
Chapter 176 The trace of Scrophulariaceae, Ye Gong was robbed and painted the red dragon

Chapter 176 The trace of Scrophulariaceae, Ye Gong was robbed and painted the red dragon
With the Tianyue spirit mushroom in hand, Panlong Island was immersed in a happy atmosphere.

Fu Yinggu sent an invitation to the four masters of Yanlong alchemy, including Ge Xianweng, Huoyanwang, Miaotianshou and Duolinger, to come to the island to prepare for alchemy.

Needless to say, Ge Liu and Xue Kai.The two were old with Fu Danwei, and they had long agreed to come to help.

Miaotianshou Chijianzi is the head of Miaoxian Palace and the head of the sect in Yanlong Central Territory.As long as the price is right, he will help with alchemy.

Only stealing Linger Yu Yuyu is the most troublesome.

Seeing Fu Yinggu writing a letter to Du Ling'er, Zhang Qiulan worried: "Senior Yu's whereabouts are unpredictable, even more secretive than Senior Xue Kai. Can he receive this letter?"

"Back then, my father had kindness to him. He once gave a letter incense. As long as you light the letter incense and burn the letter to him, you can get the news."

Saying that, the couple went to Panlong Hall to ask Fu Danwei for incense.

But when they came to the door, they saw Deng Lan persuade a young man in white to leave.

"Yulan Trading Company?"

Fu Yinggu's eyes sank.

He knew that Yulan Trading Company came to visit recently, hoping that Yulan Trading Company could form an alliance with the Fu family to jointly develop the circulation of cultivation resources in Yanlong and Baizheng.

But when Fu Danwei met Lu Xin, the son of the deceased, he politely declined.

Lu Xin was in a bad mood, so he took Qingxi and Nan Guoyannian out of the island.

"My lord, why don't you tell them directly that we have black gold ginseng? If they knew, they wouldn't take such an attitude."

"That's our last card."

Lu Xin looked at Beaulieu Island behind him.

"The icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow. Let them delay for a few years, and when they have found other medicinal materials, and only this big medicine is missing, but they have not been found, we will talk to them again."

Xuanjin ginseng is also an incomparably precious thousand-year-old spiritual material in Yulan Trading Company.

Lu Xin didn't want to pay for this elixir for the Fu family.Therefore, these visits are going to start from other aspects and negotiate terms with Fu's family.

Ke Fu's family didn't respond at all.

Apart from meeting for the first time for the sake of his father, Fu Danwei never paid any attention to him later.

When Lu Xin thought of this, his heart became angry again: The people on the Tianling list really look down on us, Bai Zhen.A dying old man, yet so arrogant.


Fu Yinggu and his wife walked into the main hall and explained their intentions.

"Stealing Linger's incense is in Henghua's place, you can go to Langhuan Pavilion to get it. But before that, you can go to meet the visitors from the Liu family."

"The Liu family? Which Liu family?"

Fu Yinggu recalled that in the Eastern Region, there were three of those small families surnamed Liu.

Fu Danwei: "Liu's family in purple clothes."

The faces of Fu Yinggu and his wife changed: "Heirs of the Southern Xia?"

"Do you know why I rejected Yulan Trading Company?"

Zhang Qiulan: "Yulan Trading Company has a poor reputation, and it's normal for my father to look down on it. Besides, the three companies in the Northern Territory and the top ten trading companies in Baizhen are fighting frequently, and we can't just deal with it for the sake of our in-laws."

"This is only part of it. The more important reason is that Master Liu Yang intends to revive his own firm, and hopes that our Fu family will join in."

The couple looked dignified.

Master Liu Yang, known as Nan Xia and Zi Xia, was originally from a wealthy cultivator in the South China Sea.Later, he became a chivalrous hero and made good friends with Fu Danwei and Zhongxia Baihezi, becoming one of the five heroes.

The predecessor of the Five Heroes and Seven Ancestors, the Three Heroes and Five Ancestors, refers to the Red Hero Fu Danwei, the Purple Hero Liu Yangshi and the White Hero Baihezi.The three Golden Core monks were walking on one side, but they watched and helped each other.He once joined forces to destroy the Bandit Heaven Alliance, and suppressed the seven leaders of the bandits in Bagong Mountain.

Later, the seven thieves returned to justice and were released by Baihezi.Except for Robber Immortal and Stealing Linger, the other five thieves were brought under Bai Xia's sect to help others do good to atone for their sins.

"Uncle Liu Shi wants to rebuild a commercial firm in the South China Sea?"

"It's Baizhen. He sent a letter the day before yesterday, saying that he wanted to practice in the waters of Baizhen first.

"The name of the firm has been chosen, Nanyang Firm."

"That's why father didn't negotiate with Yulan Trading Company?"

Fu Danwei nodded with a smile, looking at Lu Xin and his party leaving outside the island.

Xuan Jin Ginseng, if their Yulan Trading Company really has this thing, the old man will have to think about it.This thing, where did they come from?If it is really the body of Fellow Daoist Scrophulariaceae, then...

Fu Danwei had various thoughts in his mind, and sent Fu Yinggu and his wife to Langhuan Pavilion.

Afterwards, Fu Tongjun and Fu Maiyuan came to say goodbye.

The two of them decided to set off to the red algae waters to help Fu Xuanxing and Fu Liuhui find clues to the black ginseng.

"You guys, be careful on this trip, that kid Xuan Xing is in some trouble. If you meet him, you can help him out.

"Wait until the red algae waters—"

Vodanwei gave the two the coordinates of an island.

"If Fellow Daoist Xuanshen is still there, please say hello for me. As for whether you can get Xuanjinshen, you can't force it."

Xuanjin ginseng has been transformed for thousands of years, and Fu Danwei met a spiritual cultivator who had achieved the Tao in the early years, and they had a good friendship.

But refining alchemy for himself would do him great harm, so Fu Danwei didn't mention it to the children at all.

It wasn't until Lu Xin and his entourage came to the door that he calculated a hexagram on a whim, and then he learned that they were carrying black gold ginseng.

My fellow Taoist, I'm afraid something is wrong.


Langhuan Pavilion.

When Fu Yinggu came in with his wife, Fu Henghua was painting "The Picture of Five Insects in Heaven and Earth" on the second floor.

The wind chimes below rang for a while, and Fu Henghua hurried downstairs until the jade rabbit ran up to call for someone.

"You should find a few more people here. Xiaoyu Hengshou retreated, and there is not even a messenger."

"In two days, they will leave the customs."

Fu Henghua asked about the two people's intentions, and went upstairs to get the letter incense.

"Senior Dou Ling'er has a weird temper. If he comes to Panlong Island, tell me that I am in retreat, and don't let him come to the Langhuan Pavilion. By the way, just say that I will close the pavilion directly."

Zhang Qiulan asked doubtfully, "Have you seen him?"

"Senior Pirate Immortal came to Panlong Island back then and took him with him. I met him once, and his personality is out of character, too noisy."

Fu Henghua gave the letter incense and continued to go upstairs to draw pictures.

The picture of the five insects draws the saint in the middle, and then draws various gods, men, beasts, and birds around the saint's appearance, symbolizing that everything in the world can be sanctified.

Then, Shenlong is in the east, Phoenix is ​​in the south, Qilin is in the west, and Xuanwu is in the north.

Between the basalt and the sage are reptiles, shellfish and various insects. These temperature-changing creatures are between the sage and the sage, symbolizing their two evolutionary directions.

The phoenix is ​​on the southernmost side of the picture scroll, and the blank space between the phoenix and the saint is painted with various feathered birds, symbolizing the evolution direction of the feathered birds.Then there are unicorns and various mammals.

In the end, Fu Henghua drew all kinds of scaled fish on the east side, and enlarged the dragon, with the dragon's tail bypassing it, enclosing all kinds of creatures in the Xuanwu series, symbolizing that all scales have a way to transform into dragons. .

"It's not just these two types, feathered birds and beasts can also transform into dragons."

Fu Henghua was very dissatisfied with "The Picture of the Five Insects of Heaven and Earth", but he couldn't think of how to modify it, so he simply sent the picture to Canglan Jiexian privately.

Jiexian left a spiritual consciousness stationed at Tianxuan Daotai, and read the whole picture after receiving the news.

"This kid..."

The deity opened his eyes, and took out a volume of "The Picture of Heaven, Earth and Five Insects" that he drew in his early years from the study.

Comparing the two, it cannot be said that they are exactly the same.

There are some animal depictions that vary slightly from ring to ring.

But in general, the two ideas are the same.

"This boy is quite in line with my temper."

After thinking about it, Immortal Jie sent a message to Fu Henghua: "Your picture is very incomplete, and it still can't capture the physical nature of Xuanwu and Shenlong. It just so happens that a monk in Yanshui suffered a catastrophe. He is proficient in drawing dragons. You can ask him for advice."

Draw a dragon?Real Ye Long?
Fu Henghua's heart moved, but then he understood Canglan Jiexian's intention.

"You want to take this opportunity to find out my identity? Go to Yanshui to find someone, why go there in person?"

While thanking Jiexian for his advice on the Taoist platform, he started to act and set up a formation on his bed.


Mr. Fu Tong and his elder brother went to Yanshui.

When entering the hot water, the female cultivator frowned and looked around.

"No, why is the heat from the scorching water gone?"

With the gentle breeze, the heat and poison of the scorching water disappeared, just like the waters of Yanlong.

"The fire poison has dived into the water," Fu Maiyuan sensed, "Could it be that the millennium fire poison is going to be alleviated?"

"This fire poison is made of dragon blood, how can it be so easy to dissolve?"

Mr. Fu Tong used secret calculations secretly, and faintly felt that there was a crisis in Yanshui, so he hurried to Hidden Sword Island.


On Hidden Sword Island, Fu Xuanxing was sitting by a sword casting pool on the island.

There are eighteen chains binding the stove in the pool, and there are golden elf materials collected by Fu Xuanxing and Fu Liuhui.

The young man operated Nanming Lihuo, sacrificed the alchemy essence carefully, and extracted the gold essence liquid.

Qi Lei squatted on the side, watching Fu Xuanxing concentrate and sneak out.

After leaving the Sword Forging Pool, Qi Lei followed the aura of Fu Liuhui and ran towards the Sword Tomb.

Hidden Sword Island has the first-grade "Jade Sword" spiritual veins, which breed sword mounds, which can raise swords all over the world, and contain countless sword energy and sword intent.

Under the guidance of Du Huaiyuan, Fuliuhui came to Jianzhong to experience and find his own natal sword intent.

On the first floor of the sword mound, densely packed mortal swords are inserted into the mounds and iron blocks.

Following Fu Liuhui's passing, the sword quickly unsheathed and flew towards her.

"go back."

With a flick of the cloud sleeve, Fu Liuhui used only one sword energy to turn the group of swords back into their sheaths.

"Thank you for your love. But I hope I can re-sacrifice a sword."

For this reason, she didn't even bring Yuan Jun Sword in.

Going down to the second floor, the air was a bit cold.

Fu Liuhui looked forward, and the colorful sword light illuminated the underground space.The flying sword stored here is already a magic weapon.

Similarly, the group of swords has a spirit, and they actively throw themselves at Fu Liuhui.

Fu Liuhui refused one by one and let the group of swords go back to their sheaths.

"Strange, the sword energy and intent contained in these flying swords seem to be the same as certain sword weapons on the first floor?"

With doubts, the girl came to the third floor.

At this time, Qi Lei had already reached the first floor.

The little beast wobbled around the group of swords.

The sword did not respond to Qi Lei.

When entering the second floor, several dharma swords vibrated and flew around Qi Lei, changing the appearance of unicorns and thunder beasts.

Qi Lei's eyes lit up, and he poked light and shadow lightly with his hoof.

Under the guidance of the light and shadow, go to the depths of the sword mound.

But from time to time, Qi Lei was attracted by the beautiful flying swords inserted in certain places, and stopped to watch.

He even took the initiative to step forward and bite with his mouth.

It wasn't until the phantoms of unicorns and thunder beasts urged Qi Lei to follow reluctantly.

On the third floor of the Sword Tomb, there are 720 flying swords of the treasure level.Nourished by spiritual veins, although no one sacrifices, it can keep itself from being destroyed by the years
Fu Liuhui walked through this layer, obviously feeling strenuous.

Some swords are full of spirituality and are about to transform into spiritual swords.

Seeing that Fu Liuhui looked down on them, he turned his sword angrily, sending out waves of sword energy.

Relying on his kendo cultivation, Fu Liuhui dealt with it calmly.

But there is a Fengjian with a domineering personality. Seeing Fuliuhui blocking the sword energy, he directly uses the sword formula he carries to fight swords with Fuliuhui.

"Innate sword art?"

The girl's face changed: "Sure enough, it's the same as the sixth brother guessed, this is the secret of the sword tomb."

The sword fairy created the sword mound for three purposes.

One is to warm up and repair the discarded swords.

The second is to select higher-level swords through the battle among swords.

The third is to deduce the heavenly scriptures of the sword cultivator lineage with the help of Jianzhong.

Born innately, come from the avenue.

When the Sword Tomb gave birth to the sword of the Dao, the sword itself had a book from heaven.

It's a pity that there are hundreds of sword mounds in Shenzhou and so far, but there is not a single heavenly book.

(End of this chapter)

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