
Chapter 188

Chapter 188
On Fengmen Island, Zhang Yue of the Demon Palace of Heavenly Secrets and Qiu Wenshu, the master of the Palace of Diqi, brought the Ice Demon to the island quietly.

The three of them wore "Yeyin cloaks" and took advantage of the two Nascent Soul Grandmasters to fight swords in the East China Sea and acted secretly.

The Ice Demon Zhang Mingzheng had his hands bound by the "Extreme Spirit Shackles", and his mana was sealed.

Qiu Wenshu: "Brother, please lead the way."

Zhang Mingzheng said helplessly: "Why do you treat me like this? We are from the same family, we have a thousand years of love."

Qiu Wenshu sneered.

Although the Ice Demon is the Supreme Elder of the Demon Sect, he ran away from the palace a few years ago, went outside to set up his own family, and had a long-standing relationship with the palace masters.

Because of practicing magic skills, he needs to suck the blood of boys and girls from time to time.In the previous search for the little highness, this guy definitely has bad intentions.

Zhang Ming was seeing that the two of them didn't talk to each other, and he was even more annoyed at Xianzao Palace in his heart.

If it wasn't for the two of them joining forces to injure themselves.The Shangguan temptress also leaked her whereabouts to the master Xuanmu, how could she be arrested suddenly?

Without saying a word all the way, he brought the two palace masters to Fangfu.

Over the years, weeds grew overgrown in front of Fangfu.

Zhang Mingzheng: "It's here. When I got the news and came here, he had already run away."

"So, he knows his identity?"

"You should know. When the young master died, the surname Fu was still there. How could he not take care of his godson?"

"What's his name?"

"Deyuan, only virtue moves the sky, and there is no limit."

"Hmph - it's the style of the surname Fu. He's used to making such nonsense."

Qiu Wenshu sneered: "Fang Deyuan, Jiang Deyuan. Let the young master accumulate virtue and not fall into heretics? It's a pity that your highness is destined to be the master of the mysterious palace."

Pushing open the door, dust was flying inside, and the dust-avoiding formation had long since failed.

But it can be seen that this is a house and mansion built by monks.

Zhang Yue waved his sleeve robe casually, and the dust flew up from the ground, passing time, looking back at what happened here.

One year, two years, three years...

Back in time, the dust moved with the wind, and there was no sign of anyone in Fangfu.

Until many years ago, a young man kicked open the gate, angrily brought maids and guards in.

"Really ran away?
Seeing the young man's appearance, Zhang Yue's heart was shocked and he almost lost his spell.

The two people next to him hurriedly comforted the boy.

"No, I'm going to tell my grandfather, let him send someone to hunt him down. I'm going to kill this kid! If you don't pay me the final payment, you'll run away with the exercise I deduced?"

"Tell the old man, what we found out secretly will be exposed."

"That's right, the clan doesn't allow the young master to demonstrate the exercises to outsiders. If it's exposed..."

Fu Henghua!
Is this guy involved with His Highness?

That's right, regardless of the identity of Fang's family members.From the perspective of original identity alone, His Royal Highness is the godson of Fu's godson and his godbrother.

In the dust projection, the boy searched the house for a long time and found a hidden letter.

Inside was a note and a title deed.

The handwriting was very messy: "I don't have any money for you for the time being, the land deed will let you here, and I will make up the balance when I come back. If I don't come back, I will give you this house."

However, in Heng Hua's eyes, this is clearly a repudiation.

The young man tore up the letter and was furious: "Why do I need your house? Am I short of a house? What I want is money! It's the moon beads! I want to buy a doll."

Seeing this, the Master of Diqi Hall suddenly asked: "Fu Henghua doesn't know the origin of the young master and him?"

Ice Demon: "Who is Fu Henghua? This kid from the Fu family?"

After thinking for a while, Zhang Mingzheng said: "I don't know the origin of this kid, but he killed one of his subordinates at the beginning. Worried about his whereabouts being exposed, I was so frightened that I didn't dare to act rashly for several days.

"This kid often sends people to Fengmen Island to sell the classics of exercises. One of my subordinates asked him to order exercises. I read it, and the exercises are quite good. So I plan to let my subordinates..."

"He is extremely intelligent, suitable for practicing kung fu. So, you plan to let your subordinates catch him?"

The Ice Demon sighed: "As a result, my subordinate was killed by him. I was worried that my traces would be exposed, and in addition to finding clues to the young master during that time, I temporarily endured it."

Thinking of what happened back then, Zhang Mingzheng sighed for a while.

His stupid subordinate originally planned to pay honestly and buy that exercise.After being found out by myself, I slapped him with a slap.

give money?

We act in the devil way, when did we give money?

Then, he read the exercise and heard that Master Yan was a young man, so he directly asked his subordinates to arrest Master Yan to practice.

If a person dies, don't they have to pay?
Unfortunately, that subordinate failed to live up to expectations and was directly burned to ashes.

The dust dissipated and continued to trace back.

A few days before Fu Henghua came to Fangfu, the Ice Demon led people to Fangfu.

"Look for it quickly, it doesn't matter whether you are alive or dead. People who have just died can still drink their blood."

Zhang Yue and Qiu Wenshu looked at the ice demon at the same time.

Zhang Ming laughed dryly, then turned his head to look elsewhere.

In the image of the dust, the Ice Demon didn't find anyone and left in a hurry.

Zhang Yue did it again and continued to go back.

The young man hurried home, wrote a note, took the land deed and hid it in a secret location, and left in a hurry with all his belongings.

Zhang Yue: "It's only half a day before you come to the door. Judging from the situation, he did notice that someone was looking for him. Maybe, he thought it was our people."

Qiu Wenshu: "So, I escaped a disaster."

Ice Demon: "..."

Qiu Wenshu: "Can you do the math, where did he go?"

Zhang Yue shook his head: "It's very difficult. It's been too long, and it's exhausting me to barely project the scenes of the past.

"Besides, this is Yanlong Eastern Territory. It's okay for us to come here secretly. If there is a big movement and triggers the calculation of heavenly secrets, the two divination masters on Panlong Island and Tianfeng Island will notice. But..."

"But what?"

"It's still easy to guess. Your Highness has a cultivation base, and he deliberately ordered exercises to practice, which shows that he is devoted to Taoism.

"In addition, he knows his identity and is unwilling to return to the Xuan Palace. There are only two roads before him."

"First, hide in another place, continue to remain anonymous, and devote yourself to cultivation."

"Second, find a great sect of immortality, who is not afraid of the threat of the Xuan Palace, and doesn't care that the disciple has the blood of the Xuan Emperor as a backer."

"Is there such a sect in the world?"

Zhang Yue shook his head.

Which immortal sect would dare to accept Emperor Xuan's blood?

Qiu Wenshu: "So, is he hiding himself to practice? But without the upper-level exercises, how will he practice in the future? Fu Henghua's level, at most, can help him deduce the foundation-building level?"

Zhang Mingzheng: "Is it impossible that he concealed his identity and joined a certain big faction?"

Zhang Yue and Qiu Wenshu shook their heads at the same time.

Those big factions are strict in accepting disciples, wishing to count the eighteen generations of ancestors, can they not discover the blood of Emperor Xuan?
Suddenly, Zhang Yue thought of something: "Wait... If the Fu family helps to cover up, and with the help of the Fang family, it is possible to mix in some middle-level immortal sects. Perhaps, he is in a certain sect in the Yanlong Central Territory ?”

"Send the news back and let them investigate!"

It is more difficult to investigate the fairy gate.

"Find the Infernal Palace Master first. Without him, we would be too passive in collecting information."

Not daring to cause trouble in the Eastern Territory, the Three Demons came and left secretly.


Tianyang, Zihuang Pavilion.

Fang Dongyuan stood on the training platform.

Suddenly, the five-color sword energy shot out from the fingertips, and the whole training platform was turned into dust.

"Finally done."

Fang Dongyuan was overjoyed.

When he got off the training platform, he thought about it: there are still some days left for the Zongmen to fight.Although I have refined the "Five-Star Tianyuan Zhijue", I haven't experienced actual combat yet.How about going outside to find a few demons to practice?
After thinking about it, he went to the Shangong Hall to find the missions posted by the sect.

"Brother?" Sha Jinchang came over, "Are you also looking for training tasks?"

"Yes, find a few tasks to practice."

After the two combined, they chose three tasks to go to the red algae waters to collect elixir, and they went together.


The red algae waters are less populated than the hot water.

Dense red algae roll in thousands of miles of water, making the water look like blood.

Fu Xuanxing sat on the bow of the boat, looking at the endless Yin Hong, he couldn't help shouting into the sky.

"I can't take it anymore, why can't I even see anyone?"

Ever since they entered the algae waters, they began to lose their way.

Finding the location of the reef island has become a very difficult task.

Except for themselves, several days passed without seeing other people or islands at all.

Accompanying them are only the endless dragon's blood algae in the water.

"Stop shouting, we are doing divination."

Fu Tongjun glared at him, and continued to assist with Fu Liuhui's exercise.

Fu Yaozhen and Fu Maiyuan sat facing each other, each stretched out a palm, holding a piece of innate Tai Chi between each other.

The gossip revolves around Taiji, and the two have been practicing the secret art of heaven and earth, and have been meditating for a day and a night.

Mr. Fu Tong and Fu Liuhui sat on both sides of the two of them, forming a square, helping them replenish their mana.

Fu Xuanxing has a young personality, likes to practice kung fu, and can't stand loneliness.Ask the white dragon horse to help protect the dharma, fly directly to Yujian, and run to Yuntou to relax.

In the past few days, he often came to hang around in the air.

But looking down, apart from the endless seaweed, there are no other traces of people.

Suddenly, the clouds and light in the distance parted ways, and the two streams of purple air went south.

Fu Xuanxing's eyes lit up: This is Zihuang Pavilion's technique of riding qi.

He immediately stepped forward Yujian.

"My servant, Fu Xuanxing, is a disciple of Xuanwei Sect. Please stay for a while, two fellow Taoists of the Zihuang Pavilion."

The two breaths slowed down, Fang Dongyuan and Sha Jinchang appeared.

Sha Jinchang: "Fellow Daoist, is there something for us?"

"We got lost. We waited for a few days and couldn't find anyone. Finally, we found two comrades and wanted to ask for directions."

"You lost your way in the red algae waters? What are you doing here?" Sha Jinchang asked curiously, "You don't practice in Jinfang, you skip Tianyang to come to the backcountry of red algae?"

"Senior brother."

Fang Dongyuan stopped him and looked Fu Xuanxing up and down.

"You said, you are a disciple of the Xuanwei sect?"

The young man was radiant, and said loudly: "Exactly."

Fang Dongyuan looked down and saw three spirit boats below.

"Yanlongfu's family?"

Fang Dongyuan fell into deep thought.

Sha Jinchang saw the red algae tide below, and smiled: "You are looking for a way in the water, especially in the place where the red tide is flooded, of course you can't find the way."

He pointed to the dragon's blood algae below.

"This thing is not a dead thing. The red algae floating in the entire water area are derived from the algae. If you don't walk in the air, you will not find a way in the water for a lifetime. In the end, it will only become the food of the algae. "

Fang Dongyuan: "Pull the boat into the air. Where are you going? If we drop by, we will send you a ride."

"We don't know where to go. We came to Red Algae because we heard that there are ginseng immortals here. We are looking for Xuanjin ginseng."

Black gold ginseng?
Fang Dongyuan and Sha Jinchang looked at each other.

"Changqingdao or Red Ginseng Island, right? Xuanjin Ginseng... Wait... I remember when I first started, didn't my brother send a Ginseng Immortal away from the mountain?"

"Senior Zixuan is indeed practicing here, what are you looking for him for?"

"There is an elder in my family who is sick and needs ginseng for medicine."

Hearing this, Fang Dongyuan became vigilant and gave up the idea of ​​taking them to Changqingdao.

At this time, the melodious sound of the piano came from below.

"Xuan Xing, come back. There will be a dragon disaster later, so be careful."

 It is mentioned in the first volume that Fu Henghua came across two cheating exercises, which is not just a casual sentence.

  Behind this is all foreshadowing.

  Fu Henghua would not be so stupid as to be fooled casually.

  He can run the "shocking thunder" lie detector all the way.

  At that time, those two people really planned to make a deal.

  However, the ice demon made troubles and ruined Fu Henghua's two businesses.Indirectly, Fu Henghua's custom-made exercises business has never been able to take root in Fengmen Island.In the following years, money was tight and the progress of Tianshu was slow.

  As a result, many monks in the Eastern Region lost the opportunity to practice upper-level exercises.

  It can be said that so many people have lost their celestial fate, and Fu Henghua did not complete the heavenly book earlier, it is all the fault of the Ice Demon!
(End of this chapter)

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