name. It's been three years now, so it's time to meet you."

Fu Henghua said yes.

Then, looking at the Beidou island chain, he suddenly had an idea.

"Uncle, you preside over the Beidou Island Chain, you can try to build an observatory."

Heng Hua swiped the Shenluo jade board and projected a blueprint in the air.

"This is the blueprint handed down from the Immortal Palace. After I repaired and improved it, I used it to observe the island chain. The accuracy is ten times higher than that of Jinyanyu."

At the same time, this is also an altar for the Beidou spell.

Fu Tiancang saw the beauty of this altar, which was of great help to Fu Beidou's practice.

"If you want to strengthen the ability of this observatory, it is best to set up a boundary on each of the seven spirit islands and build a seven-star platform. Specifically, you are proficient in formations and understand better than me."

Fu Tiancang looked at the drawings, and immediately ordered Fu Xingqi to go to Baitieyu to dig a mountain stream.

"Don't throw away the excavated soil, keep it to shape two dragons.

"Go to Chiphos Islet and build a cliff. Also, get two fixed reefs and put them around Baitie Islet and Chiphos Islet."

Seeing them getting busy, Fu Henghua and Xiaoyu took Jinxian'e back to Panlong Water District.

"Xiangnu, when are you planning to leave?"

"Sun Daoyou and Grandfather Ni have a sword debate, and will not leave for the time being."

Sun Zhuoyun is the disciple of Tianyang Sword Master, he and Fu Danwei had a kendo competition, after Fu Beidou heard about it, he also came to discuss swords, and he also brought Wang Mao here from the beauty village.

The four Golden Core cultivators discussed their swords day and night, and a thick layer of sword clouds filled the sky above Panlong Island.

"Also, where can we go when we go back? Back to Shanhai Palace, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself, so I'll fight with my brother."

Although Jin Xian'e was angry at what the senior brother did, but after all, they were brothers and sisters for hundreds of years.Could it be that after the reincarnation of the master, he killed the brother with his own hands?
"If Xiangu has no idea how to punish him, come to me. He used spells to hurt you, and I can 'return him with the same way' and turn him into a woman.

"You just need to defeat him and let me cast the spell. If you think the woman is not enough, you can turn into an animal. How about the beautiful snake?"

Jin Xian'e lowered her head in thought when she heard the words.

Xiao Yu said angrily: "Master, if you dare to use this evil method, aren't you afraid that the old man will beat you?"

After thinking about it, Jin Xian'e said with some regret: "That's right. This technique must involve evil ways. How could I harm your future for the sake of a moment's pleasure?"

"It's not a sorcery. I recently studied Taoism and found that this kind of magic has the same origin as the 'transformation and change of shape' in the 36 Tiangang great supernatural powers. As long as you master the transformation of the fetus, you can easily change people."

The transformation of the fetus into shape coincides with the "Gonghua Huiyuan Gong". Fu Henghua is currently studying 72 transformation techniques, and plans to use them as supporting spells for Hengshou.

Panlong Island was in sight, Fu Henghua did not go back, but went to Luogui Island.

But Zhou Xiao saw him turn at the ferry, so she flew over and took him back to Langhuan Pavilion.

"Why are you so anxious, how big is the need to be so anxious?"

"Hurry up and look at the Tianxuan Mirror, your article is released, it's time to start the next step."

Fu Henghua entered the Tianxuan Mirror, and saw the dense comments behind his article.

"One Hundred Cloud Pills, there are so many comments?"

"Grandmaster Nascent Soul, who is short of Yundan? Hurry up and read the comments."

Fu Henghua has ten lines at a glance.

Abandoning those who invited him into the sect, he focused on reading the discussion on "The True Book of the Feather Immortal".

At present, it can be divided into two parties. One party discusses how to write and paint according to the feasibility of Yuxian Zhenlu.The other party criticized Fu Henghua's Zhenlu as whimsical and had various drawbacks.

"The real talisman cannot cultivate the mind, so it needs the assistance of mind refining things such as the Great Dream Red Dust Pill and the Seven Emotions Gu. On the one hand, the real talisman is used to breathe out the true essence, and on the other hand, the soul is used to refine the heart."

After Fu Henghua finished writing this sentence, someone replied soon.

"Little friend, do you want to apprentice?"

He ignored it and continued with his thoughts.

"The Yuxian Zhenlu should be completed in one go, and one talisman can ascend to the immortal. However, none of the cultivators have such a cultivation level. Therefore, the Yuxian Zhenlu can be split and evolved into the Nine Dao Zhenlu according to the nine realms.

"The first one is the Nine Qi Stars' Innocent Talisman."

Fu Henghua was grandiose, and left a true talisman in the comment area.

The article was blocked again.

But soon, a brand new spiritual cloud appeared.

A person named "Zi Sheng" told: "You write here, re-write your thinking into an article, and write it on the spot."

Afterwards, he helped mark the price, which was also one hundred cloud pills.

After delivering a hundred cloud pills, you can read Fu Henghua's writing, and there are restrictions on the account level.

Stars, even if you have money, you can't watch them.

Monthly grade, you can watch it, but you can't leave a comment.

Only the sun emblem can communicate.

Heng Hua hesitated, raised his head and asked Zhou Xiao: "Senior, whose code name is Purple Sage?"

"Purple Saint?" Zhou Xiao was stunned.

When Fu Henghua said Zisheng's request, Zhou Xiao said decisively: "Write, write right away. What you write now can be seen by the Jiexians behind the Daotai. Zisheng is the Jie of Zihuang Pavilion." Xiangong public account."


Xuanwei sect, Song Chunqiu is picking up a pen to write the Yuxian Zhenlu on the golden page talisman paper.


The golden pages exploded, and he scattered the ashes with a flick of his sleeve robe.

"It's started, it's started!"

A paper crane flew in from outside.

"The child has entered the Taoist platform."

After Master Hengyuan spoke, Xuanwei sent people to watch Tianxuan Daotai in turn at twelve o'clock a day.

As soon as Fu Henghua started writing, they all logged in to watch Fu Henghua's live broadcast.

Several Jindan monks were about to speak, but found themselves silenced.

"Isn't it? Because of a child's nonsense. Even the specifications of 'Pure Yang Lun Dao' have been moved out?"

Zhou Xiao tried his own account, but was helpless, and he couldn't leave a message.


Seeing Fu Henghua sitting opposite him, Zhou Xiao was secretly proud.

"So what if you have the sun level? You don't even know this kid's real body. And I can ask whatever I want."

Dongfang Yunqi couldn't open Lingyun, so she had to ask Shangguan Xiaoyue.

Shangguan Xiaoyue didn't care about Yuxian Zhenlu.

It is useless to her practice, and Dongfang Yunqi is useless right now.

But unable to bear her daughter's entreaties, Shangguan Xiaoyue landed on the Daotai.Because of her low level, she couldn't leave a message and could only watch the article written by Fu Henghua.


Seeing Fu Henghua's first "Nine Qi Stars' Innocence Book", Shangguan Xiaoyue changed her face.

Not only her, but other Jindan and Nascent Soul cultivators all came to their senses.

It is unrealistic for one talisman to become an immortal, and three disasters will come together.

Then disassemble the talisman, step by step.

Qi refining talisman, foundation building talisman, true fire talisman...

Separated like this, even if doom befalls, it will not be dead without life.

"Nine Qi Star Tianzhen. It can transform a mortal into a monk in the Qi refining period."

This Zhenlu depicts the pattern of the Big Dipper and nine stars.

From Tianshu and Tianxuan to Dongxing and Yinyuanxing attached to the seven stars.

If you want to give people as much mana, light up a few stars.

Shangguan Xiaoyue looked solemn, and told the maid beside her: "Go, find some girls who have just entered the palace."

She ordered someone to fetch talisman paper and write down two Nine Qi Zhenlus.

When the three girls were brought over, she threw a "Nine Qi Zhenlu" over them.Because she was worried that the girl would not be able to bear it, she only lit up the last Yinyuan star.

A wave of spiritual energy was injected into the girl's body, she didn't need to breathe out the movement skills, she already possessed the magic power of the first level of refining Qi.

Dongfang Yunqi was thoughtful when she saw this scene.

Shangguan Xiaoyue played the second talisman, and the second girl possessed the mana of the eighth layer of Qi Refining.

"This is called 'Bodhi', it's not easy. If the Nine Qi Zhenlu is obtained by those powerful forces, I'm afraid..."

The elders of the Yusheng Pavilion saw the Nine Qi Zhenlu, and their hearts came true.

Their realm is lofty, naturally they are not comparable to Chang Yuezi and others.

After Fu Henghua wrote the article, they vaguely realized that Yuxian Zhenlu had other wonderful features.

Seeing the splitting of Zhenlu now confirms their thoughts.

"However, the Nine Qi Zhenlu written by this child seems to refer to the Big Dipper and Nine Stars? Xingtian Taoism, is he related to Tianyi Sect?"

Wu Zhengxin: "Tianyizong's family is not the only one who knows the way of stars and Taoism. The Big Dipper and Nine Stars hang in the sky, and anyone can study it."

With that said, he went to look through the private chat records.

Why hasn't he replied yet?

Tian Shuzi led several juniors to deduce the "Nine Qi Star Tianzhenlu".

"Huh? This talisman method is very similar to our family's method. This person named Bodhi, could he be a descendant of our Tianyi Sect?"

Tianshuzi looked at Kaiyangzi who was talking, but didn't say anything.

Well, I really have a relationship with you.Your master's Erlongjian was lost by him.

Yu Hengzi: "Indeed, this talisman has traces of our family's Nine Mysteries Secret Art. Brother, don't you have the right to recommend a mirror? Could it be that you secretly recruited disciples outside and raised a genius?"

Tianshuzi laughed: "If it was my disciple, I would definitely bring it back to show off to you as soon as possible. It's a pity—"


But seeing the Nine Qi Zhenlu, Tian Shuzi knew in his heart that this thing was indeed his own.

It evolved from the Jiuxuan Tianyi arithmetic.

He was annoyed in his heart: why didn't he discover this kid earlier and pull him into Tianyi sect earlier?Zhou Xiao sent the news, it was too late!
Outside the Tianyi Zong Mountain Gate, flying swords and paper cranes came one after another.

Liangyi said: "Your family's disciple?"

Xuanwei Pai: "Nine Profound Heaven Art is well used."

Elder Tianjing: "This child is not bad, how about giving it to the old man?"

Afterwards, the summons from other sects arrived one by one.

After reading it, Tianshuzi replied kindly.

"It has nothing to do with me, he is not from the Tianyi sect."

Inside the Daotai, Zihuang, Yusheng and other sects also began to inquire.

Although the former fan Tianshuzi specially used "Jin Ao" to leave a message to invite entry.

But thinking about it now, everyone suspects that he is deliberately separating the relationship.

Tian Shuzi could only reply one by one, and put aside his own relationship.

Zisheng: Is he really not from your family?Or, make an oath to the gold list?

At this time, Fu Henghua wrote the second of the Nine Dao Zhenlu - Five Elements Juntian Zhenlu.

As soon as this talisman came out, everyone dispelled some of their doubts.

"Although the Tianyi Sect has the "Great Five-Star Wheel Sutra", it is very different from the five-element concept of this talisman. The five elements produce restraint, is it related to the Five Elements Dao?"

Everyone turned around and went to ask the Lord of the Five Elements again.

The Five Elements Dao is a sect of Tianyang, and the master of the Taoism has the cultivation base of Yuanying.

He just sent a message to Sect Master Tianyi, teasing him for accepting a good apprentice.

Unexpectedly, the flames of war instantly burned in front of his own door?

Seeing all kinds of messages coming to the mountain gate, he replied with nice words just like Tian Shuzi.

Seeing that the second talisman was related to the five elements, Tianshuzi felt a sudden in his heart: it's not good, this kid is about to be exposed.

To create the Nine Dao Zhenlu, it is necessary to integrate the corresponding Xianjue skills.

Fu Henghua is refining Qi Zhenlu, so he can rely on his own experience and knowledge to forcibly write down a Nine Qi Star Talisman.

But in the foundation building period, he had to refer to himself and write a five-element talisman according to his own five-element realm.

Zhou Xiao also noticed this scene and reminded Fu Henghua to be careful.

"Don't worry, I only have these two real talismans. I haven't fully understood the real talismans of the real fire state."

After Fu Henghua wrote the two talismans, he hung up one of the exercises he had deduced.

"Nine Talismans Become Immortals, it is compatible with this exercise. Seniors, please appreciate it."

When Shangguan Xiaoyue relayed the exercise to Dongfang Yunqi, the girl immediately understood.

He really took out the "Tianfu Jing"!
 After writing, go to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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