
Chapter 193

Chapter 193
After half an hour, Chang Yuezi returned to the cave with peace of mind.

After he left, Wu Zhengxin fetched the golden book and jade document, and circled Chang Yuezi's name.

"It can become a pill. Give me a real chance."

What about family origin?
As long as they try to separate them from their families and turn their minds around a little bit, they are still a talent.

For people like Chang Yuezi, the Yusheng Pavilion has been passed down for thousands of years and has a whole set of methods of concocting and training.

When getting started, give them a little benefit and guide them to make progress.

Then at the right time, let others sigh with regret: It is a pity that the family background is not good, and the family background is difficult to be accepted.

On the one hand, it gave them preferential treatment, and on the other hand, it allowed them to clearly see the subtle gap between themselves and other true disciples.

Years of brainwashing made them understand: they could have been better, and the reason why they couldn't be fully accepted by Yusheng Pavilion.It's not Yusheng Pavilion's fault, it's entirely his family's fault because of his bad background.

As time went by, these people were dissatisfied with the family savings.When it erupts at a certain time, it will cut off the family ties and return to Yusheng Pavilion wholeheartedly.

"Letting him go back this time was intended to break the bond of dust and let him join our faction with peace of mind. As for Fu Henghua...it's a bit of a pity."

After Wu Zhengxin finished writing, the Deputy Pavilion Master immediately got the news and asked him to discuss it.

Entering Yuxian Tower, I saw a fairy with white hair and childlike face sitting on a cloud bed.

"The child has completely returned to his heart?"

"He made a fuss in the East China Sea, and the Sword Sect will definitely take revenge on the Fu family. The only place he can stay now is our Jade Sage Pavilion."

The acting Pavilion Master nodded: "Brother Yu got the news that after Fu Henghua was contacted by the Tianyi Sect, Master Hengyuan of the Xuanwei Sect also had ideas. Let's wait and see what happens."

Daoist Heng Yuan is a robbery immortal.If he personally opened his mouth to accept apprentices, Yusheng Pavilion would not be able to compete with him, nor would he have a competitive advantage.

Aren't the disciples of Jiexian better than the disciples of Master Yuanying?
In terms of the inheritance of Taoism, Xuanwei Sect's Taixuan Taoism is no worse than Yusheng Pavilion.

"It's just that if we give up that child, I'm afraid we won't be able to obtain the core secret technique of Fufeng Immortal Palace."

Wu Zhengxin said: "I specifically asked people from Yanlong Wei's family. They don't know how Fufeng Immortal Palace will cultivate people with a bright heart. The Wei family has long given up this talent."

Although Wu Zhengxin and others planned to beat Chang Yuezi and let him belong to Yusheng Pavilion wholeheartedly, they were very disappointed with Chang Yuezi's talent.

I can't see the demeanor of Fengxian fighting the immortals with his tongue at all, and confirming Heluo with a single word.

When they went to Yanlong to search about Fu Henghua's situation, they found that Fu Henghua was living in the family, and his talents and talents were much higher than those of Chang Yuezi.

Therefore, they suspect that the Fu family has a method of secretly handing down the Fufeng Immortal Palace to train members of the Huixin tribe.

"Regarding this matter, Brother Yu has been reflecting on it for a few days, thinking it was our fault for letting Chang Yuezi abolish the family mentality method and switch to the Jade Sage Immortal method.

"Tiantong Huixin should have been able to read all kinds of ways, and summarize them from Heluo. And Chang Yuezi..."

The acting master shook his head.

They cultivate Chang Yuezi according to the method of the elders of the Zongmen.

After re-repairing Sangong, Chang Yuezi has laid an extremely solid foundation and practiced the Jade Sage Immortal Technique step by step.And open the Library Pavilion, let him study the Taoist scriptures of various Yusheng Pavilion seniors, and optimize the Jade Saint Immortal Technique.

Although Chang Yuezi is very clever, he invented several small tricks to go with the Jade Sage Immortal Technique.

But it is of no help to deduce the heavenly scriptures.

"Brother Sect Master, what does it mean that he doesn't study too much, and we restrained him to concentrate on studying the Jade Sage's method, and the wisdom of our sect's method obliterated the aura of wisdom?"

The acting pavilion master sighed: "The Fu family has been passed down for thousands of years, and the research on the wisdom of Tiantong must be superior to ours. I heard that the child was raised by Fu Danwei himself, and many Jindan monks were invited to broaden his horizons."

Tiantong wisdom heart, expo ten thousand ways.

You can't confine your eyes to one school or one school. Only with a broad vision and a broad mind can the effect of wisdom be maximized.

"So, we still need to find Fu Henghua?"

The acting pavilion master shook his head, he had no hope for this.

"The junior in the Daotai, have you got in touch?"

"No. Bodhi should be the kind of withdrawn and reticent person, right? I haven't heard that any sect has a new disciple recently. He doesn't care about anyone's invitation, and he just wants to be a casual cultivator."

Fu Henghua, Bodhi.

The two talents that the Acting Pavilion Master valued could not be recruited.

In desperation, he asked again: "There is another wise man in the Fu family, have you found it?"

"No. It has already been noticed, but the crowd is so vast that there is no way to find it."


Find someone.

Right now, Zhang Yue, the divination demon, is leading the people from the Demon Palace to search for the trace of His Royal Highness.

According to their ideas, if His Royal Highness leaves Yanlong.There are nothing more than two choices, one is the three major waters, and the other is to cross the sea and go overseas to the other side of Shenzhou.

The second is probably very small, and if it happens, they can never get it back.Therefore, they can only go to the three major waters to find someone according to the first possibility.


The dragon slaying in the red algae waters has come to an end.

With the efforts of Fang Dongyuan and others, Fu Xuanxing stabbed Ni Lin with a sword.

Chilong tried his best to stimulate the power of the Dragon King, and sprayed the last dragon flame at everyone.

At that moment, another burst of dragon power erupted in Fu Xuanxing's body, blasting back the Shattering Dragon Flame, destroying the last remaining vitality of the Red Dragon King.

Fu Tongjun and Fang Dongyuan sensed Long Wei, and at the same time a thought flashed across: Dragon man?

Dragon man, it's not a good name in Donglaiwan Island.

Because what he refers to is the blood descendant of the Western Yellow Dragon King.

It is not born of the combination of the Dragon King and the mortal.

But after the Yellow Dragon King turned into a mountain range, mortals lived on the mountain.From time to time, some people are eroded by dragon energy and transformed into a dragon body.

This kind of physique is the carrier for the Dragon King to get out of trouble.Therefore, it is marginalized in East Lewan Island.

The power of the Yellow Dragon King was awakened, and two small bumps appeared on Fu Xuanxing's forehead.


The scabbard in the body and Fulong Yujian exerted force at the same time, suppressing the dragon energy again.


Fu Xuanxing staggered and fell into the water.

The red dragon's blood spread out in the water and took the opportunity to pour into Fu Xuanxing's body.

"not good."

Everyone rushed to rescue him and picked him up from the water.

The boy's skin was flushed, and two streams of dragon energy were fighting frantically in his body.

Mr. Fu Tong supported him, let him rely on himself, took out the blood gu and stuck it on his arm:
"He can't meet dragons in this life, because he can't touch the dragon energy, so as to avoid causing himself to become a dragon?"

Blood Gu absorbs dragon energy.Not long after, it was destroyed in an explosion.

Mr. Fu Tong took out another Gu worm and continued to extract dragon energy.

But in the face of the troubles in Fu Xuanxing's body, all this is just a drop in the bucket.

Fu Yaozhen recruited Qiu Shuiqin, sat down and played the piano to appease Fu Xuanxing's spirit.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Xuangui and Purple Eel finally understood the purpose of Yansheng Dragon King ordering them to arrest people.

"Shall we do it now?"

"Can you beat this group of people?"

Xuangui looked at Fang Dongyuan.

It recognizes this person.When he fled from Fengmen Island to Tianyang waters, he passed by the place where Xuangui practiced.

"Unexpectedly, he actually entered the Zihuang Pavilion."

This person alone is not easy to deal with.

Seeing Fu Xuanxing's situation, Fang Dongyuan said to Fu Maiyuan and Sha Jinchang: "Will you two know the 'Sanyang Sealing Demon Seal'?"

The two nodded.

Sealing the demons in the three yangs is the secret transmission method of Zihuang Pavilion.

"Let's lock the dragon energy in his body together."

The three of them sat down around Fu Xuanxing, and three streams of purple air rose into the air, receiving the power of clearing the sun and suppressing the rolling dragon energy in Fu Xuanxing's body.


In the Panlong Hall, Fu Danwei suddenly opened his eyes.

"In the end, we have come to this point. Doom, there is no way to avoid it. If you want not to be transformed into a dragon, not to become a container of the Dragon King, then you can only cut off the dragon's veins and work hard on your own."

With a flick of the fingers, the sound of the sword reverberated between the heavens and the earth, triggering the Fulong Yujian thousands of miles away.

With the power of the jade sword, with the scabbard, he cut a sword in Fu Xuanxing's body, severely injuring the two strands of dragon energy in his body.

Xuanwei School, Yuting Mountain.

Song Chunqiu looked at the sky, and drew the power of the sun, moon and stars from afar, penetrated into the red algae waters, condensed into a two-dimensional dragon lock, and suppressed the two dragon qi.

With the help of the two elders, Fang Dongyuan and the others temporarily suppressed the dragon energy and sealed it into Fu Xuanxing's heart.

Fang Dongyuan heaved a sigh of relief, seeing that Fu Xuanxing was still in a coma, he said to Lord Fu Tong: "He is in serious trouble, he should go back to Yanlong earlier. The place Chizao is not suitable for him."

He and Sha Jinchang still had business to do, bid farewell to everyone in the Fu family, and continued to collect herbs.

Several members of the Fu family looked at Fu Yaozhen.

Fu Yaozhen was very happy to see Fu Xuanxing's current appearance.

It is better to arouse the dragon energy at this moment than to be forced out by Yansheng Dragon King.

After this catastrophe, the Yansheng Dragon King seized him as the future of the container, and then disappeared.

"The matter is over, we should go back. Don't worry, it's a good thing for Xuan Xing to be forced out of dragon energy."


Beaulieu Island.

Heng Hua noticed the sound of the sword being played by his grandfather, glanced towards the main hall, and continued to study the three people he met on the East China Sea.

"The Li Gua displayed by that person should be the Xiantian Li Gua in Baji Tianshu. It has the same origin as my Kan, Dui, Zhen and Xun Gua.

"I can get this hexagram, and his Taoism is close to that of the Chiyuan Taoist school. So, is it the red wooden box of the Chiyuan Taoist school?"

However, why did the Chiyuan Taoist sect suddenly come back after leaving the land of Donglai?

"Although it was only a brief fight. But I can clearly feel that his foundation is stronger than that of ordinary disciples of the immortal sect. It is close to the height of the heavenly book."

When Fu Henghua discovered this, it aroused his competitive spirit.

I am not alone, besides Dongfang Yunqi, I have finally found another person who may be infected with the Taoism of the Heavenly Book.

Afterwards, Fu Henghua thought of the corner of the fire talisman on the body of the Wei family.

Although it is only a corner, Fu Henghua is enough to calculate the whole talisman.

He drew a talisman on the table with a pen.

"Sanyang Talisman, it really looks familiar."

But is it really possible to be alive?


Tianfeng Island.

Great Elder Fu Ruiying observed Heluo Jade Bi in the secret room.

Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blew, and the man in black robe appeared behind him.

"Sure enough, it's you. The reason why the sword fight in the East China Sea went so smoothly has something to do with you? Didn't you say that you escaped from the catastrophe and can no longer meddle in this matter?"

"Grandpa is going to cross the catastrophe, how can I just sit idly by?"

The black-robed man sat cross-legged behind.

"How sure is grandfather?"

"Fifty percent. But you can rest assured that the old man will turn him into a baby first. At that time, I will help him. Fu family, don't worry about it."

"If you are really sure of surviving the catastrophe of the Fu family's destruction, why bother to fish me out and let me take a few descendants of the Fu family to go outside to develop?"

Fu Ruiying stared at Yubi.

A crack appeared on the jade wall.

This piece of jade shows the strength of the Fu family.

300 years ago, Fu Ruiying saw this crack and sensed the fate of Fu's family's future destruction.

The black robe said humanely: "Not the Wei family, nor the East China Sea Sword Sect, and the Ling family is not troublesome. Where did this catastrophe come from?"

Fu Ruiying shook his head.

If he could see clearly, why bother to erase the traces of a few tribesmen from Fu's house and send them outside?
"Don't worry, it's still too early for the Fu family to be destroyed. Right now, we already have a one in [-] chance of winning."

"Because Xiao Liu'er established Luogui Island?"

The Great Elder nodded: "His actions were beyond the old man's expectations. Because of him, the old man's plan has been modified a lot."

Back then, when Fu Dan's lifespan was about to expire, Fu Rui should force Fu Beidou to settle on Panlong Island, and he didn't want to wait a few more years for Fu Yongbao to be in charge of Panlong.

It is because according to his calculation, Fu Beidou is in charge of Panlong Island, and there is a one-in-15 chance of overcoming the crisis of extermination.As for Fu Yongbao, there is only a one in [-] probability of being in charge.

Because the man knew about it, he didn't argue with the Great Elder about it.

But right now, with the completion of Luogui Island, the vitality of the Fu family has increased.Fu Ruiying resolutely gave up Fu Beidou and settled in Panlong, intending to help Fu Danwei Huaying with all his strength.

"You don't always make up your mind. If your grandfather fails to transform into an infant, you will transfer your own Nascent Soul to him and help him prolong his life?"

"If you can survive the catastrophe, you can give it a try."

After the Great Elder finished speaking, he turned around and said, "Is this why you ran back on purpose?"

"I met people from the Ling family. When they left, they really took the path of the Chiyuan Daoist sect. The contemporary heirs of the Ling family are apprentices to the Chiyuan Daoist sect. I'm afraid they came back this time not just for revenge."

"The mountains have collapsed, what can the Chiyuan Taoist sect do when they return? Is there something that the Chiyuan Taoist sect cares about—"

Suddenly, Fu Ruiying fell silent.

There is one.

Octopus book.

If the mahogany box of the Chiyuan Taoist school is completely deciphered, it will not be the entire heavenly book, but one of the hexagrams.

Then, they will definitely send people back to look for other Qigua fragments.

Others may not be found.

But since they took in the Ling family, the purpose must be the Xun Gua inherited from Fufeng Immortal Palace.

"It seems that what did you think of? Could it be that our doom should be here?"

"If the Chiyuan Taoist sect returns, it will still be a bit dangerous. There is no need to be afraid of the first or second successor. Don't worry, the old man has a countermeasure against the Ling family."

"Then I'll leave everything to you."

The man in black didn't stay long, and left in a hurry.

Fu Ruiying looked back at Yubi, and suddenly walked out of the secret room: "Tell the family, prepare to guard against Tianfeng Island. On the third day of March next year, I will save myself from the catastrophe of transforming into a baby."

(End of this chapter)

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