
Chapter 164 9 Realm Realm, Spirit Vein Secret Art Unlocks Calamity

Chapter 164 Nine realms of true scriptures
In the Tianfu Jing, Fu Henghua and Dongfang Yunqi had communicated many times, and they had already deduced the ninth level of Qi Refining.

Explain the Dao with a true talisman, and finally open up your own universe.

All the practitioners have read the key points and the main idea of ​​the practice of the Tianfu Sutra.

The Dai Pavilion Master commented: "Is this a skill that works with Yuxian Zhenlu? Very good, a fairy formula that evolved from the Talisman Dao, if it can be deduced to the end, it can be called the most precious treasure of Talisman Cultivation."

"Immortal formula? You only have this vision. Imagine the heavenly talisman, one talisman opens the world, transforms the immortal way, this is clearly the intention of the heavenly scriptures!"

The monk codenamed "Erlong Daoist" refuted it on the spot, not saving any face for the Acting Pavilion Master.

Same as the account used by the Acting Pavilion Master, there are two suns behind his name.

"At the beginning of the practice, visualize the true talisman of life. Then incorporate the 'nine qi star heavenly talisman' into it, and upgrade it to the perfection of qi refining. Next, continuously include the true talisman of the foundation, real fire and other realms. One talisman It can be regarded as the ancestor of Wanfu, with excellent intentions.

"The only fly in the ointment is that the follow-up 'Five Elements Juntian Zhenlu' and 'Nine Qi Star Tianzhenlu' do not match."

Immortal Erlong draws another true talisman.It is still marked by the Beidou Jiuchen, which is the deep mystery of Tianyi Sect's Taoism.

According to the nine layers of foundation building, it corresponds to the nine stars.

Seeing this talisman, Fu Henghua's heart moved: "Senior Zhou, is this person a cultivator of the Tianyi Sect?"

"No. This real Erlong..." Zhou Xiao struggled for a while, "This uncle has a bad temper, you'd better not associate with him."

Tianshuzi looked a little unhappy when he saw Master Erlong evolve this talisman.

Immortal Erlong pointed to Fu Henghua and said, "This 'Jiuchen Beidou Zhenlu' is matched with your 'Xingtian Zhenlu', corresponding to the ninth floor of foundation building. As long as you complete the two Zhenlu, you are expected to comprehend the golden elixir."

"And then?" Zisheng immediately refuted, "During the golden elixir, are you going to return to the ninth rank of the golden elixir?"

"Naturally, the "Tianfu Jing" is obviously the same path as the Taixuan Tianshu, of course it is the Ninth Transformation of the Golden Core. Your sect without the inheritance of the Tianshu must not be able to understand it."

How aggressive, how dare you fight against the boss of Zihuang Pavilion?

Seeing Fu Henghua's surprised gaze, Zhou Xiao's expression turned ugly: "Uncle Master is the leader of Liangyi Dao, and belongs to the retro school."

The Taixuan Taoist sect was promoted, and a few people remained in Donglai to establish the Xuanwei Sect, Liangyi Dao, Tianyi Sect and other orthodoxy.

Comparing Zihuang Pavilion and Yusheng Pavilion alone, the three factions are not as good as they are.But if the three sects are added together and other Taixuan Taoisms are integrated, Zihuang Pavilion and Yusheng Pavilion can be completely suppressed.

However, the three factions have different philosophies, coupled with the strange attitude of the senior Tianjing old man, leading to the division of the Taixuan Alliance into several factions.Some people are actively embracing today's nine-level system, while others are trying to restore the division method of "nine layers of Qi refining, nine layers of foundation building, and nine layers of golden elixir" in ancient times.

Liangyi Daoist tends to the ancient method.Under Fu Henghua's idea of ​​"The True Talisman of Feather Immortal", he separated three talismans, with the Big Dipper and Nine Stars corresponding to the three realms of Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, and Golden Elixir, which perfectly fit into the "Tian Talisman Sutra".

Even if Fu Henghua, the creator, met him, he couldn't help admiring the wisdom of the Taoist master, so he changed the name of "Tianfu Jing" to "Tianyi Xingfu Tianshu".

"According to what Master Liangyi said, the Tianfu Sutra is indeed suitable for the ancient method of 'Three Realms'."

When Fu Henghua was about to ask for advice on the golden elixir nine-star talisman behind him, Zisheng threw out the "Ziyang Yuanhuo talisman" and "Red Dragon God Tiger True talisman" plus "Yuandan Shenyang Zhenlu" deduced by Zihuang Pavilion.

This is the evolution of the Zhenlu from the three realms of True Fire, Xuantai, and Jindan according to the nine realms.

Fu Henghua was stunned for a moment, and immediately gave up the "Tianyi Xing Fu Tianshu", and devoted himself to studying the three scriptures taught by Zisheng.

"Although the addition of private goods from the Purple Emperor Pavilion is more suitable for their exercises. But for me, it can also be compatible with the Yuangong of the Creation Society."

Bodhi's kung fu fits the Dao of Good Fortune, and the masters of Zihuang Pavilion have also analyzed it.

They took out the three true scriptures they studied, just to seduce "Bodhi" to become a teacher.

"Renren, don't you want to follow the ancient method? Come, show your golden core nine-turn true scroll and have a look?"

Zisheng's attitude changed suddenly, obviously this official account has been replaced.

"The three true talismans you have deduced are for your own use only, and cannot be used as the original talisman method at all. What are you arrogant about!" Tianxuanzi with a sun hanging on them refuted.

Although inside the Taixuan Daoist League, many people are dissatisfied with the retro faction.

But Zihuang Pavilion jumped face, how could it be tolerated?
Tianyi, Xuanwei, Liangyi, and various monks of Taixuan Dao lineage spoke out to refute the three truths released by Zihuang Pavilion.

"Nine Qi and Xingtian Zhenzhen. Xingtian alludes to Big Dipper, but Nine Qi is not just nine kinds of true Qi. Under the Dao of Heaven, Nine is the ultimate number. Nine Qi refers to the ten thousand Qi of heaven and earth. Any exercise can be applied' "Nine Qi Star Tianzhenlu" forms a Qi-training Zhenlu that belongs exclusively to our sect's orthodoxy. This is the original Zhenlu."

"That's right. The power of the stars is a neutral force that embraces all things. And the three true talismans created by you Zihuang Pavilion are only for your own use, and they are not worthy of being put together with the nine-star innocence talisman."

Fu Henghua's Yuxian Zhenlu and Nine Realms Zhenlu are to create a set of effective "formulas", not a simple answer to a question.

As long as the nine primitive talismans are formed, monks all over the world can put the talisman into it according to their own skills and form their own unique talisman.

While several people denounced, the old man of Tianjing announced the two truths he had modified.

One is called Sanxuan Linghuo Zhenlu, and the other is Kanli Yinyang Zhenlu.

Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things.

Sanxuan, that is, the three births of all things, embraces all exercises in the world, and can give birth to true fire of various attributes.It can be called the real template of the real fire realm.

Kanli Yin-Yang Zhenlu corresponds to the realm of Xuantai.

Yin and yang biochemical all things, plus this realm originally reconcile Kanli dragon and tiger, conceive and nourish jade liquid, it is also very appropriate.

After the appearance of the two true inscriptions, a group of Taixuan monks praised Taixuan's orthodox method one after another.

The Purple Emperor and Jade Sage couldn't see it, so they began to criticize.

As the two sides debated, a more perfect Zhenlu appeared in the dispute and discussion.Even Fu Henghua's Five Elements Juntian Zhenlu was forcibly adjusted to a more perfect state by them, and changed to "Yuan Luojun Tianzhenlu", referring to the theory of Jiugong Luoshu.

Heng Hua watched the discussion intently and wrote down the few truths.

The reason why these masters of practice are actively discussing the real talismans is because they know the value behind this set of real talismans.

Chang Yuezi and others believe that Yuxian Zhenlu is similar to Jinlu and Wooden Lulu, and they just skip the cultivation process to achieve the final immortal karma.

But in the eyes of these senior experts, the Nine Realms True Talisman is undoubtedly a symbol of spiritual practice.It can be called the "Entraining Qi Pill" and "Building Foundation Pill" of Fu Dao.

For example, a monk who has a complete Xuantai and has been unable to form alchemy for a long time.

If an expert bestows a golden elixir that suits him.

Even if he doesn't use Tiancaidibao to upgrade the secret spell, as long as he has the true talisman itself, he can figure out the essence of the golden elixir he is about to form, so that he can figure out the process by himself and take a step towards the golden elixir.

There are too many people who are stuck in the Xuantai level in the fairy gate outside the world, and have been unable to form alchemy for a long time.Someone at this step will be stuck for 500 years.

If the elders of the sect, the magicians, and the talisman masters write the Jindan Zhenlu for them, they can be inspired and used for reference.

It can be predicted that after the Jindan Zhenlu is deduced by various cultivators, the number of Jindan monks in Donglaiwan Island will increase wildly in the future.

And for some spiritual beings with superior backgrounds, the Nine Realms Zhenlu is their life-saving straw.

The calamity of the golden core of the three tribulations is the most difficult for the spirit.Including Fu Henghua, all spirits are extremely cautious about this.

Especially Dongfang Yunqi, whose parents have both reached the Golden Core realm and left their mark on the world.When children cross the catastrophe, they must be involved in the way of their parents.

The most common one is getting lost in the golden elixir of the parents, thus failing to cross the tribulation.

But with the Nine Realms True Talisman, Jindan cultivators can write the True Talisman for their children, give them enlightenment and give them [-]% more chance of casting alchemy.

This [-]% chance alone can encourage many Xuantai-level spirits who have wasted their lives to pluck up the courage to try to break through.

As for Yuanying and even Jiexian, if they can follow themselves and draw a real talisman that matches their own realm, it will be helpful to understand a higher realm.

It's about their own enlightenment, so they can't help but not care about it.

However, the cultivators discussed for a long time, and the fifth golden elixir real talisman had already come to fruition, but no one calculated the sixth golden elixir true talisman.

At this time, Master Erlong began to hate Zisheng again: "You said that I can't deduce the real talisman of the ninth rank of the golden elixir. I haven't seen you figure out the method of transforming babies and the three calamities. Let's talk about the original golden elixir. Fa, so can I."

He hung out a Jindan Jiuzhuan Zhenlu that only had a prototype in the deduction.After a flash, it deleted itself.

At that moment, Fu Henghua quickly wrote on the Shenluo jade board.

The ninth turn of the Golden Elixir, the fourth turn corresponds to the first calamity of the Tribulation Immortal, Tianshou Realm, the same life as the heaven and the earth.

The seventh turn corresponds to the second disaster of Jiexian, the real spirit realm.

After the ninth turn, the third disaster corresponds to the Feather Fairyland.According to the records in ancient books, the Feather Fairyland is the process of passing through all three disasters and transforming into a true immortal.This process can be completed in as short as ten days and as long as three years.

The Jindan Jiuzhuan Zhenlu in Erlong Zhenren's conception is called "Nine Yuan Ziwei Zhenlu".But he only outlines the original cryptic metastars and hole stars.

In the next seven steps, I can't draw at all.

Seeing that everyone was about to argue again, a robber came forward to smooth things over.

"The discussion on the inspiration of Zhenlu has just started. It is normal that everyone cannot discuss the top four. I believe everyone has already noticed the beauty of Zhenlu."

Jiexian wrote slowly: "The Nine Realms True Talisman is the 'Entraining Qi Pill' and 'Building Foundation Pill' in the form of a talisman. The Jindan Zhenlu can cultivate the backbone of various sects. The previous talisman can also enhance the strength of Dao soldiers , it will be helpful to the cultivator family. But—"

This Jiexian left behind a method of merging the real scriptures with the spiritual veins.

"The impoverished Taoist comprehended the Nine Realms True Talisman, and I have some experience, and I am willing to share it with my colleagues in the world."

Fu Henghua's face suddenly changed when he saw that experience.

In an instant, Lingyun was sealed again.

When it was opened again, that experience had been deleted by other robbers.

But many people have seen that experience.

Tian Shuzi and several juniors suddenly got up and immediately went to the spiritual vein of the mountain gate.

Liangyidao, Yusheng Pavilion, Zihuang Pavilion, and Xuanwei faction took action one after another.

Even Fu Henghua couldn't help being tempted.

He pulled Zhou Xiao up: "Senior, let's go to Luogui Island, I want to try this method."

The experience of this senior pointed out: If the original talisman of the Nine Realms is driven into the spiritual veins, the spiritual veins will have the effect of guiding the practice of the realm.

Then, with the blessing of the spiritual vein, the chance of a monk's breakthrough can be increased by [-]%.

And this method and the exclusive Nine Realms True Book deduced by oneself can be superimposed on each other.

It is equivalent to increasing the promotion rate by [-]%. Fu Henghua ignored other things and went straight to Luogui Island, wanting to confirm this inference.

(End of this chapter)

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