
Chapter 183

Chapter 183
Baiyun Island, Lu family.

Just from the perspective of spiritual veins, the Lu family with two inferior first-grade spiritual veins is no better than the previous Fu family.

But it is a pity that spiritual veins are not equivalent to monks after all.Although the Lu family has Golden Core cultivators, their combat power is too weak compared to Yanlong Waters.

Fu Henghua came in the incarnation of Jin Gong, stood outside the Baiyun water area, felt the weak energy, and fell into deep thought.

"Excluding the group of backers behind it, just look at Yulan Trading Company itself. Any of the four of my Eastern Regions can win it alone."

Not far away, there are two clansmen on the first floor of the foundation.

Heng Hua pondered: It would be easy to solve the problem by letting the youngest cousin, Sun Yuntong, without the two brats Peng Ming and Bai Min.

"Even the servant who grows and waters my flowers is not so weak."

Fu Henghua didn't want to say anything bold, but he really felt that he was sure that he would wipe out the entire Lu family in three days.

In the center of Baiyun Island, there is a Golden Core Qi Machine.

White clouds are curling up, and the sun is shining brightly.

This is the fifth grade alchemy, Baiyun Feilan pill.

"Even if it's a Golden Core cultivator, what's the difference between a fifth-class Golden Core and a fake one? If you don't cultivate your xinxing, I can force him to go mad with a magic trick."

The quality of the pill formation determines the strength of combat power and the level of cultivation potential.In Heng Hua's eyes, the fifth-rank alchemy was really weak.

"Rolling in the world of mortals, the six desires are obsessed with the mind. The secularization of Baizhen is still above Yanlong. The monks here don't cultivate their minds, but only seek the Dharma. It's too bad."

Wukong's body floated into Danxia Islet on the far left of Baiyun Water District.

There is a fake Dan monk named Lupinhe on the island.

"Spiritual man, he has practiced for 800 years, the water dragon travels Chaodan, the ninth grade alchemy."

The wind blew by, and the sword light fell silently.

Heavenly Demon Zhannian Sword.

Although it is called a sword, it is not a sword formula, but a magical method of heavenly demons, which can kill all kinds of thoughts in people's hearts.

The sword light swept across, and the monk's heart to the Tao was suppressed by the magic.

In an instant, there were six thieves in clusters, and the seven emotions were fascinated, recalling all kinds of things since the practice in this life in his mind.

Poisoned his elder brother, raped his younger sister, and plotted against his biological father...

All kinds of experiences rose up in my mind, turning into all kinds of demons and shaking my mind.


A mouthful of blood was spat out, Lu Ping and his meridian flowed backwards, and his mind was insane.

"It's not me...it's not me, it's you guys...it's your fault!"

He rushed out frantically and started killing on the island.

"Cultivating immortality first cultivates the heart. Is this kind of person worthy of Taoism?"

Fu Henghua shook his head, and Jin Gong's avatar was blown by the wind, heading to the next place.

In Baizhen, there are endless examples of monks going crazy.

They prefer to be realistic than to talk about Xuan Xiuxin.

Take elixirs and refine spirit jade.

Mana growth is the real thing.

Therefore, the cultivators here have extremely poor xinxing cultivation, which can be called the best slaughterhouse for demons.

Fu Henghua acted recklessly, causing several monks to become demons in one breath, causing riots in Baiyunshui District.

On Panlong Island, a group of Golden Core cultivators were by his side, Xiaoyu Hengshou watched all day long, and Fu Henghua had to be careful when performing magic skills.

Fu Henghua has no scruples about being able to come out in Wukong's body.

"Heavenly Demon's Myriad Wonders Collection" can increase one's own practice by attracting people into magic.In just this moment, Duke Jin's mana increased by [-]%.

Putting this cultivation level into the Three Treasures Ruyi Ring Sword, he drove the sword and pointed it at Baiyun Island.

Just as he was on the island, a flame burst out from the center of the island.

Fu Henghua quickly stopped the flying sword and quietly hid to one side.

The Bingling Baoyan was burning fiercely in the warehouse.

White clouds condensed in the sky, and a big hand slapped towards the warehouse.While extinguishing the fire, a thin gray shadow was forced out.

An old man shouted from Yun Qi: "It's you again."

After the two had a brief confrontation, Hui Ying laughed: "That's right, I'm here again to seek a fellow Taoist to discuss the Dao."

A dark light flashed, and poisonous gas spread across the island.

Old Baiyun appeared in a hurry and wrestled with him.

After a hundred moves, another gray shadow flew out of the treasure house and merged with the thin gray shadow.

"Fellow Daoist, don't give it away."

The gray shadow quickly disappeared.

"This movement looks familiar, Wuxiangyouguangdun?"

After thinking about it, Fu Henghua didn't chase after him directly, but sneaked into the hinterland of Baiyun Island.

Old Baiyun looked at his poisoned black and blue palm.

Suddenly, a sword light fell in the air.

Not good!He's back again?

White clouds rose around the old man Baiyun.

But he practiced his skills hastily, and didn't realize the essence of the sword light at all.

The sword light is invisible, through the barrier of white clouds, the Heavenly Demon Zhannian sword falls.

Is this the Heavenly Demon secret technique?

Fortunately, the old man was carrying eight pieces of soul-protecting jade.

The eight pieces of Lingyu exploded at the same time, and the white light that subdued the demon counteracted the power of the demon.


Heng Hua was surprised, and then turned his sword move, Tianxie's sword intent was activated, layers of devilish energy blasted away the white clouds, and circled around the old man's neck.

Still no harm was done, and a surrogate peach talisman was burned on the old man.

After all, Bai Zhen's monks are rich.

After Fu Henghua sighed, he simply didn't keep his hand anymore, and exploded three pieces of peach charms and five pieces of spiritual jade on the old man.

The swordsmanship is smooth and smooth, and the old man was "killed" seven times before he could see the bright hall.

"Such an exquisite sword technique, is this person a sword cultivator?"

Seeing the nurses coming, the old man cast Yundun and hurriedly fled to the back.

"This man is very good at swordsmanship, let's set up the formation quickly!"

Heng Hua thought: This old man is a bit weak.In comparison, it's Wei Zhiwen's level, right?

At this time, more than a dozen nurses joined forces to fight over and set up the 12 Yuanchen magic circle.

Seeing these Xuantai monks with mixed mana, Fu Henghua shook his head.

Another sword fell, and everyone was full of demons, Heng Hua jumped to chase the thin gray figure in front of him.


After chasing for a long time, Heng Hua came to a green hill, and the beautiful river and mountains were covered with green waves.

Without showing up, Fu Henghua stood in the dark for a while, then turned and left.

On a big tree, the white ape turned back into a thin man.

He rubbed his goatee: "This kid is not stupid, did he discover the forbidden law trap I left behind?"

Suddenly, a black sword light fell from behind.

Yu Yuyu's complexion changed, and he turned into a white ape, and a white sword light with his backhand was facing the black sword.

The third move of the White Ape Sword Technique is Baihong chasing Xia.

But the opponent had already expected that when Yu Yuyu made a move with the third move, the black sword light used the seventh move "White River Sunset" to destroy it.

"Huh? How do you know the White Ape Sword Technique? Wait, how did you get in? Dakong Breaks the Forbidden Technique?"

Heng Hua did not appear as a boy with a round face, but with his true colors.

"I'll help you complete the White Ape Sword Technique, why not?"

"Is that your kid?"

Heng Hua said with a smile: "Senior Yu, you are so polite, what are you doing here at Yulan Firm?"

Seeing Fu Henghua, Yu Yuyu felt at ease.

"There are some things in the business, let me borrow them."

As he spoke, he took out a black leather bag, shook it lightly, and piles of treasures flew out of it.

There are panacea, magical treasures and talismans, as well as classics of exercises and treasures of heaven and earth.

Yu Yuyu picked a jade box inside and threw it to Henghua.

"Here you are, something that saved your grandfather."

No need to look, Fu Henghua knows what's inside.

"Send it back, send it back. I have it at home."

Fu Henghua said disgustedly: "Bring it now. Later, Yulan Trading Company released the news that they lost their treasure. And it just so happened that my family got Xuanjin Ginseng, so I can't explain it clearly."

Although Shenxian took the initiative to break his arm, there will always be some villains who will compare their hearts and guess the Fu family's secret theft.

"Your family got it? Where did it come from?"

Heng Hua informed about joining the Immortal Zixuan.

After hearing this, Yu Yuyu sighed and sighed a few times.

Then asked: "You came this time to help find a place? Your grandfather ordered it?"

Fu Henghua shook his head: "I can't see it myself, so I came to teach the Lu family a lesson. Unexpectedly, I met senior."

Yu Yuyu helped steal Xuanjin Ginseng, and Fu Henghua was very grateful.

But he still persuaded: "You return the Xuanjin Ginseng, and wait for grandfather to successfully break through. He also generously invited Senior Shenxian to visit him a few times, and let him make decisions for him and avenge him. At that time, Yulan Trading Company couldn't sit still. I will take the initiative to come here to plead guilty. That way, I can also ask for compensation from Senior Shenxian."

Fu Henghua didn't like the style of Yulan Trading Company.

But he knows that if he wants to maximize his benefits, the best way to treat Shen Xian is to openly spread the news about his being injured.

In this way, if anyone dares to hurt him again in the future, they will have to consider Fu Danwei's backer.

Pou Linger resentfully said: "So, my trip is still in vain?"

Fu Henghua looked at the pile of treasures beside him.

Even if it was him, he couldn't help but marvel at the prosperity of the Baizheng trading houses.

"Haven't you gained a lot?"

"If you don't come, I can take it for myself. If you come, tell your grandfather... I'd better return it honestly."

Having said that, Duo Ling'er picked out a few maps from the inside and memorized them silently.

"I came here secretly, my grandfather won't know. I wanted to make a scene in Baizhen. Originally... I originally planned to use the name of Thief Heaven Alliance."

Yu Yuyu's expression changed, he quickly covered Heng Hua's mouth, and looked around.

"Don't talk nonsense, kid, what Thieves Heaven Alliance, how can there be Thief Heaven Alliance?"

"You taught me the art of thousands of transformations, and Senior Thief Immortal taught me the art of breaking the ban and the art of stealing the sky. Don't you plan to let me help you revive the Heaven Thief Alliance?"

Stealing Linger Yu Yuyu laughed dryly.

Although Pirate Immortal is a friend of Eastern Xia Fu Danwei, his desire to win has never ceased.

When I went to Panlong Island, I saw Fu Henghua's heavenly wisdom and mystical heart, so he pulled Yu Yuyu to teach Fu Henghua the art of stealing celestial beings.

At the beginning, the two really had the idea of ​​letting Fu Henghua re-establish the Thief of Heaven Alliance.

Think about it, Dong Xia's grandson ran off to steal.So……

As a result, Fu Danwei noticed and talked with the two of them in detail for three days and three nights with Fenghua jade ruler.

"Don't mess around, the news of Thieves Heaven Alliance spread. Not to mention your grandfather, Master Liu Yang and Bai Hezi will not just sit back and watch. Then the three of them will strip you naked, hang you at the gate and whip three thousand lashes .”

Heng Hua snorted lightly.

"Isn't that what Senior Liu did to you back then? I heard from my grandfather that in order to teach you a lesson, Senior Liu even smeared nectar on your bodies to attract bees and butterflies to suck it."

Recalling that his body was covered with bees, Yu Yuyu shuddered.

Why didn't any of the seven chief thieves get close to Master Liu Yang?The experience of that year is still fresh in their memory.

They respect Nan Xia at arm's length.

Fu Henghua just talked casually.

How dare you make the name of Thieves Heaven Alliance.Didn't the enemies provoked by Thief Heaven Alliance come to them one by one?

Legend has it that the Thief Heaven Alliance still keeps a Thief Heaven Secret Treasure, waiting for a comeback in the future.

If I pretend to be a member of the Heaven Thief Alliance, won't others come here to find the secret?

However, Fu Henghua did not intend to take advantage of the Lu family.

He looked at these things and had an idea.

"Senior, anyway, you have already offended the Lu family, why not make another scene with me?"

 Now there are [-] monthly tickets, and three more chapters will be added.

  It was originally planned to start three consecutive days from the day before yesterday.Unexpectedly, there was a delay yesterday.Four chapters are updated today to get rid of this plot.


  "Donglai Miscellaneous Notes Thieves Alliance":
  The seven thieves are sworn brothers, and they are known as the first thieves in the world.During the war between immortals and demons, he once fought against the demon palace and helped the immortals break the demons.Affected by this fate, after the Three Heroes broke the Heavenly Alliance, they left the Seven Thieves to return to justice.

(End of this chapter)

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