
Chapter 187 Survival in danger, Li Zi is not afraid of death

Chapter 187 Survival in danger, Li Zi is not afraid of death
"Okay, change back quickly. This appearance makes me panic."

Thief Sky Union dealt with Xuanming Demon Palace back then, and had some entanglements with Zhu Yu.

Heng Hua turned around and changed back to his original face.

Looking at the treasures of heaven and earth scattered all over the place, Yu Yuyu said, "Since they didn't take these things away, they belong to us."

Heng Hua shook his head: "After taking these, Yulan Trading Company will suffer a blow, maybe it will be completely destroyed, and it won't be able to pay for Shenxian's compensation next year.

"Furthermore, there are a lot of deposits in these treasures of heaven, material and earth. There are also brand marks left by fellow monks on them. In the land of Baizhen, they can still feel that they are owned by Yulan Trading Company. If they arrive at Yanlong , isn’t it just wearing a gang?”

Taking these things offends too many people.

On the contrary, it was the detonating talisman, which Heng Hua was very interested in.

But with 800 million detonating symbols in hand, if you don't want to spend them, it will be troublesome if the time limit expires.

Yu Yuyu patted his chest and said: "Leave this matter to me, I have a way to wash off these detonating symbols."

"800 million detonators, do you have a solution?"

"How many years of experience do I have? Experienced and experienced, naturally there is a way."

Heng Hua: "I only need 400 million, and the rest will be given to you. There are also spiritual veins, which will be divided into three parts. You and I will each get one part, and the remaining third will be refined into elixir to help senior Shenxian heal his wounds. "

Yu Yuyu: "I'll take care of this, just say that I got an earth essence pill on the way, which can help him heal his injuries."

The two ignored the treasures of heaven and earth scattered on Lingyu, Heng Hua took the bronze pot, and Yu Yuyu took away the 800 million detonating symbols.

Of course, they didn't do anything wrong.

Except for the hidden mark in Xuanjin Ginseng.All the classics of the exercises that were stolen were all rubbed in the Shenluo Heavenly Book.

And those few maps of the Ancient Immortal Mansion were faked by Heng Hua and sent back, but the real one was taken away by Yu Yuyu.

After the two left, Wu Madan became more and more wrong, and forced Lu Baiyun to send someone to check. When they saw the "Heavenly Demon Palace Master" leave, they came back again.

"Hmph, what is the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace? That person's cultivation base is inferior to mine. It's just relying on the weirdness of the Heavenly Demon's secret technique. When I get used to it, I will be able to win soon."

Seeing the treasures of heaven, material and earth scattered on the island, Lu Baiyun heaved a sigh of relief, and repeatedly apologized with a smile.


Heng Hua and Yu Yuyu left, but did not return to Yanlong at the same time.

Yu Yuyu switched the detonator and left first.Henghua went home alone, and Youyou woke up from the bed.

Seeing that Xiaoyu was not there, Heng Hua got up and went to the ground.

"This girl, what did she do? Did you agree to keep me?"

Walking to the first floor, Hengshou was cleaning the bookshelves.

"Where's Xiaoyu?"

Hengshou pointed to the door: "Help me sacrifice bamboo baskets."

Bamboo basket!


Heng Hua suddenly remembered.

I made a bamboo basket with thousands of treasures from the Tibetan Sea in the East China Sea. That thing needs to be sacrificed every day, otherwise it will return to its original shape.

Walking out of the gate, I saw the girl kneeling and sitting in a bush of flowers, with a purple bamboo basket floating above her head, and traces of Yimu's air flew into the bamboo basket from all directions.

Xiaoyu recited the mantra thirty times, closed the "Canglan Journey" in front of him, got up and handed the bamboo basket to Henghua.

"From now on, you can do the work yourself. Don't mess around every day, and we will clean up the aftermath for you."

Heng Hua was messing around all day in the Langhuan Pavilion.Then within a few days, they threw the things into the warehouse. I don't know if it will be useful or not in the end. There is a huge pile in the warehouse, and it is up to Xiao Yu and Heng Shou to clean it up.

"I know, I know."

From novels to adulthood, Heng Hua has long been used to it, and he will not change it anyway.

Heng Hua put away the bamboo basket and asked her: "What's the situation at home? Have they come back?"

"Haven't come back yet, the old man intends to let them practice in the red algae waters. As for the family—"

With a flash of white light, the jade rabbit threw herself into Heng Hua's arms. She clenched her small fists and beat Heng Hua's chest angrily.

Seeing the scorched hair of the rabbit's tail, Heng Hua was delighted: "You won't really run to trouble Senior Zixuan, will you?"

The true essence of good fortune brushed by, and the scorched black tail hair returned to whiteness.

Yutu resentfully huddled in Henghua's arms and did not speak.

Millennium black gold ginseng!

want to eat.

However, she rushed over, and Shen Xian subconsciously waved her feather fan, burning Nanming Li on fire.

Both she and Sanxian were taken aback.

"Speaking of eating, the young master's bamboo basket was almost eaten by Qingfeng two days ago."

"What is Qingfeng doing in Langhuan Pavilion?"

"Master Bai Min came here to look for books with him, and he was fascinated by reading. It was wandering around the Langhuan Pavilion. Fortunately, Hengshou found it in time to prevent the bamboo basket from suffering. But..."

"But what?"

"Your Mrs. Bamboo was bitten into a hole."

"Qing Nu?" Heng Hua's face changed, and then he waved his hand: "Forget it, I will change another one later. The broken one, let Qingfeng play with it."

Mrs. Bamboo, a bamboo weaving device for cooling off in summer.He is only loved by Henghua in summer, but now in the middle of winter, it is natural to "don't hear old people cry".

"Go back, make up another one for me."


In the Baizhen water area, in the past day alone, the headlines in the major cloud cities were all about the Yulan firm.

"The Lord of the Temple of Heavenly Demon appeared in surprise."

"Heavenly demons are coming! The city calls on residents to be careful when going out, and don't go out unless necessary."

"Heavenly demons are coming, prices are about to rise, everyone is actively stockpiling supplies."

The cities quickly went on the defensive.The commercial firms took out their accumulated goods and began to sell them at higher prices.

Yulan Trading Company finally breathed a sigh of relief.They deliberately passed the "news of the appearance of the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace" to the major cloud cities.Although the depository bank has been hit hard.However, other shops sold a lot of special products, which made up for their losses.

Moreover, they first snatched up a large number of materials such as Fumo Talismans and Zhenxin Jade from other firms, and sold them at high prices.

Heng Hua couldn't help admiring the behavior of Yulan Commercial Bank, which was trying to make money every minute and every minute.

But he is also very happy.If the commercial bank lasts until next year, it will be able to pay out the compensation for Shenxian.


Xuanming Demon Palace.

In Tianji Demon Palace, Zhang Yue, the divination demon, saw the black jade in his hand, and a big stone fell to the ground in his heart.

"I went to Bagong Mountain this time. Although I encountered a small thief, I got the things after all."

The black jade in his hand is the most important thing in Bagong Mountain Xiexiu Secret Mansion.

This is the yin fish part of Tai Chi jade bi.

"Yin-Yang Yu got half of it. As long as they don't let them get all of it, Fu Henghua won't be able to find the real Xiehuang Sword."

During the Shenzhou period, the evil emperor was besieged by the Eight Great Immortals and died.The place of death turned into a ferocious domain, and killed the three angels.The Xiehuang sword is divided into three parts, and the hilt of the sword is placed in the center of the fierce area.And the way to get into that place is the Tai Chi Jade Bi formed by the combination of yin and yang and fish.

The divination demon dare not enter the forbidden area of ​​the evil emperor.

But as long as he holds the Yinyu key, he can prevent Fu Henghua from obtaining the Xiehuang Sword.

The Evil Emperor's Sword is related to the Evil Emperor's inheritance, how could he let Fu Henghua get this terrible thing?

"Hateful, those fools don't believe Fu Henghua's threat at all, so I can only guard against it myself."

At this time, Zhang Yue felt tired again when he heard the quarrel outside.

Coming out of the Demon Palace, seeing Zhu Yu's angry expression, the faces of the Palace Masters of the Seven Kills and the Blood Demon Palace on the opposite side were not good, and several other Palace Masters were trying to dissuade them.

"Okay, okay, since it's a misunderstanding. Lao Zhu didn't go to Baizhen, so let's expose the matter. You two are also the same. You have suffered a loss in Yanshui, why bother to ridicule him again?"

"Everyone take a step back, forget it."

Zhang Yue stopped in his tracks, unwilling to go over to try to persuade him to fight.

A group of short-sighted people!Xuan Gong is in this situation, and they still don't unite!
Thinking of the current situation in the Demon Palace, Zhang Yue consciously understands people, and can't help but feel melancholy.

Both exist at the Nascent Soul level.The immortal masters are all glamorous and respected.But they can only linger in the shadows.He ran out to make a fuss, and was beaten back by a group of immortals not long after.

"Without His Majesty Xuandi sitting in command, the Xuan Palace would be a mess after all."

If I hadn't seen that bastard cut himself into ten sections and combined with various lowly species.In addition, there was a period of hatred between them that killed their father.

Zhang Yue really didn't mind, let him live in Xuan Palace.

"It's a good thing to have one more Xuandi-level master."

At this time, the master of the Xuanmu hall rushed in excitedly: "I found it, the whereabouts of the little young master have been found!"

The hall masters were startled, and walked towards the meeting hall together with different thoughts.

Waiting for the hall masters to sit down, they saw a lump of ice coming in from under the door of Xuan Mi.

The master of Diqi Hall was surprised and said: "Brother?"

The ice demon was sealed in the black ice, and looked at the group of demons present with a wry smile.

Hall Master Xuanmu: "Young Master, tell me what you told me, and tell everyone again."

The ice demon was helpless: "The young master left with others back then, and hid in Fengmen Island under a pseudonym to practice in seclusion."

Heavenly Soul Hall Master: "Impossible, Lao Zhang and I specialize in using Tianluo to search for souls, and none of the monks surnamed Jiang on Fengmen Island."

Ice Demon: "So, the young master has changed his name."

Zhang Yue: "Empress Xuan's surname, his Yue family's surname, Fu's surname, and Palace Master Tiansu's family, we all checked."

Incognito, easy to say.

But in front of this group of masters who are proficient in divination, making up a surname and a name out of thin air, as if a black household appeared in the world, is too eye-catching.

Therefore, the masters who are really proficient in divination will choose the method of covering the sky with their lives.

Find someone to borrow your surname, fate, and family luck, so as to hide your own origin.

In this way, the eighteen generations of ancestors are clearly visible, and they are not afraid of being traced.

And this kind of borrowing of name and luck, who is willing to borrow you if you are not relatives or friends?

Zhang Yue and others have counted.

The first suspect is the Fu family.But the Fu family did not have an extra adult descendant out of thin air.

Then, they went to check on Tiansu Palace Master.Fu Laogui and his wife regard the young master as a godson, and use the godmother's surname, isn't it logical?
But it's not right either.

Going to check on the young master's mother again, the name and family of Empress Xuan have not changed.

Later they thought: Did the young master use the Yue family's surname when he married a mortal girl?

As a result, the three generations of Nafan's parents and grandparents were searched, but they could not be found.

They even gave up hope, and even checked the name of He, but there was still no one.

Ice Demon: "That's because you didn't check enough."

The Lord of the Heavenly Soul Hall said impatiently: "What the hell is it, tell me quickly!"

"After the young master changed his name, his surname is Fang. He borrowed a mortal family named Fang as his fate."

The hall masters were at a loss: "So, did you just find a random mortal to borrow your life?"

Zhang Yue: "That's not right. According to my calculations, he was covered by the luck of the Fu family. The person who borrowed his life should have an in-law relationship with the Fu family."

Ice Demon: "There is indeed a little relationship by marriage. Because Fang's surname is..."

Suddenly, Yinmu of Beasts said, "The slut surnamed He, her grandma's surname is Fang."

The ice demon grinned: "That's right."

Tens of thousands of celestial horses run through Zhang Yue's heart.

Fu Henghua's mother's grandma?

Is this going a little far?
Zhang Yue was inspired, the secret was clear, and he started to calculate again.

In the early years of the Fang family, a son died, and Fu Henghua's parents joined forces to lend this man's life to Young Master Jiang.

In terms of kinship.

The young master is currently the child of the nephew of Fu Henghua's mother's grandmother.

He has disappeared all these years, and no one can find him.It was Fu Danwei who acted personally, through Fu Henghua's intermediary, and covered it with a ray of luck from the Fu family.

Mother Yin hurriedly asked: "Then what happened later, where is the young master now?"

Ice Demon: "I don't know either, I was being tracked down, but you caught me back."

Hall Master Xuanmu: "You are investigating to kill people. If you are not arrested, will you kill Xuandi's only descendant?"

 [-] monthly tickets, continue to add more at night
(End of this chapter)

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