
Chapter 165 Spirit Turtle Tianshou

Chapter 165 Spirit Turtle Tianshou
The sound of the wind echoed in Luogui Island.

The spirit turtles sleeping deep in the spirit island woke up one by one.

Baxia and Xuangui struggled to poke their heads out of the tomb, and roared a few times to the outside.

Fu Henghua stood on the five peaks of the central palace, looking at the spirit turtles that appeared from all sides, trying to communicate with their spiritual consciousness.

But after those spirit turtles showed up, they shrank their heads again and just threw a mark into the Kan Palace.

Soon, a green-haired turtle slowly crawled to the central palace in Kangong.

Fu Henghua raised his hand, and Qingfeng lifted the green-haired turtle to the top of Zhonggong Mountain.

"The little old man has seen Mr. Fu."

The smoke lingered, and the green turtle turned into an old man with a turtle shell on his back.

He has a childlike face with white hair and a beard that hangs down to the ground. If he has a walking stick in his hand, he will be even more immortal.

"The technique of inheriting the slough?"

Zhou Xiao looked at Guixian, frowned and said, "Are you a human race?"

"Exactly. The little old man was near the end of his life many years ago. He had to come here to seek a chance to live longer."

After briefly explaining his background, Guixian explained: "Master Spirit Turtles cannot communicate with the outside world for a long time. So, let me contact the Fu family."

He waited for three years, but Fu Henghua had no intention of contacting him at all.So he fell asleep again.Until he was woken up by Ba Xia just now.

Fu Henghua looked at Guixian: "You have 200 years left to live. If you can't form a pill, you will turn into a dry bone."

Guixian smiled wryly.

Of course he knew his situation.But he didn't understand until he fused the shell of a golden core mysterious tortoise.At present, I am similar to a fake pill, I can't improve my cultivation base, and I can only consume my life a little bit.

"Teach you a great wish method. Go back and build the foundation with 49 Qi refining monks. With their luck, you can break open the shell of the turtle and get a chance to transcend the catastrophe and form a pill."

After Fu Henghua finished speaking, he sat on the ground: "What is the plan of the group of spirit turtles? Since I acquiesce in taking charge of Luogui Island, they must be negotiating terms with me?"

"Several adults hope that Luogui Island will still be used as a resting place for spirit turtles."


Fu Henghua readily agreed.

Seeing that Fu Henghua is reasonable, Guixian continued to put forward the request of several spirit turtles: "The adults hope to form an alliance with the Fu family. If the Fu family has achievements in the future, they will be reincarnated and re-enter the way of practice."

"If the Fu family agrees, they will sign a covenant with the Fu family in the name of the turtle clan. Not only the adults, but other spirit turtles will also be restrained."


"Some of the psychic turtles around Yanshui and Baizhen will also be convenient. But after forming an alliance, the Fu family must fulfill the obligations of allies and no longer eat turtles."

Fu Henghua pondered, and simply contacted Fu Danwei on Panlong Island through Fengyin.

Both Fu Danwei and Fu Beidou were there, and after the two negotiated, they communicated with the Great Elder Fu Ruiying to finalize the covenant.

How difficult is it to just not eat turtle meat?
The covenant finalizes mutual assistance between the two parties.

The Fu family helped the tortoises build a tomb, buried the tortoise shells in it, and helped the spiritual tortoises who were successful in practice to reincarnate and rebuild.And the spirit turtles need to contribute to the Fu family before they die.And when he was dying, he passed on the remaining mana to the Fu family.

The turtle fairy turned back into a turtle body, and a contract appeared on the shell.There are a few natal imprints signed by several spirit turtles on it.

Fu Henghua watched it, and Fengyin continued to communicate with Fu Danwei.

Fu Beidou rushed over, stretched out his finger, and the starlight condensed into a shadow of an elm tree and imprinted on it.Later, cypresses and phoenix trees were dropped from the air and imprinted on the turtle shell.

The turtle fairy patted lightly, and a piece of armor fell off the turtle shell, and it was thrown into the spiritual vein of Luogui Island.

"This island is unsinkable, and the oath will last forever."

In the dark, Yanlong's aura changed.

Xuan Gui, one of the two envoys under the Dragon King's throne, suddenly changed his expression.

"No, the Fu family has formed an alliance with the tortoise clan! Those tortoise ancestors really didn't die?"

The mysterious and mysterious aura echoed in the Yanlong waters.The bloodline of Xuangui was suppressed, and he vowed to restrain him, so that he could no longer conspire against the Fu family.

At this time, a dragon's breath erupted from the bottom of the water.

The cold wave returned.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

With the help of the Dragon King, Xuan Gui got rid of the alliance of the Turtle Clan.

Xuan Gui was afraid for a while, if His Majesty hadn't acted, I'm afraid that he would obediently become a family member of the Fu family.


Luogui Island.

After Fu Henghua made the covenant, he went to the location of the spirit vein.

Ba Xia slowly crawled out of the grave.

The obscure spiritual consciousness communicated with Fu Henghua.

"The secret realm of spiritual veins is located in Luocheng, and we will build a tomb there. I will give you the remaining mana for the burial today."

Seeing this bully that was as huge as a hill, Fu Henghua looked solemn.

Although entangled with twilight energy, this tyrannical dragon beast is a true golden core level existence, and the dragon ball is bred in its body.

"I will upgrade the spirit vein later, and it will transform into a lower-grade spirit vein 'Tianshou'. You can extend your lifespan for several years by upgrading the spirit vein. Are you sure you want to enter the tomb now?"

"Enter the tomb early, reincarnate early."

Ba Xia vicissitudes said: "Dragon beads, dragon scales, and dragon horns are all given to you. Only the turtle shell must be buried."

"Understood. It's clearly stated in the covenant."

Under the tyrant's present life, he was sealed in a tortoise shell and buried in a tomb.In the next life, with the help of the Fu family, you can return to this place to gain the power of this life.

Fu Henghua held up the bronze pot and poured the source of the spiritual pulse of Sihui Island into Luogui Island.

The island vibrated, the spirit veins erupted in layers of air waves, and the Nine Yin Teng stretched out its long black vines, densely covering the entire Nine Dragons Pool.

The lower-grade first-class spiritual pulse, Tianshou.

Fu Henghua took out a disc and threw it into the Nine Dragon Pool.

Through the disc, gusts of breeze reverberated on the island, combining the spiritual veins with the Fu family's fate.At the same time, Fu Henghua cut his wrist and spilled blood into Nine Dragon Pool.

Through his blood, Lingmai Tianshou will absorb the characteristics of the Fu family's bloodline and evolve the bloodline talent of the Fu family.

"Uncle Seventeen, is there any pregnant woman in Bai Yutang now? Taking advantage of the combination of spiritual veins and my family's luck, we can awaken the blood talent in advance."

"Xuan Ge has already sent it over."

Fu Henghua also called Pengming and Baimin from Panlong Island.

Seeing the black and white coat on Bai Min, Heng Hua frowned.

Bai Min hurriedly took off his naive fleece jacket, and explained: "I play with Qingfeng, so I specially ordered the scorpion coat."

"Take off your coat, you two sit in the Nine Dragon Pool, I will try to help you activate the power of your blood."

The second child enters the pool, and Fu Xuange brings a woman over.

Seeing her big belly, Fu Henghua hurriedly asked Peng Ming to help her into the pool.

"Auntie, be careful. If you feel uncomfortable, tell me directly."

Fu Henghua stepped on the Nine Yin Vine and walked into the jade platform in the center of Nine Dragon Pool.

Make adjustments with the Fu family's spiritual vein base to build the blood talent of the Fu family.

Three rays of light enveloped the pregnant woman, Fu Pengming, and Fu Baimin.

The pregnant woman frowned, resisting the discomfort in her abdomen, and waited for the radiance to dissipate.

There was a sound of bone cracking and growing beside her.

The two boys rolled on the Jiuyin vine in pain.

After more than forty years old, the two finally entered adolescence and started their second spiritual violence.

Although Zhou Xiao has practiced for a long time, this is the first time he has seen the operation of the spiritual vein base of the Xiuzhen family, silently studying and observing the movements of the Fu family.

Fu Beidou didn't shy away from him, and went directly to Fu Henghua and asked, "How? How many talents have you awakened in Luogui Island?"

"Six, Huixin, Chongtong, Tongyou, Sword Bone, Tianshou and..."


"It's still Feng Yu."

Fu Beidou sighed: "This thing, our family can't get rid of it?"

The spirit veins on Panlong Island will retain the phoenix language.When I arrived at Luogui Island, I still couldn't get rid of it.

Fu Henghua was already trying his best to erase the traces of Feng Yu.But he never expected that Fengyu, a talent inherited from Fufeng Immortal Palace, was too deep-rooted.

"Wait, no more vision?"

"Similar to the transformation of Baiyutang into 'Stargazing', here on Luogui Island, it is distorted into 'Tongyou', where you can see the two worlds of Yin and Yang."

With that said, Fu Henghua looked at Fu Baimin.

As the boy opened his eyes, his eyes were like black jade, crossing the boundary between yin and yang.

"Tianshou? What kind of talent is this?" Peng Ming called out on the other side.

"Tianshou, the life span is longer than that of ordinary monks."

Fu Beidou: "..."

Fu Pengming: "Is this considered talent?"

"Of course forget it," Zhou Xiao explained to Fu Pengming with a smile when he saw this, "As our cultivation base grows, our lifespan will also increase. Theoretically, Jindan Realm has a life expectancy of [-] years. But it doesn't Not everyone can reach this limit. Many Jindan monks died before [-] or even earlier. But the special ability of 'Tianshou', even if you cast spells that shorten your lifespan or destroy your potential, as long as you don't die , you can live to the limit of your lifespan.”

This is a very peculiar, seemingly useless talent that can play a huge role at critical moments.

Fu Pengming was stunned: "In other words, if I burn my lifespan like my grandfather, can I still live to the limit of my lifespan?"

"That's right," Fu Henghua said, "Among the six talents of Lingmai Tianshou, Tianshou is the best talent."

Zhou Xiao: "However, you can't burn your lifespan indiscriminately. Although you can live to the end of your life, but your vitality is exhausted, lying on the bed dying to the end, it is torture."


Ba Xia bit the collar of Undulating Peng Ming, and sent it to Fu Henghua.

"let's start."

Fu Henghua cast a spell to open the Jiulong Pool, raised Luocheng, and built a turtle tomb next to it.

Ba Xia immediately dissipated into golden light, the tortoise shell was thrown into the grave, the dragon ball flew into Fu Pengming's body, and the mana remaining in the flesh and blood turned into a cloud of light and flew into Fu Henghua's body.

Good Fortune will work with Yuan Gong, and the light and mist will be transformed into Good Fortune True Yuan through repeated movements.

"It seems that this bully is very optimistic about you. I plan to ask you to bring him back. You can keep the dragon horns and dragon scales, and let grandfather find someone to help you make magic weapons."

Fu Henghua turned his head to Fu Baimin and said: "You intercept a Jiuyin vine. You usually like to play with the whip. Later, I will teach you a set of whipping methods, and then I will teach you the method of refining the 'Nine Yin Spirit Snake Whip'."

After balancing the matter with the two younger brothers, Fu Henghua walked up to the pregnant woman.

Fu Beidou: "Heng Hua, what kind of talent is this child?"

"Congratulations to Uncle Seventeen, there is another sword bone descendant in Baiyutang."

Sword bone?

Fu Beidou was overjoyed.

Finally, someone from Baiyutang inherited his Beidou Sword Art.

After the promotion of the spiritual vein was completed, Fu Henghua started to enter the "Nine Qi Star Tianzhenlu" into Luogui Island according to the narration in the Daotai.

When the silver talisman was buried in the spirit vein, a breath wafted over the island.

Many mortal tortoises have spiritual energy coming out of them, possessing the spiritual power of the first and second levels of refining qi.

The fetus in the pregnant woman's womb has not yet been born, but it has already possessed a little superficial qi under the enlightenment of the spiritual pulse.

Fu Henghua looked solemn.

Then began to describe the second "Yuan Luojun Tianzhenlu".

This true talisman opens the gate of heaven with nine palaces, casts the foundation of the Tao, and is compatible with all kinds of exercises.

After the Zhenlu was laid down, Fu Henghua suddenly looked at Fu Pengming and Fu Baimin.

The spiritual violence of the two brothers stopped, and under the influence of some mysterious power, they began to break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Fu Henghua turned his head and asked Zhou Xiao: "Senior, you said that the two of them broke through, and how much of the role of Zhenlu is?"

"No matter what percentage, this is trouble!"

Zhou Xiao couldn't hide his sorrow.

After waiting for the first grade of spiritual veins to estimate, at most the third true talisman can be engraved.

If you want to win the Jindan Zhenlu, you need Buxianzhou.

In other words, in order to make one's own alchemy more certain.The major families and sects will inevitably start offering sacrifices to Lianbu Xianzhou.

And Buxianzhou also has a high level and a low level.If someone wants to enter the Nascent Soul Zhenlu, Buxianzhou must also be fused.

It is conceivable that there will be a major merger in Donglaiwan Island in the future.

"The senior announced this method, obviously to trigger a catastrophe in Donglai."

  "Tian Yi Yi Xian Biography", the fifteen strange immortals, the turtle immortal.

  Born in Luogui Island, enlightened by Fu Sheng, entered the world to save people and become immortals.There are 20 Jindan cultivators and 350 Foundation Establishment cultivators.Make good affinities, complete merits and virtues, get the sacred talisman, and transform into a baby in one step.

  "Fu Jia Benji · Fu Heng Hua Biography": Tianzu established Luogui Island and often preached on the island.

  The tortoises heard the Tao, and their life spans are long, and they are willing to be driven to repay their kindness.

  There is a green tortoise, which was originally a human body, but it was transformed into a turtle because of its greed for longevity.Regret all day long, and ask Fu Sheng for guidance.

  Kneeling for nine days, the sage took pity on his sincerity and gave him the way to become an immortal and return to righteousness: "If you save the true number of seven, you can become a Taoist."

  Then the turtle immortal came out of the island and transformed the world into immortals. He is known as the "Great Mercy World Turtle Immortal".

(End of this chapter)

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