
Chapter 182 Good and evil are rewarded, the heart ape travels at night as a wandering god

Chapter 182 Good and evil are rewarded, the heart ape travels at night as a wandering god
Shenxian Zixuan wanders on the water.

The wound was still aching.

But compared to the last time he broke his arm, this time he felt a sense of relief and peace.

"At least this time, I did it voluntarily. If Fellow Daoist Fu survives, he can save more people. Avoid... prevent my experience from happening again."

Shenxian Zixuan met Fu Danwei hundreds of years ago.At that time, he was almost captured by an elder of the Demon Sect to make alchemy.Only with Fu Danwei's help can he avoid the calamity of refining medicine.

Getting along with Fu Danwei, he realized for the first time that there are such great wishes in the world, not chivalrous people who practice for themselves.

Under Fu Danwei's infection, Shenxian Zixuan germinated compassion and turned into a doctor to treat the wounded in various waters.

Regardless of the immortals, if you meet, you will save each other as much as you can.

Until in the waters of Baizhen, he was schemed by Yulan Trading Co., and his arm was broken.

Although Fu Danwei had reminded him earlier that people's hearts are sinister and he had to guard against them.

However, he was assassinated by the people he saved, and led his family members to find his place of practice, and cut off one of his arms.

The psychological pain is far greater than the pain of a broken arm.

hate it?


But more, is it sad?
In this world, there are heroes like Fu Danwei.Naturally, there are also treacherous and vicious villains like Yulan Trading Company.

But experiencing this experience personally made Shen Xian disheartened.

Before I knew it, it was dusk.

"Junior pays homage to Senior Sanxian."

The arrival of Fu Henghua awakened Zi Xuan.

Looking around, I have already arrived in the west of Yanlong.

Seeing Fu Henghua salute, Hengshou quickly knelt down and was shocked.

In this life, apart from his parents and grandparents, Fu Henghua has also bowed down to the Great Elder.

With his young master's temper, it is not an easy task to make him willingly bend his knees.

"Get up quickly."

Shen Xian wanted to help, but suddenly remembered that his arms were broken and his original body was damaged.

He was about to support Fu Henghua with his vitality, but the boy had already stood up by himself.

"My junior, Fu Henghua, is the sixth generation descendant of Baihuangtang. You sacrificed your body to save your grandfather's life. Please return to Panlong Island with me. The Fu family will do their best to heal you."

Go to Beaulieu Island?

Shen Xian wanted to agree, but thinking of the experience of Yulan Trading Company, he silently shook his head.

After that experience, he no longer has much affection for the human race.

The only favor lies with Fu Danwei.

The reason why he let go of his arm is also to get rid of all the ties in the world.

In this life, I will never enter the world again, and I will spend my old age in Changqing with peace of mind.

Suddenly, a pure life force surged from the young man.

Fu Henghua operated the "Fortune Huiyuan Gong" to heal the old man.

He knew Vodanwei's temper too well.

If the old man learns that someone has made such a sacrifice for himself.How could he just sit back and watch?If he goes out of the island and ruins his body, even if he has panacea and exercises, it will be difficult to prove the Tao.

"I'm not a grandfather, so you don't have to believe me. But—"

In order to secure Shenxian's heart, Fu Henghua generously made an oath with the Donglai Gold List, and even gave half of Xiyang to Shenxian.

"This thing is of great benefit to the cultivation of the seniors, and I can take it as my family's thanks to you."

Seeing Xi Rang, Shen Xian's expression changed, and he quickly pushed back: "I can't, I can't, I can't bear such a precious thing."

Breathing soil, soil is a treasure.

For grass and tree elves like him, it can be regarded as an opportunity to become enlightened.

Fu Henghua forcibly shot Xi Rang into Shenxian's body.

"You saved grandfather's life, not to mention Xi Rang, even if I gave you a low-grade spirit vein, I wouldn't complain."

Fu Henghua tried his best to make Shen Xian let down his guard a little bit.

Apart from his respectful attitude, Fu Henghua's good fortune and true essence also made Shen Xian quite fond of him.

Good fortune is the foundation of all living things.

Fu Henghua practiced the avenue of good fortune, and he has the most affinity for the plant spirits like Shenxian who are close to the vitality of good fortune.

"You can rest assured that my grandfather is on Panlong Island. What can we do wrong? My family has raised a lot of heaven and earth elves. There is a jade rabbit, which is also made of wood essence. I can definitely talk to you."

"Jade Rabbit?"

Shen Xian showed a vigilant look, and immediately dispelled the thought of making a move just now.

Although they are all wood spirits, the Jade Rabbit eats herbs and is the natural enemy of Shenxian!

Heng Hua quickly thought of this, and lightly slapped his lips: "This junior is thinking too much. But don't worry, I will lend you the Xuanhuo Fan. If the little Nianzhang dares to act recklessly, you will burn her tail."

Seeing the young man holding out the Xuanhuo Bird Feather Fan, Shen Xian's eyes moved slightly.Then he looked at Fu Henghua carefully, his eyes full of nostalgia.

"You are their child. That's right, you should be this old. Forget it, I'll go back with you. Fellow Daoist Fu and I haven't seen each other for many years."

Shenxian put down his guard and returned to Panlong Island with the two of them.

At night, Beaulieu Island is brightly lit.

Fu Danwei was at the ferry in front of the island, and Fu Yongbao and the Fuyinggu couple who had just rushed back were trying to persuade him to stay calm.

Seeing that Fu Henghua invited Shenxian back.

Fu Yinggu heaved a sigh of relief: "Look, Heng Hua has brought him back. Don't worry, let's go back to the main hall and talk slowly."

When Fu Danwei saw Shenxian Zixuan, he bowed his hands away and returned to the Panlong Hall first.

"Senior. The old man refuses to use your real body as medicine, so he will definitely return your body and exercise kung fu to help you heal your injuries. You don't need to speak, we will persuade him."

Shenxian Zixuan nodded silently.

When the group returned to Panlong Hall, Fu Danwei signaled Deng Lan to return the wooden box to Shenxian.

He understood that Shen Xian broke two arms in a row, and his vitality was greatly damaged.If you can't take a good rest, I'm afraid you won't even be able to preserve your Golden Core cultivation base.

Fu Henghua hurried forward and whispered in Fu Danwei's ear: "Don't worry, I've already given Xiyang to senior to heal his wounds."

interest soil.

Hearing this word, Vodanwei couldn't help being surprised.

Quickly looking at his grandson, Heng Hua continued: "Senior was injured outside and lost an arm. I still need your help to decide this revenge."

Fu Danwei looked at Shenxian Zixuan, and suddenly said: "Yulan Trading Company?"

Zi Xuan hesitated and nodded silently.

The temperature in the hall dropped sharply, and everyone felt the anger surging from Fu Danwei.

"Would it be that group of people deliberately injured themselves, tricked you into helping them heal their injuries, and then lost their vitality. Then they secretly cast a mark, locked you in retreat, and got cut off by force?"

Shen Xian smiled wryly.

"I told you a long time ago that the world is dangerous and you should not leave the island easily. For a noble person like you, it is better to practice in the mountains with peace of mind!"

Seeing that Fu Danwei was angry, Heng Hua hurriedly beat his legs and shoulders to appease the old man.

"A group of heretic monks, why are you always angry with them?

"The most important thing right now is your own cultivation. When you become a Nascent Soul, let the news out. Why don't Yulan Firm come to apologize? Those people are used to seeing the wind and wind, how dare they bear the anger of a Nascent Soul Grandmaster?

"If senior's dao body is not used by them as medicine, we can get it back at that time. Let's find a way to get the broken arm back. In this way, senior Shenxian can recover part of his cultivation.

"One for one, there is no harm to senior Shenxian. Instead, I got the treasure I gave, and I hope to turn into a baby in the future.

"Think about it again, without you, senior Shenxian will be missed by Yulan Trading Company, will he still have a clean life in the future?"

Fu Henghua knew Fu Danwei's character well, so he said a lot of things beside him, and finally got Fu Danwei to acquiesce temporarily, and used this ginseng body as medicine.

"Fellow Daoist, just recuperate on Panlong Island. The old man is here, and I will definitely protect you. As for your hatred...

"Repaying kindness with kindness and revenge with hatred are the ideas I have always advocated. Now my family is having a sword fight in the East China Sea, and I have no time to help you. When I come back to testify, I will definitely go to Yulan Trading Company to ask for an explanation for you."

Shenxian Zixuan didn't want Fu Danwei to die early, so he thanked him according to his words.

Seeing that the three major medicines had arrived, Fuyinggu had long nights and dreams, so he immediately began to clean up and prepare the medicinal materials.

This step can be done by the Fu family themselves without the need of four alchemy masters.

Fu Yongbao sent Shenxian to Jingfenglin to heal his injuries.

Fu Yinggu and Fu Henghua walked out of the hall and discussed: "Now the elixir is complete. Yao Zhen, Mai Yuan and the others can come back. Find a way to spread the news so that they can return as soon as possible."

"They won't be able to help when they come back. Let them hang around outside, maybe there are other opportunities? The red algae waters are rich in wood, so it's always good to find some wood essence and wood spirit energy."

Fu Henghua and Fu Yinggu parted ways at the fork, and returned to Langhuan Hall with Xiaoyu Hengshou.

Xiaoyu lit the lamp, and Hengshou accompanied Fu Henghua.

After sitting quietly for a while, Fu Henghua said to the two of them: "I want to continue to retreat and use the Dream Returning Immortal Technique, and you help me protect the law."

Xiaoyu and Hengshou looked at each other with expressions of helplessness.

Growing up together, they knew Fu Henghua's temper well.

"The young master intends to help Senior Sanxian uphold justice?"

"That matter, after the old man proves the Tao in the next year, he will make the decision for him. I don't like Yulan Trading Company, and I want to teach them a lesson. You don't need to persuade me, I will not use the identity of the Fu family during this trip."

Fu Henghua went upstairs, set up a formation and continued to sleep.

Jin Gong's incarnation fled from the dream and transformed into the body of Wukong again.

Under the night sky, Fu Henghua's heart was surging.

Walking out of the island with this body is very different from the state of mind when traveling on the body.

When the body goes out, one must always keep one's identity reserved, and be wary of the reputation and interests of the Fu family.

But put on the identity of Wukong, if you have the ability, you can go to Samsung Cave for revenge, otherwise I will do it, how do I do it!
Riding the wind, Heng Hua used deduction techniques to touch the big ship where Lu Xin was.

"It's the three of them?"

Heng Hua recalled that day, Lu Xin deliberately asked him to appraise the fan, and quietly boarded the boat.

Wukong's body is formless and formless, it is formed by the mind and ape, which is analogous to the movement of the golden elixir and the yin spirit.Although Nan Guo Yannian on the boat was a fake Dan monk, he couldn't detect it.

At this moment, Lu Xin is checking a jade box with Nan Guo Yannian.

In the box, there are three tiny purple whiskers.

"Master Nan Guo, the Fu family is proficient in divination, they might notice it, so let's put it on you."

Nan Guo Yannian generously put away the Xuanjin ginseng.

"Don't worry, as long as Fulong Sword Fairy doesn't come in person, no one else will be afraid."

Fu Henghua sneered when he heard this.

If you judge others by yourself, if you behave in a humble manner, you will do the same when you are my family?
Violent emotions welled up in his heart, Heng Hua originally wanted to burn this group of people with a fire.

But think about it again: If you attack them at this moment, the golden ginseng will be lost.Yulan Trading Company must think that the Fu family stole the elixir to silence them.

Heng Hua thought: I travel as Wukong, I don't want to involve the Fu family, let them go for the time being, and go to the head of Yulan Trading Company.When you go to Baizhen to make trouble, even if your house is burned down, it will not involve my house.

However, Jin Gongxin's ape body contained all kinds of evil thoughts of Fu Henghua, and he was unwilling to make this group of people feel better.

Dive directly underwater and lure a large group of nixie to this immovable reef.

After finishing all this, he rushed to the waters of Baizhen in the breeze.

The heart ape is invisible and qualityless, and the speed of escape is far faster than the physical body.Several hours later, before the rooster crowed, we arrived at the Baizhen Waters.

He searched for a treasury of Yulan Trading Company, but Henghua didn't even look at it, and immediately set it on fire.

Then Wukong jumped into the cloud head, looking for the direction, and went to the Lu family's base camp.

 "Tian Yi Yi Xian Zhuan" the third of the strange immortals, Shenwang.

  The king of herbs, the essence of ten thousand trees, and the friend of Dong Xia Fu Danwei.Physician Physician entered the WTO and enshrined the ancestor of the Immortal for the doctor.He once broke his arm to help Yizu achieve Taoism, and he also achieved his own Taoism. The world thinks it is a good talk.Later, the Changqing Kingdom was established, and it was the head of the world's grass and tree spirits, second only to Bodhi and Tianshi Patriarch.

(End of this chapter)

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