
Chapter 194 Chilong Zhengjiao

Chapter 194 Chilong Zhengjiao, Eight Scenic Spots Revive to Keep Safe
Red dragon aura wrapped around the raging young man.Along with the struggle, traces of dragon patterns appeared on the surface of his skin.

Afterwards, a dragon chant erupted underwater, and the boy fell into the water until he was completely burned by Lihuo.


Fu Yaozhen woke up from the dream, got up and looked out the window.

The green hills are like dragons, and Panlong Island is already in sight.

Fu Xuanxing and Fu Maiyuan sat at the bow of the boat, studying forehead wiping.

"Can this be covered? It's so uncomfortable to wear."

"You don't want people to see the dragon horn, so you can only bring this thing."

Seeing Fu Xuanxing's unhappy face, Fu Yaozhen smiled.

He didn't even know how many catastrophes he had escaped by awakening the Dragon Qi in advance.

Fu Yaozhen looked behind from the window again.

"The two demons have arrived in Panlong Water District, and they dare not follow. Now, this kid is truly escaped."

Fu Yaozhen didn't leave the house, but observed the future with spiritual vision.

The complicated and intertwined roads change light and shadow in front of our eyes.

Fu Xiangfeng, Fu Maiyuan, Fu Henghua, Fu Tongjun, Fu Liuhui...

The fate of brothers and sisters flashed in front of my eyes.

Then there are elders such as uncles and aunts, and finally grandfathers and grandmothers.

Fu Yaozhen smiled when she noticed that her grandfather's death had begun to change.

Countless future possibilities disappeared, and there was only one road left in front of her eyes.

Fu Danwei's transformed baby is expected to rob immortals in the future.The rest of the family is also safe and sound, including Fu Xuanxing, and there will be no more demonization.

Looking at Lei Guang three years later, Fu Yaozhen said in her heart: The future I chose is not wrong, this path will be the most beneficial to the Fu family and them.

Touching the coral jade string on her wrist, Fu Yaozhen reaffirmed her determination.

After everyone landed on the island, they went to visit Fu Danwei.

Seeing the wiped forehead on Fu Xuanxing's head, the old man smiled and said: "Go to see Henghua, let him see if he can take back your dragon horns."

Fu Xuanxing nodded quickly, and after paying his respects to everyone, he went to the Langhuan Hall to look for Fu Henghua.


The wind chime rang, and several people came in.

Seeing Heng Hua sitting in the hall, flipping through a book, a member of the Fu family stood beside him.

"Great uncle? How is it? Is this book I brought back from my travels a fairy art?"

"Immortal formula?"

Heng Hua laughed twice, and Liuding's magic fire appeared from the palm of his hand to ignite the cover.

"This is the magic scripture made by the monks of the magic way. There is a blood spirit hidden in it. Any monk who doesn't know the depth and is foolish to read this book will be taken advantage of by the blood spirit and become a puppet in the book. Finally, he will eat it up and wait for the next one." Bait. This thing... the Blood Demon Palace, right?"


Black smoke was rising from the cover, and two blood-colored tentacles quickly drilled out of it. The moment they touched Heng Hua's palm, the tentacles were burned to ashes by Liuding's divine fire.

"The trap of the magic way?"

Mr. Fu Zao turned pale with fright.

If I hadn't been more careful and brought the book back to my great uncle for inspection, wouldn't I have been tricked?

Soon, the flames engulfed the entire book.

The black air dissipated, only a few screams echoed in the room.Taking advantage of the flames burning the black book, Heng Hua quickly flipped through the contents of the book.

"Just an ordinary novel? It seems that the producer took a random book just to cheat people."

The flames were extinguished, and the book was reduced to ashes.

Fu Henghua said to Mr. Fu Zao: "I have prepared your exercises. This set of sword techniques, you should study hard."


Mr. Fu Zao took it over and took a look: "The Sutra of the Sword Wheel of Four Views?"

When Fu Liuhui heard the name, his heart moved and he hurried over.

"Is this the sword scripture for cultivating the winds of the four seasons?"


Mr. Fuzao showed joy: "Grand Uncle, do you think I can wield the Nine Swords?"

"Just to give you a chance. Besides you, I chose Four Seasons Wind for eight other people a few days ago."

Responsible for the selection of the martial arts of the children in the clan, so that Fu Henghua has a great say in the choice of the Nine Wind Sword Master.

He believed that each of the three halls should produce three people, so he selected talents for each hall according to this idea.Even Fu Henghua already had a list of Nine Wind Sword Masters in his mind.

After instructing Mr. Fuzao to practice, he thanked him and left to practice in Jingfenglin.

Fu Liuhui was thoughtful: "When I came over, I saw that Jingfenglin was crowded with people. Could it be that people from the Cheng clan came again?"

"Here we come. During the Dragon Boat Festival next year, the old man will try to transform into a baby. Many people from the clan will come to watch the ceremony."

Fu Maiyuan was worried: "How sure?"

"Currently it's [-]%, by next year it should be [-]%?"

Fu Henghua was also helpless.

The deduction of the Nascent Soul Kungfu is unknown to him, Fu Ruiying and Fu Danwei.Although I have consulted many experts at the Tianxuan Daotai, none of them understand the "Nine Degrees of Fufeng Immortal Sutra".

The secret biography of Fengxian, plus the mystery of Xun Gua in Bajishu, Fufeng Xianjing is a top-level fairy formula.No one can be sure that it is correct to modify it.

It would be misleading, and I would rather not say it than dare to say more.

"Don't talk about this, you come to me, what's the matter?"

On the side, Xiao Yu was about to serve tea, but was stopped by Heng Hua.

Fu Xuanxing stepped forward and took off his forehead, revealing two big bumps.

"Brother Six, is there any way to eliminate it?"

"This is... a dragon horn?"

Fu Henghua became interested, and asked Xiaoyu to go upstairs to get the tools, and he called Fu Xuanxing to sit down in the reading room next to him.

"Has Huanglong's true veins awakened?"

Fu Xuanxing was startled: "How do you know?"

"Is it hard to guess? Since Dad brought you back from the west and used the Fulong Sword, it wasn't to suppress the dragon spirit of the Yellow Dragon King, why else?"

Xiaoyu brought the tools, Fu Henghua put on his glasses, and used the instrument to tap on Fu Xuanxing's forehead for inspection.

Fu Xuanxing was a little uncomfortable, and he moved frequently, being held down by Fu Maiyuan and Fu Tongjun.

After Fu Henghua checked, he was thoughtful: "Sanyang Fengmoyin, have you met the disciples of Zihuang Pavilion?"

Fu Xuanxing talked about Fang Dongyuan and Sha Jinchang.

Fang Dongyuan?
Fu Henghua's eyes flickered: "He didn't come back with you?"

"No, he wants to collect herbs. Besides, why did he come to Panlong Island? He doesn't know him, so it hurts—"

In Fu Henghua's heart, Fang Dongyuan made a strong note, and he couldn't help but strengthen his strike.

After a while, he put away the instrument: "There is nothing to hide. The dragon's aura is silent, and the dragon's horns will not grow for a while, so you can't become a little dragon. You should think that you have a vision of a 'sun horned dragon's face'. This is The appearance of a nobleman is beyond words."

Fu Xuanxing shook his head again and again: "Is there no way or medicine to get rid of these two big bags?"

"You were stimulated by dragon energy, your frontal bone mutated, and you started to grow dragon horns. When it grows to a certain size, horn roots and nerves will grow back into your skull."

He picked up a model next to him and tapped on the frontal bone.

On the white skull, there are two small golden bumps.

"That's it for the time being. Your skull is partially dragonized. If you want to eliminate it, you can only cut the skin and cut off the mutated keel—"


Fu Xuanxing shook his head frantically.

Knife in the head?How can this work?
Fu Henghua had a whim, sensing the secret in the dark, and pondered for a while.

When everyone urged him to think of other ways, Fu Henghua said: "Right now, it's not about other ways, but your dragon's horn must be cut off. Just now I touched the secret, and your young dragon's horn was cut off. It will come in handy later.”

Although the dragon horns don't even have a prototype, the dragon energy enlightened by the Yellow Dragon King is similar to the horns of ordinary young dragons, and can be used as medicine.

"You...you...you want to use my horn to make alchemy?"

"It's not me, but some experts on the island. Your horn may be used to save people. One of the eight main ingredients of the Bajing Huanhun Pill is the antler of the young dragon."

The second main ingredient is Huang Jing Dan Shi.

The third flavor, Xuan Jin Ginseng.

The Fu family has it all.

Mr. Fu Tong doubted: "You don't want to lie to him, deliberately use him for experiments and surgery?"

"Am I that kind of person?"

"Eight Scenery Resurrection Pill?" During the dispute between the siblings, Fu Yaozhen's heart was moved, and she felt a faint feeling.

Fu Maiyuan recalled: "Master said, this is used to treat people whose soul is about to disperse, and it can stabilize the soul."

Everyone looked at each other, unconsciously thinking that the old man will cross the catastrophe next year.

Could it be that the old man wants to use this kind of elixir?

Fu Xuanxing gritted his teeth: "Since we have business to do, let's cut it. However, I need to be anesthetized."

"Don't worry, you will definitely not feel the pain then. Besides, it's not my surgeon, it's..."

Fu Henghua thought about it for a while, Ge Liu, Xue Kai and Yu Yuyu, the three candidates considered for a long time: "Ge——"


Xue Kai stood outside the bead curtain with a dark face.

"The old man is here to take the lead."

Heng Hua put on a smiling face to greet people: "Why is Mr. Xue here? Something happened to alchemy again?"

"It's nothing, I just heard your grandfather tell you about Fu Xuanxing's condition, come over and have a look."

As a result, I saw your kid "respecting Ge and demoting Xue" again.

"Do you think my medical skills are worse than his?" Isn't it because that guy gave you the method of pressing the bottom of the box, but I didn't pass you the "Nandou Life Needle", your heart is really biased.

"Xian Weng has done a lot of research on the human body in recent years. I think he is better at performing surgery."

When Ge stayed on the island to help Fu Danwei heal his wounds, Fu Henghua talked with him about many medical concepts in his previous life.Ge Liu comprehended by analogy, greatly improving his medical skills.

In terms of surgery, Fu Henghua would definitely want him.It's not Xue Kai's poisonous cultivator.

"Fart is good at it! He has only been studying knives for a few years, is he as good as me? How many spirits did I take back then—"

Seeing everyone, Xue Kai coughed lightly and said, "Anyway, I'll be the chief surgeon."

Cutting dragon horns on a human body?
Although he experimented with the corpses of many spirit beings, this was the first time he had a living "dragon man".

Fu Xuanxing looked at Xue Kai, feeling ominous.

But in order to calm Xuekai's anger, Henghua directly pushed him over.

"Then leave it to you. He said, anesthesia. Let's go directly to Drunken Dragon Pill."

"No, I think, should we think about it again? Brother Six, I think you can do it too."

"Hmph, although this kid is knowledgeable, he is not good at what he does! Go with this old man, if you are afraid, call your uncle to watch. Don't worry, this old man guarantees that you will be fine. Once you sleep, you will be gone when you wake up."

Xue Kai left with Fu Xuanxing, Fu Henghua looked at Fu Yaozhen and the others, and went back to the table to copy down the prescription of the Eight Scenes Resurrection Pill.

The main medicines of the eight flavors are: young dragon new horn, huangjing danshi, black golden ginseng, six-phase blue wave water, nine-leaf jade soul mushroom, scale wings of the thousand-year-old phantom cloud butterfly, fruit of the thousand-year-old nine-yin vine, and thousand-year-old jade essence Spinal fluid.

In addition, 360 five kinds of auxiliary medicinal materials are needed.

This prescription is even more excessive than the great medicine that Fu Danwei took.

"Fifth Brother, go to Second Uncle and prepare other medicinal materials besides the main medicinal. We have them on our island at present."

"it is good."

Mr. Fu Tong took the prescription and saw the other five main ingredients.

"Nine Yin Vine, which is found on Luogui Island, plus the birth of Zhouguang Shenshui, can quickly bear fruit. Simply use that thing, there are leftovers from the previous episode."

Fu Henghua nodded, and he couldn't help secretly rejoicing that there was a lot of Zhouguang Shenshui left over from the previous training of Tianyue Spirit Mushroom, and he didn't use it indiscriminately.

Mr. Fu Tong: "Scale powder, I have it on my body. Chalcedony liquid, it's easy to say, it's something you can buy. As for the six-phase blue water and the nine-leaf jade soul mushroom, it's a little troublesome."

"No trouble. The six-phase blue water is a thing of the East China Sea Sword Sect. Liuhui, you go to the East China Sea Yulong Bay. I will pass you a sword formula, and you exchange it with the group of sword repairers under the Yulong Bay. They should have .

"Tong Jun, chalcedony liquid, you go to Baizheng Trading Company. Leave the remaining Zhicao and Fujishi to me. I should be able to get them out within half a year."

After the five people got together, the other four started their preparations. As for Fu Yaozhen, he was entrusted by Fu Henghua to observe the future with his spiritual vision to ensure the stable progress of his grandfather's affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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