
Chapter 189 The old man meets, the red dragon returns to life and seizes the fate of heaven

Chapter 189 The old man meets, the red dragon returns to life and seizes the fate of heaven (plus more chapters)

Hearing the voice below, Fang Dongyuan looked down.

It happened that Fu Yaozhen was looking up, and the two looked at each other, suddenly feeling unlucky.

How is she.

Why is he here?

Fu Yaozhen set up the spirit boat and came to the sky.

Fu Xuanxing boarded the boat, and without waiting for him to explain, Fu Yaozhen said indifferently: "Both of you go on your own, we won't bother you."

Fang Dongyuan is about the same age as Fu Yaozhen, and had some grievances.

Seeing Fu Yaozhen's indifferent attitude, he is not willing to have too much contact.


Seeing Mr. Fu Tong and Fu Liuhui below, he pondered.

Although he had never seen these two girls, he often heard them mentioned by his godfather.

The one in the red skirt is Mr. Fu Tong; the one in the emerald green skirt is Fu Liuhui.

"Purple Emperor Pavilion?"

Fu Maiyuan flew up.

He has a lot of connections with Zihuang Pavilion, after showing his aura of martial arts, he explained his mastery to the two of them.

"Uncle Dan Xuanzi? Fu Maiyuan?"

Fang Dongyuan was amused: "You group of Fu family, walking with Fu Xuanxing's younger brother, whose elders are you saving?"

Suddenly, he remembered the identity of Fu Xuanxing mentioned by his godfather.

If the elders that Fu Xuanxing refers to are not the Fu family and the Xuanwei faction, could it be...

"Someone in the Fu family is injured, do you need Xuanjin ginseng?"

Fu Maiyuan's expression was instantly alert.

Fu Yaozhen sighed: "Grandfather needs Xuanjin ginseng to be used as medicine. However, it has nothing to do with you. We can't bring back the spiritual material this time."

What she asked Fu Maiyuan to help calculate was not Shenxian's whereabouts.

When Shenxian entered Panlong Island, Fu Yaozhen saw from his spiritual vision that he and his party returned empty-handed.

But she found out that her group of people had a problem in Red Algae, which involved Fu Xuanxing's fate.Therefore, after she reunited with Fu Maiyuan's brothers and sisters, she began to calculate Fu Xuanxing's fortune.

Fu Yaozhen had some understanding of Fang Dongyuan's identity.

Know what he wants to do, just refuse.

"We won't go to Sanxian. After leaving this piece of red algae, find a place to rest, and we will go back—"

At this time, whirlpools appeared in the water.

Fu Liuhui and Fu Tongjun's boat were pulled by the vortex, and layers of huge waves brought red algae to take pictures.

"No, it's algae."

Fang Dongyuan backhanded a glamorous sword energy, and the fire pierced through the water waves, igniting the red algae in the water.

"Algae, we pass by Red Algae, and we don't intend to be your enemy, please let us go quickly."

Next to it, Sha Jinchang took out two Wu hooks and threw them into the water.

The silver light traveled through the water, splitting the waves and breaking the water, allowing the two girls to take the opportunity to put the spirit boat into the clouds.

The water waves continued to surge, layers of big waves rolled back and forth, and the Senli algae field began to twist like a living thing.

"Something's wrong, brother, she doesn't seem to be making trouble with us. It's more like, someone is attacking her?"

Turtles and eels are at the junction of hot water and red algae.

The reverse scale flew into the red algae waters, frantically devouring the dragon's blood algae in the water.

Dracaena is a plant derived from the blood of the Red Dragon King.The breath of the same source merged into the dragon scale, and the dragon scale gradually began to grow.

First came a three-inch snake as thin as a vine.Then the red algae withered, and the little snake gradually became as thick as a thumb.

When the thyme turned gray, the little snake had grown into dragon horns and claws, and became a young dragon.

At this time, two Wu hooks cut down from the air.

Fang Dongyuan's finger sword then stabbed down.

Fu Yaozhen, Fu Liuhui, and Fu Maiyuan came one after another.

Except for Fu Xuanxing who was left on the boat and Mr. Fu Tong looked at him, Bai Longma followed suit.

"Although it's a dragon, isn't my previous episode okay?"

"The previous one was a painting spirit. Now it's a real dragon. Since you can't meet a dragon, you'd better be careful."


Yanshui, when Fu Xuanxing and others encountered Chilong.

Once under the water where Daoist Xuanjian fought against the two demons, a jade talisman was gradually unsealed, and the sword energy shot out of the water, turning into a human form on a nearby reef.

"I... Profound Sword... take the Heavenly Evil Sword Qi..."

The man was in a daze, his memory was fuzzy, and he only remembered vaguely.I am the distraction of Daoist Xuanjian, sneak into the sword island hidden in the hot water, look for the evil sword energy of the sky, and prove the Dao fruit of the "Sword Demon Emperor".

But this distraction has been washed underwater for a long time, and the magic has dissipated a lot.

Dao thoughts and demonic nature were intermingled, but he regained a bit of sword fairy demeanor.

"The Heavenly Evil Sword is gone."

He sensed that the Heavenly Evil Sword Qi on Hidden Sword Island had disappeared, so he started wandering aimlessly.


Beaulieu Island.

Heng Hua read at home with peace of mind.

As time passed, Xue Kai, Ge Liu, and Chi Jianzi came to the island to practice alchemy.

The last is Yu Yuyu.

Heng Hua originally planned to meet Yu Yuyu at night, and then talk about the detonating talisman.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuyu and Xue Kai rushed over angrily.

Xue Kai entered the door and shouted: "What are you doing, kid? It's such an important job for your grandfather to make alchemy, why aren't you there to watch?"

Fu Henghua was stunned, and wondered: "I don't have much experience in alchemy, what should I do? You four are here, can this alchemy be practiced?"

Xue Kai sneered: "Of course I'm [-]% sure that the old man will take the lead, but I can't stand someone making trouble."

Stealing Linger Yu Yuyu nodded: "That's right, that's right."

Fu Henghua was about to ask in detail, but he saw that Ge Liuxian had also arrived.

He rushed to meet him, and Ge Liu looked at Xue Kai and the two: "I knew it, the two of them came looking for you. Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it."

"Solve it? Don't you have the ability to refine the alchemy by yourself."

Xue Kai quarreled with him again, and Fu Henghua immediately understood.

Although there are prescriptions and medicinal materials.

But how to refine and how the process is still a big problem.

The four alchemists each have their own secret techniques and alchemy techniques.

Disagreement appeared on the steps of alchemy.

Xue Kai thought: Eternal Flint should be used as medicine first, and turned into a furnace for alchemy.

Ge Liu believed that the Eternal Flint should be refined together with the Tianyue Lingyao to harmonize the essence of the sun and the moon.We must first use a hundred herbs as a furnace.

Yu Yuyu decided: first integrate the spiritual material into the Dao spiritual machine, and then proceed to the alchemy step.

Chijianzi didn't have enough friendship with the Fu family, so he was embarrassed to speak.When the three of them asked him for advice, they faltered and answered, but they didn't think so in their hearts.

Before the furnace was officially opened, the four of them fell out.

Fu Heng Wharton felt dizzy.

He could only put on the posture of a junior, and started to say good things in front of a few people.

Finally appeased the four people, but listened to the next person to report.

Knowing that the medicinal materials are complete, Tiansu Palace sent someone to invite an alchemist from Xuan Yu.

Ge Liu and the others sneered, and forced Fu Henghua to greet him.

It was several days after he helped Zhang Luo appease and finished mediating the five alchemy masters.

With the full moon in the sky, Fu Henghua held a mirror and complained to Dongfang Yunqi.

Dongfang Yunqi was delighted: "So, Senior Fu's elixir hasn't been fired yet?"

"It's opened, just opened. Taking advantage of the full moon on the fifteenth day, the furnace has just been opened, and the first round of medicine is ready."

Fu Henghua sighed and said: "This is the beginning. Going back and practicing alchemy for three months, it will be a lot of trouble."

In Xianzao Palace, Dongfang Yunqi smiled indifferently, and wrote with a pen: "Sister Longhan has a gentle temperament, and may be able to appease the other four people. You don't have to worry too much. It's the East China Sea fighting swords, how is it now?"

"Has the news spread to you?"

"I heard it from Baizhen. I also heard that the master of the Heavenly Demon Palace plans to make a comeback in Baizhen. He is selecting devils and seizing spiritual veins from various businesses."


Fu Henghua looked at the bronze pot in his hand.

Now one-third of the spiritual veins have been integrated into the soil, allowing the half of the soil that was cut off to grow again.

"Is there any news from you there?"

"Others... are gone. Thanks to someone, the price of talisman materials has not recovered yet."

"After a while, the price will naturally come back."

The Fu family took the opportunity to hoard a large amount of materials, at least enough for themselves, so Fu Henghua was not in a hurry at all.

The two then chatted about fighting swords in the East China Sea.

From the first day of the first day to the fifteenth day, the two sides won each other.

Tomorrow is the final battle.

"It's a pity that you can't come. Otherwise, tomorrow you can see the divine power of your grandfather."

"Senior Dong Xia is leaving the island?"

"It is not necessary to go out of the island to fight."


East China Sea, Fumoya.

Fu Xiangfeng sat in a formation under the full moon, silently performing the art of inviting the gods.

Fu Yinggu and his wife came here to pay close attention to their son's condition.

Through the moonlight in the dark, Fu Xiangfeng's bloodline and Fu Danwei on Panlong Island got a sense.

A yin god leaped into the Taiyin, and descended to Fu Xiangfeng's body along the Yuehua Hongqiao.


The spiritual wind gushed out from the body of "Fu Xiangfeng", and blew up the East China Sea with thousands of zhang turbulent waves, sweeping away all kinds of true essence mana remaining in the East China Sea for more than ten days.


Fu Yinggu and the two were not sure.

"Fu Xiangfeng" smiled lightly, and asked another consciousness in Niwan Palace: "How do you feel?"

Fu Xiangfeng lent his body to invite Fu Danwei's consciousness to come down, but his self consciousness was still very clear.

"It's not bad. When you come down, I can still feel some wonderful enlightenment."

"Enlighten it well, but don't be greedy. The road, you have to walk step by step."

In the final battle, Ai Yanchang and his wife jointly set up a sword formation.

Fu Danwei was worried that the two Nascent Soul masters on Fengmen Island didn't know enough about kendo, so he came here specially to suppress the formation.

But he has limited mobility, so he can only use the "spiritual descending technique".

Fu Xiangfeng was chosen because Fu Xiangfeng's cultivation method was the most suitable for Fu Danwei.

Possessing a grandson for a day can also release the grandson's future practice.


After Fu Henghua explained to Dongfang Yunqi, the girl asked curiously: "You don't care about the sword fight in the East China Sea? Don't you want to get involved?"

"I'm a mage, why do I go there? My grandfather has gone, it's a game that must be won."

Seeing Fu Henghua's attitude, Dongfang Yunqi faintly felt something was wrong.

In the sword fight in the East China Sea, would he really be unmoved?
Suddenly, the direction of the East China Sea was brightly lit, like a chessboard.

Fu Henghua quickly wrote:
"Stop talking, I have something else to do, see you next month."

After greeting Dongfang Yunqi, Fu Henghua hurried back to the house.

Xiaoyu and Hengshou have been preparing for a long time.

Fu Henghua once again performed the Dream Returning Immortal Technique.


Biguang Shenbohai, Jiexian in the Eastern Sea Sword Sect suddenly moved.

The next moment appeared in Shenbo Haiwai.

Duan Sijing stood on a flat boat, looked at him with a smile, cupped his hands and said: "Invited by Yanlong, I am here to discuss the Tao with fellow Taoists."

"It's up to you? You entered the Tribulation Immortal with miscellaneous ways. Although you have good talent, you have just become a Taoist. How much cultivation do you have?"

The old fairy made a random move, and Shenbo Haixia flew out a fairy sword.

"I am a sword cultivator, killing Wushuang. Fight me, are you ready to die?"

Duan Sijing didn't say a word, he made a move to transform the world into a treasure, and immediately it was Miaotian's hand, and the star entered Tianyuan.

The star-studded night sky slowly pressed down, covering the two of them like a chessboard.

Boy Wukong appeared in the East China Sea, saw Jiexian trapped, and went straight to the library of the East China Sea Sword Sect.

"The Immortal Jie is stuck, and the two Nascent Soul Grandmasters are not here. Even if there are a few Golden Core cultivators, as long as I am careful, the East Sea Sword Sect will let me come and go? I packed all the books in his house."

However, when Heng Hua entered the library, he suddenly saw a person who should not be there.

Chang Yuezi?
How is he here?
(End of this chapter)

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