
Chapter 175 Tribulation Immortal Talks about the Origin, Heaven and Earth 5 Insects Cultivate 5 Ways

Chapter 175 Tribulation of Immortals, the Origin of Heaven and Earth, Five Insects and Five Ways
"Brother, 'Bodhi' has posted again."

Sha Jinchang saw a new article that appeared in Tianxuan Mirror, and hurriedly messaged Fang Dongyuan.

Fang Dongyuan is preparing for the Zongmen competition in the Zihuang Pavilion, and is hard at work on the "Five-Star Tianyuan Zhijue".

Hearing this, he quickly entered the Tianxuan Taoist platform.

The new article only has [-] words——"The Book of Transformation and Change"

"So short?"

But he still quickly read the new articles written by "Bodhi".

"The way of practice lies in investigating things to gain knowledge?"

Fang Dongyuan murmured: "Why doesn't he talk about Yuxian Zhenlu?"

Others who saw the "Bodhi" article were all at a loss.

In their thinking, "Bodhi" is a talisman who is proficient in the avenue of good fortune, at least it has a great relationship with talisman.He is currently deducing exercises for himself.

The reason for the delay in agreeing is the invitations from various sects.

It is because he intends to practice the Heavenly Talisman Sutra and walk the path of the Heavenly Book.

Therefore, they wait for Bodhizi's new article.Especially those golden elixir monks who are proficient in talismans, hope to discuss with him the real book of transforming babies.

But who knew that the article that Bodhizi threw out afterwards turned out to be to investigate things and extend knowledge, and to classify all things in the world?
"He is studying the 'transformation and transformation' in the 36 Tiangang method? Why should he study this kind of tasteless?"

"What kind of skill does this guy practice? Good luck, it can't really be a good fortune change corresponding to the 'transformation of fetus' technique?"

Everyone read the short [-] words and pondered over it, but no one responded to the message for a long time.

Fu Henghua was not in a hurry to read the message, he was at ease studying the Dao platform where his spiritual consciousness lived.

After the publication of "The True Book of Feather Immortals", his Daotai was evaluated by the Jiexians and has been upgraded to three stars.

With a penny of three stars, Fu Henghua's temper can't help but become embarrassing.

With his spiritual consciousness running, the Taoist platform gradually expanded and turned into a lawn with a length and width of hundreds of feet.

"The Taoist platform is like the interior scene. As my level increases, it seems that I have more authority in this time and space of the Taoist platform?"

Fu Henghua somewhat understood why those Jiexians could forcibly block their own articles, and even graded themselves.

"Wait for me to mix a sun later, and I will completely build the Samsung Cave."

At this time, a person with two suns sent a private chat.

"Wanxiang Gewu, do you want to study the evolution map?"

Seeing the word "Canglan", Fu Henghua was in awe.

He has practiced so far and learned a lot from "Travel of Canglan".

Not long ago, I also subscribed to this senior's practice experience.

Although there is no name of master and apprentice, this person is indeed one of his "teachers".

"Are you referring to the way ghost snakes evolve into basalt? I read your travel notes, which record 130 six species of aquatic dragons, and 28 species of aquarium incarnations into basalt."

Canglan Jiexian mentioned it casually, but he didn't expect "Bodhi" to read his previous travel notes.Immediately chatted with Fu Henghua.

At first, the two were still chatting seriously.

But when it came to the back, the two began to chat about the food in the South China Sea and North China.

"There is a boundary in the water area of ​​Baizhen, called Bagong Mountain. White jade and black jade are produced there. The white jade is used for food, and the black jade is used for fire.

"There is an island above the East China Sea, which is rich in snakes, which taste very good. This kind of snake species has three evolutionary directions: basalt, ascending snake, and dragon."

Fu Henghua saw Fu Maiyuan collecting three pieces of Tianyue spirit mushrooms, greeted him, and took the mirror back to the Langhuan Pavilion first.

He was taken aback for a moment when he realized that all the herbs collected in the museum had disappeared.

But soon, he continued to chat with Canglan Jiexian.

In the end, Fu Henghua mentioned the doubts that had been hidden for many years.

"Clam snails belong to insects and are ruled by Xuanwu, why can they evolve into Jiaotu and thus transform into dragons?
"Climbing snakes and scale insects are ruled by dragons. Why is the form of basalt entwined with tortoises and snakes, and snakes can also transform basalt?
"Scale insects, including reptiles such as long insects, ghougong, and dani, and turtles are also reptiles, so aren't they under the rule of the dragon?

"The essence of worms is called a tortoise, and the essence of scale insects is called a dragon. Why is the dragon above the turtle?

"Kirin has scales, and should be ruled by dragons, why is it that caterpillars are long?"

Although Donglai Shenzhou does not have a systematic classification such as the Classification of Jiemen, there is a general understanding of the belonging of animals and insects such as birds and beasts in ancient times.

There are five insects in the world, and the feathers and scales are in the middle.

The hairy worm, the unicorn grows for it.

The worm of feathers, the phoenix grows for it.

Insects with scales are grown by dragons.

The beetle is the worm, and the tortoise is the long one.

The worm of the sage is the leader of the sage.

Therefore, the dragon, phoenix, tortoise, and Lin are called Sirui, and they command birds, beasts, and scaly insects.

On Donglai Shenzhou, some virtuous and virtuous Gao Zhen will be honored as "sages".

Canglan Jiexian immediately replied: "The road to evolution is not a single route. Snakes can evolve into basalt and dragons. If they grow limbs and deer toes, they can also turn into unicorns. If they grow wings on their backs, they can also evolve into feathered snakes, and then Transformed into a phoenix.

"The way of evolution is to mix with each other. All things seek their own nature in order to sublimate."

In the narration of Canglan Jiexian, everything in the world has its own nature.

The evolution and change of one thing to another is the transformation from one nature to another form.

"Do you know why the five worms honor saints and four auspicious creatures? Why do all living beings eventually evolve in these five forms?
"A sage is wisdom. All living beings who comprehend their nature and enlighten their wisdom can be called saints. The spirits and monsters in the world open up their spiritual wisdom to form a human being, which is the way to become a saint."

The transformation of spirits and monsters is not to transform into a mortal, but to open up wisdom and imitate the appearance of a saint.Therefore, after the transformation, there is still magic power.If you really get the Tao, you can get rid of the demon body and achieve the sacred body.

"Dragon is life. Dragons are the most dynamic beasts today. Scales and armor can transform dragons, vegetation can transform dragons, and mountains and rivers can transform dragons after thousands of years of cultivation. Even monks of my generation can transform into walking The Way of the Dragon.

"Dragon has the most active vitality in the world. Therefore, there are sayings such as 'all beasts face the sky', 'the dragon has nine sons', and 'the dragon's nature is inherently obscene'.

"Xuanwu is yin and yang. Everything in the world, anyone who comprehends the principle of yin and yang, can change Xuanwu."

Jiexian talked eloquently about the essence of the way of evolution.

"And what about the plants?"

The words stopped abruptly.

It took a long time for Canglan Tribulation Immortal to say slowly, "I don't know much about plants."

It's not just about plants, he also doesn't know about phoenixes and unicorns.

The reason why he knows Xuanwu and Shenlong is because he traveled to the Thirteen Waters and ate too many waters.Knowing too much about these aquatic creatures, I understand the difference between Shenlong and Xuanwu.

The aquariums that have changed to Xuanwu are not of the constant temperature type, suitable for steaming.

As for the aquarium that has transformed into a dragon, the meat contains abundant vitality and has an excellent taste, which is very suitable for frying and stewing.

Fu Henghua heard Jiexian's explanation, and then recalled his original intention to copy the Jiemen Compendium, and felt secretly ashamed.

Although the world of comprehension does not have a systematic classification, it also has its own set of cognitions for everything in the world.

Cultivation, seeking to obtain the truth is nothing more than seeking knowledge in another sense.

"Therefore, compiling the natural museum illustrated book not only needs to learn from previous lives, but also conforms to the current world cognition."

Fu Henghua took out the picture scroll, and tried to use dragons, phoenixes, tortoises, and lins to occupy the four directions, with the saint as the center, to describe the evolution of the world's birds and beasts...

(End of this chapter)

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