
Chapter 169 Entering the sea alone, with a delicate and delicate expression

Chapter 169 Entering the sea alone, with a delicate and delicate expression

Zhou Xiao just came back from Tianfeng Island, before he finished his tea, he saw Brother Fu Henghua coming over.

He pulled Fu Henghua just to complain.

Fu Henghua explained his intention after laughing and joking.

"Ask me for a practice?"

Zhou Xiao looked at Heng Hua suspiciously: "Is there any exercise suitable for him here? Didian Xianjue, you have learned a lot from me in recent years, just pick one for him."

"The exercises you have studied for three years are most suitable for this kid."

Zhou Xiao was silent, and said after a while: "You want him to be a teacher of Xuanwei Sect? My status is embarrassing right now, so I can't accept apprentices."

Although the matter of the Liuyutian Demon Orb is over, Master Hengyuan did not forgive him for stealing the magic treasure, and there is no clear statement on whether he is considered an abandoned disciple.

"It's not Xuanwei Sect, it's Taixuanzong. I have some fragments of Taixuanzong's exercises in my hand. In addition to the fragments of the heavenly scriptures you have deduced. Let's try it together, maybe this kid has talent."

Zhou Xiao took out a yellow booklet: "I have been studying for three years, although the deduction of the ninth level of Qi refining has been completed. But the foundation building method has not really been perfected. This kid has already built the foundation, are you willing to let him practice again?"

"Of course I can't bear it. But don't forget, the "Tianfu Jing" and "Taixuan Shu" are in the same line. You can start from here."


Zhou Xiao's eyes widened: Okay, are you not ready to do anything?

Fu Henghua stuffed Zhou Xiao with various materials about Taixuan Tianshu.

"Leave it to you, I don't worry. Fu Xuanxing is not here right now, and you are short of people around you, so let this kid take care of you."

Give Fu Baimin a wink and ask him to salute Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao had no choice but to agree temporarily: "Teach for three months temporarily, whether it is successful or not, we will talk about it at that time."

The heavenly scriptures are difficult to cultivate, even in the Taixuanzong era, only three people in each generation can practice the Taixuan heavenly scriptures.

Sending Fu Henghua away, he looked at Fu Baimin with a cute face.

Zhou Xiao thought about it and said, "Let me teach you a set of Liangyi Snake Fist first. I will give it to you after I have deliberated the exercises."

"Two-ceremony Snake Fist, I will."

Fu Baimin immediately performed a set of punches.

"In the past three years, I have seen the elder brother of the Fu family practice boxing and learned a little bit."

Seeing the appearance of the Liangyi Snake Fist, Zhou Xiao felt a little better.

This kid is not a person with blunt qualifications, he should be easier to teach than Fu Xuanxing.

"The "Liangyi Snake Fist" is a dynamic skill, and the snake fist you imitated is just a move. This set of boxing has its own yin and yang mana to move. I will pass on the heart of this set of boxing to you."


"Heng Hua, you go to the East China Sea to meet Mai Yuan and Tong Jun."

Fu Henghua returned to Panlong Island and heard Fu Danwei's wind.


When is it the turn of the magician to go out to save people and kill enemies?And Brother Wu and Jun Tong need me to save them?

"Now there is no one on the island who is more suitable than you. Yao Zhen has already gone to the south to help Boyle Fu and Liu Hui."

Fu Henghua looked towards the island, regardless of Fu Yifu and Fu Yongbao, Fu Yinggu was also there.

But he vaguely guessed.The grandfather had other deep meanings, so he agreed.

Xiaoyu and Hengshou are currently practicing in seclusion to practice the method of Jin Gong and Mu Mu. Fu Henghua simply does not use the spirit boat, does not bring others, and travels by water.

With the day-to-day comprehension of the Kan Gua, Fu Henghua's attainments in the Taoism of the water system are getting higher and higher.

Applying the earth-level Taoist method "Tianyishui Xingfa", it took only a few hours to rush to the entrance of the East China Sea.

I saw several Bao family members fighting with the black-clothed sword cultivator.

Fu Henghua stepped forward and slapped the Five Elements Mountain Technique, suppressing the three sword cultivators.

Without communicating with the Bao family, Fu Henghua went straight to the East China Sea.

In Yanlong, traveling at night is very troublesome.But in Donghai, there is no such concern.

It is a different feeling to set foot in the East China Sea and feel the vastness of the sea.

In the dead of night, the bright moon hangs alone.

Accompanied by the sound of the waves, Heng Hua performed the "Six Qi Jue of Wind Control" to realize this rare loneliness and purity.

The irritability surging in his body was soothed by the tranquility far away from the world of mortals.

Nine flaming horses galloped around, and one of the horses had horns, gradually taking on the appearance of a dragon and a horse.

"The old man asked me to come to the East China Sea. Could it be that he wanted me to use the East China Sea to transform into a dragon horse and improve my cultivation?"

Amidst the wind and waves, Fu Henghua calculated with his fingers.

But because Fu Maiyuan and Mr. Fu Tong carried strange treasures and Gu worms on their bodies, he could only figure out a general direction.

Turning to the southeast, Fu Henghua stopped soon.

After staring at the water surface carefully, Jin Gong's incarnation escaped quietly.

The three golden hoops on the wrists turned into Ruyi golden cudgels, and they hit the southeast direction.

There was a cold light, before he could hit Fu Henghua, he was slapped back by Duke Jin.

"The Flowing Sky Sword Art of the Eastern Sea Sword School?"

The Five Elements Mountain Method is running on the right hand, and Fu Heng Huasheng holds the cold light sword energy in his hand.


The sword qi shattered, making the monk's eyelids twitch.

Is there anyone else who can grab my sword energy?Wait...is this a physical training?
Suddenly, the golden hoop fell on the top of his head, and severe pain came from his forehead.


Duke Jin pressed down on the monk, and after ten times of the spell, the monk obediently fell in front of Fu Henghua.

The light in the cloud was faint, Huang Lingshan was secretly startled when he saw the boy Shenxiu standing on the head of the cloud.

"It really is a member of the East Sea Sword Sect, how many of you have come, why ambushed me here? Tell me one by one."

Fu Henghua secretly cast the "heart-shocking thunder method", and the monk couldn't hide it, so he told Ai Yanchang that he led three thousand disciples to come.

And the reason why he ambushed here was because the East China Sea Sword Sect found out about Mr. Fu Tong and deliberately used them as bait to set up an encirclement circle in an attempt to lure his family members to come to the rescue.

Fu Henghua thought to himself: such a dangerous thing, why did the old man let me go through this alone?What is his secret plan?
Huang Lingshan saw Fu Henghua meditating, with two talismans buttoned in his sleeves.

Jin Gong suddenly exerted strength, he lay down on the cloud, unable to exert any strength.

"At this point, it's not honest."

Fu Henghua closed his eyes and recited the mantra over and over again.

Huang Lingshan rolled on the clouds in pain, finally knelt down and begged, Fu Henghua stopped.

Jin Gong handed over treasures such as flying swords and talismans.As for the Lingshi pearl in his pocket, Fu Henghua was too shy to take it because of the right way of his family's children.

"Take me to find someone, no matter how dishonest you are, I'll look good to you."

Huang Lingshan was furious in his heart, and pretended to take Fu Henghua to encircle him, secretly leading him to a lost island in the East China Sea.

"He...they're on the island. Whoops—"

The curse was cast again, causing Huang Lingshan to scream in pain again.

"Dare to say these lies in front of me, do you really think I can't kill people?"

Without Xiaoyu and Hengshou watching, and without brothers, sisters, elders and friends around, Fu Henghua has no scruples in acting.

"I've never tried the limits of the tight spell. In the past, someone blocked me and didn't dare to experiment with monks. Now—"

After a hundred times, Huang Lingshan rolled his eyes and passed out.

"A real fire-level cultivator comparable to mine can sustain it a hundred times? It seems that there is still room for improvement in this spell."

The tight spell that Fu Henghua envisioned can be effective on Yuanshen and Jindan Yuanying.

He is still not satisfied with the current effect.

Staring at Zizhu Island, Fu Henghua thought secretly.

"Although there is no one on this island, there is a spiritual thing born from heaven and earth, which happens to be used to make treasures and cure people."

Fu Henghua went out this time, in addition to the Xuanhuoque feather fan and Shenluo Tianshu, he also brought Xiyang, a double peach charm, a picture of returning the Yang spirit, a jade crab puppet, and three golden hoops.

There is no treasure to attack and kill.

Of course, Fu Henghua didn't care about the East China Sea Sword Sect at all.

Except for those Jindan cultivators and Nascent Soul Grandmasters, enemies at the foundation-building level, he can easily deal with them, and he doesn't need such heavy treasures at all.

But at this time, he looked at Huangling Mountain lying at his feet like a dead fish, and had a different idea.

"Now that I'm going out to sea to save people, my grandfather can't see me, so I can make troubles in the East China Sea at will."

Yanlong is his own land, under Fu Danwei's eyes, and with all kinds of old friends, Fu Henghua needs to maintain etiquette and not mess around.

Arriving in the East China Sea, it is like a dragon entering the water, without any scruples.

Even if the East China Sea is turned upside down, it will not cause the Dragon King to get out of trouble.

So Fu Henghua caught a sea fish from the water.With a pinch, the sea fish condenses into a red pill.

The Tuodan pill with the right hand is injected with the true essence of good fortune, and the left hand draws talismans in the air, punching in one after another.

Recently, Fu Henghua studied the art of transformation, "Yi Xing Dan" is one of his achievements.

Learn from the blood refining method of the Demon Palace of Beasts and the curse of beast spirits from the evil way, and integrate the Taoist method of "changing the body and changing shape".As long as someone eats the "Shaping Pill", they will become of the corresponding race, which lasts for three days.

After feeding it to Huang Lingshan, Huang Lingshan suddenly woke up from his coma.

He clutched his throat, struggled, and pointed at Fu Henghua with trembling fingers.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill you."

The boy looked at it with a smile and silently recorded the time.

Huang Lingshan shrunk slowly and turned into a yellow croaker, flapping inside his clothes.

"I can't turn the clothes into fish skin together, and my transformation pill is still not perfect."

Walk over and kick the yellow croaker into the water.

"You can run, but you have no magic power now. If you are caught by the fishermen of the Fan family, you will appear on the dinner table of the mortals tomorrow. Think for yourself."

Fu Henghua turned around and landed on the island.

Huang Lingshan was in a hurry!

Don't go!There is an innate maze on Zizhu Island, don't go up there!You have an accident, who can help me solve the surgery?

Yellow croakers keep jumping on the water.

But suffering from being unable to speak, he could only watch Fu Henghua walk into the purple bamboo forest.

The spiritual mist floated in the forest, and the pure spiritual energy made Fu Henghua feel refreshed.

"This bamboo forest is not bad, you can take it home when you turn back. Use it as a purple bamboo forest dojo for Xiaoyu."

The white fog is misty, and the phantom array operates automatically.


Shenluo Tianshu flew into the air, Luoshu Daoyin pressed down, the innate maze was restrained by the magic weapon, and the white mist dispersed.

The bamboo forest also couldn't change the forest road, allowing Fu Henghua to come to the center of the bamboo forest.

There is a three-zhang Polygonatum standing upright here, shining purple light all over.

"It's actually a 900-year-old purple bamboo."

Seeing Zizhu, Fu Henghua's attitude improved a bit.

"I have a friend who takes purple bamboo as a treasure. For his sake, he won't kill you. Since you have obtained Taoism, take a piece of spiritual bamboo and give it to me. I will pass on your Taoist book to transform into form."

Yuzhu trembled, and the upper bamboo branches fell off in front of Fu Henghua.

The quantity far exceeded what Fu Henghua needed.

"Why are you so frightened, I won't harm you." Fu Henghua stretched out his finger, and passed a mysterious "Yimu Transformation Method" to Yuzhu.

Then, in front of Polygonatum odoratum, he wove bamboo branches into bamboo baskets.Those scattered bamboo leaves were not spared either, and they were refined into bamboo baskets with secret techniques to increase the attack methods of the bamboo baskets.

Huang Lingshan wandered in the water and wanted to leave many times, but because he was afraid of the big goblin in the water, he didn't dare to act rashly.

Seeing Fu Henghua come out from Zizhu Island, Huang Lingshan was actually relieved and secretly moved.

Sure enough, he didn't forget me.

Fu Henghua held the bamboo basket and slapped Huang Lingshan: "Take it!"

The yellow croaker and some seawater enter the bamboo basket.

He looked in and saw a yellow fish wagging its tail and struggling in the water.

"You wait a moment, I will send you a few fellow disciples to accompany you later."

Fu Henghua entered the sea with the wind, caught a few more sea fish, and condensed pills.

Along the way, when they met people from the East China Sea Sword Sect, they turned into sea fish and collected them in bamboo baskets.

After collecting nine sea fish, Fu Henghua threw the bamboo basket into the water.


The bamboo basket turned into a wooden chariot, and the nine sea fish in front struggled to leave, but were entangled by the reins turned from bamboo leaves.

Heng Hua jumped onto the bamboo cart, pulled out a bamboo pole from nowhere, and slapped the yellow croaker in the front hard.

"What are you doing in a daze, open the way!"

 Finally adjusted the update time back.

  One change at noon and one change at night, I did it.

  Supplement: "Tianyi Yixian Biography", Yixian Sixteen, Zizhuxian.

  On the Purple Bamboo Island in the East China Sea, there lived a fairy who was transformed into a thousand-year-old spiritual bamboo and attained the Tao.There is a magic weapon, the bamboo basket, which is very mysterious.According to legend, it was refined by Fusheng who entered the East China Sea in the past to rule the pirates in the East China Sea.The female fairy was preached by Fu Sheng, and then worshiped under the seat of the Great Merciful and Great Mu Mu Zhenren, and obtained the wonderful truth of longevity.

(End of this chapter)

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