
Chapter 195 Daotai Proofreading, Finding the Nature of All Things

Chapter 195 Daotai Proofreading, Finding the Nature of All Things

Nine-leaf Jade Soul Mushroom is a thousand-year-old elixir that is no less than black ginseng.Thousands of years of practice can also transform into Taoism.

Fu Henghua understands that the example of Shenxian donating medicine can never be repeated, so his idea is Mulu.

Coincidentally, he knew someone who studied Zhicaomulu.

Go to the Xuandao platform and contact the "Great Spirit".

At this time, he found that he had many private messages, and Dalingtong alone had sent hundreds of them.

"Are you there?"

"What about people?"

"You won't retreat, will you?"

When Fu Henghua got in touch with him, Yan Yuyuan, the "Great Lingtong", began to complain: "On weekdays, you can't keep a piece of consciousness to focus on Tianxuan Daotai? You just came up with a plan for a natural history book. Why don't you care about it yourself? Are you really going to pick ready-made peaches at the end?"

Heng Hua quickly apologized.

The reason why he didn't pay attention to consciousness was because Jin Gong Xinyuan fell asleep several times and ran outside to work.

Continue to exchange wooden talismans with "Great Lingtong", and by the way, Fu Henghua proposed a wooden talisman deduction plan for "Nine Leaf Jade Soul Mushroom".

"Do you want this information?"

Dalingtong casually threw out hundreds of research materials.

"At the beginning, when I studied Zhicao, although I took a wrong path. But the properties and changes of various Zhicao have been explored clearly. You can use it. Copy the results to me later."

Ganoderma lucidum is a commonly used medicinal material for practitioners.

You can practice Qi refining, and you can also open a furnace to make alchemy.

Dalingtong's original research on Zhicao was to make money.Make money for yourself by planting and selling Zhicao in large quantities.

It's a pity that nothing has been achieved for many years, and now that he has become a Nascent Soul, he has long since given up on this plan.

Heng Hua flipped through the materials, and he understood the beauty of these materials just by looking at the first copy.

Yan Yuyuan: "You just came up, did you see the warning issued by Senior Cang Lan? Or, have you been contacted alone?"


Heng Hua continued to check private chats.

Henghua deleted all those invitations to get started, such as Yusheng Pavilion and other private messages, and found the invitations of Canglan Jiexian in various spam messages.

"Yu Kan determined that all spirits in the world should return to their own way, do you want to participate?"

There is a mark underneath.

When Fu Henghua lit up the mark, the platform under his feet instantly lit up.

White light covered his sight, and when Heng Hua opened his eyes again, he appeared in a sea of ​​clouds.

The cloud light is the curtain, covering his face.Not far away, there are similar Taoist platforms.Some monks on the altar covered up their faces, but there were also some monks who showed their true faces.

There is no way, the vest has been pierced, so I can only use my true face generously.

Canglan Jiexian's Taoist platform is at the very center.He did not hide his appearance, showing his true nature.

Beside him, there are piles of ancient books and materials.

People from all walks of life are reading these materials.

Seeing Bodhi's Lingtai, Jie Xian smiled and said, "Yes, the right master has finally come. You opened the introduction, but ended up as a shopkeeper. Come on, come on, you can officially start work."

He struck the golden bell beside him, and the people on the various platforms stopped one after another.

"You all know the rules of Daotai Yunhai.

"I built a temporary sea of ​​clouds. But here, you can still exchange knowledge in other aspects. If you trust me, you can also tell me your true identity, and I will protect you until the sea of ​​clouds disbands."

Jiexian said a few rules, most of which were specially for the newcomer "Bodhi".

At the level of Jiexian, there are not many things to fight with each other.

Except for the orthodox disputes between sects and immortals, and the disputes over the ownership of certain immortal treasures, at other times, they can use the Tianxuan Daotai to conduct research together in harmony.

After all, the three calamities and catastrophes are a terrible thing.

On the Daotai, Jiexian will recruit a group of monks to establish a cloud sea group according to his own needs, specializing in a certain subject, and increase his confidence in surviving the disaster.

Right now, Immortal Canglan Jie hopes to perfect the "Natural Illustrated Book" with Zhuxiu, and understand the nature of all things in the world, so as to upgrade his "transformation and shape-changing" supernatural power to a higher level, and use the great supernatural power to change the true spirit. robbery.

Suddenly, a Taoist platform approached, and Yan Yuyuan, a great psychic, greeted Heng Hua.

"You are Bodhi?"

Seeing this, Heng Hua hurriedly talked to him.

Afterwards, one by one, Fu Henghua surrounded him. While carefully protecting his identity, Fu Henghua communicated enthusiastically with everyone.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, Canglan Jiexian began to assign tasks.

"Assessing everything is divided into three steps, the first step is to classify. I have borrowed all the previous research materials of Daotai, as well as the materials of various sects. We will classify these materials according to gold and stone, vegetation, and animals."

Hearing this, a person behind the Daotai Cloud Curtain asked: "Borrow the information from the Daotai? Then, should we announce the results of our drafting?"



"In the name of Tianxuan Daotai, you will be given cloud coins. At the same time, your Daotai rating will be focused on adding points. Are there any questions?"

The man shook his head.

Jiexian continued: "The second step is to organize and compile according to the data, and study the physical nature of everything in the world."

Everyone listened silently, and seeing that no one spoke, he continued to the third step: "Finally, we will summarize and compile a "Wan Wu Tong Zhi" that covers both ancient and modern times."

"Maybe we don't have enough manpower?"

"Soon, some juniors from various sects will be selected to help you.

"If this thing is done, the future descendants of the Immortal Dao will benefit from it, and it will be of great benefit to you."

The monks on the platform responded one after another, and soon began the first step of classification.

Jiexian built three large platforms to hold classified books.

Then Zhu Xiu divided the information collected by Jie Xian into three categories.

Looking at the piles of books in front of him, Heng Hua showed a happy smile.

How long has it been since I read a book?

Right now, I finally have another chance to read and study.Moreover, they are all books that I have never read.

Heng Hua was gearing up, and with a flick of his divine sense, hundreds of books fell into Fangcuntai.

The first book "The Debate of Gold and Stone" comes from Liangyi Dao.

Heng Hua skimmed through the full text, copied a few pieces of information about plants and trees, and sent them to the Jinshi Datai on the far left.

Then the second "Hua Jian", because of the book Fu Henghua had read at home, was thrown directly to the second table.


In this way, everyone was busy in full swing.

It took a full ten days to roughly classify the books.

Of course, during this period of time, Fu Henghua did not stop researching on "Nine Leaf Jade Soul Mushroom".He kept Jin Gong busy on the Daotai, and the main body took Xiao Yu to conduct research.

Canglan Jiexian began to work in groups after seeing the classification of the materials.

Henghua and Dalingtong are in different groups.One for animals and one for vegetation.

"You obviously invented the wooden talisman, but you didn't come to the group of grass and trees?"

Da Lingtong and others were a little disappointed.

Heng Hua seems to have realized something, which is obviously related to the picture of five insects in heaven and earth.

After joking with Dalingtong, he came to the animal group.

After greeting the other seven people, the eight people began to discuss how to write the classification.

At this time, Canglan Jiexian came over, holding a ball in his hand.

"This is the ball of five insects and all spirits. I will improve it according to the five insects map of heaven and earth. You follow this method."

In the center of the sphere, there is a saint sitting cross-legged.There are dragons, phoenixes, lins and turtles in all directions.

Tianxuanzi: "Categorize according to the five insects. It's okay, then I'll be in charge of the part that turns everything into a human."

After a couple looked at each other, they chose a Phoenix Feather and Bird.

Canglan Jiexian: "I will also participate. Turtles and aquariums can be entrusted to me."

A glamorous woman: "I'm in charge of insects. Insects, can they be considered a genus of insects?"

Jiexian laughed and said: "Insects can turn into tortoises, dragons, and even some winged insects can turn into phoenixes."

Several people said their own categories, and Fu Henghua was assigned to the Dragon Department.

What he has to do is to take the dragon as the core and compile the spectrum of all things becoming dragons.

"However, that's what I'm good at."

Fu Henghua knows the language of dragons, has experienced dragon transformation, lives on Panlong Island, and has a "dragon man" by his side. Not long ago, he went to ask Master Ye Long for advice.

Obviously, he has a lot to say about it.

When searching for information, Heng Hua paid attention to Dalingtong.

Dalingtong is responsible for collecting all the Zhicao recorded in Donglai Shenzhou, and preliminary screening of various plants and trees according to the characteristics of "bacteria".

As everyone was so busy, Fu Henghua was obsessed with Taoism day by day.

Jiexian mobilized his authority to perform the immortal art of restoring spirits for everyone, so that everyone would not lose their spiritual consciousness and frequently exit the Taoist platform.

Except for urgent matters, everyone will usually keep their consciousness busy on the Daotai.

In the blink of an eye, it was February of the following year.

Fang Dongyuan passed the Zongmen Dabi, and rushed up to the Taoist platform excitedly to reward "Bodhi".Then he was called away by Master Elder Liu.

"Right now, Tianxuan Daotai is recruiting a group of disciples to help. Are you interested?"

After hearing this, Fang Dongyuan estimated the time, shook his head and said, "I plan to go back to Yanlong. Give this opportunity to others."

Elder Liu didn't persuade him too much, he just told his apprentice to hide his identity, and he didn't ask any more questions.


Yusheng Pavilion.

After Chang Yuezi returned to Yusheng Pavilion to practice, she lived a very comfortable life.

A few days after he came back, Tan Yufeng was picked up by people from Yusheng Pavilion and acted as a Taoist companion for him.

Seeing Yusheng Pavilion taking such good care of her, Chang Yuezi was very grateful.

And Tan Yufeng lived a life of a fairy couple.Now Wu Zhengxin is giving him another chance to make progress.

"In the Tianxuan Daotai, there is a robber immortal who surveys the roots of all things in the world and selects assistants from various sects. I discussed with several elders that you go with Yuwen Chunqiu and Yunmengyin."

"Thank you, uncle."

Chang Yuezi was unambiguous and responded directly.

This is a good opportunity to brush your face in front of the seniors.

So, he and two fellow disciples went to the Tianxuan Daotai and were led into the Sea of ​​Clouds.

According to the "Dragon Raising Classic", Heng Hua set up twelve celestial dragons and 28 types of wild dragons, and drew out the corresponding evolutionary maps of various species one by one.

Suddenly, he heard a bell, and looked up at Canglan Jiexian.

"Here comes your helpers. Choose yourselves."

Seeing Chang Yuezi, Fu Henghua was startled, why is this guy here?

A junior like Chang Yuezi couldn't hide his real body, and the moment his consciousness entered the sea of ​​clouds, he automatically transformed into his true self.

This is also a way to let them brush their faces in front of the big shots.

Apart from Yusheng Pavilion, there are disciples from Zihuang Pavilion and Xuanwei Sect.

Xuanwei sent not many people, only Dong Moyang.He yawned lazily and looked at the thirty "masters" in front of him.

"It's so boring. Why should our Xuanwei Sect participate in this kind of thing? Wouldn't it be better to study Yuxian Zhenlu with all our strength?"

With the authority of Jiexian, Master Hengyuan recruited a group of monks from the Taixuan Dao lineage to build a sea of ​​clouds to study Yuxian's true book.For the Xuanwei faction, that side is much more important than this side.

Therefore, only Dong Moyang was kicked over to support the situation.

Dong Moyang was not interested in the survey of all things, and stood there with his hands down, waiting to be picked.

He thought maliciously: This kind of choice is boring enough.This is clearly treating us like mules and letting these old seniors choose us!
The three of Chang Yuezi saw the platform of "Bodhi".

After all, this is the only one among the thirty "guru" present with three stars.

"Huh? Bodhi is actually here?"

Yuwen Chunqiu said in a low voice: "He is really not a simple junior. Is he a Jindan senior?"

Chang Yuezi looked solemnly.

With Bodhi's current progress, going to Tianyang to discuss Taoism in the future, isn't it a steady reservation for a place?
Yun Mengyin gently pushed Yuwen Chunqiu: "Don't you want to ask him for advice on the Five Elements Dao? This is an opportunity in front of you, go directly to his side to fight."

Yuwen Chunqiu was a little moved.

Seeing the two of them talking, Chang Yuezi was very uncomfortable, and said coldly: "Don't forget, we are here to do business. If we discuss other things, if we are rejected, it will be ugly to kick out the door."

 It was originally said to add updates, but it turned out that normal updates could not be stabilized.

  Work hard tomorrow, it's the last day.It should be possible to write about the old man turning into a baby.

(End of this chapter)

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