
Chapter 167 The Outer Meridian Yingxiu, Passing Kung Fu 9 Feng Ding Sword Master

Chapter 167 Outer Meridian Yingxiu, Master of Nine Winds Fixed Sword
The breeze blowing from Panlong Island echoes the Zhenlu on Luogui Island.

"Boiled Dragon Island is stronger than Luogui Island. It is also the Three Profound Spirit Fire True Scrolls. One works on the fourth floor of the foundation building, and the other works on the sixth floor of the foundation building."

Luogui Island can only allow monks to quickly enter the real fire environment.And the spiritual pulse of Panlong Island can also increase the speed of cultivation after the real fire state, and quickly enter the sixth floor of foundation building.

Fu Henghua waved his feather fan and circulated the "Tianfu Jing".

The three true talismans are fused into one original talisman of spiritual veins, which contains the three realms of refining qi, building foundations, and real fire.

The dragon chant sounded, and a golden dragon vacated from the Hualongchi, swallowed the Zhenlu and flew to Luogui Island next door.

On Luogui Island, a phantom of a golden tortoise appeared.On its back, there are three real inscriptions in one, facing the golden dragon.

The dragon and the tortoise are intertwined, and finally the golden dragon is coiled on the back of the golden tortoise, and the two true scriptures merge with each other.

Fu Henghua took the opportunity to write down the fourth Zhenlu—Kanli Yinyang Zhenlu.

Taking the dragon as yang and the tortoise as yin, the way to reconcile Kanli.

The fourth true talisman is looming, standing between the dragon and the tortoise.

But the level of the two spiritual veins is not enough to really make this true talisman take shape.

"Barely enough, it can increase the chance of stepping into the seventh floor of Foundation Establishment."

Fu Henghua was exhausted after being promoted to the spirit veins one after another, and portrayed the real talisman. He greeted Fu Danwei and returned to the Langhuan Hall to rest.

Three days later, the wind chime rang.

Eighth Uncle Fu Yifu brought his two sons to look for exercises.

Heng Hua came down from upstairs and looked at Peng Ming and Bai Min.The two retreated for three days, and they had consolidated the foundation.

"Why does Eighth Uncle come here in person, let these two boys come here by themselves."

Er Xiao nodded frequently.

"The two of them build the foundation and choose the future cultivation method, so we must be careful."

A few people entered, and when they were about to choose the exercises, Fu Beidou also brought a man and a woman.

"Heng Hua, come to work."

The man and woman are tall, grown-up figures.

"Not Bai Yutang, from the Outer Nine Meridians?"

"Meet my great-uncle/great-uncle."

The two introduced themselves.

The man's name is Fu Pingdao, and he comes from the Cangjiao of the Outer Nine Meridians.

The girl's name is Fulizhu, and she comes from Xuanyin of the nine outer veins.

There are nine internal and external channels under the three halls of Fujia.

Neijiumai, like Xujutang's direct branch, are descendants of the first Patriarch of the Fu family.

In the Battle of Fuzhou that year, Fufeng Immortal Palace sank, a pair of uncles and nephews escaped, and they worked together to create the foundation of the Fu family.

As the grand master of Yuanying, my uncle became the head of the Fu family and set up Xujutang on Tianfeng Island.

As a Jindan monk, my nephew went to Panlong Island to build Baihuangtang.

The two halls respect Futai as the common ancestor.

Futai, the father of the first Hall Master Xugu, the grandfather of the first Hall Master Baihuang, and the common ancestor of the two halls.

Later, the population of Xujutang became prosperous, and besides the main branch, there were nine veins, such as Dawu, Laiyin, Danfeng and so on.

Panlong Island advocates prenatal and postnatal care, and its population is sparse.When it came to Fu Henghua's generation, the total number of generations of clan members was less than half a hundred.

As for the Outer Nine Meridians, although they are also from the Fu family, their blood relationship is far away.After the two uncles and nephews established the Fu family, some distant relatives who also escaped the catastrophe came to seek refuge.

The leader was Fu Chen, the younger brother of Fu Tai, who was later the ancestor of Baiyutang.He came with a couple of grandchildren and a group of cousins' kids.

The uncle and nephew of the Fu family kept them in Tianfeng Island for the sake of their clan.Because these people are not very talented in practice, they turned to study the cultivation skills such as alchemy and talisman array.

Initially, this group of people corresponded to the ten veins of Tianfeng, called the "outer ten veins", and were responsible for the logistics supply of the Fu family.

Xu Jutang and Bai Huangtang are responsible for all the fights.

It wasn't until Baiyu's branch came out with a Fu Beidou that he felt proud and became an independent branch from the branch.The remaining nine branches are called the Outer Nine Meridians, which are under the jurisdiction of Baiyutang.

The Outer Nine Meridians are not good at cultivation, but as long as someone shows talent in cultivation, Fu Beidou will take him with him and guide him personally.

Fu Beidou said sternly: "Heng Hua, you should be more careful. The Cangjiao and Xuanyin veins rarely have cultivation talents, so you have to choose carefully."

"Don't worry, I won't treat them badly."

Fu Henghua chose four puppets and divided them among the four children.

"Your luck works, and I will take care of the rest."

Jin Gong rose up, and his spiritual consciousness enveloped the four of them for inspection.

Fu Henghua invited Fu Yifu and Fu Beidou to sit down and drink tea, and asked about the East China Sea.

Fu Yifu: "Don't mention it, it was the disaster caused by those two girls. I have already sent them to Fengmen Island and let Xiangfeng teach them."

"Miss Tan?"

Fu Yifu nodded: "Yesterday, the East China Sea Sword Sect sent a letter, claiming that we kidnapped his disciple's fiancée and came to seek justice."

The Tan family chose a disciple of the East China Sea Sword Sect for Tan Yufeng as his fiancé, named Xiang Zhongkong, who was a disciple of Ai Yanchang, the head of the East China Sea Sword Sect.

Because the Tan family broke contact with Tan Yufeng, the Patriarch personally went to Donghai Sword Sect to make amends.

Xiang Zhongkong himself was reasonable, accepted the Tan family's apology, and planned to turn this marriage over.But who knows, after the faction leader Ai Yanchang found out, he suppressed his disciples and the Tan family, and wanted to use this excuse to attack the Fu family.

Fu Henghua looked at Fu Beidou: "Which generation is Miss Tan's fiancé? Qing or Ming?"

The East China Sea Sword School is different from the general master-student inheritance.

Ai Yanchang has been the head of the sect for 500 years, and has received a group of disciples in the order of "sea, guangzhou, tian, qing, ming, dao, ling, tong".All disciples respect him as a teacher.Except for the big class once a month, the disciples are usually taught by other brothers in the same school.

"It's a generation of Ming characters. It's been a hundred years since it was started. It's a true fire state. It's called Xiang Zhongkong."

Fu Henghua shook his head: "It's not easy for the old lady of the Tan family to ask Head Ai to settle this marriage."

"I heard that her natal family had a friendship with Head Ai a few generations ago. In order to arrange a marriage for her granddaughter, she used up her natal family's favor, so she asked Head Ai to nod and accommodate the marriage."

Xiang Zhongkong has practiced for a hundred years and has a cultivation level of True Fire Realm. He is currently Ai Yanchang's favorite disciple.If it wasn't for the begging of the descendants of the old man, and the fact that the body of the jade fetus is helpful for the disciple's cultivation, Ai Yanchang would not have nodded in agreement.

Unexpectedly, the Tan family didn't know what was good or bad, so they wanted to regret the marriage.

On the one hand, Ai Yanchang was plotting against the Fu family's spiritual veins, on the other hand, he was really angry and wanted to seek justice for his apprentice.

Fu Henghua closed his eyes and calculated the secret.

At this moment, Chang Yuezi has already met Tan Yufeng, and plans to take her as a concubine to help him cultivate the golden elixir.

Then calculate Xiang Zhongkong, although it is hindered by Ai Yanchang's Nascent Soul aura, but Fu Henghua has already seen that this young man's luck is like a rainbow, and his potential is extraordinary.

Fu Henghua thought to himself: Miss Tan gave up the beautiful jade for the stubborn stone.I don't know if I will regret seeing the achievements of these two in the future?

Fu Yifu said to Fu Beidou: "Ai Yanchang has only accepted disciples for 500 years. Even if those disciples are proficient in swordsmanship, they don't have much advantage over my family. But it is Ai Yanchang and his wife, two Nascent Soul Grandmasters. And their peers Among them, there are five golden core monks and twenty fake core monks. These people must be guarded against."

Fu Beidou: "If we fight on the East China Sea, our chances of winning are slim. But if they want to invade the East Region, the two seniors of Fengmen Island will not sit idly by. The Zhu Family in the South Region, the Xiao Family in the North Region, and the Yang Family will not indulge. "

At this time, Fu Pingdao had finished his exercises, Fu Henghua stretched out his hand and took his puppet in his hand.

After looking at it for a while, Fu Henghua said: "Your foundation is quite solid, not bad."

With a quick move, three Taoist books flew over from the shelf.

"You can choose one of these three books, all of them are suitable for you—"

When Fu Pingdao saw the book in the middle, his expression changed immediately, and he said excitedly: "Uncle, can I practice this "Liangyi Shenfeng Jing"?"

Hearing the words Liangyi, Feng, etc., Fu Beidou immediately turned his head: "This kid can practice Yin-Yang Wind?"

The Fu family repaired the "Nine Degrees of Fufeng Immortal Scripture", and used the Nine Winds formula to form alchemy, one of which was the Yin-Yang wind.

"That's right. His foundation is solid, and his meridians and acupoints are symmetrical on both sides. He is most suitable for cultivating Yin-Yang wind."

"Alright——" Fu Beidou patted the young man's shoulder and laughed loudly, "Just practice this, and I will teach you in person later, and try to master the 'Liangyi Sword'."

It took the Fu family three years to refine the nine wind swords.

Among them, Lingxuan Sword is held by Fu Xiangfeng, and Qingwei Sword is held by Fu Bozhao of Xujutang.In addition, Qikoujian and the three halls have their own ideas, but there is no suitable candidate yet.

After Fu Beidou finished speaking, he thought of something and looked at Fu Pengming and Fu Baimin.

"Don't worry, these two boys are not suitable for sword practice. Grandfather scolds every day, and I don't see that they have any talent in this area."

Fu Beidou nodded.

Fu Henghua said meaningfully: "Nine swords, it is better for the three families to share equally, so as to avoid differences."

Fu Yifu was a little unhappy when he heard that Fu Henghua judged that his two sons were not destined for Nine Swords.

But after thinking about it, my two daughters choose Yanfeng and Hanfeng, if they are in charge of Danyan Sword and Yuxue Sword.No matter what, the clan would not allow their other two children to wield two swords.

Fu Beidou looked thoughtfully, then looked at Fu Lizhu beside him.

"How is this girl?"

"Our family fits the wind way, and the nine winds can be practiced. If you want her to work hard in the direction of the nine winds, then try the "Nine Nether Spiritual Sutras."

"You Feng?"

Fu Beidou did not finalize it at the beginning, and waited for Fu Henghua and the two of them to modify it into an exclusive exercise.He saw that the matching degree of Fulizhu and Youfeng was 80.00%, so he reluctantly nodded.

"In the future, I will help her wash the scriptures and cut the marrow, and find a few Nine Nether Secret Treasures, which should be able to make up for it."

He took the two to leave first.

At this moment, Fu Baimin opened his eyes.

"Why, are you a little bit reconciled?"

Fu Baimin nodded, then shook his head again.

Before coming here, he considered his own cultivation technique.

Because of the talent of "Tongyou", he is most suitable for Youfeng among the Nine Winds.

"I believe that since Sixth Brother won't let me practice Youfeng, there must be a more suitable choice."

"It makes sense," Fu Pengming echoed, and stretched out his hand to Fu Henghua, "Brother, do you have any immortal formulas that can be cultivated quickly and have great power?"

After Nine Winds was repaired in Fu's house, it has been restored to the level of Xianjue Didian.

In Fu Pengming's view, the choice of Fu Henghua and the other two is undoubtedly a better fairy formula.

"Immortal formula? Do you want the heavenly book?"

"Heavenly book? If you want it, I will dare to learn it."

"That's what you said. Uncle Ba, leave these two boys to me next."

Fu Yifu was stunned: "What are you going to do, kid?"

Fu Pengming said blankly: "Brother, do you really want to teach the heavenly book? We are just joking, no, do you really have the heavenly book in your hand?"

Fu Henghua drew a "Xun Gua" on the table.

"In three days, whichever of you can realize something from here, I will teach you the heavenly scriptures."

  Since the establishment of the Fu family, there have been different opinions on the ten ancestors.

  Some people respect the seniority of virtue and conduct, with Yuanzu, Taizu, Yizu, Wenzu, Xuanzu, and Tianzu as the ancestors.Yuanzu and Taizu are the source of blood.The ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty passed down the beginning of Fufeng, and Taizu was the ancestor of the Fu family.Yizu's merits and virtues are immeasurable, and he has established the strength of his family.The ancestor of heaven preached to all living beings, and greatly promoted the lineage of the Fu family.

  Some people make a conclusion based on merit, the Fu family has six generations and three halls, Futian Sirui of Baihuangtang, the three evergreen heroes of Xujutang, and the Xuanxing twins of Baiyutang.These ten people laid the foundation for the dynasty and can be called "ancestors".

  There are also people who trace back the lineage of the founding dynasty, from the founding emperor to the master of Fufeng Palace for ten generations.

  Because of the dispute between the three categories, the case of the ten ancestors began.During Emperor Ren's reign, there were turmoil, various factions were involved, and their vitality was seriously injured.

  —— "Royal Dynasty Records"

  ps: This supplementary content will not appear in the main text.I will not write about the specific plot of a certain case in the dynasty after a few generations.

  In general, the case setting is boring.A fanatic admirer of Tianzu thought that the word "Yuan Dao" for Tianzu.Therefore, although Yuanzu was the oldest of the Fu family, the son of the second generation Fufeng palace master.But we should also avoid saints and change Yuanzu to Yuanzu.

  Then a series of turmoil was triggered, which has nothing to do with the main text, so it will not be mentioned.

  This supplement is mainly in response to the previous chapter, where several readers speculated about the relationship between the Ten Patriarchs and the Six Generations of Ten Members.

  It can only be said that there are several versions of the ten ancestors, but the most mainstream one used in "Ben Ji" is the first ancestor.

  In this ancestor, Tianzu's Tian is a title of honor, praise, and analogy to Fu Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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