
Chapter 184 Yulan Lu's family is gloomy and gloomy

Chapter 184 Yulan Lu's family, the gloomy clouds are gloomy and tense (second update)

"Have you heard? The money bank of Yulan Trading Company was stolen."

"Stolen? I heard people say that his house was burned on Baiyun Island. It seems that the Five Spirit Talisman got out of control and caused a big explosion."

"No, no, someone is making trouble with the Lu family, saying: 'We are going to blow up all the warehouses of Yulan Commercial Bank.'"

"I heard that a few years ago, Yulan Trading Company sent people to Yanlong Waters to resell detonating talismans. As a result, the Wei family they supported was wiped out, and the account could not be cleared. Now the firm's detonating talisman turnover is tight, and it can't support the big one at all. Scale exchange."

"That's what I heard too. I plan to change it out first, so as not to bankrupt the bank."

"I'll go as well."

"Count me in."


Rumors spread in the waters of Baizhen, and many monks in Yuncheng felt worried, and went to Yulan Bank to exchange and extract detonating symbols and deposits.

There are thousands of islands in Baizhen, and there are hundreds of cloud cities for cultivation, and the bank of Yulan Commercial Bank occupies more than [-] cloud cities.Among the top ten commercial firms, the scale of momentum ranks fourth.

But right now, more than a dozen Yuncheng banks have started large-scale exchanges.

The bank managers were overwhelmed and had to find a way to appease the group.

Wenjin Yuncheng: "Tell them, three days later, except for the Sanxuan Talisman of the new decade, for each Talisman exchanged, a Moon Pearl will be given."

Defu Yuncheng: "Go to Qingban Island to get some detonating symbols! What, they are also being exchanged there? Contact Baiyun Island."

Qingban Island: "Remove a few exchange windows, and then invite the guards of Yuncheng to maintain order. Then limit the exchange limit, first exchange small sums, and monks who exchange large sums please go to the VIP room and persuade them to be safe and calm . If it’s really not possible, invite them to drink at the Bliss Building.”

The stewards showed their skills to deal with the crowds who came to exchange.

The same thought flashed in their minds: After this time, the boss must ask for more money, and my monthly salary should increase!


The water is vast, and Heng Hua and Yu Yuyu are eating pot on a fixed reef.

The tortoise shells of Shenluo Tianshu are spread on the rock, and Liuding's sacred fire is burning in the air, and a white jade pan dragon furnace is set on it.

This is the medicine stove of Dou Ling'er Pharmaceutical, and there are spirit materials such as bleeding bacteria, sesame grass, ginseng slices and so on.

On the side board, there are various green leaf herbs that can be used.

"Are you sure, the people from Yulan Trading Company will go this way?"

"Naturally. How can my Heluo make mistakes?"

Heng Hua rinsed the fish fillets carefully, and ate them slowly with a bowl.

As Senior Canglan said, Baizhen's green-spotted forehead fish is very tender.

Heng Hua: "The detonating talisman of Yulan Trading Company was indeed sold to the Wei family for a large sum. For this account, they came to find our four families later, but the Bao family gave it back."

How dare you ask us for a debt for helping the Wei family?Do you really think we dare not kill people?

"However, even if the detonating talisman is lost, the detonating talisman sealed inside the Yulan Trading Company is enough to deal with this run. Therefore, we will take this opportunity to intercept a few of their troops, and then lure other companies to take action."

In the distance, a sea boat sailed through the waves.

Yu Yuyu's body flashed, and when he reappeared, all the detonating symbols on the ship had been collected.

Heng Hua couldn't help sighing: As expected of the former thief leader, his movements are smart enough.

Yu Yuyu poked his spiritual sense into his pocket, and was startled: "Good guy, 100 million Sanxuan Detonating Talismans? The Lu family still has some wealth."

"He has so many family members, although they are all in the Qi refining period, and their combat power is weak. But the whole family can draw amulets together, and they can always deposit tens of millions of family assets."

The battle of the Cultivation Clan is all about throwing money.

Compared with money, Bai Zhen has more money than Yanlong.They prefer to use foreign objects such as talismans and magic weapons to fight money burning.

"Let's go to the next place."

Fu Henghua supported the pot with the turtle shell, and took Yu Yuyu to the next place.

After stealing again, continue to the next place.

It wasn't until the ship was handed over into Yuncheng that the detonating talisman disappeared.

The two of them tossed for a day and intercepted twelve talisman transport ships from the Yulan Trading Company, which lost 800 million Sanxuan detonating symbols.

The commercial firms got wind of it and immediately began to attack Yulan Commercial Firm.

"Stealing twelve ships a day, someone is deliberately targeting? Then take the opportunity to step on it."

"Let the word out, come to our house within three days to deposit the detonating talisman. Each talisman will give you two moon beads."

"Go and communicate with Yulan Trading Company. If they are willing to buy at a ratio of [-]:[-], we can support them to detonate the talisman."

The major commercial firms took advantage of the accident in Yulan Commercial Firm and stomped on it a few times.

But this kind of matter has nothing to do with Fu Henghua and the two of them.

They ate the pot and moved on to the next step.

Fu Henghua wrote a letter and randomly caught a carp and sent it to Baiyun Island.


Baiyun Island, Lu family.

Lu Baiyun called his sons together.

Everyone was gloomy, talking about the affairs of various banks.

Uncle Lu said: "The detonating talisman is just a small trouble. The key is other deposits, and some people have begun to extract them."

Baizhen is more secularized than Yanlong.

The bank of the Yanlong Xiuzhen family is only involved in the deposit and exchange of a few types of items such as detonating symbols.

However, in order to compete with each other for customers, Baiyu merchants dared to issue orders for all kinds of limited-time natural treasures and talisman pills.

Many of the treasures stolen by Ling'er were pills and talismans that nobles kept in Yulan Trading Company.

If those people come to ask for debts, Yulan Trading Company will pay to death this time.

Qi Ye: "I have blocked the news, but those few have not received the news for the time being. At present, there are only some gold essence and sesame grass to extract. Our family can handle it with mobilization. I am afraid... I am afraid that other companies will attack."

Elder Baiyun: "The family's marriage with Jinhe and Shiqin is speeding up.

"Competition with other commercial firms, if you can make concessions at present, make concessions as much as possible, in exchange for them remaining neutral on this matter.

"Also, have you found out the history of the sword and poison cultivators who shot?"

Lu Erye: "I have sent people to ask eight divination practitioners to make calculations. At present, six people have sent back news, and they cannot be calculated. The Jindan cultivator is involved behind the scenes."

Stealing Linger Pill into the fourth rank, although the combat power is not strong, but it is not so easy to calculate.Not to mention that Fu Henghua was using the "Seven Sages to Obsess the Heavens" on one side. Even if someone figured out one or two, it would involve the Temple of Heavenly Demons, and they would not dare to announce it at will.

"Fifth, here's the list. Take a look for my father."

Lu Wuye sent a list of lost property.

Among the array of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, Xuanjin Ginseng is not noticeable.Old Baiyun cared more about those maps.

Among them is a map of the Ancient Immortal Mansion, which is said to date back to the Battle of Extinguishing Evil.


This loss cannot be made up for in ten years.And the exploration of these immortal mansions will also be put on hold for the time being.

Just as he was thinking about it, someone suddenly came in with a carp in his hands.

"Grandfather, someone sent a letter."

The letter in the belly of the fish has been taken out.On the surface of the envelope, there is a strand of Qi Refining True Qi condensed from the "Soul Swallowing Jue", which is used to protect the letter in the belly of the fish.

Old Baiyun sneered: "He is a cautious person."

Knowing that he couldn't find the person by relying on the soul-swallowing zhenqi, the old man Baiyun directly opened the envelope.

After reading the contents inside, the old man fell into deep thought.

Uncle Lu: "Father, what does this letter mean?"

"The two thieves want a ransom."

"What do they want?" Various thoughts flashed through Lu Sanye's mind.

money?Impossible, they took so many detonating talismans and treasures of heaven and earth, and going to other commercial firms to exchange money was more practical than coming to Lu's house for money.

The Lu family couldn't even afford the price of 800 million three mysterious symbols in one go.

Not to mention the pile of treasures of heaven and earth, and classics of exercises.

Old Baiyun didn't speak.

Seeing the price offered by the other party, his heart tightened, and the evil thoughts of the demon that had been suppressed with great difficulty broke out again.

He silently recited the mantra of clearing his heart, and handed the list and letter to his eldest son.

"See for yourself."

Uncle Lu took it over and looked at it, his expression changed immediately: "They want spiritual veins?"

The spiritual vein is the foundation of the cultivation family.

In order for the blood of the younger generation not to deteriorate, they need spiritual veins for support.

Recently, the three major water areas have released rumors, and the spirit vein seems to have a new meaning and become more important.

Uncle Lu handed the letter to the other younger brothers.

After watching, everyone fell silent.

The inferior first-grade spiritual vein, what a big tone!How dare you want it!

"Father, did they get wind that we got the third inferior first-grade spiritual vein?"

The Lu family recently extracted an inferior first-grade spirit vein from Donglai Remains Island under the water.

"Impossible. We acted carefully. It was all done by our family. It took ten years to complete the extraction of the spirit veins. How could others know?"

For the inner nine waters except Yanlong, the biggest opportunity is Donglai Island.

Mining and excavating the Remains Island can obtain ancient treasures, spiritual materials, and even extract spiritual veins to build islands.

The Buxianzhou of the three major water areas evolved little by little in this way.

"Father, do you think it's someone from the Three Great Waters..."

Old Baiyun sighed: "I have already sent someone to report to Wuma Spirit Palace. I hope the ancestor Wuma can help us suppress it."

For example, the Four Sects of Yanshui are related to the Three Great Waters, and the Baiyi Trading Company is also related to many Nascent Soul Grandmasters in the Three Great Waters.

The commercial bank earns money and makes donations to the three major waters every year.This is also the relationship between the three major waters that are not contaminated with vulgar things, but are not short of natural resources and earthly treasures.

Baizheng Trading Company is the tool used by the Immortal Sect to earn cultivation materials for themselves.

At this time, another tribe came to report.

"Grandfather, someone from Nanyang Commercial Bank said that he is willing to provide us with detonating symbols."

Nanyang Firm.

The faces of the masters of the Lu family changed.

After the Ziyi Liu family withdrew from the South China Sea, they were displaced in various waters.

Recently, I don't know what kind of madness they have gone, and they insisted on building a commercial bank in Baizhen Waters.

Master Liu Yang, that's a serious figure on the Heavenly Spirit List.It is currently at 39.

When his firm comes in, do other firms dare to compete?

It can't be, it really makes Yuanying Patriarch come down frequently to suppress him, right?
Do you really think there is no one behind Master Liu Yang?
The Five Heroes can make a name for themselves with the backing of the Seven Patriarchs, the seven Nascent Soul Grandmasters.

Therefore, it is a tacit understanding shared by the top ten commercial banks to prevent Nanyang Commercial Bank from entering Baizheng.

Now if you borrow the detonating talisman from Nanyang Commercial Bank.Then other firms...

"Father, do you think what happened to us this time is the work of Nanyang Commercial Bank?"

The old man shook his head: "Nan Xia's personality is such that he can't do such a thing, and if it's really him..."

Recalling the power of Nan Xia in the past, old man Baiyun sighed: "We can only ask our ancestors to come forward and invite a few Jindan monks from Xuanyu to help."

(End of this chapter)

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