
Chapter 171 Sword intent intertwined, the black turtle has no transfer

Chapter 171 Sword intent intertwined, the black turtle has no transfer
"You 12 people besieged the three of us, how dare you say that you are fighting alone?"

Snake Gu and scorpion Gu appeared beside Mr. Fu Tong, directly attacking the two outermost Qi Refining disciples.

The faces of the two were calm, and the two swords of Zhanfeng and Duanjin faced the Gu worms.But in the end the realm gap, soon defeated.

"Junior Brother Du, save people quickly."

Dou Wendong drives the Sancai Sword, and the sword light distributes the heaven, earth and man Sancai to split through the poisonous fog, and rescue the woman in Tsing Yi and the Broken Arm Sword Cultivator.

On the other side, eight sword cultivators worked together to blow away Zi Qi.Two people rushed to rescue the juniors in the Qi refining stage, two of them killed Fu Henghua, and the remaining four used the four swords of Yunkong, Bibo, Cangyue and Tingtao to entangle Fu Maiyuan.

Mr. Fu Tong was worried that something would happen to Fu Maiyuan, and some Gu worms flew from the air to the sword array.

"Tong Jun, you protect Heng Hua carefully. These four people will not trouble me."

Cang Yue Sword Master Du Yu stepped into the realm of the profound fetus and built seven layers of foundation.He brought three fellow disciples of the same sect who established the fifth floor of the foundation to drive the three swords of Yunkong, Bibo, and Tingtao to evolve into the realm of clouds, moons and seas.

Fu Maiyuan squeezed the Dharma seal with his hands, and the golden gossip was spinning around him. A trace of purple air was entangled between the gossip, calmly defusing the sword array's attack.

"He needs my protection?"

Fu Maiyuan looked back and saw that Fu Henghua was standing on the Xitu reef, holding a bamboo pole and swinging the five-color silk thread, blocking the two sword repairmen.

The 36 remnant cloud swords are brilliant in brilliance, and the sword formations are like dragons and snakes, which are calmly offset by the silk threads pulled by bamboo poles.

The master of the hornet sword, Mai Zhifeng, drove nineteen damaged bee swords, and turned into hornets again to buzz around Fu Henghua.

Qian Wansi fluttered, auspicious clouds and mist surrounded Fu Henghua, and there was no danger at all.

With the other hand on his chest, Heng Hua drew out a talisman, and the fire phoenix soared into the sky, repelling the hornets one by one.

"Brother, I'll help you break through the sword array first."

Mr. Fu Tong summoned the barrier-breaking Gu, and the red, yellow and blue sword energy struck from behind.

Dou Wendong's attack was fierce, and the three swords pointed directly at Mr. Fu Tong in the upper, middle and lower directions, without showing any mercy.

Fu Tongjun's phoenix eyes were stern, and when he was about to fight back, the Xiantian Taiji diagram rose on the other side, offsetting the sword energy of the three talents.

Fu Henghua leaned on a bamboo pole and said with a smile: "Friend of Sancaijian, can you come and find me?"

Tapping the bamboo basket, hundreds of bamboo leaves turned into darts and drove Mai Zhifeng into the water.

"Myriad leaf wood dragon."

The bamboo leaves formed a long dragon, and then rushed towards the Remnant Cloud Sword Formation.

Sword Master Can Yun and Dou Wendong both built the foundation on the seventh floor, and they realized that Fu Henghua's magical power was not inferior to the two of them, so they quickly joined forces to block the wooden dragon.The bamboo pole swung the Xiaguang and pulled it from the air, and Dou Wendong almost fell into the water.


On the other side, when Mr. Fu Tong broke through the sword formation from the outside, two sword cultivators from the second floor of the foundation building came to stop him with fellow students from the ninth floor of Qi Refining.

Five Poison Sword, Lingyan Sword, Wind Chopping Sword, and Golden Broken Sword.

Four swords come out together, the sword formula is fierce and fierce.

But Mr. Fu Tong didn't even look at it, he just took out the Golden Cicada Gu to resist, and continued to help Fu Maiyuan break through.

At this time, the woman in Tsing Yi dissolved the toxins in her body.

Slash a sword at Mr. Fu Tong.

As soon as this sword came out, all the poisonous Gu around Mr. Fu Tong fell into the water.

"Sword Intent?"

Mr. Fu Tong's eyes flashed, and two humanoid Gu ambushed from left to right.

"Blooming like brocade."

The woman in Tsing Yi pulled the sword flower, and the colorful flowers danced between the sky and the earth.

Hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of sword flowers bloom one after another, shooting out sword energy wantonly in the form of peony, peony, peach apricot, and Dutch.

"This female cultivator has actually comprehended the golden core sword intent?"

The two human-shaped Gu beside Mr. Fu Tong were killed by the sword qi, and had to call out the golden core human-shaped Gu.

"Your poison doesn't seem to work."

Qian Wansi flew from afar again.

"then you--"

Before the word "Up" was spoken, Mr. Fu Tong suddenly felt a surge of spiritual wind, and a white sword glow appeared beside Fu Henghua.

Beautiful scenery.

Taking the wind as the meaning, the three swords of waning moon, broken flower and blowing snow are combined into one.

The previous moment was still full of beautiful flowers, and the world was like spring flowers.

The next moment, the flowers flying all over the sky were destroyed by the strong wind, the ice and snow froze, and everything returned to the cold wind of midwinter.

"Hundred Flower Sword? Is this the secret swordsmanship of the wife of the Eastern Sea Sword Sect?"

Fu Henghua swung Dou Wendong and Dou Wendong away with a bamboo pole, and flew up to the woman in Tsing Yi in a few steps.

"Unfortunately, although the flowers are good, they cannot escape the prosperity of the years."

Broken Arm Sword Cultivator circulated the remaining mana, and just about to form a sword energy, he was knocked unconscious again by the shadowy Jin Gong.

Fu Henghua stretched out his hand and flicked the Hundred Flowers Sword from the woman's hand.

"Foil sword, use it like this."

Fu Henghua threw the Hundred Flowers Sword into the air.

Xiantian gossip slaps the body of the fencing sword, faintly showing the scene of Yuncheng Yujing.Blossoms of clean and clear golden viburnum flowers floated from the sky.

"This flower is not a flower that is dry and prosperous when it is on duty in the world, but it is the treasure of Yujing Yuncheng in the sky. Everyone, take me a beautiful flower, Yao Rui."

Hearing the name of the sword, Fu Maiyuan and Fu Tongjun's expressions changed.

Aunt Six's sword?
When Dou Wendong heard the sword, he also called out: "This is Fu Changqing's sword intent! Are you her descendant?"

Fu Henghua smiled lightly, and after striking out the sword intent, he casually threw the Hundred Flowers Sword aside.

The magnificent Yujing Qionghua fell from the sky, and a wonderful artistic conception infected everyone present, and the swords in their hands fell away one after another.

Dou Wendong guarded his mind and silently exercised the sword energy of the three talents.

"The way of the three talents is to control the main kill."

Dou Wendong had no choice but to come up with the sword-killing technique that he had not yet practiced successfully.

"Your three-talented sword, is it cultivated to kill the stars, the earth to kill the mountains and rivers, or to cultivate the man to kill the immortals and demons?"

"Pneumatic disc, the constellations—"

Before Dou Wendong mobilized the sky full of stars, Fu Henghua played the Five Elements Mountain Method, the Sancai Sword flew into the air, and Dou Wendong fell into the water.

"Heng Hua, behind—"

The 36 remnant cloud swords merged into one, and a sword intent rose.

"The East China Sea Sword School is indeed the master of swordsmanship. Although it is not as good as the three major waters, it is rare to meet two disciples who comprehend sword intent in one day."

Fu Henghua made a fist with both hands.

"The technique of purifying the world."

With him as the center, the sphere instantly opened, blowing away the clouds within a hundred feet in diameter.

Remnant Cloud Sword vibrated twice in the air and fell into the water one after another.

"Jun Tong, keep an eye on that female cultivator."

Fu Henghua took the bamboo basket and jumped into the air.

"Come to fish on the blue waves in your leisure time, and hang the silk to get the people you are destined for. Everyone, come into my basket."

Because there were too many people, Fu Henghua didn't pretend to be a good brother in front of Fu Maiyuan.Qian Wansi flicked lightly, and the densely packed five-color silk threads in the air intertwined into a net, covering the swords below.

Duke Jin acted secretly and injected Yixing Pills into everyone's bodies.

After the flash of spiritual light, several sea fish were bound in the sky net, and they got into the bamboo basket one after another.

"What method is this?"

Fu Maiyuan broke into the sword formation, and the four opponents were stunned at the same time when they saw Henghua harvesting fish in a bamboo basket.

Cang Yue Sword Master Du Yu stared at the bamboo basket, then at the fishing net formed by Qian Wansi, and finally recited what Fu Henghua had just said.

"Fishing, hanging silk, predestined people..." He said in amazement, "This is Qianwansi, a fishing pole and a bamboo basket with thousands of treasures from the hidden sea. Are you the descendant of Taoist Canglan?"

"It's not a serious successor, but I just got some pointers from the seniors."

Fu Henghua threw out Qian Wansi again.

The silk thread shot out ten thousand rays of light, anchoring the souls of the four people, then fed Yi Xing Dan and put them into bamboo baskets.

Thirteen new fish were collected, Fu Henghua looked into the bamboo basket.

Except for the broken-armed swordsman who turned into a yellow croaker with a broken fin, the other 12 people were either swordfish, grouper, or Changshu.

"Heng Hua!"

Fu Maiyuan walked over and saw dozens of fish in the bamboo basket with a wrong expression.

Thinking back to the nine sea fish in the bamboo cart not long ago, could it be...

"In my bamboo basket, there are not only monks from the East China Sea Sword Sect, but also water monsters I encountered along the way. The sea fish that pull my cart are all spirits in the water. Fifth brother, don't worry. My indecisive soft heart , but you can’t do something like letting a living person pull a cart.”

In the dark, Fu Henghua thought: Fortunately, I had prepared a long time ago. I collected a lot of water spirits in the bamboo basket, and then used those sea monsters to pull the cart, so as not to make Fifth Brother angry.

Mr. Fu Tong knew Fu Henghua well, of course he knew that he was talking nonsense.

But she didn't want her brother to care about this kind of matter.

"Someone is coming to ambush now, which means that the East China Sea Sword Sect has noticed our presence. Let's leave quickly."

Fu Henghua and Fu Maiyuan looked southwest at the same time.

Fu Henghua sneered and said: "Let's go? Let's prepare for the battle. Fifth brother, the secret treasure on your body is ready for use. Mr. Tong, take out all your humanoid Gu."

The sky was dark, and after the wave caused by Fu Maiyuan stopped, it was interfered by a stronger sword intent.

A hundred miles around fell into a raging tide, and the Baizhang giant sword rose slowly from the vortex...

Fu Henghua suddenly laughed again: "I originally thought he was a Jindan cultivator, but it turned out to be a Haizi generation with a perfect embryo."

"How do you know that he is from the Hai family?"

"Lingyuezi, the third disciple accepted by Ai Yanchang. He has been stuck on the ninth floor of the foundation building for 50 years. I have heard of him. He was the one who handled the sword manual that my grandfather took from the East China Sea."

Lingyuezi came on the flood.

As they walked, the tide within a hundred miles turned into sharp swords aimed at the three of them.

Fu Henghua didn't say anything, hooked the bamboo basket with a bamboo pole, and shook out the sea fish inside.

"Brother Dao, be careful. If your fellow disciples fall into the water, are eaten by some water demon, or are killed by your sword energy, I will not be responsible."

Lingyuezi was born with discerning eyes, and when he saw these sea fish, he immediately recognized the true nature.

He was furious: "What a daring thief, you actually treat me like this to a member of the Eastern Sea Sword Sect."

As soon as the sword intent moved, thousands of gigantic sword auras emerged from the huge waves.

Fu Henghua directly pushed the sea fish up, his intention was very obvious.

As long as Lingyuezi dared to make a move, he would send these people to block the sword.

Fu Maiyuan held up a purple bead with both hands.

"You help me delay time."

With both hands making a tactic, the nine purple qi entangled the orb, slowly activating the golden core Taoism reserved by Dan Xuanzi.

Lingyuezi scolded Fu Henghua angrily:

"Scholars can be killed and cannot be humiliated. If you turn them into fish and shrimp, it is better to kill them directly! You have treated my East Sea Sword Sect like this, and Master will definitely not forgive you when you learn about it."

Fu Henghua straightened his expression and saluted the group of fish.

"I originally planned to detain you and release you back to the East Sea Sword Sect after I landed. But your senior brothers think you deserve to die and insist on forcing me to kill people.

"Everyone, remember this. It's not that I want to kill you, it's your brothers from the East Sea Sword Sect who think you'd be better off dead. If your resentment persists and you want to seek revenge, remember to find the right master."

As he said that, a five-color sword light appeared above Fu Henghua's head, and he slashed at Huang Lingshan and the others.

"and many more……"

Lingyuezi quickly called Fu Henghua to stop.

"If you dare to strike, my master will slaughter all of your family!"

"Friend Daoist, you are being unreasonable.

"It was you who disliked me for humiliating their face, and said that it would be more realistic for me to kill them. Although I don't know what kind of enmity there is between you, but you brought up the reputation of the East China Sea Sword Sect, and I will share your reputation. Kill them and save them." The reputation of your Eastern Sea Sword Sect.

"I recorded everything that happened. I didn't intend to kill people, but you insisted on forcing me to kill people. Later, I spread the video to the East China Sea, Yanlong and other waters.

"At that time, if Master Ling wants to seek revenge, I have something to say."

Fu Henghua flicked his fingers, and Huang Lingshan felt that he could speak.

He hurriedly shouted: "Senior brother Lingyue, don't be fooled! Senior brother Du and senior brother Dou usually have a bad relationship with you, but at this moment, please help me out for the sake of my fellow disciples."

Lingyuezi saw Fu Tongjun holding a mirror to record the video, and secretly scolded Fu Henghua and the other three for being cunning and vicious.

Fu Maiyuan urged the orb to be on guard secretly.

But looking at Lingyuezi's aggrieved face, and seeing the threatening behavior of his younger siblings, he couldn't understand which side was justice.

"Fellow Daoist, if you want to save people, why don't you take a gamble with me. If you win, the disciples in this bamboo basket will help you. If you lose, go to the bamboo basket too."

Fu Henghua stretched out his hand and pointed, and several sea fish spoke human words, begging Lingyuezi for help.

Lingyuezi looked serious: "What do you want to bet?"

"Just bet on whether you can lift the bamboo basket."

Fu Henghua threw bamboo baskets and poles into the water.

Clap your hands together: "Where is Luo Gui!"

A black turtle appeared in the water, carrying a bamboo basket on its back.

"If you can lift this basket, I will lose."

(End of this chapter)

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