
Chapter 179 Dao Sword is just completed, thousands of miles of gods and lightning

Chapter 179 Dao Sword is just completed, thousands of miles of gods and lightning
Fuliu emblem enters the fifth floor of Jianzhong.When the boy Wukong practiced the Three Treasures Ruyi Sword, he felt the origin of the pure sword and understood the meaning of the sword.

There was thunder in the sword field, and Du Huaiyuan and Wukong looked at the girl at the same time.

Silver lightning condensed above the girl's head, forming an innate thunder pool.

Lei, the cardinal of yin and yang, governs all ways, subdue demons and demons.

Wukong murmured: "It really is thunder, wind and thunder, my hexagram is correct."

The sword intent is originally the spiritual seed of the Dao root that sword cultivators break through the shackles of heaven and earth and form a sword embryo.

Self-awareness is better than external blessings.

Therefore, Fu Liuhui was not bewitched by the sword intentions of Jianzhong, and wanted to enlighten himself.

Qi Lei felt a cordial source of thunder, and burrowed into Fu Liuhui's arms again.

Wukong stared at it, and then buried himself in the study of the Three Jewels Ruyi Ring Sword.

This sword transports the three talents of heaven, earth and man, combines the principle of the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit, and explores the wonders of the three holes of truth, mystery and spirit.

In addition, the three rings are a metaphor for the past, future, and present, and can evolve into the three realms of color, desire, and colorlessness.

In addition, the demonic way and evil method that comes with the Tianxie sword body.

It can be said that immortals, Buddhas, and demons have merged into one furnace, and everything that Fu Henghua has learned in this life can be added into it.

With a light tap, the sword body and hilt disappeared.The ring sword regained three gold hoops and put them on the wrist.

Du Huaiyuan cleaned the sword mound, and after losing the Heavenly Evil Sword Qi, the operation of the sword mound was obviously smoother.

He was happy in his heart: Although this kid came from nowhere, it was a good thing to take away the evil in the sword mound.I won't hold him accountable, it's a crime of trespassing on the Sword Tomb.

Hidden Sword Island was built by the Yanlong Cultivation Family.Except for Du Huaiyuan's family and the major families, no outsiders are allowed to enter without permission.

As a member of the Fu family, Fu Henghua can come and go freely, and has long forgotten the rule that outsiders are not allowed to enter.

Du Huaiyuan didn't pursue it, and saved Fu Henghua's explanation.

The two stood on one side, watching Fu Liuhui fully realize the sword intent of his life.

"The sword intent has been born, it's time to refine the sword pill."

Du Huaiyuan took a shot and took the sword pill that Fu Xuanxing was practicing.After refining and purifying with Yuanying's mana, throw the silver pill to Fuliuhui.

"Girl, quickly put the sword intent into the sword pill."

Seeing that Thunder and Jianwan are about to merge, Wukong throws the three rings.

The Tianxie sword manifested out of thin air, and the black sword body knocked the sword pellets into the air.

"The Dao sword is inside, and it is the best method. Why do you need to pretend to be a sword?"

Wukong said with a smile: "My teacher Bodhi Patriarch once taught a technique of 'inner raising sword fetus'.

"The body is used as a furnace, and the gas is used as a sword. The heart fire is generated, the lung wind is released, the liver wood is used as charcoal, the spleen soil is used as mud, and the kidney water is adjusted to form a furnace."

He sat down and talked about the art of raising fetus with Dao sword.

Not only Fu Liuhui, but also Du Huaiyuan was quite enlightened after hearing it.

The energy of the five elements flows in the body to form a furnace.

Then use the Dao sword technique to inject the natal sword intent into it.

When the sword fetus is formed, the day when the golden core enters the Tao.

Fu Liuhui heard what Wukong said, and suddenly remembered some Taoist formulas he had seen in the Langhuan Pavilion.

Blessed to the heart, she gave up making sword pills, and turned to the dantian with the sword intent of her natal god, recalling the five elements Tao Jue taught by Fu Henghua, and turning the energy of the five internal organs into a sword furnace.

Du Huaiyuan stared at the girl and frowned secretly: "The Dao Sword School?"

Wukong said with a smile: "Sword repair, sword repair, if you don't practice Dao sword, don't realize Dao mind, what kind of sword repair is it? Going to study sword tactics and sword weapons, isn't it just a waste of money?"

Du Huaiyuan laughed, and said with a sneer: "If you say this, a violent master will fight you on the spot."

Sword repair is a big school of immortality.It is juxtaposed with Fuxiu and Danxiu.

In this school of systems, sword masters and sword fairies have different understandings of swords, thus forming systems with different concepts.

At present, the three most mainstream schools are Daojian School, Lingjue School and Shenbing School.

"I'm not a sword cultivator. Besides, this is what my master Bodhi Patriarch said, and it has nothing to do with me. If you have the ability, go to Samsung Cave to talk about swords with my master."

Du Huaiyuan sized up the boy Wukong, and tentatively said: "I have never heard of the name of Patriarch Bodhi. I think he is a hidden world Gaozhen? Is he the master of Daojian sect?"

The Taoist Sword School believes that swords are like Taoism, and there are Dao swords and Dharma swords.The Dao sword is inside, cutting away troubles and distracting thoughts, and cultivating the original body of sword energy inside.The magic sword is outside, and it is a sword that is impressive in the world.

According to the cognition of this school, no matter whether it is sword intent or sword energy, as long as it is used to subdue demons and arouse celestial phenomena, they are all magic swords.It is analogous to Danxiu and Fuxiu's spells and talismans.

Only Dao sword is the foundation of practice, the only way to achieve Taoism.

This faction is represented by Tianyang Sword Saint, and Fu Beidou is also considered this faction.Entering the Jindan realm with Dao swordsmanship, the strength is far superior to that of the same generation, and they are all elites.

"My master understands the heavens and the earth, and has a myriad of mysteries in his chest. As for the Dao sword, he just dabbled in it, and he didn't practice it himself."

"That's our Spirit Art Sect."

The Lingjue sect believes that Taoism and swords are illusory, and it is empty talk about the heart of the sword.It is not as good as Jian Jue and Jian Jue.Powerful sword moves and sword tactics are the confidence for a sword cultivator to kill monks in the same realm.Through sword formulas and sword moves, one can understand the meaning of the sword and enhance one's strength.The higher the strength, the higher the level will naturally be.

The East China Sea Sword Sect falls into this category.In Yanlong, Baizhen and other waters, monks are mostly like this.

Boy Wukong shook his head, he didn't expressly object to Du Huaiyuan's statement.

The Lingjue sect has a strong momentum, and all colleagues who study sword tactics and comprehend the meaning of swords will be counted into this sect.

Yanlong is in danger, and the monks are pursuing to improve their combat power, and they will more or less study a sword formula.If you practice to the extreme, you will naturally have sword intent.

Fu Danwei is honored as "Fulong Sword Immortal".But he himself does not have a sword fetus, and he is not a serious swordsman.The sword cultivator of the Lingjue sect gave him an honorary title.

If you have sword intent and know how to use brilliant sword tactics, then you are a sword cultivator!

But Fu Danwei himself, like Fu Henghua, believes that the authentic way of kendo is "cultivating the sword internally and practicing the sword externally".

After some time passed, Fu Liuhui opened his eyes.

A sword shadow appeared in the thunder pool above her head, and it gradually dispersed with the sound of thunder.


The silver sword pill was held in the hand, and the sword intent of the gods was poured into the sword pill.

With a clang, the sword pill shot out a three-foot sword light, turning into a golden thunder flying sword and flying around her.

Du Huaiyuan praised: "Young Girl's sword intent is good, and she explained the way of thunder. Swords are meant to focus on killing and cutting. Thunder is also the manifestation of killing and cutting from heaven and earth. If the two are combined, the power of your magic sword must be far superior to that of your peers."

Fu Liuhui put away the sword pill and thanked the two of them.

Wukong said: "No need to thank you. This is your own chance. It's a pity that you don't have a Leidao Immortal Sword in your hand. Otherwise, you can try the sword cultivation technique of the Shenbing Sect."

The Shenbing faction believes that the root of sword cultivation lies in the sword weapon.Powerful magic weapons and swords are the reliance of sword cultivation and enlightenment.It is matched with the "Cultivating Sword and Yuanyuan Method" to extract sword essence through natal swords for oneself to break through the realm and enhance mana.

The Yuming Sword Master in Xuanyu Water Area is like this.He got a fairy sword in his early years, borrowed the power of the fairy sword to practice the art of raising swords, and stepped into the ranks of catastrophe immortals.

Fu Xuanxing has a fairy sword scabbard in his body, and if he is practicing kendo, he is most suitable for this category.

Fu Liuhui said indifferently: "The way of the sword is based on the heart. The magic sword is already an outsider way, let alone a sword weapon?"

Du Huaiyuan suddenly became displeased: "What do you mean by dharma swords? You people have outstanding talents and extraordinary family backgrounds, and you can practice Dao swords from the very beginning. We stupid people have worked hard to practice sword moves in hundreds of rounds of cold and heat, so as to understand swords Meaning becomes Dao. Isn’t it counted as a sword cultivator?”

The chain of contempt within the Sword Cultivator is no smaller than the discrimination between the Thirteen Waters.

The three major factions discriminate against small schools such as the Sword Formation School and the Sword Killing School.

The Daojian School and the Lingjue School look down on the Shenbing School's fake foreign objects to achieve Taoism.

In the end, the Taoist Sword Sect still looked down on people like the Lingjue Sect.I despise them for not practicing sword heart and not knowing the foundation of Dao sword.

"After the formation of the Sword Embryo, the Spirit Jue Sect is not much different from the Dao Sword Sect. It is nothing more than a lack of experience in xinxing."

This loss, Fu Danwei himself suffered.

The Lingjue school only pays attention to the powerful swordsmanship and sword intent, which leads to the lack of xinxing, and often leads to madness, or being lured into falling into the devil.


Eight hundred miles north of Hidden Sword Island, the Lord of the Blood Demon Hall and the Lord of the Seven Kills came hand in hand.

Opposite them was a blind swordsman.

At this moment, there was a trace of demonic energy on the surface of the real person.

Sensing the ferocious demonic nature of Master Xuanjian, the two palace masters looked dignified.

"Sure enough, it is the way of the sword demon, this guy is going to be enchanted."

As soon as the sword demon came out, it matched the fate of the devil emperor.It's troublesome for the two of them to work together.

The two hall masters looked at each other, and the sea of ​​blood quickly spread on the water.The Seven Kills Sword rose from the sky, echoing the Seven Kills Star above the nine heavens.

"The seven evil spirits rush to the moon."

Seven jet-black evil spirits coiled around the magic sword, and the world suddenly went dark.

"Double Demon Realm?"

Master Xuanjian said indifferently: "It seems that you are here to prevent me from taking the Evil Emperor Sword?"

Evil Emperor Sword?
The second hall master looked blank.

But the offensive was even more ferocious, and the seven-kill sword move was life-threatening.The sea of ​​blood of all spirits turned into three thousand blood god sons, and slaughtered the real Xuanjian from the dark.

The real person slowly opened his eyes, and the sun and moon sword light burst out instantly, and the attack approaching him was destroyed at this moment.

The sun and the moon shine together.

The sword energy pierced through Xiaohan, arousing Du Huaiyuan's vigilance.

"Someone is fighting swords in the hot water? Wait... is this Brother Xuanjian?"

Daoist Xuanjian is the Nascent Soul Grandmaster of the Lingjue series.

He got a sword formula "Sun Moon Reaching Heaven Sword Classic" inherited from Shenzhou, which is the ultimate classic.

But there is a prerequisite for the practice of this sword scripture: if you want to practice this skill, you must first poke your eyes.

This is a practice that only the blind can practice.It is necessary to use the eye sockets without eyeballs to accumulate sword energy and sword energy.

Many monks who got this sword formula hesitated.

Only Daoist Xuanjian made a decisive decision and practiced his sword with his own eyes.

This person is a sword fanatic and has been obsessed with the way of swords all his life.

Du Huaiyuan thought about it: Tianyang Sword Master commented that he was only one step away from becoming a demon, so he advised him to put down his sword practice, calm down, and calm down.Is it possible...

Without thinking, he hurried over to watch the battle.

"You two are free, go away quickly!"

Boy Wukong and Fu Liuhui looked at each other, and they walked out of the sword mound.

On the way, Wukong pointed out: "You are still a step late in practicing Taoism and swordsmanship. If you start practicing Daojian Zhengfa during the Qi refining period, you will achieve even greater achievements."

The Dao sword is inside, and it has been tempered a thousand times.

The most orthodox Dao sword method requires three sword castings.

For the first time in the gas refining period.Refining the gas, conceiving the sword furnace in the body.When the sword is completed, the sword energy of natal dao will be achieved.

The second time is in the foundation building period.Refining qi to restore spirit, and then raising the sword furnace in the body, nourishing the sword qi and sword intent with the five internal organs and five elements, until the sword embryo is achieved.

The third time is in the Jindan stage.Refining the gods to return to the void, the sword fetus is raised in the sword furnace, until the heavenly sword is released, and one step flies to the immortal.

Dao swordsmanship is aimed directly at the immortals, which is comparable to the traditional swordsmanship of the Didian Xianjue.

It's a pity that Fu Henghua gained comprehension of Dao sword only when he was forced to learn sword by the old man in the past two years.

Fu Liuhui's initial practice of swordsmanship was still the thinking of the Yanlong Waters Lingjue school.Practice swords first, and then turn to the right way of swordsmanship.

"Would you like to try Sangong?"

"I have already cultivated sword qi and sword intent. It is not necessary to forge a sword for the first time. Right now, my Shenxiao sword qi is no worse than others."

The jade hand was raised slightly, and the three-foot silver light shone.

Sword Qi, the true essence of sword repair.

Normal monks gather the innate Qi to form Dan Yuan.

The sword cultivator refines the innate qi into sword qi.Sword Qi is also the magic power of true essence, but it is more lethal than Danyuan, so the combat power of sword repair is tyrannical.

"Since it's not bad, how about doing me a favor by the way?"

Wukong invited: "There are red dragons haunting Yanshui, and I am looking for a few people with strong swordsmanship to slay dragons together."

"Slaying the dragon?"

The two walked to the gate of Jianzhong, Fu Xuanxing had been waiting for a long time.

Hearing the dragon slaying, he jumped out immediately.

When he saw the round-faced boy next to Fu Liuhui, Fu Xuanxing was vigilant and looked Wukong up and down.

"who are you?"

Wukong resisted the urge to hit someone, and bragged about the origin again, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoists have very pure sword energy, why don't you come to help too? In addition to the two, I also invited two fellow Daoists from the Fu family to help. One is practicing "Ziqing Tiandaolu", and the other is good at Gushu."

Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister?
Fu Liuhui's eyes sank: "Have you seen them?"

"Master told me that this dragon slaying incident has a lot to do with the Fu family, so I must be looking for you."

Fu Liuhui and Fu Xuanxing looked at each other, and at the same time thought of the Fulong jade sword on the young man.

Influenced by Fu Danwei, this sword is the best against dragons.

Could it be that it should be here?

While the two were thinking, Bai Longma and Ji Yunshu rushed over.

Ji Yunshu: "Master asked us to help and save Daoist Ye Long."

Seeing one man and one horse, Fu Henghua was determined: the manpower to deal with Chilong is complete!
 There will be a chapter to add later.

(End of this chapter)

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