
Chapter 170 The Wisher Takes the Bait, The Bamboo Hat Fisherman of the East China Sea

Chapter 170 The Wisher Takes the Bait, The Bamboo Hat Fisherman of the East China Sea

In the early morning, Fu Maiyuan and Mr. Fu Tong were on a reef island in Sanxia.

Suddenly, there was an air machine in the distance getting closer and closer.

"Fifth brother, Mr. Tong, grandfather asked me to take care of you."

The two looked towards the water.

Nine sea fish jumped the waves, pulling a simple and elegant bamboo cart.

There is a young man in the car, wearing bamboo clothes and a bamboo hat, holding a bamboo pole and throwing five-color silk threads to flog the sea fish pulling the cart in front of him.

There is a wild sea fish that is unruly and wants to run away frequently.So, the bamboo pole was hung with thousands of strings and whipped up and down.

The sea fish's skin is torn apart, and the scars are deep enough to show the bones.

Seeing Fu Henghua driving here alone, Fu Maiyuan and Fu Tongjun looked solemn.

"younger sister."

"I know."

Mr. Fu Tong took out the bleeding Gu and locked onto Fu Henghua.

Fu Maiyuan circulated his mana, and purple qi in the shape of dragons and snakes appeared around him.

Seeing the guarded posture of the two, Fu Henghua was startled, and said with a smile: "You won't..."

You are not so stupid that you were deceived by the East China Sea Sword Sect pretending to be family members, right?
He wanted to use words like "stupid", but he swallowed the words again.

How could Mr. Fu Tong's temperament be easily cheated?

Heng Hua still has a certain respect for his elder brother.Therefore, I am embarrassed to say harsh words.

Heng Hua: "Someone pretends to be a family member?"

Fu Tongjun and Fu Henghua knew the basics, and immediately said to Fu Maiyuan: "Brother, he wants to scold you."

Fu Maiyuan didn't respond, he looked Fu Henghua up and down: "What was the gift I gave you last year?"

"It wasn't my birthday last year. Where did you send me something? On my 60th birthday, you gave me a bottle of Ziyang Pill."

Fu Maiyuan turned to Mr. Fu Tong.

The blood gu sensed the blood on Fu Henghua's body, Fu Tongjun nodded: "No problem."

Only then did Fu Maiyuan feel relieved, and asked again: "Why did you come here by yourself? How about Xiaoyu Hengshou?"

"The two of them retreated to practice, and my grandfather told me to hurry up, so I ran this time by myself."

do it yourself?
The siblings frowned at the same time.

The magician ran out?Can grandfather rest assured?
Mr. Fu Tong: "You sneaked out again?"

"What do you mean again? When did I not go out in the open and aboveboard?
"Furthermore, this time I was entrusted by my grandfather, otherwise I would not come."

The siblings bickered for a few words, and Heng Hua mentioned the business:
"What's your situation? Have you got the Shenshui?"

Fu Maiyuan sighed: "Yesterday, someone pretended to be the second uncle and cheated Zhouguang Shenshui from me."

Age and Taoism cannot be equated with experience.

Experience, only when you have experienced more, can you accumulate corresponding experience.

Fu Maiyuan practiced with his master all the year round and didn't know common things.Seeing "Second Uncle" coming to support, I have no doubt about him.

Zhouguang Shenshui was robbed?
Fu Henghua's face darkened.

"Eastern Sea Sword Sect?"


Fu Maiyuan took out a severed arm.

"I couldn't react in time, so I just cut off one arm of the other party in a hurry. Just now my sister and I were discussing to use this arm to curse him."

"give it to me."

Fu Henghua took over the broken arm and cast a spell to search for the man.

After cupping tea, Fu Henghua opened his eyes: "That man understood the preciousness of Zhouguang Shenshui, so he didn't go back directly, but planned to use it for himself. He is hiding on a certain island in the south, and I will follow you to arrest him. Fifth Brother, Tong Jun, get in the car—"

Looking at the nine sea fish in front of the bamboo cart, Fu Maiyuan asked suspiciously, "You just caught these?"

"Yes, it was caught in the East China Sea."

Fu Maiyuan said: "Although they are fish and shrimp, but since they are pulling carts for you, you should treat them better."

After hearing this, Jiuyu couldn't help showing gratitude.

Fu Henghua swept across with a half-smile, and Jiu Yu calmed down again.

Asking the two to get into the car, Fu Henghua whipped the bamboo pole hard, and Qian Wansi threw it on several sea fish.

The sea fish was in pain, so they drove south with a bamboo cart.

"You guys should be faster. If you can't find someone, or the other party has used up the magic water, then I'll use all of you to make grilled fish."

Mr. Fu Tong stared at the sea fish in thought.

She is far different from Fu Mai.

Fu Maiyuan has cultivated in the Qing Dynasty for many years, so he doesn't know much about Fu Henghua.With his kind mind, he will not think in the wrong direction.

But Mr. Fu Tong knows Fu Henghua well.Seeing these sea fish, I began to ponder the origin, and several evil methods flashed in my mind.

Gu Ji's elder brother was at the side, but Mr. Fu Tong didn't point it out directly: elder brother worshiped the decent, and he definitely didn't like Fu Henghua's evil nature. It was inevitable that the two would quarrel.

Jiuyu speeded up desperately, and the bamboo chariot rushed forward.

Mr. Fu Tong suddenly heard a strange sound and looked under the bamboo cart.

Under the wheel, there are dozens of colorful sea fish struggling, serving as a source of power, and the mana is sucked away by the wheel little by little.

"Knew it……"

Fu Tongjun glanced at Fu Henghua, and thought to himself: Fourth Sister's worries are indeed true.This guy is demonic and tyrannical, and his methods are wicked.When the East China Sea Sword Sect met him, it was almost like a demon star came to his door.

After a stick of incense, the three came to the southern island.

Fu Henghua tapped the bamboo pole lightly, and the bamboo cart turned back into a bamboo basket.Jiuyu went back to the basket, accompanied by his fellow disciples, and tried to rush out one after another.

The bamboo clothes on his body turned into thousands of green leaves and flew into the basket, and the bamboo hat turned into a bamboo cover to cover the bamboo basket and stop the fish one by one.

"Jun Tong, do you have Gu on hand? Lend me some."

Fu Maiyuan stared at the island, and asked casually: "What do you want Gu worms for?"

"The small fish in the basket are too crowded, take a few Gu worms to move around."

Fu Henghua's face remained unchanged and he said: "There is a saying in the sea. If there are too many fish caught, they will not move around in the basket and will easily hold their breath. At this time, throw a few more catfish in to encourage the fish to swim and preserve their vitality."

Fu Maiyuan vaguely heard this statement mentioned, so he didn't ask any more questions, and went directly to the island to arrest people.

Mr. Fu Tong stared at the fish in the bamboo basket.

"It took you a lot of effort to catch these dozens of people, right?"

"I came to look for you, but they don't have eyes, and they insisted on bumping into me. I am a compassionate person, and I couldn't bear to kill, so I had to degrade them into fish and shrimp, and sell them for money."

Hearing Fu Henghua's words, the fish in the bamboo basket began to struggle frequently.

"You're looking for me for Gu, you don't want them to unite and break your bamboo basket?"

No matter how powerful Fu Henghua is, he is still alone.Although this group of Sword Sect disciples were turned into sea fish, if a group of people join forces, it is still possible to break free
Mr. Fu Tong threw in a few Gu snakes.

The Gu snake spread its fangs and bit the sea fish.

The fish who were planning to fight back against Fu Henghua became quiet again.

Thunder and fire rumbled on the island.With a dragon chant, Ziqi turned into a dragon and soared into the sky, and then with a fierce pounce, the entire island sank.

Fu Maiyuan stepped on the waves and walked back carrying the man with the broken arm.

"How do you plan to deal with this person? Turn him into a fish or shrimp too? My brother is here, so don't use your evil tricks."

"I'm not stupid."

Fu Henghua stepped forward: "Fifth brother, have you found the things?"

Fu Maiyuan shook the sapphire vial in his hand.

But this time he has learned the tricks, and he refuses to pretend to be others, and puts it away by himself.

"How to deal with this person?"

"His mana was imprisoned by me, and he couldn't break free for three to five days. On the way back, just throw it to an island at random. It's not too late, let's go home quickly."

Fu Henghua called out the bamboo chariot again and took the two of them back.

"When I came, I saw that the East China Sea Sword Sect was trying to surround you. Should we go straight out now, or take a detour?"

"How many Golden Core monks are there in the East China Sea Sword Sect? Although I have the secret treasure bestowed by the master, it is not easy to confront them directly. We will go back from the southern entrance to the sea. As for the road being surrounded by people, Just hit it directly."

As Fu Maiyuan said, he moved his hands to form phantom shadows of dragons and snakes, and began to compile the catalog of dragon words.

His awakened blood talent is Long Yan.

After being taught by Master Dan Xuanzi, he learned a total of twelve secret dragon words mantras.

In addition, Dan Xuanzi also taught him a dragon map spell.Write the catalog in advance in dragon words, similar to the effect of talismans.

In the past few days of fighting, Fu Maiyuan's Longyan catalog has been exhausted, and temporary preparations are needed.

"Fifth brother, here I have a piece of fingering that suits you."

Fu Henghua dictated "Dong Jun Zi Heng Zhi Jue", Fu Maiyuan listened to it twice, and then memorized it.

"Is this using the power of the sun to activate the finger force? Can it also use the power of the sun or the five stars?"

"This is changed through the five-star finger formula. I think that if you gather together the five stars of the sun and the moon, you can synthesize a "Seven Luminous Fingers"——"

A swarm of wasps flew in front of the bamboo cart.

"Wasp swords, nineteen in total. The sacrifice method of a class of swords from the East China Sea Sword School."

As soon as Fu Henghua finished speaking, Mr. Fu Tong kicked Broken Arm Sword Xiu out.

Hornet sword saw the same door, immediately dispersed.Mr. Fu Tong sprinkled a black bee cloud.

A black bee worm the size of broad beans pounced on nineteen wasps.

With clanging sounds, the wasp was defeated by the black bee, and the nineteen flying swords with gaps in their mouths fled back.

Broken Arm Sword Xiu fell into the water and was supported by a flower.

Fu Maiyuan typed out the Longyan catalog prepared in his hand.

In an instant, the color of the world changed, and the wind and waves rolled.

"It's actually a dragon curse that causes floods and tides?"

Fu Henghua quickly put away the bamboo cart, and turned the soil into a large reef, as a place for the three of them to stand on.

Fu Maiyuan opened his mouth and roared, and a long dragon appeared in the waves.

Heng Hua exclaimed: Fifth brother's mana is so powerful?He's almost catching up with Eighth Uncle, how many miraculous medicines Senior Dan Xuanzi gave him.

There were a few shouts in the distance, and all kinds of flying swords shuttled through the wind and waves to slay the dragon.

There are 36 remnant cloud swords, colorful and connected like clouds.The water dragon rushed into the sword array and was stirred into thousands of water droplets by the cloud light.

There is a three-talented sword, which raises red, yellow and blue three-color sword energy, smashing water dragons like cutting vegetables.

In addition, there are Five Poison Sword, Bibo Sword, Yunkong Sword...

"A total of 12 people, three of the seven-story foundation, five of the five-story foundation, two of the second-story foundation, and two of the nine-story Qi training."

After Fu Henghua watched it, he reported the sword formulas and sword weapons used by all the sword cultivators one by one.

When the group of people heard Fu Henghua's words, hundreds of flying swords all came over.

"Ah—" There was a scream from the wind and waves in the distance.

The woman in Tsing Yi supported Jian Xiu with a broken arm, and was poisoned by the centipede hiding on Jian Xiu's body, her jade arm was bruised and rotten.

She struggled to control the Hundred Blossom Sword, wanting to retreat.

Mr. Fu Tong smiled sweetly, Baigu and his sword chased after him.

Unexpectedly, Henghua was even faster, Qian Wansi entangled Baihuajian first, and pulled the woman in Tsing Yi and Broken Arm Sword Cultivator to her.

Fu Maiyuan let out another dragon chant, and the purple energy around him turned into 72 dragon shadows and surrounded the eight sword cultivators.

Taking advantage of the situation, Heng Hua flicked Qian Wansi, and the woman in Tsing Yi and Broken Arm Sword Cultivator faced the Sancai Sword.

Seeing that the same clan was acting as a shield, the owner of the Sancai Sword did not dare to make a heavy hand, and hastily deflected the edge of the sword.

Mr. Fu Tong seized the opportunity, and the two Gus, Shougong and Huochan, sprayed poisonous mist.

When the Sancai Sword Master was about to evade, Fu Henghua pulled two hostages and threw them towards the poisonous mist.

The sword cultivator cursed secretly, and rushed out bravely: "You bastards, you have the ability to fight with me alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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