
Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Lingyuezi looked at Xuan Gui.

The first-born Ruijiao, with jade armor and golden edge, shows the pattern of Jiugong and Bagua on the back, just like a divine beast raised by nature.

The bamboo basket stands in the middle of the tortoise shell, shining with five colors of light.

"So what if you turn into a beast? I practice the power of walking the tide and supporting the sea, and it's just a bamboo basket—"

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and the white light sword turned into a silk thread, wrapped around the bamboo basket, and lifted it up.

"Flood Flood Dragon Force—start!"

The bamboo basket has not moved at all, only the five-color auspicious light is shining brightly.

Lingyuezi smiled: "It's a good method, it can resist [-]% of my strength."

Then run [-]% of the mana: "Get up!"

The bamboo basket is still standing there.

Xuangui spit out bubbles lazily, and looked at Lingyuezi with contemptuous eyes.

This tortoise seems to be an illusory thing, but it is actually Henghua who transformed Jin Gong and entrusted it with Shenluo Tianshu.

The book of heaven was originally a piece of white jade turtle shell created by heaven and earth.Jin Gong used the shell of the turtle to transform it into a black turtle, which is extremely powerful.In addition, Fu Henghua also deliberately hid the Five Elements Mountain method at the bottom of the black turtle, and combined it with the resting soil to form a mountain root.

He also asked Jin Gong to cast the Mountain-Moving Curse to move the mountain souls of several distant islands.

When lifting the bamboo basket, you must pull up the bamboo basket, Shenluo Tianshu, Xiran, and Shangen Shanpo.

Don't say that Lingyuezi's mysterious fetus is complete, even if a Jindan monk came in person.It takes a lot of trouble to bring all of these together.

"Brother Dao, you practiced the power to fight the sea. Which sea is it? The East Sea? The West Sea? Or the Blue Light God Bohai at the gate of your East Sea Sword Sect?"

Fu Henghua laughed and said: "Even if it is to set up Shenbohai, it shouldn't only have this strength, it can't even lift my bamboo basket, right?
"Your dragon power, is it not a hybrid of fish and snake?"

Lingyuezi's face was flushed, and he mustered all his mana to move the bamboo basket.

But after a long while, the bamboo basket still didn't move.

"You're cheating, this bamboo basket can't be lifted at all."

Lingyuezi saw something was wrong, and planned to report to Ai Yanchang.

"You wait. I'll go get someone else."

"No hurry. Brother Dao, the bet between you and me is not over yet."

Fu Henghua stepped forward, lightly lifted the bamboo basket from the back of the turtle, and threw it into the sky.

"Since you can't afford the bamboo basket, please go away."

The five-color glow covered Lingyuezi, and he quickly ran the sword formula, turning himself into a flying sword that moved through deftly.Struggling, he ran out from inside the radiance.

Fu Maiyuan shot suddenly, and the purple orb blasted into the sky.

Thousands of miles around were shrouded in a layer of golden core Taoism.

The majestic way of heaven, the purple is extremely respectable.


Fu Maiyuan slapped his palm, and Lingyuezi fell into the bamboo basket.

Fu Henghua had sharp eyes and quick hands, and he entered the Yixing Pill.

Lingyuezi turned into a golden-haired carp and was crushed at the bottom of the bamboo basket.

Lifting the bamboo basket again, Fu Henghua looked dignified.

Although Lingyuezi was transformed into a form, his mana was extremely powerful, and he was still dishonest in the bamboo basket. He also planned to arouse the sword energy in other people's bodies, and unite everyone to escape together.

Fu Henghua suppressed it with all his strength, and said to his siblings: "Go quickly, go to Fumoya."

Mr. Fu Tong summoned the Golden Cicada Gu.

The four-winged cicada became the size of a boat, carrying the three of them away in a hurry.

After Danxuanzi's golden core domain was opened, Ai Yanchang, who was five hundred miles away from the east coast, immediately felt it.

He came here with three thousand sword cultivators, and was living in Yulong Bay as a guest.

The sword energy swirls and criss-crosses on the island, and the disciples breathe out the sword energy to warm and nourish the sword energy of their own lives.

Suddenly, Ai Yanchang opened his eyes, and the sword energy in the air suddenly dissipated.

"The Taoism of the Purple Emperor Pavilion?"

Looking with both eyes, the vast purple clouds in the distance were cut off by the golden sword light.Jian Guang hovered in the air, and later locked on Fu Henghua and the three of them.

Fu Henghua unfolded the Yang Ling Tu and shook it lightly.


Lingtu spewed out a burst of yang energy, changing the images of the three brothers and sisters to meet the golden sword energy.

When the sword energy fell, one hundred thousand sword lights instantly appeared and disappeared, and Lingtu and the phantoms of the three people disappeared.

Feeling the creepy artistic conception of killing the sword, Fu Henghua took the peach talisman in his hand again.

At this time, the Golden Cicada Gu under the three people's feet shed their bodies, and Mr. Fu Tong sprinkled a piece of light sand, and the three escaped by means of escape.

The golden sword light broke through the plan of returning to the sun, and the castration continued unabated.

When the Golden Cicada Gu was smashed, Ai Yanchang felt that the three of them were dead.

This is the art of the golden cicada's shelling.

But the sword energy still didn't stop, spreading continuously on the surface of the water, strafing densely with light and rain.

Although the three of them were out of the lock of sword energy, they were still dangerous in the face of light rain.

Fu Maiyuan hastily gave out a purple lotus.

The lotus stands in the sky like a canopy, completely dispelling the sword energy.

"For a single sword qi, three life substitutes were used up."

Fu Henghua shook his head, seeing that Fu Moya was in sight, he hurriedly ran over.

Seeing the withered lotus, Fu Maiyuan also sighed.

Cultivator Nascent Soul couldn't hold back even a random sword strike, this time the Donghai Sword Sect attacked, it's troublesome.

Fu Tong-jun put away the Golden Cicada Gu.

The Gu worm curled up into a ball, and it took ten years of nurturing before it could perform the "Shedding Technique" again.

Taking a bitter look at Yulongwan, she followed Henghua and the two of them.

Fumoya was smashed to pieces by Ji Mingfeng, leaving only half of the ruins.

Fu Henghua looked around and pinched his fingers to calculate the number of days.

After a while, he laughed and said, "This is the purpose of the old man?"

He grabbed the sand and gravel on the ground and performed the technique of "scattering beans into soldiers", and 72 soldiers appeared.

"You set up the camp quickly and wait for the four monks to come."

The Taoist soldiers were in a daze, and under the guidance of Jin Gong's incarnation, they began to build a camp.

"Heng Hua, are we not going back?"

"No rush, no rush. Once you reach the coast, you'll be home. Wait for me to write a letter of war to finalize the matter of the sword fight, and then cultivate the Tianyue Spirit Mushroom later."

He set up the bamboo basket on Fumo Cliff.

Stretching out a finger, Shui Guang lifted the yellow croaker from the basket.

"Huang Lingshan, I have an errand with you."

Heng Hua took out his pen and ink from Qiankun Jie.

As he said, the treasures of the study are like friends, accompanying him day and night.

After writing the letter, Heng Hua rolled it up and stuffed it into Yu's mouth.

Huang Lingshan struggled a few times, watched the letter stuffed into his stomach, and directly stretched his stomach open.

"I will unlock part of your mana, and quickly go to Yulong Bay to find your master."

After drawing the "Shenxing Talisman" on the back of the yellow croaker and unlocking part of the magic power, Fu Henghua threw the yellow croaker into the water.

"Fifth brother, you choose a house to prepare for the arrival of senior Dan Xuanzi."


Fu Maiyuan looked puzzled.

Fu Tongjun pondered and said: "The old man and the others deliberately asked you to come, just to settle this sword fight? Senior Dan Xuanzi also knows about this?"

Fu Henghua smiled without saying a word, and concentrated on refining the bamboo baskets.


Ai Yanchang slashed out with a sword, although he felt that something was cut, he didn't have any real feeling.

"Is it a life-saving technique? Did the younger generation of Zihuang Pavilion manage to escape?"

He pinched his fingers and calculated.

For some unknown reason, the sky has been confused recently, as if someone has interfered with his calculations.

Soon, two disciples hurried in.

"Master, there is a yellow croaker swimming outside, claiming to be Brother Huang Lingshan."

Ai Yanchang's complexion sank, suddenly there was a glimpse of the sky.

"Bring him in."

Two young disciples of the Ming Dynasty were holding a wooden basin with a yellow croaker in it.

When the surrounding sword cultivators saw it, their expressions changed.

Ai Yanchang was so angry that his beard fluttered, he stretched out his hand, and the golden light covered the yellow croaker.

The yellow croaker flew into the air, spitting out a cloud of dirty blood.Then he rolled on the spot and turned into a naked man with a letter in his hand.

Several female cultivators turned their heads quickly, and two men who approached offered clothes.

Huang Lingshan gets dressed:
"Master, you have to be the master for us."

He knelt on the ground and cried out what had happened to his group.

Hearing that dozens of disciples turned into fish and turtles, all the cultivators present showed angry faces, please fight to capture Fu Henghua.

Ai Yanchang suppressed his anger, suppressed everyone, and shouted at Huang Lingshan: "Bring the letter."

Huang Lingshan looked hesitant: "Master, what is said in this letter is all nonsense..."

Seeing Ai Yanchang's cold eyes, he honestly delivered the letter.

But the envelope read: "Donghai Sword Sect Ai Yanchang personally signed."

After opening, there was some polite opening remarks first.

Then the conversation changed:
"My brother and my sister went to the East China Sea to seek the elixir. Unexpectedly, the pirates in the East China Sea did evil and wanted to kill the two of them. The younger generation came to the rescue on the order of their parents. When they caught a water thief, they knew that they were disciples of the East China Sea Sword Sect. Later, they caught water along the way. The thieves are all Donghai Sword Cultivators.

"Grandpa always taught my generation that practitioners should be considerate of the heart of heaven. The younger generation is in the same way, and does not want to kill those thieves and bandits, so they are temporarily brought with them. If they want to come to the door, please punish them by the East Sea Sword Sect.

"Later, I met Lingyuezi, a disciple of the senior, who was determined to force the junior to kill Huang Lingshan and others.

"In order to save the lives of Huang Daoyou and others, this junior had no choice but to gamble with them and suppress them by mistake.

"This junior is not a member of the Eastern Sea Sword Sect, so it is inconvenient to intervene in the struggle within your sect. But although Huang Lingshan and the others committed banditry, they should not have died here.

"I also hope that the seniors will be magnanimous and spare their lives."

Seeing the other party hitting back, Ai Yanchang was so angry that his eyes burst into flames.

Later, Fu Henghua mentioned another matter with the East China Sea Sword Sect.

"I heard that the sword master of the East China Sea wanted to become a disciple to come forward to Zhong Kong, and begged to marry Yufeng, an outcast from the Tan family..."

Fu Henghua quoted the scriptures and cited the introduction of Donghai Sword sent to seek revenge from the Fu family, and Tan Yufeng's matter was clearly stated.

Her remorse has nothing to do with the Fu family, and she did not marry into Panlong Island as rumored.

She was dissatisfied with her marriage and hurt her own grandmother, causing the Tan family to sever ties and go to the East China Sea Sword Sect to apologize.

The Fu family is just a witness.

This kind of thing had already been done in the Shenzhou era long ago.

Since the Tan family expelled this person, the marriage contract between the Tan family and the East China Sea Sword Sect will naturally be voided.

If the East China Sea Sword Sect wants to continue looking for Tan Yufeng to propose a marriage, neither the Fu family nor the Tan family have any objections.

But at the end, Fu Henghua seemed to write intentionally or unintentionally:
"Such ignorant and virtuous people, only thieves and gangsters would covet Xiao Xiang. Thinking about my Fu family's thousand-year heritage, how could I look at such people?

"Senior has learned the Tao for thousands of years, and he should understand it with his own heart. Don't misunderstand my family's reputation."

own heart?

Are you mocking me for comparing my heart with my heart, and my conduct is like a thief, so I regard Tan Yufeng as a treasure, and misunderstand that your family also treats her as a treasure?
Ai Yanchang's face was clouded, and he continued to look down.

Fu Henghua swayed three thousand words, on the surface he was obedient and favorable, and he spoke clearly and clearly explained what happened.Secretly ridiculed Ai Yanchang.

The big sect behaves like bandits, and the family members are the bandit leaders.

After practicing for thousands of years, Ai Yanchang suppressed his anger and read the full text.

In the end, Fu Henghua mentioned that his letter had been sent in ten copies to all factions and islands in the East China Sea, so that all the famous people Gao Zhen could act as witnesses.

On the first day of the twelfth lunar month, I asked Ai Yanchang to move to Fumoya to discuss the matter of all the disciples pretending to be water bandits.

boom -

The sword energy erupted, and the faces of all the cultivators changed.

"Okay, what an eloquent junior!"

He looked around.

This time Ai Yanchang led three thousand sword cultivators to come.

There are thousands of Foundation Establishment disciples and eight Golden Core monks.

These eight people are all his fellow apprentices.

"Junior Brothers, whoever of you go for a walk, bring this junior to me."

"I go."

A fat Taoist with a sword gourd on his back came out.

Ai Yanchang's face paled slightly: "Junior Brother Fang, I'm sorry."

Fang Bitian sacrificed the precious gourd, and hundreds of flying swords formed a sword wheel, and drove him quickly to Fumoya.


When Fu Henghua came to Fumoya, several Jindan monks in the Eastern Region felt it at the same time.

On Panlong Island, Fu Danwei said to Fu Beidou: "The sword fight agreement is about to come true, it's your turn."

Fu Beidou laughed loudly, and the silver sword rainbow went straight into the East China Sea.

When Fang Butian rushed to Fumoya, the mighty galaxy sword light suppressed the sword light from the treasure gourd.

"Wan Jian Gourd? Bi Tian Sword? Fellow Daoist, take me to the greedy wolf Yao Tian!"

There is a big star soaring into the sky in the galaxy, before Fang Bitian Yujian can defend it, he is smashed into the galaxy by Tianshu Xingjian.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Fang Bitian quickly cast water escape.

As soon as the escape method took shape, it immediately dispersed.

Fang Bitian was stunned for a moment, then switched to another wooden escape, which also failed.

"Escape is banned?"

In the blink of an eye, Fang Bitian sacrificed his flying sword and fled.

But at this moment, Xinghe had already caught up, and the silver light flowed, and the two swords of Tianxuan and Tianji stopped Fang Bitian.As the two swords of Tianquan and Yuheng fell, Fang Bitian showed his defeat.

When the Kaiyang sword energy pierced out, Fang Bitian's Niwan Palace was locked and passed out...

(End of this chapter)

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