
Chapter 178 Devil Sword Sky Evil

Chapter 178 Demon Sword Heavenly Evil
In Jianzhong, the boy Wukong acted like a master in front of his sister.

Suddenly the ancient mound vibrated, and black sword energy surged from the fifth floor of the sword mound.

This sword is invisible and qualityless, and when it appears, it arouses all kinds of evil thoughts in people's hearts.

"Jianzhong really has a heart sword?"

Sensing the surge of evil thoughts, the boy Wukong hastily made a formula to protect himself and Fu Liuhui with the "Pure Heart Curse".

Qi Lei was ignorant by nature, didn't know good and evil, tilted his head to look at the ever-changing sword energy in the air.

The sword is invisible and changes with the heart.

In Qi Lei's eyes, it was a cub that looked similar to himself.Stepping on the auspicious clouds, he greeted himself and wanted to play together.

In Fu Liuhui's eyes, there was a group of evil monsters full of broken magic swords.The evil spirit is awe-inspiring, and it will become a demon if it is touched a little.

In the eyes of young Wukong, that sword energy is a beating black heart, with thousands of ferocious and howling faces appearing on its surface.

The black sword energy draws a circle in the air, showing the mind and the law, and at the same time, the heavens in the world of desire are manifested one by one.

Feeling the sword intent, they turned into sword spirits and fled outwards.

The sword intent is absorbed by the essence of the sun and the moon, warmed by the sword mound, and becomes an elf.This kind of sword spirit can display its natal sword intent, and its strength fluctuates on the ninth floor of foundation building.

The Desire Realm unfolded, and the sword spirit who couldn't escape fell into the Desire Realm for six days, and immediately degenerated into a sword demon, attacking his original companions.

In the air, a spirit sword struck out suddenly.

The white light gave birth to thousands of lotus flowers, which swayed away the evil energy inspired by the black sword energy, and restored the fallen sword demon to the body of a sword spirit.

Fu Liuhui: "Bai Lian Qing Sword? Isn't this the sword of the previous Patriarch of the Yang family?"

After the sword spirit escaped, the other nine spirit swords attacked with the Bailian sword.

All kinds of sword lights and sword arts are used, the domineering flame light, the thick sword energy of mountains and rivers, the ethereal cloud sword...

The ten swords work together to cut through the world of desire for six days.

Wukong boy murmured: "Is this actually a magic sword?"

The black sword light is mysterious and unpredictable, and after six days of shattering the world of desire, it still refuses to back down.The way of the sword is fast and slow, sometimes hard and sometimes soft, changing without direction.

Although the ten-mouthed spirit swords used the innate sword art and evolved many Taoisms and sword lights, they could not injure the slightest bit.

In the end, the black sword light repelled the ten spirit swords and danced in the air, full of provocation.

Fu Liuhui looked at him: "Fellow Daoist wants a heart sword, and now the heart sword has come, can you accept it?"


Fu Henghua didn't want to lose face in front of his younger sister, so he threw out three golden rings, thinking to himself: Fortunately, when I go out, I wear these three gold hoops, and there are gold hoops, so I can give it a try.

Because Fu Liuhui had seen the three golden hoops before, Fu Henghua did not dare to let the three golden hoops appear in their true colors.

Simply use the method of mind to turn the three golden hoops into three rings, and evolve the realm of form, realm of desire, and realm of formlessness.

The golden ring is colorful and transforms into the Three Realms for 33 days, enveloping the black sword energy.


The law of the three rings and the three realms is not the law of the immortal way in this life.Rather, when Fu Henghua was researching "Fenghua Huiyuan Gong", he manifested some Buddhist content in his previous life.

Next, he turned to displaying the secret art of immortality, playing the role of the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and forcibly refining the black heart sword.

"Girl, what are you doing?"

Du Huaiyuan hurried over and was startled when he saw the young man holding the evil sword with three golden rings.

"Who is this kid, and why did he draw this sword out?"

Fu Liuhui hurried over and told what happened not long ago.

"Patriarch Bodhi? Who is that?"

Then he put the matter out of his mind.

"You tell this kid to back off, and I will seal the sword again."

"Senior, what is the origin of this sword?"

"This is the demonic sword that the Ling family brought to a Tomb of Disused Swords. It looks like a sword qi, but it actually hides a demonic sword intent, which is very strange."

With the manpower of the Xiuzhen family, raising the sword tomb is also a big project.At that time, the Ten Cultivators dug up several abandoned tombs from the bottom of Yanlong Water, saving the effort of rebuilding them.

The sword mound sent by the Ling family is full of evil spirits, and it has bred a group of sword demons.Although the sword demon was cleaned up in advance, unexpectedly there was still a mouthful of Demon Dao Heart Sword hidden inside.

"The old man suspects that the reason why the sword spirit in the sword mound fell into a sword demon was because of the influence of this sword."

Over the years, Du Huaiyuan used twelve spirit swords to seal the magic sword at the bottom of the sword mound.

Unexpectedly, Fu Henghua was pretending, saying that he was looking for the sword, and the loss of two of the twelve spirit swords made this sword specially designed for him to get out of trouble.


Sancai Dao suppresses the heart sword.

Seeing that the boy Wukong could not be demonized by the black sword energy, he simply sold an opening, forcibly broke free from the third ring and fled back to the fifth floor of the sword mound.

"Where to-"

Boy Wukong chased after him immediately.

"Wait a minute, the fifth floor is Yuanyuan Jianyuan Pool, it's inconvenient there—"

Before Du Huaiyuan could stop him, Boy Wukong had already gone down.

Then Fu Liuhui also rushed in.

Du Huaiyuan cursed and hurried to catch up.

There are five floors in the Sword Tomb, and the core of the fifth floor is an original space condensed by sword energy.

All the swords on the upper four floors depend on this space for warmth.

The black sword energy came back, and densely packed immortal talismans rose up, trying to suppress it again.

It didn't want to be subdued by Fu Henghua, so it simply took the initiative to drill into the seal.

"It's all out, what are you going back for!"

The three golden rings fell down again.

Neither the Three Realms Method nor the Three Talents Method could be suppressed, so Fu Henghua simply took out his own self-created method to suppress the bottom of the box.

"Three hole printing method, start!"

Yuxu Qi rises from the golden ring, transforming into three gods and men, each holding a seal and piercing into the heart sword.

The seal of the cave god, the magic energy is emptied.

Dongxuan seal, magic restraint.

The real seal of the hole, the magic sword deters.


There was a sound of metal and iron clashing, and the black sword energy seemed to be trapped by the three rings.

Du Huaiyuan hesitated when he saw this scene.

However, he still suppressed his worries about the boy Wukong, and took the initiative to condense the demon-subduing seal at the bottom of the sword mound into a rainbow light, and cast it towards the third ring.

"Boy, I gave you this sword."

Seeing him as if he was sending off the plague god, Wukong boy shook his head.

"Senior, aren't you afraid that I will be demonized by this sword and become a sword slave?"

While speaking, he turned the seal of subduing demons into a hilt, forcibly turning the invisible sword into form.

The sword is three feet long, with three golden rings hanging in the air.The hilt is octagonal, engraved with gossip patterns, and there is a Tai Chi ball at the end.


In Langhuan Pavilion, Xiao Yu and the two saw that Heng Hua had calmed down, and the demonic energy was gone from his body, but there was a trace of peace of mind, and they finally let go of their hearts.

"The magic weapon seems to be overwhelmed."

"It's not impossible to refine demons into Taoism. But..."

Hengshou said cautiously: "Turn back and pay attention, if it's too evil, don't let him use it."

Xiaoyu: "Young Master, I just want to make fresh ones for a few days. Except for the natal magic weapon and the feather fan, I don't bother to sacrifice other magic weapons. Magic weapon? After playing for a few days, I threw it in the warehouse to eat ashes."

When Hengshou thought about it, it was the same reason.

Magic weapon is not the more the better.

It is the best to cooperate with your own practice.


Sword Tomb, Wukong boy studies flying swords.When he realized the details of this sword, his heart was full of turmoil.

So it was the "Heavenly Evil Sword"?
Tianxie Sword, also known as Xiehuang Sword, refers to the sorcery created by No. 1 evil way in the Shenzhou era.

According to legend, he entered the imperial dynasty alone, and when the new emperor succeeded to the throne, he provoked the six kings to disrespect the last emperor's will and establish himself as emperor.

With the rise of rebels from all walks of life, he again triggered the dark side in the hearts of the six kings, and carried out brutal killings, harming the people.

After the rebels were defeated, he took out the heart of the six kings.

The heart of the six kings carries the royal spirit, and it is also incompatible with unfaithfulness, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness.

Then take [-] hearts of each of the four types from the rebels.

They also captured three hundred demons from the Desire Realm.

Take six heads of high morals who have fallen into heretics.

After setting down the altar, gather the millions of resentful spirits who died in this battle, and condense them into an evil sword with the technique of dao sword.

Once this sword is completed, the world will weep blood, and all spirits will be terrified.

Fu Henghua murmured in his heart: Unexpectedly, I could see another Evil Emperor Sword here.Hmm... It's an unfinished version, only six heads of demonized moral immortals, [-] demons of heaven, and [-] hearts of unfaithful, unfilial, unkind and unrighteous.

It's okay, not too evil.

If it was really the Evil Emperor Sword back then, Fu Henghua would immediately take Fu Liuhui and run away.

That sword, just looking at it, can turn a cultivator into a demon and detonate the demon nature in his body.

"The unfinished version can just be sacrificed with the Dao sword technique, so that it can get rid of evil thoughts and demon nature, and return to the righteous path of the heart sword."

With a thought of the boy Wukong, the black sword fluttered in the air, and an unpredictable sword formula was formed accordingly.

"Move according to your heart and change as you wish. This sword is called the Three Treasures Wishful Ring Sword."


Magic Palace.

Bu Mo let out a mouthful of turbid air, and walked out of Tianji Pavilion.

"Go and invite the Lord of Seven Kills."

"My lord, the Palace Master of Seven Kills has already left. Saying that he has got the trace of 'Xuanjian Daoist', he rushed to ambush with the Palace Master of Blood Sea."

Daoist Xuanjian, one of the immortal monks who received the seal of the Seven Demon Emperors, Ying Tianshu Xing.

The appearance of the devil emperor he manifested is the sword demon.

Suppress Donglai with demonic sword intent, and make all spirits into sword slaves.

"Master Xuanjian?"

After thinking about it, Bu Mo nodded slowly.

Indeed, that real person is also a killer, and it is a good thing to eradicate it as soon as possible.

But he calculated Fu Henghua's fate, and learned that his devil emperor's fate was still outside the seven-star devil emperor's fate.

If he gets two chances, he can become a demon instantly.

"Devil Emperor Chess, Evil Emperor Sword. These two treasures must never be obtained by him!"

The Devil Emperor Chess needs to be refined by Fu Henghua himself, but the Evil Emperor Sword...

"I need to find this object first to prevent him from being demonized."

(End of this chapter)

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