
Chapter 168 The Eight Hexagrams Heirloom

Chapter 168 Gossip Heirloom
Three days passed in a flash.

Fu Pengming acted first, as if he had entered the realm of enlightenment, he played Baguazhang unconsciously.

The sound of whistling wind echoed in the hall, and the golden light shone indefinitely, Fu Henghua hurriedly shot to restrain the wind force.

"If you kid dare to destroy my Langhuan Pavilion, look back and see how I deal with you."

Fu Yifu watched his elder son practicing palm technique, frowned and said, "You taught him, what kind of technique is this?"

Fu Henghua shook his head: "I used the technique of heart seal to pass on the Xun Gua brand to him. Whether he can understand it is his own business. But you, you have been here for three days, how well do you understand the gossip brand?"

The two stayed with the two little guys for three days, and Fu Henghua had nothing to do, so he evolved the acquired gossip he had realized on the Shenluo Yuban, so that Fu Yifu had an epiphany.

But after three days, Fu Yifu didn't get anything.

"My aptitude is blunt. Although I feel the mystery of the acquired gossip, I can't understand it clearly. Why don't you find someone else and show it to the second brother or the fifth brother?"

"Second Uncle and Fifth Uncle have their own way. I give you the gossip to let you find a breakthrough in "Liu He Ba Huang Jue."

Fu Henghua hated that iron could not become steel: "You only have the seventh level of foundation building, the first stage of Xuantai. That kid Fu Xuanxing is almost surpassing it, so you can't work hard to form a pill?"

Fu Yifu smiled bitterly: "You dare to think about it, boy. My aptitude is poor. Back then, I relied on your father's help to practice "Liuhe Bahuang Jue". Now that I have four children, I have lost my original strength. Dan's possibility?"

His parents are both Jindan great monks, influenced by his parents.His chance of becoming alchemy was already lower than that of ordinary monks, so he naturally refused to act rashly.

To live 800 years, Fu Yifu is very satisfied.

"But right now, my dear uncle, you are the only one left."

Fu Yifu was silent.

In the chaotic war more than 30 years ago, more than half of the five generations of Bai Huangtang were killed or injured.Excluding Second Aunt, Seventh Aunt and Younger Uncle, Fu Henghua only survived with four blood relatives: Second Uncle, Fifth Uncle, Sixth Aunt and Eighth Uncle.

Among the four, Fu Yinggu is his uncle.

Fifth Uncle Fu Yongbao is not Fu Danwei's parent and son, but his younger sister's child.Because he recruited a son-in-law, Fu Danwei's nephews and nieces were ranked according to the five generations of the Fu family. One ranked fifth and became Fu Henghua's fifth uncle, and the other ranked ninth and became a little aunt.

The sixth aunt could not protect herself, and she was in doom. She couldn't make it back from the great war 30 years ago.

Crossing out these three people, Fu Henghua's only uncle, Fu Yifu, is still alive.

"The old man has been arrogant all his life. Don't you feel ashamed that he doesn't have a son who has formed a pill under his knees?"

Fu Yifu opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Although the talent of the fifth generation is not as good as that of the sixth generation, the talents of the eldest brother, third brother, and seventh brother are all good, and they are expected to form alchemy.

Unfortunately, they are all dead.

"Furthermore, even if you don't think about yourself and the old man, you should think about these four debt collectors.

"Which of these four bastards is fuel-efficient and easy to provoke?
"The two sisters-in-law don't need to find a Taoist companion. If they find a Taoist companion, according to their temper, without the protection of the family, what should they do if they suffer later? You don't need to come forward?

"These two boys are also troublemakers. If you don't watch, what will happen in the future?"

Fu Henghua pointed to Houtian's gossip: "I have read all the exercises that my father deduced for you back then.

"He knows that your aptitude is poor, so he hopes that you can make up for it with diligence. Although the "Liuhe Bahuang Jue" is a mysterious-level exercise, it is superior in its simplicity and powerful magic power.

"The road that Dad conceived for you is to rely on the most basic Baguazhang of the family to derive the Houtian 64 Guapalms, so as to simulate the 'Eight Desolation Domain' and comprehend the meaning of Jindan Dao."

For this younger brother with extremely poor talent, Heng Hua's father was heartbroken back then.

Not only helped to choose exercises, but also personally refined a set of Bagua array flags.

Under the formation flag, it simulates the field of the eight wastelands.Combined with the Baguazhang method and various Taoist arts belonging to the Five Elements and Bagua, Fu Yifu can not be weak to monks of the same realm.

At the beginning when a group of water monsters besieged, Fu Yifu survived by relying on this method.

"At present, Donglai's practice system has taken a step forward, and it will be easier to form alchemy in the future. You should think about it more. You see, the old man has regained his spirit and declared that he will transform into a baby at the Dragon Boat Festival next year. Shouldn't you learn to be like your father? "

"I understand--"

Suddenly, Fu Pengming let out a cry of joy.

The Eight Paths Divine Wind is running around. Although it is a wind derived from the Xun Hexagram, it has evolved into the Houtian Eight Diagrams by itself and changed to the 64 Hexagrams.

"Uncle Ba, you and this kid are all about gossip. Go back and practice hard every day, and you can't stop Bagua palm a thousand times sooner or later."

Fu Yifu had a dark face: "You dare to say it, kid."

Baguazhang a thousand times sooner or later?
I take the time to play a hundred times a day, even if I am the most diligent person in our family.You people, who still practice Baguazhang?
After hearing it a thousand times, Fu Pengming wrinkled his face and shouted:
"Sixth brother, you can't hurt me! A thousand times? Why don't you practice yourself?"

Baguazhang, the most basic fighting technique of the Fu family.It is both martial arts and Taoism.

But after many clansman practiced foundation building, Baguazhang was abandoned.

Including Fu Henghua, he hardly practiced after establishing his foundation.The way to exercise every day is to play the spinning top at the door.

"I practice Jinggong, which is different from you. Uncle Eighth, I will react to my grandfather and the Great Elder about this matter. Many people in the clan neglect their basic cultivation. This is not good, not good."

"What do you want to do boy?"

"Looking back, Uncle Bagua holds a Baguazhang practice class. On the one hand, he will help the younger generation of the clan to lay the foundation, and on the other hand, he will study the Eight Diagrams with Peng Ming and find out the way for you two."

"Wait...Peng Ming's exercises, have you chosen?"

"His practice requires him to enlighten himself."

Fu Henghua holds the four hexagrams Zhen, Xun, Kan, and Dui in "Yitian Bajishu".But it's all about the understanding and perception of the Dao, and there is no real practice method.

He thought for a long time, and then discussed with Dongfang Yunqi.

The two finally thought of a possibility - God's gift.

"Yitian Bajishu" may be a practice that emphasizes comprehension.The monks need to realize it from the gossip diagram.

Fu Henghua knew that Bajishu was the heavenly calligraphy method most suitable for Fu's family.Therefore, he asked Fu Yifu to lead the tribe to pick up the "Baguazhang" again, just to stabilize the foundation.In the future, let the clansmen comprehend the "Book of Baji", and pass on a supreme book for the Fu family.

Fu Henghua called Peng Ming over, checked his pulse and muttered: "Go back and find Uncle Er, take two Trillium Pine and Crane Pills, and make up for the one-year lifespan that wasted."

Upon hearing this, Fu Yifu quickly checked Fu Pengming.

His face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he said angrily: "It's just a study of the cultivation technique, who told you to perform the technique of destroying life and turning wisdom?"

The reason why Fu Pengming was able to have an epiphany from the "Xun Gua" was that he had spent a year of his lifespan to make his brain temporarily wise and clear, and only then did he understand a little superficiality of the heavenly scriptures.

"This kind of life-enlightenment method relies on 'Tianshou' to lock one's life, and I wouldn't dare to do it—"

Fu Henghua lowered his head in thought.

I can too.

The method of destroying life and promoting wisdom and supernatural powers only consumes one's own vitality, rather than reducing the "life span" destined by the way of heaven.

Then, I can replace it with good luck essence, isn't that all right?In sorcery, there are many ways to consume vitality. I can use these methods to increase my wisdom and speed up the deduction of exercises.

The true essence of good fortune is the foundation of good fortune in the world.

Fu Henghua practiced the "Fortune Huiyuan Gong", and his body was filled with the spirit of good fortune, and he had an extra wonderful characteristic.

Eating the meat of Fu Henghua can prolong life.

Now Fu Henghua has cultivated to the Real Fire Realm.If a monk eats him, his life span can be increased by decades to 100 years.This effect is also effective for Golden Core cultivators.

Fu Henghua had an idea and secretly calculated Fu Pengming.

He was surprised to find that Fu Pengming carried the spirit of longevity, which also had a similar effect.As long as the method is proper, eating Fu Peng Ming can increase life by 60 years.

Fu Henghua told the father and son the news.

Fu Yifu looked worried, but Fu Pengming was heartless, and bit the back of his hand: "Then I eat myself, will it work? Or find someone who also has the talent of 'Tian Shou', and the two of us will have a good relationship with each other." Can eating each other increase life span?"

Heng Hua sneered twice, took out some notes on "Ba Gua Zhang", and drove the father and son away.

"Leave it to me, Bai Min, you hurry to find your grandfather and discuss about the gossip training class."

After sending the two away, Fu Henghua returned to the desk.

"Open your eyes, since there is no result, don't think about it."

Fu Baimin opened his eyes, feeling a little depressed.

He could feel that the Xun hexagram drawn by Fu Henghua with the technique of heart seal is different from the hexagrams that can be seen everywhere.There is some kind of wonderful truth in it, but he can't understand it.

"Wordless scriptures are all about chance, if you don't understand it, just change it."


"follow me."

Fu Henghua took Fu Baimin to Luogui Island to find Zhou Xiao.

He knows that twin brothers should always be treated equally to avoid hurting feelings between brothers.

Therefore, when Baxia selected Fu Pengming as a guardian, Fu Henghua immediately gave Fu Baimin a nine-yin vine.

On the way to Luogui Island, Fu Henghua explained the sacrifice method of "Nine Yin Spirit Snake Whip".By the way, teach him how to perform the technique of Tongyou.

"Talking through the deep and controlling ghosts is suitable for the five ghosts method. Let's go to Senior Zhou first, and if the Taixuan Heavenly Manual doesn't work, then go to Senior Tianyin."

 These chapters are a bit procrastinating every day.

  The next chapter is about to enter the battle, and the plot of "Donghai Lunjian" is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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